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Friday, January 3, 2020

How science will eat away + 3 more


How science will eat away


The use of science continues to be a point of debate amongst today’s leaders and thinkers.  The question comes, on this vital issue what is the role of Ananda Marga philosophy? What does Ananda Marga ideology say about how society should utilize science? According to Baba's teachings, science should be under the control of civilized people, not under the control of capitalists or politicians.

Here following are the reasons:

(A) When greedy capitalists control the scientists, they create fictitious medicines, dangerous addictive drugs, pornography, degrading movies.

(B) When science is under the control of corrupt political leaders, they push science to create more and more deadly weapons. Due to which millions of innocent people get killed. Just imagine the ravaging destruction of the holocaust of Hitler. Or consider the use of agent orange by the United States in the Vietnam War. Or recall the invention of the atomic bomb which was dropped in Hiroshima. Or the cluster bomb, which still Asad is using in Syria. Or chemical weapons etc. This all happens when corrupt leaders are controlling science.

Who is civilised

So on one side, hundreds of millions of people are starving and do not have proper sanitation, water, and other basic necessities. Science should be used to solve this humanitarian and environmental disaster. Instead, demons in human form are destroying everything with their so-called advancement of science. The teaching of Ananda Marga is that civilized people should control science and channelize it for proper use. Who is civilized? Those who utilize their logic and reasoning to analyze the pros and cons with the goal of benefiting society, and based on the principles thereby learnt, are making changes to their practical lives accordingly.

For example:
1) When as soon as you learn that smoking is harmful you give up smoking, then on that point you are civilized.
2) The moment you learn that meat-eating is not good, you give up eating meat. On that point, you are civilized.
3) When you know that horror movies, violent video games, blue films, are drugs, and you refrain from using those things, then on those points you are civilized.

If…then human civilization will be destroyed

When civilized people control science they carefully analyse how science should be used and which problems should be solved. The world is facing serious challenges and problems that inhibit the welfare of society. But unfortunately science is not used to solve those matters. If science was used to solve those vital problems then the world would be a better place. Unfortunately these days science is misused by war mongering people or capitalists to create war or degrading things that excite the lower propensities. By that way, society is harmed by science. 

Civilization does not mean flying in rocket ships or constructing a five hundred story building. Those moralists who are established in yama and niyama and have great love for humanity, such people should be in control of science. Then there will be all-round progress. Otherwise, if science is controlled by politicians or greedy wealthy capitalists or thugs of the society, then human civilization will be destroyed. That happened in the past, and it will happen in the future also.

How ancient societies ruined by misuse of science

Roman or Egyptian civilization was destroyed because science was busy in creating new and newer types of indulgence. That is why their civilization became weak, and other people came and destroyed them. Western civilization is going to face the same fate. We see that the materialistic nations are leaning toward more and more destructive indulgences which are slowly destroying the physical, psychic, and spiritual strength of human beings. And it will destroy itself.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Take, for instance, the history of Egypt and Greece. So long as the scientific progress of these two countries did not supersede civilization, civilization prospered very well. But when the ingredients of enjoyment grew up in abundance, the civilization of both countries got destroyed, because science had occupied a higher position than civilization." (1)

For example, in so-called developed nations, there are serious problems with drug addiction, mental disease, sexual indulgence, and other negative habits. By this way the whole society is surging headlong towards self-destruction. So the key point is that science should be controlled by moralists.

Prout teachings guide us, "Where the development of civilization is utterly negligible and science gradually attains the apogee of development, science only paves the way for destruction instead of doing any good to humanity. And so, study and practice of science, though unavoidable, should not be given a higher place than civilization." (2)

In His teachings, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar guides us that there must be harmony between science and civilization, and He warns us that when science is dominant over civilization, then that society is doomed.

Prout philosophy states, "How does the development of civilization take place? Civilization has an intimate relation with science. They progress together. But where scientific progress supersedes civilization, there civilization meets its Waterloo." (3)

Greedy capitalists: control science & environmental destruction

Because science is under the control of capitalists, that's why they are destroying the ecosystem of the entire globe. Land, water, air, underground, everywhere they destroyed so many flora and fauna. They invented so many things which cause so much imbalance in the atmosphere. And as a result there is global warming.

And capitalists are in control of political power, so they like to befool and misguide the common populace, with such rhetoric as "there is no such thing as global warming". So we should try to understand the root cause of the serious problems human society is facing today. A superficial solution will not do. And the root cause is that these days science is not controlled by civilized people.

Here below is the example of when capitalists control science then they destroy the entire ecosystem. If it continues then not only humans but the entire flora and fauna will be destroyed in suffocation. That is why science should be controlled by moralists - not by greedy capitalists, thugs, or any type of politician.

How science should be used

Here Baba outlines what needs to be done and how science should be harnessed.

Prout philosophy states, "In the present age, civilization is on the wane due to science enjoying the pride of place. But developed as science is today, if civilization is pushed up again to the top, people can reach a greater height than ever before." (4)

Prout philosophy states, “The Christian or Roman civilization was also considerably higher on the ladder of development. Yet they were lacking in social outlook. There were no feelings of fraternity and equality. The slave system was rampant and human feelings were on the wane. Furthermore, the lack of a proper socio-economic theory generated a kind of fascist mentality in them. Those rolling in luxury and adverse to labour became indolent. Naturally they were defeated by a stronger and more strenuous force.” (5)


Prout philosophy teaches us that science is very important. But science should be controlled by rational and moral people. Science should not be misused in harming others, self-indulgences, or anything which is detrimental and dangerous for the society. That type of research and development should be prohibited. But unfortunately nowadays science is misused. In so-called developed countries human beings are destroying themselves.

In some capitalist nations, science is used to harm oneself or others - all the while there are serious problems with drug addiction, mental disease, sexual indulgence, pseudo-culture, and other negative habits. By this way the whole society is surging headlong towards self-destruction. So the key point is that science should be controlled by moralists.

In Him,

There is a myth that some so-called developed nations do not believe in science. When in fact those countries wants more money for weapons like missile defense systems and the latest advancements in weaponry for their military and paramilitary agencies. Those governments give priority to science for capitalism and war, not universal welfare. Science is not used for service activities for the common mass on a broad level. That is why they are defunding social programs. That is why some get confused and think that those nations do not believe in science. But that is a myth.

~ In-depth study ~

The Propounder of Prout states, "I would say, the greater the support of judgement in action and behaviour, the better shall be the expression and development of civilization." (6)

Prout philosophy states, "If science and civilization are harmonized, intuitional progress gets accelerated. Therefore, people of wisdom should proceed and progress, blending these two. It is useless to think of intuitional progress without effecting the harmony between the two." (7)

Prout teachings guide us, "What is science? That which teaches the proper use of material things is science. Where the development of civilization is utterly negligible and science gradually attains the apogee of development, science only paves the way for destruction instead of doing any good to humanity. And so, study and practice of science, though unavoidable, should not be given a higher place than civilization." (8)

Reminder: Environmental Destruction

~ Courtesy of World Centric ~

The planet's natural ecosystems and regenerating bio-capacity are being severely degraded and, as a result, this compromises the ability of the planet to sustain life. Forests, fisheries, oceans, rangeland, fresh water systems (lakes, wetlands, rivers) and other natural ecosystems are all threatened while many are on the verge of collapse. Water, land and air are getting increasingly polluted, water tables are falling, soil erosion is leading to desertification, global warming is well underway, and species are dying out 1000 times faster than their natural rate of extinction.


We are losing forestland at a rate of 375 km2 each day. This is more than the total area of New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey and Delaware combined!

The world has already lost 80% of its original forests.

1.1 billion acres of tropical forest were cleared in just thirty years, between 1960 and 1990.

Brazil lost 91.4 million acres of its tropical forest between 1980 and 1990. This is almost the total area of North and South Dakota combined.

At the world's current rates, 5-10% of tropical forest species will become extinct every decade.


75% of all the fish stocks in the world are already either: exploited, over-exploited or recovering. 27% of coral reefs have already been and 70% of Earth's coral reefs will cease to exist within the next forty years. The world has lost half of its coastal wetlands, including mangrove swamps and salt marshes.

In the next 30 years, as many as one-fifth of all species alive today will become extinct. 23% of all mammals and 12% of all birds’ species were considered "threatened" in 2003.
~ Courtesy of World Centric ~

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
2. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
3. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Future of Civilization
4. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
5. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Future of Civilization
6. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
7. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
8. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I did not call You but You came

“Ámi tomáy d́ákini prabhu,tumi ese chile kripá kare…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0947)


Prabhu, You took a lot of trouble. I have not called You nor did I invite You. I did not request Your presence in any way. You just came; it is exclusively Your grace. I was not ready and did not prepare anything for Your divine reception. I could not even offer You a seat. Lord, with Your own hands You arranged everything Yourself.

Parama Purusa, nothing was done in honour of Your auspicoius arrival, the flower garland was not made; the melodies of various songs were not rehearsed; and, the paint of the a’lpa’na’ could not be engraved on the lines of stories of divine love for You. Prabhu, even then You graced me with Your presence. Your love knows no bounds.

Parama Purusa Baba, I was completely unprepared. The white sandalwood paste was not made, and Your dais was not embellished with any colours. Not only that, my forehead was not marked or decorated, and the lamp on the stand was not even lit. Lord, nothing was done for Your reception, even then You graced me and came…

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0947:

A'lpana': These are the colourful motifs, sacred art, or decorative painting done on a horizontal surface (walkway, patio etc) on auspicious occasions. Those who have attended DMC might have witnessed how on walking path across the stage leading up towards Baba's dais there are some very decorative, colourful, attractive designs. In an artistic manner there is brilliant array of flower pollen, flower petals, or any colorful scented fragrance which are soft and upon which someone can walk comfortably. This beautiful and colourful decoration is known as a'lpana' and it is meant to pay high respect and adoration to the Divine Entity. In our Marga this is used for Baba's holy and auspicious arrival. In common social settings and religious life the general population makes such decorations for the respected Deity. It is also employed in the temples.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Past and present: huge transformation in human body

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In those days there was little security in people's lives. On one side there were fierce animals and on the other a scarcity of food. Both of these were constants. Nowadays if there is a scarcity of food in one place people can bring food materials from someplace else but that was not possible then. If food appeared one day there was no certainty [nishcitatá] that it would appear the next. Due to these kinds of circumstances human beings used to have an appendix to their intestines for accumulated or excess food. As it was needed this food would stimulate salivation in the mouth and be fully eaten and digested. The proper eating and digesting of the surplus food in the appendix is called romanthana in Sanskrit and jábar kát́á in Bengali. In good English we call it “rumination” and in spoken English “chewing the cud”. Many herbivorous (vegetarian) animals still ruminate and a need still exists for it in their wild state. As the certainty of food supplies gradually increased, the need for a corporal appendix to the intestines lessened. Eventually there was even not the slightest need for it. Today a small vestige of it remains in the human body although it is no longer used in times of distress. Human beings have lost the capacity to ruminate." (1)

Note: Animals that are herbivores have a large pocket adjacent to their stomach where they stock and store extra food. And in nighttime, or whenever they do not get sufficient food to eat, food they regurgitate that stored food from the pocket and then chew it again. After chewing it it goes back down the digestive tract and into the stomach for complete digestion. Humans used to do this in the past because they faced an uncertainty in their food supply. They never knew when they were going to eat next. So extra food was eaten and that extra amount would be deposited in the pocket - or appendix. And later, when they got hungry that food would be regurgitated and then eaten again and digested. This process of “chewing the cud” was only done by plant-eating animals - and humans. Nowadays, in general, humans do not face uncertainty with regards to their food. They eat regularly. So humans now have no need for the appendix. And when it is not in use then it loses its quality and strength also. But the fact that only herbivores were the only ones ruminating shows that those initial humans were also vegetarians. They needed an extra pocket to store food and now today that pocket - or appendix - has become useless.

In conclusion:
(a) herbivores only have an extra pocket (appendix) to stock food.
(b) Certain animals ruminate - as well as early humans.
(c) Those who ruminate are 100% vegetarian, i.e only vegetarians ruminate.
(d) This proves that humans are vegetarian.

This logic can be used in pracar work also to convince others to become vegetarian and give up meat.

In Him,

1. Varna Vijiana, Emanation (Discourse 20)

== Section 4: Links ==