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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Decorating the dead + 4 more


Decorating the dead


Around the globe in so many countries, the dogma of the “day of the dead” is very popular. Due to ignorance, on certain fixed days of the year people go to the gravesite of their deceased relative or family member etc and perform an annual death ceremony, sing to them, and bring them gifts etc. But you know no one can communicate with the deceased. This is just their illusion and by this whole saga of remembering their loved one they feel more pain.

Here below, this day of the dead display in Mexico is a prime example of how the people have decorated giant skeletons in honour of this superstitious, irrational, dogmatic, annual death ceremony. They think by this way they can communicate with the deceased and those “old souls” etc. This is their idiotic and dogmatic belief. And this type of superstitious “Day of Dead” dogma has infiltrated in B group and AMPS also, unfortunately.

~ Day of Dead Observance in Mexico ~

The above is one of the ways blind followers partake in their superstitious dogmatic day of the dead celebrations where they decorate skeletons in hopes of communicating with deceased relatives etc. This all happened due to fault, religious beliefs. This is done for their irrational, dogmatic “Day of the Dead” rituals.

Generally, people who are supporters of so-called mahaprayan were raised in other surroundings with various harmful beliefs. And they remember all those rituals they did and heard about while growing up. So although they took initiation, entered onto the path of Ananda Marga, and tried to adapt to and embrace Ananda Marga philosophy in order to become a good Ananda Margii, still the human mind latches onto those old ridiculous customs etc. The mind is well-acquainted with those old things and not eager to go ahead on the path of advanced sadhana.

Raised in that irrational  dogmatic way

Due to having been through thousands of animal lives, common human beings lean towards animalistic ways, not the divine path, because they are familiar with animality, not divinity.

All humans have come from animal life. That is why they like to indulge in baser propensities like eating, drinking, sleeping, and other things related with animals - not sadhana and sadhu life.

In that case when they were raised in that irrational dogmatic way and saw “day of the dead” celebrations then they became accustomed to those rituals. So when they came into B group and saw the drama unfolding every year on Oct 26 etc, they took that as being “day of the dead” and thought it was good. Because they were familiar with that type of negative traditions. And if any rational margii, who knows ideology and Baba’s teachings, tried to convince them of the truth, then it would not resonate in their superstitious dogmatic mind. Because they like the notion of a “day of the dead”.

Blind public visits cemetery to decorate tombs & talk with deceased

This way the confused public wastes their time, energy, and money and invites more misery by time and again remembering the death of their loved one, year after year.

"Day of the Dead (Spanish: Día de Muertos) is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico, in particular the Central and South regions, and acknowledged around the world in other traditions. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died, and help support their spiritual journey." (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

This way then confused public wastes their time, energy, and money and invites more misery by repeatedly remembering the loss of their loved one annually.

“In Mexico "On October 31, All Hallows Eve, the children make a children's altar to invite the angelitos spirits of dead children to come back for a visit. November 1 is All Saints Day, and the adult spirits will come to visit. November 2 is All Souls Day, when families go to the cemetery to decorate the graves and tombs of their relatives. The three-day fiesta filled with marigolds, the flowers of the dead; muertos (the bread of the dead); sugar skulls; cardboard skeletons; tissue paper decorations; fruit and nuts; incense, and other traditional foods and decorations." (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

This aforesaid way then confused public wastes their time, energy, and money and invites more misery by repeatedly remembering the loss of their loved one annually.

How B group joined in absurd, so-called "day of the dead" ritual - unfortunately

So in the above paragraphs it describes how various religions practice their annual death day dogma in their own way. And after 1990, B group leaders joined in that irrational absurd dogmatic ritual. And that annual death ceremony is mahaprayan divas - i.e. annual death day. But sincere Ananda Margiis know that it is not approved by Baba, that's why it is not present in pre-1990 Caryacarya.


(a) According to Caryacarya the period of mourning is 12 days and all related programs must be completed within that period.
(b) An annual death day commemoration is not allowed by Caryacarya; nowhere has this been given in Caryacarya.
(c) Those who organise and participate in a yearly death day gathering are betraying their Guru.
(d) Watch out - going against Guru is inviting untold condemnation.Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days.” (1)

In Him, 
Victor Martinez

But there is no need of hopelessness. If anyone does sadhana sincerely, the mind will grow. And they will realise that “day of the dead / week of the dead” is all daft dogma and that they should not waste their time with it.

Delusional action

This way the confused public wastes their time, energy, and money and invites more misery by always remembering the passing of their loved one, on an annual basis.

“As part of a promotion by the Mexican embassy in Prague, Czech Republic since the late 20th century, some local citizens join in a Mexican-style Day of the Dead. A theatre group produces events featuring masks, candles, and sugar skulls.” (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

This way then confused public wastes their time, energy, and money and invites more misery by repeatedly remembering the tragic end of their loved one, year after year.

"People go to cemeteries to be with the souls of the departed and build private altars containing the favorite foods and beverages, as well as photos and memorabilia, of the departed. The intent is to encourage visits by the souls, so the souls will hear the prayers and the comments of the living directed to them." (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

"In some parts of Mexico people spend all night beside the graves of their relatives. In many places people have picnics at the grave site, as well." (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

This aforesaid way then confused public wastes their time, energy, and money and invites more misery by repeatedly remembering the tragic end of their loved one, year after year.
And here below is another way they observe and celebrate the “Day of the Dead” in Mexico. Look how they have decorated the tombs with flowers and offerings as a way to communicate with the deceased. But you know no one can communicate with the deceased. This is just their illusion and by this whole saga of remembering their loved one they invite more pain.

~ Day of Dead Observance in Mexico ~

1. Caryacarya - 1, Shráddha Ceremony

Here below, this day of the dead display in Mexico is a prime example of how the people have decorated giant skeletons in honour of this superstitious, irrational, dogmatic, annual death ceremony. They think by this way they can communicate with the deceased and those “old souls” etc. This is their idiotic and dogmatic belief. And this type of superstitious “Day of Dead” dogma has infiltrated in AMPS also, unfortunately.

And here below is another way they observe and celebrate the “Day of the Dead” in Mexico. Look how they have decorated the tombs with flowers and offerings as a way to communicate with the deceased. But you know no one can communicate with the deceased. This is just their illusion and by this whole saga of remembering their loved one they invite more pain.

~ Day of Dead Observance in Mexico ~

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Cancer prevention 

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, "Causes: Cancer is a disease of the whole body as well as a tridośaja disease [involving disturbances of váyu, pitta and kapha]. This disease is a combined effect of many different factors. It is ordinarily observed that persons who suffer from constipation as a result of violating the health rules, and who likewise are lazy, lack self-restraint, sleep during the day and keep late nights, are most likely to be attacked by cancer."

"When due to constipation, the blood and the muscle-fibre become worn out by the contaminated digestive fluids of the body and the contaminated air produced by them, cancer sets in. Parts of the internal organs of people who are extremely self-indulgent become weak. As a result of the attrition of shukra, their body loses its vitality. When such people eat too large a quantity of non-vegetarian food, their blood turns acidic and the disease gradually breaks out in the weaker parts of their bodies."

"With those people who shun physical labour but take acidic food, chillies, or intoxicants and especially tobacco and similar things – there is every possibility that the disease will attack." (1)

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, "Dos and Don'ts: Sleeping during the day, staying awake at night, chillies, non-vegetarian food, and sexual relations are to be strictly avoided. Walking in open places as the strength allows, and, for those who are lazy by nature, doing some physical labour, are also necessary. Eating a piece of myrobalan after a meal is always helpful to clear the bowels. Patients should go to bed every night by 8:30 or 9 p.m so that they may get up very early the next morning." (2)

1. Yogic Treatments, Cancer
2. Yogic Treatments, Cancer

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Way to create maximum margiis

With the help of bhakti, one can solve all types of problems. And without bhakti nothing is possible. Due to a lack of bhakti some did far more harm than good when they tried to help the society. They created huge problems for the people. So bhakti is the key for success in any field or arena of life.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Devotion [to Parama Purusa] has tremendous power which neither knowledge nor action has. Rather people of knowledge, the jina’nis, have a subtle sense of vanity...So, if you can arouse devotion, then by coming in contact with you, thousands and thousands of people will attain real paramartha’ and spiritual salvation. That is, in order to attain liberation from the triple bondages– physical, psychic, and spiritual– you will have to attain paramartha’.” (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 3, The Importance of Society

== Section 3: Links ==