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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Holy lands of AMPS + 3 more


Holy lands of AMPS


Among the people who entered AMPS, some turn out to be very good people, but unfortunately some come bringing their dogmatic garbage along with them. Such dogmatic garbage is a threat to the purity of AMPS. Consider the analogy wherein one leaves home with neat and clean clothes, but due to the dirt and dust of the world, the once clean clothes become soiled and smelly. Even if one tries hard to keep the clothes clean, the outside environment may just ruin the clothes. In this case, the clean clothes represents AMPS which Baba started, dirt and dust represent the dogma that people bring in when they join AMPS, and the dirty and smelly clothes represent the situation of AMPS today. Today, such dirt of dogma is very visibly spreading in AMPS.

Selfishness is cause of propagation of dogma

Firstly, the selfish elements are systematically introducing dogma for their petty gains like money and prestige. Such selfish elements have not spared any ploy; they spoke lies, they conspired and used all such schemes. An example is that of maha’praya’n’a dogma.

Avaricious avadhutas

Some, due to the lack of sa’dhana’ and thereby the lack of heartfelt feeling for the omnipresence of Baba, feel that Baba is “no more” as He left His physical body in a particular year. When Baba appeared in His physical form, lakhs of people used to come to DMS just to see Him. That was the attraction and power of Baba. Now, the selfish people think that as Baba is “not” there, it is not possible to attract people and thus they should create a dogma of so-called tiirtha (holy land) for their sustenance; just like the religious priests of Ka’shii, Ayodhya, etc. started holy land dogma and actively tried their best to keep the dogma alive. In many such so-called tiirthas, there are certain rivers, ponds, landmarks, etc. which are the causes of associated geo-religious sentiment. For example, it is believed that Ka’shii is the holy land of Lord Shiva where He lived and walked; that is the specialty of Ka’shi which draws the crowds.

Cheat others for money

People like Sarva’tma’nanda and Rudrananda, taking a cue from the “success” of Ka’shii, thought that they will also exploit the fact that Baba lived and walked in certain places like Tiljala and Jamalpur. By this they try  to make similar profitable so-called tiirthas. They thought that they will infuse a geo-religious sentiment in such so-called tiirthas with a lot of pomp and show so that people forget the neohumanistic teachings and get stuck in the dogma of tiirtha. With that breakthrough idea they went on to build tombs in Tiljala to attract people and in that way make their so-called tiirthas.

Ashes of 21st October

Those who opposed this pa’pa by expressing their disapproval of the devious scheme were removed from their organizational posts, boards, committees, etc. All of this was done to satisfy the petty selfish ambitions of those degenerated leaders. After making such a so-called tiirtha in Tiljala they thought why to stop here. They kept the ashes of 21st October in various gold and silver pots and installed them in all the places which Baba visited. This aforementioned is an example of knowingly propagating the dogma of geo-religious sentiments.

The animal background is another cause

Some humans have gotten a human frame for the first time. A few progress in their human lives but many do bad things and degenerate again back to animal life. This cycle of the animal to human and back to animal life is more of a norm than an exception. We see such things in our day-to-day life also. Most individuals are good in their early lives; of these, some get degenerated later. In addition, begetting more power often leads to one becoming corrupted. Very few make improvements in their lives. In past lives, most were animals. Thus the overall standard of the population is by and large low. Most misuse the human life by living an animalistic life of bhoga (consumption). Due to this, some who enter AMPS cannot manage and in the company of selfish people become supporters of dogma. Some become deceptive and mean. The reason is the lack of sa’dhana’ in one’s life.

The irony

It is quite ironic that Baba opposed and mocked the blind people who tied omnipresent Lord Shiva to Ka’shi and Lord Krsna to Mathura while Baba’s own disciples are making Baba’s so-called tiirtha. These people thought that if they did not propagate the tiirtha dogma then how would they make their living. After all, neohumanism will not fill their bellies. This is how a so-called tiirtha came to be made in Tiljala, Kolkata. This was followed by other smaller “shrines” wherever the ashes were sent. The aforementioned was done by the Bengali group.

When Tiljala fell in B group

The Hindi group then thought why should they be left behind, and responded by making a so-called tiirtha in Jamalpur, where now every year DMS is held. There was no so-called tiirtha in Jamalpur before 1990. Baba did not return back to Jamalpur for about 14 years after He left Jamalpur in 1966. He did not give Jamalpur much importance because He did not want people to turn it into a so-called tiirtha. Even from 1990 to 1994 Jamalpur was not made a so-called tiirtha. When Tiljala fell in B group’s hands then only was a so-called tiirtha created in Jamalpur and forcefully the dogma of every year holding annual DMS in Jamalpur began. This is how many dogmas are produced and propagated  knowingly.

So-called tiirtha marketing competition

How the dogma is being spread systematically can be seen in how Jamalpur is highlighted as a great so-called tiirtha by the Hindi group’s public relations machine. In response, the Bengali group highlights their Tiljala so-called tiirtha as great in their public propaganda. This is how the groups are fighting just like corporations fight a marketing war. This is how low the state-of-affairs has gone today in AMPS.


Some enter AMPS with either the baggage of religion or their past animalistic samska’ras. They either influence others and introduce their corruptions into AMPS or get influenced by other corrupted minds. To clean up AMPS, it is important to identify the sources of dogmatic filth and take actions to protect AMPS from them.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The Supreme Being is omnipresent....It is not proper to confine Him to a particular place and say that He has eaten butter at this place or taken a dip in the Ganges at that particular place, thus limiting Him to a particular region or a particular country or the glorification of a particular sacred place, and thereby limit His all-pervasiveness" (1)

In Him,

Today AMPS is propagating dogma instead of the sublime teachings of Ananda Marga for which it was formed.

Note #1:  H group lays egg of so-called tiirtha

The following message was circulated by Ranchi AMPS in WhatsApp groups. See how the glory of the so-called Jamalpur tiirtha is being established below to lure innocent Margiis.



"JAMALPUR", BIHAR (INDIA),  is the eastern Indian town, previously been known for its large railway workshop, at one time the largest in Asia, established during the British period.

"MA'RGA GURU'DEVA BA'BA'" was born at JAMALPUR in 1921 and  the socio-spiritual organization Ánanda Márga Pracáraka Saḿgha was founded in 1955.

There are hundreds of place, where Lord visited and contributed or founded the limbs or philosophy of ANANDA MARGA. In future devotees will locate those places where tourist will inundate themselves in flow of devotion.

89. First personal contact at JAMALPUR.

90. First field walk at JAMALPUR.

91. Registered HQ at JAMALPUR.

92. First missionary sent from JAMALPUR in 1966.

93. First discourse of Subhasita Samgraha at JAMALPUR.

94. First discourse of Ananda Vacananamrtam at JAMALPUR.

95. First Revolutinary marriage(RM) was conducted at JAMALPUR.

96. The Ananda Vaniis were given between 1955 to 1966 given at JAMALPUR.


Note #2: B group also lays the egg…

After seeing that Ranchi AMPS has been highlighting Jamalpur and constructing a Master Unit there, Kolkata AMPS has decided to highlight Bamunpara, the native place of Gautam, and highlight Tiljala as well. Please find below a official message from Kolkata group posted in WhatsApp group. The competition for Dogmatic pilgrimage:


Shrii Shrii Anandamurtijii's ancestral home ( Bamunpara, East Burdhaman, West Bengal), where he wrote 5 languages and created plans for Ananda Marga around the age of 7.
Dear Brothers and Sisters
Bardhaman is the centre of Rarh civilisation. Baba has many times talked about the greatness of this region - how kings (Vikramaditya), many saints (like Patanjali of the Yoga Sutras) and poets came from there. Baba gave a newspaper to be published there called Ajana Pathik.

Ac Divyacetanananda Avt


If you would like the full list of B group’s fake reasons for glorifying Bamunpara as a so-called tiirtha, please write us.

Appendix: Full list of H group Jamalpur tiirtha dogmas

He stayed at JAMALPUR for almost 45 years, which is more then half of His physical existence on this earth. His contribution for the humanity from JAMALPUR is subject of research in future. In very near future devotees will construct a historical biggest huge "ARCHIVE" of the world with thousands of memories related to Taraka Brahma Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji of long 45 years He passed in JAMALPUR. There are hundreds of place, where Lord visited and contributed or founded the limbs or philosophy of ANANDA MARGA. In future devotees will locate those places where tourist will inundate themselves in flow of devotion.

(Once he says that "if He stays in a place even for a day His vibration can be felt by the spiritual aspirant if he does Sa'dhana even for a while. If He stays in some place even for a few hours one can feel the vibration after doing Kiirtan for a while. Even if His stay in a place is only for a few seconds a Sadhaka can feel the vibration by doing Kiirtan for a bit longer time.")

N.B. This is just a beginning of an effort to find out few pearls from vast ocean.  The following points are based on discourses, Baba's Tour Programme from archive and different books written by the devotees.
If any one have any information related to the subject please share.
1. Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji was born on 21st May 1921 (Saturday) Ananda Purnima( Buddha Purniima) at 6.07 AM during sunrise in the morning at Keshavapur, JAMALPUR, BIHAR, (INDIA).

2. He wrote "The Golden Lotus of the Blue Sea" children literature at JAMALPUR.

3. He wrote "Under the Fathomless Depths of the Blue Sea" children literature at JAMALPUR.

4. He wrote a urdu poem at kuil station near JAMALPUR.

5. He wrote more then 150 poems in english between 1940 to 1946 at JAMALPUR.

6. He wrote essays and stories in Urdu and Bengali when he was 21 years old.

7. He did Job in railway workshop, JAMALPUR.

8. Subhash Chandra Bose and M.N.Roy were intitated on the day of Guru Purnima on 19th June 1940 on the Tiger's grave (Golf ground) of JAMALPUR.

9. A famoush spiritually realised soul Totapuriji came to Taraka Brahma Baba for liberation at tiger grave, JAMALPUR.

10. Ananda Marga was founded on 09.01.1955 at JAMALPUR.

11. First DMS was conducted on 9th January in 1955 at JAMALPUR.

12. First time Sadguru Baba blessed with Varabhaya Mudra at JAMALPUR.

13. First time Sadguru blessed with Januspsrsh mudra at JAMALPUR.

14. GURUDEVA graced first personal contact(PC) to the devotees at JAMALPUR.

15. Gurudeva begin first field walk with the devotees to the Tiger's Grave in A, B & C group at JAMALPUR.

16. For first time Gurudeva resolved to register JAMALPUR as a Head Quarters of ANANDA MARGA.

 17. First governing body of AMPS was formed at JAMALPUR.

18. Gurudev also became founder member of AMPS at JAMALPUR.

19. Trishastra was given by Baba in JAMALPUR.

20. The author classified Idea and Ideology, together with Ánanda Sútram, as the darshana shástra, or philosophical treatise, of Ananda Marga. Ánanda Sútram, dictated by the author two years after the Idea and Ideology seminar, is a collection of Sanskrit aphorisms with terse explanations. Though its style of presentation is quite different from  that of Idea and Ideology, its subject matter and order of topics closely resemble the Idea and Ideology pattern. Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti, the founder of Ananda Marga, dictated the Ánanda Sútram to a close devotee as they sat, in a series of night sessions in 1961, on the tiger’s grave in JAMALPUR that Ánandamúrtijii and the devotees used to frequent. The devotee wrote by the light of a candle. Sometimes the candle flame was sheltered by a glass drinking tumbler as a sort of makeshift lantern.

21. Caryacarya 1 was given at JAMALPUR by Gurudeva in 1956.

22. Caryacarya 2 was given at JAMALPUR by Gurudeva in 1956.

23. Caryacarya 3 was given at JAMALPUR by Gurudeva in 1956 and 1965.

24. "Guide to Human Conduct" was given on occasion of Ananda Purnima in year 1957 at JAMALPUR.

25. Problems of the day on 26 January 1958 RU, Trimohan, (Bhagalpur), near JAMALPUR.

26. Idea and ideology was given at JAMALPUR by Gurudeva. Here, in the summer of 1959, the founder-president of Ananda Marga, gave a remarkable series of lectures to a small group of his followers. The lectures were given in a mixture of English and Hindi.

27. In year 1958 Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies was given at JAMALPUR by Gurudeva.

28. Gurudeva gave Guide to human conduct in year 1957 at JAMALPUR.

29. Gurudeva gave elementry philosophy of Ananda Marga. Ánanda Márga was the first-published of the more than two hundred books of Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti in year 1955 at JAMALPUR.

30. Ta'ttvika Dipiika Part 1 & 2 was given at JAMALPUR in year 1956.

31. Ta'ttvika Pravesika' was given by BABA in JAMALPUR in year 1957.

32. Human society 1 was given in year 1959 at JAMALPUR. Author demonstrates at the outset that society must be built on a foundation of morality and must move progressively forward in order to establish itself in universal humanism. Then from the vantage point of that universal humanism, the author examines different issues of education, social justice, and the judicial system; and probes the impacts that practitioners of various professions may have, for better or for worse, on the social body as whole, depending on the expansiveness of their minds. Human Society Part 1, in effect, provides human beings the vision needed to build a society in the true sense of the word.

33. "Tattva Kaomudii" Part 1 in year 1958 at JAMALPUR.

34. A book "To the Patriots" was given at JAMALPUR (in the memory of Sudha Ranjan). during Presidential address to the history section of the progressive writers’ conference held at JAMALPUR on 1 January 1960.

35. "A few problem solved" 1 in year 1966 at JAMALPUR.

36. For first time Dharmacakra was introduced by Gurudeva at JAMALPUR.

37. "Samgacchadhvam ..." was introduced for first time in JAMALPUR.

38. "GURU PUJA" was introduced for first time in JAMALPUR.

39. "Supreme Command" was introduced for first time in JAMALPUR.

40. Sixteen points was introduced for first time at JAMALPUR.

41. Pancadashsheel was introduced for first time at JAMALPUR.

42. ERAWS(Education Relief and Welfare Sections) was founded in Year 1963 at JAMALPUR.

43. AMBE(Ananda Marga Board of Education) was founded at JAMALPUR in year 1964.

44. First children home was started at JAMALPUR.

45. WWD (Women's Welfare Department) was founded at JAMALPUR in 1965.

46. First missionary was sent abroad in year 1966 from JAMALPUR.

47. "Ananda Doota" magazine was published for first time in December 1965 at JAMALPUR for the members of Ananda Marga.

48. First discourse of Subhasita Samgraha was given at JAMALPUR.

49. First discourse of Ananda Vacanamrtam was given at JAMALPUR.

50. PROUT was given on 5 June 1959 at JAMALPUR. (in Ananda Sutram and Idea and ideology). In 1959, Sarkar, who is also known as Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, extended the scope of Ananda Marga philosophy to encompass certain socio-economic principles, which have become known as PRPUT – an acronym for Progressive Utilization Theory. This theory blends spiritual with socialistic idealism.

51. Motto of Ananda Marga "Atma moksartham jagadhitayaca"  (Liberation of Self and Service to Humanity) was introduced for first in JAMALPUR.

52. First Tattvika class was given by Baba at JAMALPUR.

53. "A General Guide Book for Táttvikas" was given in year 1955 at JAMALPUR.

54. First "TATTVIKA" was created at JAMALPUR

55. First "ACARYA" was created at JAMALPUR.

56. First "AVADHUTA" was creaed at JAMALPUR in year 1962.

57. First land was purchased in the name of Ananda Marga at JAMALPUR.

58. First Jagrti was construcrted at JAMALPUR.

59. First Marga Guru quarters " MADHU ...." came into existence at JAMALPUR.

60. Famous historical holy Birth place of BABA at JAMALPUR.

61. Famous biggest Railway workshop of Asia where lord Anandamurti ji served as employee at JAMALPUR.

62. Rampur colony Govt quarters where Baba stayed during railway job at JAMALPUR.

63. Tiger grave, JAMALPUR where lord gave thousands of demonstrations and Books of AMPS.

64. Death velly, JAMALPUR where Baba use to meditate.

65. Kali Mandiir on hill, JAMALPUR where lord use to meditate.

66. Khirkhiriya pahar, JAMALPUR where lord Baba use to visit and number of lumunius body sppered to meet Him for final liberation (stories told by Baba in Shabda cayanika).

67. Sweet shop of Walipur JAMALPUR from where Baba use to eat sweets.

68. The place of JAMALPUR where Kundalinii of cow was raised and she fall in Samadhii.

69. The place of JAMALPUR where Baba was leaving His body.

70. The place of JAMALPUR where Baba held first DMS.

71. The Shiva mandiir of JAMALPUR where Baba for first time chanted dhyan mantra of Lord Shiva in childhood.

72. The playground of JAMALPUR where lord use to play in childhood.

73. The primary school of JAMALPUR.

74. The high school of JAMALPUR.

75. The spot from where criminals took lord to the head of criminals.

76. The different spots of JAMALPUR mentioned in "Strainge Experiences" book.

77. The spot of mountain of JAMALPUR from where lord said to one boy to jump and he jumped.

78. The place of JAMALPUR where Baba was tied by the some goonda and they burnt Babas stomack.

79. The sprinkle of drinking water outside death valley, JAMALPUR.

80. The places of JAMALPUR where Baba use to visit and tiger carry him on the mountains.

81. The lake of JAMALPUR where washerman died BABA use to cross.

82. The places of JAMALPUR different DMSs held.

83. The place of JAMALPUR, where Totapuri was standing for Baba.

84. The places of JAMALPUR, where Baba use to sit on mountain and meet so many histotical souls as per His book "Shabda Cayaniika".

85. The mountain of JAMALPUR, which was turned into gold.

86. The place of JAMALPUR where Baba was sitting and Vijay viiresh jumped into water stream.

87. The gate of JAMALPUR was use to cross to come to walipur Ashram from His govt qrts of Rampur colony.

88. The house of Bhojpuri family at JAMALPUR, where Baba resided in early childhood and learnt Bhojpuri as a first language.

89. First personal contact at JAMALPUR.

90. First field walk at JAMALPUR.

91. Registered HQ at JAMALPUR.

92. First missionary sent from JAMALPUR in 1966.

93. First discourse of Subhasita Samgraha at JAMALPUR.

94. First discourse of Ananda Vacananamrtam at JAMALPUR.

95. First Revolutinary marriage(RM) was conducted at JAMALPUR.

96. The  ANANDA VANII were given between 1955 to 1966 given at JAMALPUR :

"The Supreme Spirit within humanity, neglected for ages, has awakened today. This awakening will initiate a new chapter in human history. You will all be the pioneers of the new trend."

(Shrii Shrii Anandamurti,
 1 January 1956, JAMALPUR.)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 11, The Psychology behind the Creation of Mythological Gods and Goddesses

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are with me each and every moment

"A'ma're dekhe calecho prabhu more pu'n'ya phale..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4477)


Parama Purusa, You are looking at me all the time. Because of the virtue of having Your grace, I can feel that You are so close and witnessing all that I do - every breath. You are with me each and every moment, in the brilliant refulgence and the cimmerian darkness - constantly, all the 24hrs. In my good days and bad days, always You are and will remain along with me. You are so gracious.

My Divine Entity, when I am surrounded by the fog of hopelessness and despair and my life becomes burdened, I feel depressed and suicidal. My very existence feels completely unbearable and loses all its charm. When I cry in pain and tears are rolling down my cheeks like a river, and when I am drowned in pessimism, the feeling arises that this whole world is poisonous, and this life is useless. I feel it is better just to die. Then someone with a sonorous voice whispers in my ear.

“Look, Parama Purusa is smiling in your mental abode. He says that the supreme illumination never gets extinguished; and, that eternal love never fades. It just grows and grows. It is unlike the mundane world where everything comes and goes. Only the eternal and infinite bond remains forever and increases over time. That momentum never ceases. O’ bhakta do not forget that, Someone with a sonorous voice whispers in your ear.”

Baba, by Your infinite grace-compassion You are caring for me always…

== Section: News ==

See bewildered Avt

See the degeneration of AM Avadhuta. He lost his dharma or characteristic of propagating Prout, Neohumanism etc. Now he is propagating the Hindu fundamentalist agenda on social media. He is not alone. So many WT's are busy in such lowly activities. This is the way AMPS is degenerating every day. His so-called leaders are more responsible than he is. Now it is the duty of sincere Margiis and true WTs to control these wild horses.

In Him,

== Section 3: Links ==
Recent postings
Other topics of interest