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Friday, April 9, 2021

False propaganda about AM + 2 more


False propaganda about AM

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


In his book, one dada falsely writes cites how Baba told that Ananda Marga is better than all the religions for the following reasons:

“we are better than the Hindus in philosophy …
better than the Christians in social service …
better than the Jews in orthodoxy …
better than the Buddhists in morality …
better than the Muslims in social equality …
better than the Jains in asceticism …
and better than the Communists in mobility..” (See note 1)

Here below we are comparing the theology of each of these religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in the mind, the matter will remain elusive.

Christians are not doing service?

[A] Now let's see how far this dada’s claim about Ananda Marga and Christianity is correct. If we say that AM is better than Christianity in service, then we have to accept that Christianity is doing / preaching service. But according to Ananda Marga philosophy, that is not the case. Because in AM philosophy, service means helping others without expecting or getting anything in return. It is purely unilateral. 

In contrast, if those in need do with the expectation that, “When I need something they will help me”, that is not service. Rather, one should help the next person without any desire or expectation to get anything in return - not even thanks. This applies both in terms or not getting something at present nor in the future. And this service with ideation of Brahma means that both the served and the one doing the service are both ideated upon as Brahma. This type of unilateral help with cosmic ideation is service. According to Christian theology people do service to get something in return. Their ‘golden rule” is founded on this faulty notion. So Christian theology only teaches business not service. So how can we say that the Christian approach to doing service even compares with the approach in Ananda Marga. Rather, comparing Ananda Marga with the religions like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Jainism, Hinduism, and communism is a comparison between apples and oranges.

Here we are comparing the theology of each of these religions, with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in the mind, the matter will remain elusive.

In Islam there is no social equality?

[B] Let's come to Islam. How can we say that Ananda Marga philosophy has a better system of social equality than Islam.  According to AM philosophy, the entire creation is the manifestation of Brahma, Parama Purusa. We all belong to one family. All are our brothers and sisters, kith and kin. But according to the Qur'an, those who are non-believers (i.e.non-Muslims) should be hated and forcibly converted or killed. What type of social equality is this? This is completely deadly and dangerous, whereas the approach in Ananda Marga is beneficial for the entire society.

Here we are comparing the theology of each of these religions, with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in the mind, the matter will remain elusive.

Judaism & orthodoxy

[C] Next comes comparison with Jews. One dada says AM is better than Judaism in orthodoxy. But Judaism's orthodoxy and belief system is founded in complete dogma. In Ananda Marga, the belief and faith is tested by logic and reasoning. So there is no comparison. The orthodoxy of Judaism is based on outdated, rotten dogma. Whereas in AM, our strictness and faith is based on rationality. One is completely deadly and dangerous. And the other is beneficial for the entire society. Comparing Ananda Marga with the religions like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Jainism, Hinduism, and communism is a comparison between apples and oranges.

Here we are comparing the theology of each of these religions, with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in the mind, the matter will remain elusive.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Read any so-called religious book: one will seldom find anything resembling tolerance of the religious beliefs of others...If necessary, different views can be compared and presented in philosophical books. The philosophical and psychological loopholes in an argument may be pointed out without being disrespectful.” (1)

In Jainism no proper penance?

[D] Next comes penance in Jainism. Jainiis do penance, but according to Ananda Marga philosophy their so-called penance is dogma; it is not penance. If you torture your body and don't use clothing in the winter season, thinking that by this way your soul will be exalted, that is just dogma—it is a misuse of the human body.

According to Ananda Marga, penance or tapah means to take trouble for the welfare of others. There is a vast difference here. The approach in Jainism is harmful and dogmatic, and Ananda Marga theory of tapah is very beneficial. Can you imagine that if everyone starts torturing their body, with the belief that they will become realized souls, then the society will be hellish. Remember: As part of their penance, Jainiis sleep on a bed bug-infested bed and they don't wear clothing no matter how cold it is. They will not eat from a plate; and will only eat as much as fits in their cupped palm, not more than that. They will not use any type of vehicle for going from point A to point B. And before walking, they have to sweep the path first so as to save the bugs. That is what Jain theology teaches its followers.

So you see, if everyone follows the penance of the Jainiis, then society will move into the archaic age. But if everyone follows the tapasya of Ananda Marga teachings, that will bring a golden era to the society.

We are comparing their theology with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in the mind, the matter will remain elusive.

There is no morality in Buddhism?

[E] Next comes the question of morality in Buddhism. The main moral point is ahimsa. With regard to ahimsa, Buddhism is flawed. Buddism preaches not to even harm one's inborn enemies who are attacking you. The Buddhist conception of ahimsa is impractical. In true sense, how can we even call it morality, when it is outdated and totally impractical. Following this type of defective morality, one cannot even survive.

Here we are comparing the theology of each of these religions, with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in the mind, the matter will remain elusive.

In communism there is no mobility?

[F] Next comes the matter of mobility in communism. In communism there is no mobility: not in physical life, nor social life, nor in spiritual life. How can there be mobility even in the physical sphere when only shudras are recognized, and not ksatriyas, vaeshyas, or vipras. There is no mobility in communism. Comparing Ananda Marga with the religions like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Jainism, Hinduism, and communism is a comparison between apples and oranges.

Here we are comparing the theology of each of these religions, with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in the mind, the matter will remain elusive.

"I am better than that serial killer?”

Just like, one sadhu should not make the comparison, "I am better than an animal." Because the two cannot be compared. Or "I am better than that serial killer." To say such a thing suggests that I have some such defects as well, but yet am better than such a person who is a serial killer.

Above all, the goal of all these religions is materialism. They perform all kinds of rituals in order to get some mundane things. That's why the various religions cannot be compared with AM. Comparing Ananda Marga with the religions like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Jainism, Hinduism, and communism is a comparison between apples and oranges—because the ultimate aim of the religions, is matter and material gain. Whereas the ultimate aim of Ananda Marga is Supreme Consciousness. The religions engage people in all kinds of outdated rituals with the promise of getting something from God. They do not desire God Himself. The reason for this is that religion is based on matter-centered and dogma-centered theologies.

Sadguru Baba says, “Ánanda Márga alone is Dharma and all the rest are sectisms.” (2)

So Ananda Marga philosophy is the touchstone. Here we are comparing the theology of each of these religions, with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in the mind, the matter will remain elusive.


It is well proven that Ananda Marga is the only dharma, and others are based on ‘ism’. There is no comparison. If dada had written or propagated the above yellow para as his own idea, then it would have been different. But he is attributing it to Baba.

Comparing Ananda Marga with the religions like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Jainism, Hinduism, and communism is a comparison between apples and oranges Here we are comparing the theology of each of these religions, with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in the mind, the matter will remain elusive.

First this dada created a bizarre idea, and then attributed that idea to Baba in order to easily sell that idea in the public. This is similar to the middle ages, when the religious chiefs used to tell all kinds of fictitious outlandish things in the name of God. And later on, these very tales became the religious scriptures of various religions. A similar thing also happened here, unfortunately. So watch out. If anyone propagates the aforesaid yellow para, then politely open their eyes.

(Kathy Swenson)

We are comparing the theology of each of these religions, with Ananda Marga philosophy.  We are not comparing the human beings who follow Ananda Marga ideology with those who follow the various religions. Unless one keeps this basic idea in the mind, the matter will remain elusive.

Religions say you are His blessed & others will burn in hellfire

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Some people declare that evolved human intellect developed religion in order to bring about human welfare. Those who utter these words are civilized and noble people and are entitled to deliver such sermons. But I do not use such polished language, as I am always frank in speaking. I must say clearly that, while “welfare” might be a factor behind the development of religion, the motive for indulging in factionalism was more evident. If welfare to people was the actual aim, then people should not have allowed themselves to be accused of perpetrating falsehood. I do not want to hurt anybody’s feelings nor do I intend to do so. Yet I will say openly that in many scriptures there are some statements which are not at all logical. These sayings will be nullified if they are only tested and rubbed on the touchstone of humanism. ... “Your God is the only God. You are His blessed sons and daughters, and others will burn in hellfire.” By these sermons, unity among human beings can never be achieved.” (3)

Note 1: Courtesy of "Travels with the Mystic Master"

1. Human Society - 1, Moralism
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Call of the Supreme
3. Prout in a Nutshell, Part 14, The Ever-Expanding Domain of the Microcosm

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are my eternal companion

"Pitá mátá bandhu sakhá, ándháre áloka vartiká'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0218)


Parama Purusa, You are my Father,  my Mother, my bandhu, as well as my eternal Companion. My Dearmost, You are my everything - my One and only - and that divine lamp of refulgence, always guiding me along the supreme path in life. In all the lands - whatever exists - You are that. You are everywhere, all-pervading. No one is ever alone or helpless. You are ever-present carefully watching over everyone and always residing in my heart. You are my most intimate and loving One and so close.

Refrain / Repetition: In the cimmerian darkness of my life You are the bright luminescence who guides me always. When I am immersed in darkness, confused, and lose the path, You are there to save me. You are that bright light always leading me along the proper path.

Baba, my Supreme Entity, with Your infinite compassion, no matter how difficult the circumstances are, You are always present to provide a gentle touch. In the thorns of sorrow, You are the lotus. In the burning suffering, You are that refreshing, calm, cool balm of sandalwood. Divine One, You are the ultimate Savior and touchstone for those who lost everything. When one has incurred terrible loss, then in that bleak hour You are the only shelter and that Great Entity which transforms everything into a shining jewel. By Your touch, unit beings become divine. That is Your causeless grace. Ever-Present Entity, You are the best of everything. In the beautiful rose garden where all the flowers are aromatic and fragrant, You are the most gorgeous, beautiful garland -  the most illumined Entity in this vast universe.

Refrain / Repetition: In the cimmerian darkness of my life You are the bright luminescence who guides me always. When I am immersed in darkness, confused, and lose the path, You are there to save me. You are that bright light always leading me along the proper path.

Baba, the Supreme Entity, You are the final cause of everything. You are the source as well as the origin. Because You are, I am. You are the breath of my very life. Without You, my whole existence is meaningless. You are my Dearmost and my everything. You alone are the eternal lamp of my heart. Please keep me in Your loving shelter...

Refrain / Repetition: In the cimmerian darkness of my life You are the bright luminescence who guides me always. When I am immersed in darkness, confused, and lose the path, You are there to save me. You are that bright light always leading me along the proper path.

Note For Prabhat Samgiita #0218:

[1] In the thorns of sorrow, You are the lotus: Here it is described how even when people are surrounded by struggle and strife then Parama Purusa is there to comfort them, just like how on a thorny stem, the lotus flower blooms. (Note: The stem of the lotus plant is very thorny, yet always the flower blooms on top.)

== Section 3: Links ==