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Saturday, February 2, 2019

Even after his passing + 4 more


Even after his passing


Ananda Marga philosophy is perfect and clear in all regards. As sadhakas and disciples of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, it is our duty to propagate Baba's teachings without tainting them in any way. Sadly, Dada’s book SOT-2 could not measure up to this basic standard. So this is a case of how sometimes Dadas have taken to writing their own books in an attempt to exhibit their knowledge yet in that process they exposed their ignorance.

Kaolas are those who gained highest realisation

In His teachings, Sadguru Baba gives a clear-cut definition of the word "kaola."

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Kaola means the spiritual aspirant who has raised the coiled serpentine, known as kulakuńd́alinii in Sanskrit, and brought it to the controlling point of the pineal gland. (To establish the union of the fundamental negativity with the fundamental positivity; of the starting point with the culminating point.) Such aspirants are called kaola because they have raised the kulakuńd́alinii." (1)

By reading Baba's above teachings it is crystal clear that kaolas are realised sadhakas, i.e. those who have successfully raised their kulakundalinii, by His grace. It is evident then that newly initiated persons are not kaolas. Even senior sadhakas are not kaolas if they have not brought the mind to the crowning point of realisation. Only those blessed sadhakas who have reached the Goal are kaolas.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us that a kaola is one who has advanced on the path and achieved perfection in sadhana, i.e. realized souls.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Those who achieve perfection through sádhaná are called kaola." (2)

Bogus definition of Dada S

Unfortunately, one Dada was preaching something completely different from Baba's great guideline. In his book, Dada S claimed that even those who are only in the beginning stage of sadhana can be called kaola.

Specifically his book - SOT II point #80 - Dada Sji wrote: "Those who are doing the sadhana of kula kundalini are kaolas". (Dada S, p.12)

So this Dada wrongly concluded that anyone who has taken initiation and begun sadhana is a kaola.

According to Dada S faulty viewpoint, any person who was initiated and started doing sadhana is a kaola because they are involved in kundalinii meditation. Indeed by that Dada S suffered from the illusion, all in Ananda Marga are kaolas. Not only that, even if one just did a few minutes of sadhana they also became a kaola.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Kaola means the spiritual aspirant who has raised the coiled serpentine, known as kulakuńd́alinii in Sanskrit, and brought it to the controlling point of the pineal gland. (To establish the union of the fundamental negativity with the fundamental positivity; of the starting point with the culminating point.) Such aspirants are called kaola because they have raised the kulakuńd́alinii." (3)

Dada S’s illusion about a kaola is obviously very wrong. According to him, one may not even be following yama and niyama yet they are a kaola. So his faulty definition runs counter to Sadguru's guidelines about who is a kaola.

When nirvikalpa samadhi then you are kaola

Baba described what is truly needed to become a kaola. First by intense meditation and sincere desire - along with Guru's divine grace, the coiled serpentine or kulakundalinii has to cross the ajina cakra and ultimately reach up to the sahasrara cakra.With much effort and difficulty and overcoming all sorts of obstacles and bondages, one golden day, one will reach to nirvikalpa samadhi. Then one will be a kaola.

So becoming a kaola is a monumental endeavour. One must sincerely adhere to the path of sadhana and attain the highest stage of realisation, by His grace. It is one truly blessed stance. That is what it is to be a kaola. So Dada S’s writing is bogus. Because Dada S is falsely claiming that anyone doing sadhana of the kula kundalini is a “kaola" is entirely wrong.

This Dada wrote: "Those who are doing the sadhana of kula kundalini are kaolas". (Dada S, p.12)

Clearly, Dada is terribly confused on this point; he is merely preaching darkness.

Studying Baba's books, not dadas’

Let us again review Sadguru Baba’s guideline.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Kaolas are those who...elevate their minds to the level of Cosmic Consciousness through the realm of intuition by turning microcosmic negativity into Macrocosmic positivity." (4)

So as per the teachings of Ananda Marga, the kaolas are not ordinary sadhakas but those who have reached that pinnacled point.

Tragically, the misguided points that Dada S created will remain around for some time as he printed it in a book. Thus he will mislead others for who knows how long. So this book - The SOT (Part 2) - by Dada S is harmful as it will misguide readers.

The issue does not end there. By His advent, Baba has blessed and made the abstruse and esoteric science of intuitional practice very clear. Any sincere person can understand even difficult spiritual topics by reading Baba's straightforward and pointed guidelines. Best is if margiis read Baba’s books - not dadas’ books.

Indeed, Dada S has completely misrepresented Guru's teachings. It is one thing to simply misunderstand Guru and it is an entirely different and more serious matter to write and publish a book that contains false points. Unfortunately, Dada S falls in this latter category.


By Baba's various teachings and guidelines it is quite evident that perfecting one's sadhana and becoming a kaola is a very rare and unique achievement. One has to experience all the samadhis and attain the state supreme blessedness. It is the ultimate realisation. So it is not that every X, Y, Z, Tom, Dick, and Harry sadhaka is a kaola - far from it. Rather it is a very rare state. Becoming a koala represents the height of human realization and verily godhood itself.

Yet, in his dogma, Dada tells that anyone who got Ananda Marga diiksa is a kaola. Clearly his statement is 100% wrong and more than that his answer illustrates his own deficiency in understanding Ananda Marga philosophy and poor status in sadhana. This is the example how Dada S - who betrayed Guru by starting Prem Marga - but even after his death this same Dada is misguiding margii readers by his written works. Not only that, Dada’s book is used in Wt Training Centre by certain blind trainers.

So indeed, although Dada Samanvayananda ji died in early November of 2005 and still his book - "SOT - Part II:, i.e. “The Secrets of Tantra (Part 2)” - is harming others.

In Him,
(S. Jacobi)

~ In-depth study ~

Baba’s order about what to study first

Sincere sadhakas are always cautious; they do not read dadas’ books first. First they read all Baba’s books and understand them fully. Only thereafter may they read dadas’ books so they can easily catch the mistakes. And those who take the opposite approach, i.e. read dadas’ books first, always remain confused in their lives. Unfortunately, the number of margiis in the latter group is greater. That is why all kinds of dogma is present in our AMPS.

So the ideal solution is, first read all Baba’s books and understand them. After that, read whatever book you like which may be written by dadas, or by non margiis regarding other philosophies. All these guidelines have been given by Baba in the Acarya Diary. This is Baba’s special instruction for bhaktas, jinaniis, and karmiis.

WT Trainees getting misguided

Those trainees in Training Centre are getting misguided by Samanvayananda’s book - that is the sad fact. Why is this book in the WT Training Centre? Because Dada Rudrananda is Dada Samanvayananda ji’s disciple and he (Dada Rudrananda) wants to preserve Dada S’s legacy.

Here are Baba’s dharmic guidelines on this topic:

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Those who achieve perfection through sádhaná are called kaola." (5)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Kaolas are those who...elevate their minds to the level of Cosmic Consciousness through the realm of intuition by turning microcosmic negativity into Macrocosmic positivity." (6)

This above letter looks at defective points raised by Ac Samanvayananda ji Avt in his book: "SOT - Part II:, i.e. “The Secrets of Tantra (Part 2)”

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, "Kaola and Mahákaola"
2. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 11, Mantra Caetanya
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, "Kaola and Mahákaola"
4. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 11, Mantra Caetanya
5. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 11, Mantra Caetanya
6. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 7

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

The whole humanity is wallowing

PS Intro: This below song describes the scene of that era, i.e. before the divine advent of Parama Purusa. In that time, the people were completely distraught and feeling helpless; they were pained by witnessing all the suffering of their brothers and sisters. Those days the whole humanity was being exploited, tortured, and choked. In response, various great bhaktas tried to solve the situation but they could not get victory over those wicked, demonic forces. That is why they began desperately calling for that Divine Entity - Parama Purusa - to come immediately and rescue them from those the cruel rulers and restore harmony and peace throughout the society.

So this song is the expression of the heart of those bhaktas from that era when they were desperately crying for His divine help. Upon hearing their call, by His sweet will, Parama Purusa has taken advent as the Taraka Brahma; He has created a tremendous psycho-spiritual vibration whereby all the problems were solved - completely. In the very near future, in the coming hours and days, we will see those divine solutions manifest in the physical sphere.

"Mánavatá áj dhuláy lut́áy, tumi keno dúre rayecho..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2815)


Parama Purusa, the whole humanity is suffering and wallowing in the dust. The exploiters have grabbed the upper hand and the suffering people are at their mercy. Those selfish forces have created a black pact and are imposing their will on the innocent. Parama Purusa, why are You remaining far. All the sweet softness has been lost and turned into an abrasive roughness. Love and compassion have been twisted into animosity and cruelty. The sweet spiritual feeling has completely dried up. O' Lord, are You not seeing this? Why are You remaining so far away.

In this present era, the fragrant flower pollen has become inert and lost its sweet aroma; it has now become lifeless. The sandalwood is devoid of its aromatic fragrance and become crude and static, like a demon's body. Morality and bhakti have been suppressed by those sinful forces. How have You allowed poison to creep into each corner of the heart and the flower gardens? For what reason have You allowed noxious elements to float everywhere. Is that Your plan to let the society become overrun by the darkness of those poisonous tamasika forces. Baba, to which end have You enabled this to happen.

Parama Purusa, the great virtue of generations and generations of sadhana has become lost. Humanity's benevolent brilliance and compassionate endeavours - all those good and auspicious thoughts - have been crushed and are long gone. All the dharmic teachings of those great rishis and yogis have faded away. Evil-minded wrongdoers have polluted the air, water, and moonlight. The sweetness and purity in this world has gotten crushed by the demonic elements. Negative forces have taken over; demons in human form are ruling - doing their hellish dance of war and destruction. How come You allowed the devils to do their dance?

Baba, Parama Purusa, why are You still remaining far…

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Barely known thing

Ananda Marga ideology states, “When a dishonest government employee accepts a bribe it is an original action, and when his son gets sick and has to be rushed to the doctor it is the reactive action (the reaction to the original action). When his son dies he laments, “I haven’t knowingly done anything wrong…[when in fact]... the deep sorrow he felt at the death of his child was the result of his past original actions.” (1)

As Baba explains in the above teaching, when a person dies then it is the surviving, grieving family members who suffer the most. The person who died suffers for a short while, whereas their loved ones suffer that loss every day for the rest of their lives. For instance, a young executive who died in the Twin Towers tragedy suffered for a few minutes or more before his death, whereas his spouse and his parents have suffered from that tragedy daily for years and will do so for decades. It is those surviving family members who are undergoing the burning of a huge, negative samskara, not the person who died. The person who died suffered comparatively little; theirs was a small samskara. Generally, people think that the one who died is the one who suffered the most. But, as explained above, that is not the case.

Similarly, when an adult patient is unaware or unconscious, then the one suffering is the caregiver. It is the caregiver who is undergoing their negative samskaras. The adult patient is not undergoing any samskaras because they are completely oblivious of their surroundings and thus not suffering at all. The irony then is that when mean-minded persons try to serve someone who is unconscious or unaware, then that so-called caregiver thinks in the back of their mind that the unconscious person did something terrible and now they are undergoing the reaction. But that is not the case. Rather it is the caregiver who is undergoing their own negative samskara as they are pained by serving the patient. But before the patient became unconscious they were were suffering.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life in a Nutshell Part 8, Sadhana

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

विभूति के लिए साधना नहीं करेंगे

Ananda Marga ideology says, “यह जो साधना है, तो साधना में मनुष्य को ऐश्वर्य मिलते हैं | मगर, मनुष्य ऐश्वर्य के लिए, विभूति के लिए, अलौकिक शक्ति के लिए साधना नहीं करेंगे | साधना का लक्ष्य है, ध्येय है, परमपुरुष | और चीज़ क्या है ? राह की धूल है | अलौकिक शक्ति क्या है ? रास्ते पर चल रहे हो, धूल लग गया पैर पर | तो, अलौकिक शक्ति है उस तरह का धूल है ।

समझे न ?

परमपुरुष के प्रति जो मुहब्बत आ गई, वही सबसे क़ीमती चीज़ ही | और सब धरती का धूल है | इसलिए उसकी ओर तुम्हें दौड़ना नहीं है |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई] (1)

1. हिंदी अप्रकाशित :आलोच्य विषय है---"साधना मार्ग, तन्मात्र, और संवृत्ति”

== Section: Prout ==

Great defect in the trade union movement

Prout philosophy states, "The necessity of the trade union movement, to safeguard the interests of workers, cannot be denied. To guide this movement along the proper path, appropriate steps must be taken."

"Generally it is observed that trade union leaders do nothing to make workers conscious of their responsibilities in comparison to the extent to which they try to create in workers an awareness of their rights and demands. The best way to rectify this situation is to clearly accept the right of workers to participate in the management of industrial, trade and commercial enterprises. In this regard idealistic sermons or moral preaching will not bring positive results."

"Another great defect in the trade union movement is that its leadership does not always remain in the hands of true manual labourers or other workers. Political leaders with party interests tend to dominate trade unions. Their primary objective is to promote the selfish interests of the party, not the welfare of the workers." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, point #10

== Section: Holy teaching ==

For healthy body: needs balanced, substantial, and sentient food

Baba says, "Pramitáhárah: to maintain the physical body, you require physical food, air, water, light. But physical food is not simply for the physical body. It has got its effect on the spiritual body. The cells of your physical body are created from the cells that you receive from your physical food, and your psychic body is also influenced by these cells. So while taking food, you should be very careful. You should always try to take sentient food, and on rare occasions you may take mutative food. You should never take static food. Not only that, but your diet should be balanced. You must not take too much or too little. The food should be substantial. When it is balanced or measured, and, at the same time, substantial, that type of food is called Pramitáhára in Sanskrit. The sixth factor is Pramitáhárah. The sixth requisite factor is balanced and substantial, sentient food." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, Seven Secrets

== Section 4: Links ==

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Those who face difficulty in understanding English should copy sections of the post, paste them into Google translate or any other on-line translator, choose whatever language you like, and the post will be translated then and there into your selected language. In this way you will get some approximate idea of the subject discussed. Here is the link for Google translate:

This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Even after his passing
2. PS #2815: The whole humanity is wallowing  
3. IT: Barely known thing
4. Links