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Friday, March 13, 2020

Safety feature in New Pure AV 1 - 2: built-in


Safety feature in New Pure AV 1 - 2: built-in


The newly published Pure edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam Parts 1 & 2 is a true and 100% accurate rendering of Sadguru Baba’s original discourses. In addition, this text has a built-in safety feature that we share with you here. First though it is important to understand why such a safety feature was even needed.

Distortion of Mahasambhuti’s words

History teaches us that Mahasambhuti comes and delivers dharmic, revolutionary teachings for humanity, only for those teachings to be tainted by selfish opportunists. Script had not yet come into existence at the time of Lord Shiva, but after His advent all kinds of fanciful tales and dogmatic preachings were attributed to Lord Shiva. To get their voice heard, various priests invented various bogus claims in the name of Lord Shiva. And ultimately, humanity suffered for it, as Mahasambhuti’s pure, dharmic teachings were severely tainted, watered down, and even lost.

The same series of tragic missteps happened with Lord Krsna. Once again, Mahasambhuti had taken advent and blessed humanity with a body of teachings on society, dharma, bhakti, and the secrets of spiritual life etc, and thereafter selfish priests issued false, concocted injunctions in the name of Lord Krsna. With each successive generation, more of Lord Krsna’s teachings were distorted, misrepresented, and even tossed aside. What remained was just the chatter of those cunning priests. The outcome was a terrible loss for the greater humanity.

As Ananda Margiis, as disciples of Mahasambhuti Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, our bounden duty is to safeguard His teachings and keep His body of dharmic discourses intact. We must not let the tragedy of the past repeat itself here. Sadguru Baba’s teachings are the most comprehensive and touch each and every aspect of individual and collective life. Verily, Ananda Marga ideology is the panacea for all of society’s ills and enables sincere practitioners to reach the highest stage of realization. If we do nothing else, we are to protect the sanctity of His teachings.

Safety feature in AV 1 - 2 (Pure)

The Pure edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam Parts 1 & 2 was meticulously transcribed - checked and rechecked dozens of times - to ensure the book itself is a 100% accurate rendering of Baba’s teachings. That was step one. But that is not enough. Because in that past, dogmatic priests slipped their own narrow proclamations into the body of Mahasambhuti’s teachings. To avoid that same horrific outcome, something more was needed, i.e. step two - the below chart.

The following box on page xxxvii of the book contains all the stats for this Pure edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam Parts 1 & 2. By this way, every reader and researcher knows exactly how long the book is - and the exact number of words it contains. This is a preventive measure to ensure no one slips their own stuff into Guru’s dharmic discourses etc.

The chart is divided into three sections:

(A) The first includes all of the pages from the cover up to the start of the first discourse. So this section documents all the words from the Table of Contents to the Acknowledgements, i.e. all of the following:

विषय सूची / Table of Contents page vii; रोमन संस्कृत / Roman Saîskrta page xi; सद्गुरु बाबा ने आनन्दमार्ग संस्था को, जनता को दे दिया / Sadguru Bábá Gives AMPS to the Common People page xiii; सम्पादकीय page xv; Preface page xix; Reason for this Book page xxiii; In This Book page xxv; सम्पादन के नियम १ / Main Editing Rules I page xxvii; प्रवचन : संक्षिप्त परिचय / Discourses: Brief Background page xxxi; आभार / Acknowledgements page xxxviii.

(B) The second section covers the 46 transcribed discourses contained in this book and documents the number of words in His discourses as well as the footnotes etc. That total is 70,121 words.

(C) And the third section documents the number words in pages after the last discourse, i.e. the editing rules, Author’s Note, Appendix, List of Missing Discourses, Index etc etc. That total is 7,210 words. And ultimately the grand total of words for all three sections is 86,957.

See below: The following box is on page xxxvii of the Pure edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam Parts 1 & 2.

See above: This box is on page xxxvii of the Pure edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam Parts 1 & 2.


We have been given the sacred duty to preserve the authenticity of Mahasambhuti Baba’s divine teachings. That means in each and every step in presenting Sadguru Baba’s discourses, there should be safety features to ensure accuracy. The above chart provides the reader a clear assessment of the length and breakdown of this edit Pure edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam Parts 1 & 2. That way they can quickly assess if some extra, bogus material is wrongly inserted into the book.

In Him,
Bhaktyananda Dev

Why multiple languages

Kindly know our aim is to capture the words that Baba spoke on a given occasion in the language that He spoke them. We want to emulate what those sadhakas heard and felt when they sat at His feet and listened to those discourses.

So if Baba spoke in one, two, or three languages, then the book was printed in that sequence, according to the original language. How can we change even one word that Guru spoke. This series of Pure AM books aims to present the actual words Baba spoke in the original language that He spoke them on that occasion - in an attempt to create that same vibration.

Purchasing the book

This pure edition of the English / Hindi of Ananda Vacanamrtam parts 1 & 2 was sold at the New Year’s Ananda Nagar DMS and is available at a very cheap price (RS 100 Indian)  through a growing number of margii distributors.

Call for more info: +91 99670 14550

Reserve yours today:

Note: The discourses are 60% in Hindi & 40% in English.

== Section 2: Links ==

Prior Letters in this Series