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Sunday, July 7, 2019

Rare book: see the discarded section + 3 more


Rare book: see the discarded section


Recently, the topic was raised about the Ananda Marga book, “A Discussion”, which is based on the inaugural Prout conference that Baba convened from 17 - 22 Oct 1959. It is a collection of six discourses. And those six discourses were later included in the Prout in a Nutshell series and retitled as “Discourses on Prout”. So, by that way, one would think that the chapter, “Discourses on Prout” in Prout in a Nutshell (Part 4), is an exact replica of the book, “A Discussion”. But that is not the case. 

Unfortunately, there is one glaring absence that needs to be noted. On the 5th day of that inaugural Prout conference, Baba outlined the seven stages of physical revolution. That was the closing section of the discourse on 21 Oct 1959. Unfortunately, due to fear, this highly important section was discarded from the Prout in a Nutshell series chapter known as “Discourses on Prout”. 

For your records and knowledge, that missing section is presented below. The portions in the red boxes are starkly missing from the chapter, “Discourses on Prout”. 

Unfortunately, due to fear, those in-charges discarded the above section - “Stages of Physical Revolution” - and never included it in the Prout in a Nutshell series, “Discourses on Prout”. Three more decades have passed and still they have not done so. Kindly add the above image to your reference library. Also find links to the scanned editions below.

In Him, 

Here are scanned copies of the book "A Discussion" so you can view them in their entirety. 

1st Edition (1959):

2nd Edition (1960):

- Here is a link to the initial posting on this topic: Story about rare book

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Drum of victory resounds

“Jaya bherii báje ácambite, kár iingite bolo…” (Prabhat Samgiita #4137)


All of a sudden, the kettle drum of victory resounds. Who gave this command - upon whose order, tell me, tell me. The voice of that Entity is heard not only in the sky and  infernal regions, but everywhere. I hear His cosmic trumpet throughout the entire atmosphere. Now, stricken with fear, where have those sinners and mahapatakiis hidden themselves? All these incidents occurred on whose watch, on whose command?

The shadow of darkness which descended and overpowered righteousness in the past, and the delusive fog of maya which covered the whole universe with selfishness and the ignorance of materialism, and the devilish teeth which were ready to swallow everything, all these things were destroyed by the fire of Kalagni the great. Each one of these incidents happened on whose lookout, under whose direction?

Now on the eastern horizon the mountain is shining. It is beautified with the truth and straightness of dharma, Prout, and neo-humanism. Who has washed it with the flame of this panoramic colour? A universal, neo-humanistic society has been formed. All these incidents happened under whose watch, upon whose command?... 

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

India: how invading aryans subverted history


Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In the Vedic era, the Aryans used to steal food grains and animals from the non-Aryans to perform their sacrifices and rituals (yajinas). In retaliation, groups of non-Aryans used to attack the Aryans to recover their possessions while they were performing their rituals. These attacks were grossly distorted in the Vedas, which gives the impression that the Aryans were good while the non-Aryans were evil. In fact, the non-Aryans were forced to attack the Aryans to recover their food to ensure their survival. Did the non-Aryans do anything bad? No, they did the right thing." (1)

In India, even today, the common public has been indoctrinated into the dogma that evil asuras were destroying the religious rituals and yajinas of aryans. They think that asuras are some type of nasty creatures that have very long teeth, dangerous claws like lions, horns on their head, and a very terrible face. That is how it is propagated in Indian mythology.

So Baba's above teaching is eye-opening. The truth about the aryans and non-aryans (i.e. the indigenous people of India) is a previously unknown aspect of history. No one was aware about this. Genealogy studies have since come to know that the so-called highest caste of Indians came from central Asia. When those aryans entered into India they treated the indigenous population as demons and created all kinds of stories and myths about them. So many false things were propagated.

Looting the food for their rituals (yajinas)

Verily those aryans created an entire mythology about such so-called asuras. The aryans claimed that demons were coming and ruining their ritualistic offerings and sacrifices of food and animals etc. But now the truth has been revealed. Those war-like aryans were looting the food of the native population and throwing that food in their sacrificial fires. In turn, the indigenous people were protesting and fighting back.

So actually, the so-called asuras were none other than the indigenous people of India. They were the original inhabitants of India, living here prior to the invasion of the aryans. Still nowadays, however they are condemned as so-called, low-caste creatures, by so-called upper-caste people. These asuras are treated unjustly and known as harijans which are regarded by upper caste people as despicable and low. But actually, these are the indigenous people of India.

Dummy purodhas exploit the masses

It is very important to accurately depict history and keep records that properly portray what transpired. Bad people always try to distort history and befool the future generations. But the truth invariably comes to the surface.

This same type of drama has unfolded in AMPS as well. Hypocrites and cheats are projecting themselves as divine; such immoralist purodhas present themselves as demigods as they exploit the mass of common margiis. Now is the crucial period - a proper historical record must be made. If we are not careful, our grand-grandsons and daughters and all future generations will be taught false things and indoctrinated into the narrow agenda of the various groups. 

in Him,

For more information about the misdeeds of immoralist purodhas, please write us. 

1. Prout in Nutshell - 16, Religious Dogma – Excerpt B

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #4137: Drum of victory resounds
2. Posting: 
Rare book: see the discarded section
3. IT: India: how invading aryans subverted history