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Monday, April 23, 2018

Taraka’s anti-Baba display + 3 more


Taraka’s anti-Baba display

Note: This letter is only for committed margiis. Due to lack of bhakti some may not understand.


All are aware that Sadguru Baba was living in Patna for some years. During the time of His residence there, various types of Prout organisations became active with the inspiration of His sweet will. Baba would encourage, prod, and lovingly guide us into action. This was all going on just after the Jail period. Under His direction, the Proutist federations like UPSF, UPYF, UPLF, UPFF, UPIF became quite engaged. And by His grace, the moment came to activate our Didis' side. As we know we have the GP Department.

And verily the story conveyed in this email is how by the order of Baba a huge procession was held in Patna whereby Didis and margii sisters protested against pseudo-culture and the degrading, lewd, half-naked depiction of young females in advertisements billboards etc. And that story is recounted in full below. But first see what is going on with a recent issue of the Delhi Prout magazine by Taraka / Tiki.

Lewd display in Delhi Prout magazine

There is a debauched cover advertisement in the Delhi Prout Magazine, Vol No. 29, Issue No. 1, that shows one sultry female in a revealing bathing suit - where her private parts are exposed. This is the very type of pseudo-culture depiction that runs counter to the teachings of Prout and neo-humanism. Yet, Taraka, the main editor holding down the fort at the Delhi Prout magazine, has done sin and printed such debased images. There is an extensive note after the signature about Taraka / Tiki.

See in the below ad how the woman is emulating those sensual fashion icons and trying to allure readers to view her body. Such a pose also teaches women that you too should look and dress like this - with your chest exposed and shoulders bare - because by this way you will be able to garner attention and be viewed as glamourous. It gives the completely wrong message. Ananda Marga emphasizes the psychic and psycho-spiritual progress of human beings, not the seductive and sensual characteristics. So it is a veritable abomination that such a lurid photo is given such a prominent place in the Prout magazine.

~ Steamy, demeaning image in Delhi Prout Magazine, Vol No. 29, Issue No. 1 ~

The above racy image from the Dehi Prout magazine objectifies women and reduces females to mere allurements and fondling toys etc. This flies in the face of the ideals of Prout and the grand rally which Baba ordered against degrading images of women.

A huge march was organised

Our Prout movement is a fight against all sorts of exploitation. And Baba gave one special program that was really unique. The plan was that sisters should protest against the exploitation of females. And the creative part of the program was that the Didis / sisters should organise one big procession. And that was exactly what was done.

So that time in Patna the procession was organised to raise the awareness of the public against the exploitation of females. And as is seen all around, female exploitation is going on by big business that use female photos in their advertisements in a 'negative way', as well as so many other types of female exploitation: unequal wages, domestic servitude, lack of voting rights, etc. So many margii sisters and Didis made one huge public march to uphold the dignity of women. The whole event was held because of the on-going exploitation against women.

That grand procession created a huge stir. Young sister youths and students had buckets of black paint and so many brushes. And wherever they saw negative pictures of females, they were just covering up those negative advertisements with the black paint. All along the city streets this was going on - including the main road and also on so many side avenues. We were raising the slogans and opposing the negative societal trends, by His grace. We were bringing the banner and protesting that females should not be negatively portrayed in advertisements. Our Marga was upholding Baba's dharmic guideline that as Proutists and margiis our duty is to fight against female exploitation and uphold the dignity of women. This procession had a huge effect. The news was published in the newspapers and the common mass appreciated the work done by our procession.

So it was a grand success. It was a consciousness raising event where countless people became active on the issue. Some youths were even holding sticks in their hands and tearing away filthy advertisements by the roadside which had negative pictures of females. All in all many good things came in result. And when the report of the procession was given to Baba then He was very pleased and happy.

How women are objectified in daily life

In our lives we regularly come across different media such as the internet, newspapers, magazines, as well as posters and billboards on the roadside which depict females in a degrading way. Advertisers are making big, big banners and posters featuring women to sell their products. The provocative depiction of women is used regularly by capitalists and their marketing departments. Around the globe irrespective of any country, male domination is rampant. And for males, the basic instinct is attraction for the opposite sex. So advertisers use females to attract males towards their products. This is the basic strategy of their marketing schema.

Perhaps if society was dominated by females, business people would have painted males' photos and they might have used males to attract females to sell their products. And thus empty the pocket of female customers. But now the opposite trend is in vogue, i.e. male domination. Advertisements are based on the exploitation of females because of the  male-dominated society. The motivation is to attract males for purchasing their goods by showing the picture of elaborately decorated and exposed females. In turn, females think they should look like those models, so they but female products to make themselves in that way. This very cunning and devious type of exploitation is rampant. Some people are aware of this to some degree, while many are oblivious. And nearly everyone is affected on one level or another.


So back to the Patna procession of that time. The effect was very great: For some time thereafter many negative advertisements were reduced and or eliminated completely. So that was one point of success. To completely wipe out any such exploitation, constant hammering is needed. So this is our ongoing work, for every margii and Proutist. So we should remember that Baba has guided us to build up all the sectors of society and, in that same spirit, He has warned not to allow anyone to sacrifice or compromise the standard of women.
In Parama Purusa,

Who is Tiki / Taraka

Taraka Ghista, also known as Tiki, the grown son of Gharda Ghista and Dhanjoo Ghista. Taraka went to Wt Training Centre (Varanasi) in the mid 90’s but he left prematurely. Taraka also worked with Acyutananda and ruined a book on 16 points as they inserted the dogmatic and harmful circumcision operation to cut the genital of innocent babies. After ruining publications, Taraka is now ruining Prout Delhi as he is busy copying and pasting leftist and communist articles from the web and befooling margiis and taking their money for subscriptions.

Indeed, Taraka  is shameless. On so many occasions, margiis advised him and  pointed out to write about Prout ideals, and not copy others’ articles from the internet. Because our Prout magazine is for Prout articles; it is not not voice box of others. Yet Taraka is hypocritically trying to show that he is running Prout magazine and he cheats both the government and pubic for ads. Taraka also exaggerates the number of subscribers to attract new advertisers.

So he is deceptive and cannot do anything in an honest way. Indeed, Taraka’is mind is so extremely weak that if you tell him the truth then he gets completely paralysed and starts wailing, using foul language, and kicking and screaming, yet he will never give a proper response regarding why he is doing this type of deception. Taraka should write openly why this type of hypocrisy has been going on for ages where he is befooling margiis with his internet garbage etc.

Here is how to contact Taraka:
  • mobile: 09212199658, 9810625082

    ~ In-depth study ~

    How you can hold your own women’s rally

    1. Here are some ideas for signs and banners:
    • "Save Women, Save Society"
    • "Insult To A Woman Is An Insult To All"
    • "Don't Shame Humanity By Exploiting Females"
    2. Raise the Prout flag.

    3. Demand moral education classes in schools and throughout the educational system.

    4. Present a point plan that covers many arenas related with the dignity of women.

    5. Raise demands against today’s pseudo-culture industry:
    (a) Eliminate the objectivity of women in films.
    (b) Exploitative / porn websites should be banned.
    (c) Restrict songs, books, dance, photos, pictures, films or magazines that display vulgar and lewd images graphics etc. Such publishers and so-called artists and their capitalist backers should be blacklisted and punished.
    (d) Provocative ads must be stopped. TV shows must be re-evaluated and strictly regulated.
    (e) A better, more facile process should be implemented for reporting crimes against women crimes. The outdated, time-taking process for reporting such crimes must be eliminated.
    6. Present a memorandum to local authorities and district officials for enacting changes.

    Women’s special place in society

    Here are a few of the many teachings of Baba that lead in that direction.

    Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Men...should always endeavor to save the prestige of women. As the mothers of men, women can claim this much as a right." (1)

    Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Special attention should be paid to the comforts of women during festivals, at spiritual conferences, and on other occasions." (2)

    And here Baba emphasizes the need to elevate and safeguard women's place in society thus ensuring a bright future of humanity.

    Baba says, "We stand to create a powerful, dynamic and upsurging social consciousness, especially among women, so that they are inspired to rise, abolish dogma and annihilate all symbols of slavery, and usher in a new era of coordinated cooperation and glorious achievement." (3)

    But now what is going on in some of our AM public programs is against the word and spirit of Baba's mandates. A few people are making public programs these days that are moving in their own direction, against the dignity of women.

    These following words of Baba stand as great inspiration for one and all.

    Baba says, "The significance of life does not lie only in living. Animals also live. But life to us means something more -- rather something much more. To us life means living for a great cause." (4)

    About our Prout federations

    The Universal Proutist Federations known as UPSF, UPYF, UPLF, UPFF, and UPIF  accordingly refer to the (a) Student, (b) Youth, (c) Laborers, (d) Farmers, and (e) Intellectuals, Universal Proutist Federations.

    1. Caryacarya, Part 1, Social Relationship between Men and Women
    2. Caryacarya, Part 1, Social Relationship between Men and Women
    3. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Women's Rights
    4. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Women's Rights

    *        *        *

    The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
    They stands on their own as points of interest.

    *        *        *

    == Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

    Lamp of bhakti

    Note: This Prabhat Samgiita can only be understood by those who have above-average bhakti.

    “Je águn mane jvele diye gele, se águn nebáno holo dáy…” (Prabhat Samgiita #1851)


    O’ Parama Purusa, the fire of prema which You kindled in my mind is painful to extinguish. I am weeping in longing for You. Even after applying the balm of the coolness of the sandalwood paste, the burning is not going away. Your love can not be forgotten. My melancholic pain remains.

    Baba, these days, in Your absence, even flowers no longer have any beauty. Everything has become dull, lifeless, and monotonous; life itself has lost all its charm. The mental bee does not like the honey - my mind no longer likes that which it used to enjoy. Without You, this world has become lusterless. In the moonlit night, I cannot go on weaving colourful dreams of the astral world. Without You, everything is dry and dreary.

    O’ Parama Purusa, that magical lighting stick of maya which You have makes the bhulok and dyulok go on dancing. That very mystical lighting stick has created the divine mirror. And in that sublime reflection, all three lokas dazzle, sparkle, and shine.

    O’ Parama Purusa, the glow of bhakti which You lit in my mental sphere is hard to dampen. Baba, please come and remain with me always in my dream as well as in my wakeful state...

    == Section: Important Teaching ==

    Dispelling dogma: How many arms did Shiva have

    Ananda Marga ideology states, "Shiva had only two arms, not four or six. Párvatii also had two arms. But Durgá is a Puranic goddess, and the author of puráńa [educative fiction] can create in his imagination as many arms of Durgá as he likes." (1)

    Ananda Marga ideology states, "No goddess having eight or ten arms can be the wife of Shiva: He had only two arms. Similarly the Káliká Shakti having four arms cannot be the wife of Shiva." (2)

    1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, The Pervasive Influence of Shiva (Discourse 4)
    2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, The Pervasive Influence of Shiva (Discourse 4)

    == Section 3: Links ==

    Upcoming Festival - Ananda Purnima - April 30, 2018

    Recent postings

    Other topics of interest

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    This email contains three sections:
    1. Posting: Taraka’s anti-Baba display
    2. PS #1851: Lamp of bhakti
    3. Links