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Friday, May 7, 2021

How to unite + 4 more


How to unite


We must bear in mind that trying to build unity by inviting representation from various groups is an archaic approach doomed for failure and destruction. Keeping the communal award alive by holding onto groupism is not the way. Inviting Wts from the various camps to sit together under one roof will never work.

So long as our Wts cling to their petty group identity – and group allegiance is recognized and honoured by family margiis – then unity will remain a distant dream.

The moment we wholly embrace an anti-exploitation movement in AMPS and ideological values are wholeheartedly embraced, then true unity is easily within our grasp.

Ingredients for anti-exploitation movement

Baba’s pointed directive is to launch an anti-exploitation movement. At present the various WT group leaders are exploiting margiis and Wts on numerous fronts and so many dogmas have been imposed. Here is an overview of the various dogmas and injustices imposed by the various groups:

(a) Curtailment of Bhukti Pradhan rights.
(b) Wt’s given punishment posting or opposing wrongdoing
(c) Economic exploitation of Wts by Centre
(d) Morally & sexually weak Wts given higher posts
(e) Manipulated the voter lists for BP elections.
(f) Continually forced margiis and wts to be subservient to central Wts.

(g) Ruined the ACB (Advisory Committee & Boards).
(h) Invented the Fake BP Manual.
(i) Took advantage of margiis & wts financially by Centre.
(j) Victimised countless innocent margiis and wts who expressed concern about unjust organisational dealings of central Wts.
(k) And there are many more points as well.

* For a complete list of injustices, please refer to the link directly below the signature. 

No Wt group taking dharmic stand

The key aspect is that all the various Wt groups are involved in exploiting margiis and Wts on these fronts. They all have been pushing margiis and Wts to the brink for their own gain. And none of the Wt groups have come forward and made a dharmic stand on these matters of exploitation. Not a single group has called for the eradication of the Fake BP manual or other injustices. Only they quarrel amongst themselves over gaining greater control over the margiis by using this Fake BP manual etc.

The only way out of this tailspin is to launch an anti-exploitation movement. Then all rational margiis and rational Wts will walk arm-in-arm grounded in ideological issues – not group membership or other petty issues.

Just as Baba pointed out that an anti-exploitation movement for economic independence was needed during India’s quest for freedom, similarly an anti-exploitation movement must be the rallying cry amongst margiis and Wts today. That will positively save the organisation from splitting, as happened with India during India’s push for independence.

Cause of disunity: exploitation of one group by another

Ananda Marga philosophy, "Human unity is purely an ideological unity, which means unity in the psychic sphere. Where there is psychic unity, physical unity will also occur. In the realm of unity, unity is always psychic – ideological unity means unity in the subtlest level of the mind. However, psychic or ideological unity may be affected if we encourage the exploitation of one group by another. So to avoid this there should not be any scope for exploitation in society. And to ensure this we have to start a new order to safeguard the interests of the exploited masses. So for a proper social synthesis what we require is a common philosophy of life; that is, ideological unity." (1)

In Him,

For a complete list of injustices: 

For further info on unity:

To end exploitation: raise public consciousness

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “You must raise the people’s consciousness, otherwise they will never be able to successfully resist psycho-economic or politico-economic exploitation. In India, the masses were inspired to fight for independence without arousing their consciousness. As a consequence, India ultimately attained political independence, no doubt, but the people have not attained politico-economic independence as yet. Even today, they are victims of psycho-economic and politico-economic exploitation.” (2)

We must bear in mind that trying to build unity by inviting representation from various groups is an archaic approach doomed for failure and destruction. Keeping the communal award alive by holding onto groupism is not the way. Inviting Wts from the various camps to sit together under one roof will never work.

This type of approach is no different from bringing 5 frogs together and putting a lid on the jar thinking that they will be united. Rather at the earliest instant those frogs will all jump in their own direction.

Same is the case with the various groups. Over the years, countless peace meetings and unity forums have been called with representatives from the various groups. But that was just a show of unity only. Immediately, by their actions, it was clear they all pursued their own agenda.

1. Prout in a Nutshell – 3, Talks on Prout
2. Liberation of Intellect: Neo-humanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture (Discourse 7)

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Offering of sweets

"Tiirthe tomáre khunjiá páiini, gáne dharivár prayás kori..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4874)


O’ Parama Purusa, I searched for You in different so-called holy places like - Tiljala, Jamalpur, Varanasi, Puri, Mecca, Rome, Jerusalem; and, I also went to  so-called holy land Ananda Nagar, and the top of the Himalayan mountain ranges etc, but I utterly failed to find You. My whole approach was meaningless, a waste of time, and based on dogma and ignorance. I was just indulged in lies and hypocrisy. That is why I was met with failure and could not succeed in getting You. By Your grace, now I am returning back on the path of satya, eternal truth. I am trying to reach You through spiritual songs, dance, and kiirtana. 

Baba, I heard that You remain in Your heavenly abode, satya loka, while I lie in the deepest, darkest depths at the bottom of the underworld, drowned in all kinds of vices, dogmas, and groupism. I declared You as dead. I thought that with the virtue of attending so-called MPD annual death ceremony annually in October I will get Your blessings. Hari, I will get you. I thought I could have Your close proximity by my ritualistic pújá, dogmatic arcaná, offering of sweets, and dakśińá money to the priest wts, giving black money to ‘big dadas’. I believed by this way I would get punya. But instead it was all for naught.

O’ my Supreme Entity, Baba, I thought You resided very far away. That’s why I was not getting You. I was thinking that You are not within my reach. Now I am trying hard to dye my mind in Your colour. Baba, Your cosmic attractive force is not pulling me. I don’t feel You drawing me near. To get You I have started doing my part - japa, dhyana, sadhana pranayama etc. Now I feel Your grace...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #4874:

[1] Ritualistic puja: Any type of worship that involves praying and making offerings to an idol, going to so-called tiirthas, singing hymns to the idol etc

[2] Arcana: Any worship done with external paraphernalia or worldly offerings such as flowers, sandalwood., colours etc. Some dogmatic Hindu worshipers collect physical articles, lamps, and flowers and do certain rituals to honour and call the Lord. That is arcana. In our Ananda Marga way of life, there is no place for that kind of physical, external, and ritualistic approach. It simply does not belong. 
And Baba tells us, "The type of worship which is performed with selfish motive and external paraphernalia is called arca or arcana." (1)  

[3] Daksina: Offering in cash and kind (sweets, money) made to the dogmatic priest.

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Misunderstanding of Dada Shambhushivananda

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Everyone has a singular dharma named spirituality, and only this is worth calling dharma. Religions are not dharma; they are mere collections of rituals.” (1)

Note: Ananda Marga is bhagavad dharma and not based on any of the various dogmatic religions. Unfortunately, some of our Wt Dadas write books steeped in dogmatic religious preachings that are obviously not in concert with the eternal teachings of Ananda Marga ideology.

The mistakes are rampant in most of the dadas’ books so one need not search long to find an error. Here is an example of a serious ideological blunder.

Shambhushivananda writes: "The dynamism of Tantra, orthodoxy of Judaism, austerity of Jains, service spirit of Catholics, ethical stance of Buddhists, anti- exploitation emphasis of Marx, reverence for life of environmentalists, progressive use of science and technology of materialists, applied psychology of naturalists, social outlook of Islam, mysticism of Bauls and Sufis, devotion of Vaishnavites, pragmatism of the entrepreneurs and merchants and the thirst for sublime knowledge of the alchemists—all find their place in the holistic approach of the NHE Model of the Modern Gurukula. As Dr. Sohail Inayatullah, a notable futurist comments, "Even the futurists have a place in PR. Sarkar's thoughts on education". (Ac Shambhushivananda, Thoughts for a New Era, p. 258)
Ananda Marga ideology is not a combination of the "good points" of various religious traditions. This is a completely dogmatic idea, one which several other dadas like Dharmavedananda have supported and given many lectures on over the years. But it is a ridiculous approach. For example, the social outlook of Islam, praised above, is a disaster. They view non-Muslims as sinners who will go to hell. No one outside of Islam is their brother. So Islam does not have a social outlook which is to be extolled. Yet years ago some dada got this ludicrous idea of preaching that Ananda Marga philosophy is a combination of all the best aspects of the religions rolled into one. This notion spread among the dadas like wildfire-- they loved it. And they still use it even today. Whereas true disciples know that Ananda Marga ideology is totally new, not based on the ideas of the past, nor linked with various dogmatic religions. That is why Baba has given the discourse "Ananda Marga: A Revolution".

By pointing out the errors in the dadas’ books, our Ananda Marga society will benefit tremendously.

Let us bear in mind that the social outlook of the three Semitic religions - Islam, Christianity, and Judaism - are very similar: They all hold that if you do not follow their religions then you are cursed. For instance:
(a)  Muslims think that non-Muslims are cursed;
(b) Jews think that non-Jews are cursed;
(c) and, Christians think that non-Christians are cursed.

Our Ananda Marga ideology stands unparalleled and wholly distinct from the various dogmatic religions.

In Him,

Extra points

Pointing out mistakes in dadas' books has a few fundamental benefits:
#1: First off, those Wts who are true to their code of conduct and strictly follow our AM way of life must be respected.
#2: To expose the blatant defects in publications by confused Wts and publicly shame such Wts so they refrain from writing books that contravene Guru’s teachings.
#3: To help the public not to think of Wts as second Maheshvaras (i.e. second gods). Baba is our Guru, and no one else. Our dadas are sadhakas just as family Margiis are. They are not to be given a higher status by default as though they were some holy being. That leads to the same religious dogmas that exist in the Catholic Church, Hinduism, and all the religions. Nowadays in Catholicism, the degrading conduct has been getting exposed so those followers are learning that their priests are not holy and beyond reproach. It is a process of learning to discard the priest dogma. Exposing the mistakes in dadas' books has a similar benefit.

Again, those wts who are true to their Wt conduct rules and strictly adhere to the teachings of AM must be respected.

1. Tattva Kaomudii - 1, Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy, #46

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

परमपुरुष एक क्यों, अनेक क्यों नहीं?

“तो, ये रुद्र दो भी नहीं हो सकते हैं | क्यों ? न, विश्वब्रह्माण्ड में सब कुछ एक system के अनुसार, एक नियम के अनुसार चलता है | दो होने से नियम में सङ्घर्ष हो जाएगा | तो, नियम में सङ्घर्ष होने से कुछ भी रहेगा नहीं, विश्वब्रह्माण्ड का | किन्तु दुनिया में हम देखते हैं, सब कुछ नियम के अनुसार चलनेवाला है | इसी से प्रमाणित होता है कि ये एक हैं; दो नहीं हैं |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई] (1)

1. अप्रकाशित, हिन्दी, MGD, September 4, 1978 Patna

== Section 3: Links ==