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Monday, May 10, 2021

Culprits behind Fake Vaniis + 3 more


Culprits behind Fake Vaniis


One or more of the leading factions will fabricate and distribute their own fake Ananda Vanii for the upcoming Ananda Purnima festival. This has been their ongoing trend since long. To combat this dogma, all should be vigorously engaged in ensuring the name and manner of Baba's original Ananda Vaniis remain true.

Opportunists create Fake Ananda Vaniis

Baba has blessed us with a full and complete collection of A'nanda Va'niis. Just as His teachings of A'nanda Sutram are complete, similarly His gift of A'nanda Va'niis is perfect unto itself. There is no need to add more in the post-1990 era. That would taint the Ananda Vanii Samgraha collection. 

The tragedy is that since 1991 various opportunists in Centre and certain factional leaders have injected their own Fake A'nanda Va'niis onto the scene. But no real margii can accept these in their heart.

For everyone's awareness here following is an investigation into psychological and mental make-up of those who are making these Fake Ananda Vaniis. Thereafter we review the dharmic qualities of Baba's authentic Ananda Vaniis.

Three types of disciples

Baba guides us in so many discourses that there are three types of disciples. And now we are going to see which type of disciple will abide by Baba's teachings and protect the integrity of His Ananda Vaniis, as well as which type of disciple goes against the Guru by creating their own Fake Ananda Vaniis. And again, all of this is based on Baba's divine teachings. He has given the parameters outlining the various grades of disciples.

A-grade disciples assimilate all the teachings while they live at the lotus feet of Guru. And when those "A Grade" disciples go away from the physical satsaunga of the Guru, they keep all those teachings which they learned in their heart and follow and propagate them accordingly. Such disciples maintain the integrity of Baba's Ananda Vaniis.

B-grade disciples learn some of the things from the Guru and when they leave His presence they may or may not follow those teachings, but they will not propagate anything that goes against Guru's instructions.

Whereas with C-grade disciples, the situation is entirely different. When they sit at the lotus feet of Guru, it appears as though those C-grade disciples understand and are following whatever Guru tells. But when they go away from the company of the Guru they leave all those guidelines behind. They walk away empty-handed, unfortunately. Whatever Guru has taught them gets wiped out of their mind. Such C-Grade disciples do not follow Guru's teachings; rather, they contravene His guidelines. Such persons invent their own Fake Ananda Vaniis and distribute them around the globe.

This very type of phenomenon Baba has fully discussed in various discourses.

Grade-C disciples: no shortage

There is no scarcity of examples of such C-grade disciples. We have seen them in our life and we will see them in future also. About such C-grade disciples, when they were physically close with Guru it looked like they were A-grade and neo-humanistic. But, later on, their colour got exposed; their true nature shines forth and it becomes apparent that they forgot all those divine teachings that Guru has graciously taught. Instead, groupism, factionalism, and lingualism are rampant, and so many isms are raising their ugly head and spreading poison all around, thus polluting the entire margii society.

They want to capture even simple margiis and tie them up in the serpentine noose of groupism. Only almighty Baba is saving the situation.

According to this trend, we may even see in the future how they might collect certain shlokas from Baba's various books like Shabda Cayanika, A Few Problems Solved, Prout, and Namah Shivaya Shantaya etc, and issue those shlokas as addendums to Ananda Sutram. This they will do in the interest of their own faction or group.

The above are all the tainted works of C-Grade disciples. Plus these lowly disciples also invented Fake Ananda Vaniis.


In the case of fake Ananda Vaniis, group camps are making Fake Ananda Vaniis in the favour of their group interest. This we have seen since 1991.

In Him,

To catch Fake Ananda Vaniis

On the occasions of New Year’s and Ananda Purnima many Fake Ananda Vaniis are swirling around. It may be that they have reached to you also for such celebrations.

You know that a Fake Vanii does not give the same benefit as Baba’s True Ananda Vaniis. So there is a critical need to have a tool to quickly identify and catch those Fake vaniis. Then that Fake Vanii can be discarded and replaced by a true Ananda Vanii.

To solve this problem, here is one solution. The entire collection of true Ananda Vaniis have been posted to this link:
Just click on the link and see if the Ananda Vanii you were given for Ananda Purnima is listed on this site of Baba’s original vanis. Then you will know whether the Ananda Vanii you were given is true or fake.

I think that you will easily be able to get the answer by using the search box. If you find that the Ananda Vanii you were given is fake, then kindly alert us that it is fake. If you face any difficulty, let us know and we will try to decipher and catch if it is a Fake Ananda Vanii.

The goal is that our Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji has given True Ananda Vaniis for this occasion. Some vested interests are imposing their Fake Ananda Vaniis. We should all be alert and detect those fakes and expose them by the aforesaid manner.

You know that a Fake Vanii does not give the same benefit as Baba’s True Ananda Vaniis. So there is a critical need to have a tool to quickly identify and catch those Fake vaniis. Then that Fake Vanii can be discarded and replaced by a true Ananda Vanii.

To solve this problem, here is one solution. The entire collection of true Ananda Vaniis have been posted to this link:

~ In-depth study ~

Baba's original Ananda Vaniis are complete

A-grade disciples know that Baba's each and every gift is unique in its own way. Human beings have comparatively very little capacity to understand about Guru's greatness. Then what right do we have to manipulate His writings and teachings. Sadguru Baba specially designated a select number of His teachings as Ananda Vaniis as one bright sparkling entity like a shiny star. Then we do not have right to interchange them - or fabricate our own fake ones.

Guru has given some teachings as Ananda Sutram, some as Prout, and some as Shabda Cayanika etc. True disciples will respect and abide by Guru's instructions. Only lesser or fake disciples will fabricate, concoct, and mix those things according to their own selfish convenience.

Ananda Vaniis: handwritten by Baba

History bears this testimony that Baba wrote all those Ananda Vaniis in His own handwriting. Time after time for many years Baba continued to write those Ananda Vaniis with His own hand. All senior margiis are aware about this.

Verily, there are many reasons that make Ananda Vaniis as something unique unto themselves. Any sincere bhakta will certainly not ruin or manipulate them. But about the present situation here are some more facts.

Ananda Vaniis are full discourses

Here is the central point. The true Ananda Vanii which is given by Baba, is complete in itself. It is a full discourse. For example, although this following true Ananda Vanii is just a few lines, it is entirely complete unto itself.

Ananda Vanii says, "Struggle against evil forces is life. We have to remember this fact once again on this threshold of a happy New Year." - Ananda Vanii #9

The above Ananda Vanii is an entire and complete discourse given on 1 January 1959. And it has eternal value; it is timeless. Hence it cannot be altered, nor can its title be changed. And you will not find these above two lines in any other discourse. This true Ananda Vanii given by Baba is wholly unique and complete unto itself. The key point here is that true Ananda Vaniis are not a part of any discourse. They are each a discourse unto themselves.

Baba's style of discourse has its own importance. Usually discourses are fairly long explanations on certain subjects. In contrast, the "Ananda Vanii" collection has a different aim and charm. It is short and striking like an arrow. It is one discourse unto itself. It is not a part of any discourse. Thus, when Baba has beautifully named these as "Ananda Vaniis", we should accept and keep them as is.

Those C-grade disciples who construct Fake Ananda Vaniis are going against the wishes of Sadguru Baba.

Every teaching has its own beauty

In true course, each and every tenet which Baba has given has its own inherent charm, beauty, and attraction. Its own uniqueness. Baba was given various tales, rhymes, poems for young learners and designate them as children's stories. It would be a blunder to include them in His Prabhat Samgiita collection to increase the number of Prabhat Samgiita from 5019 to something more than that.

Likewise, we know that each and every literature like Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Namami Krsna Sundaram, Ananda Vacanamrtam, etc has its own beauty and importance. We do not have the right to alter those books. If some ignorant people are trying to ruin them, then we should make a stand and maintain the integrity of Baba’s unique gifts.

The point at hand is that the fake Ananda Vaniis which the various groups are issuing are not Ananda Vaniis. Rather they are something else. But those in power have painted such things as "Ananda Vaniis". This is the manipulation that is going on and has been going on since 1991 in the name of Ananda Vanii.

Guru Is Brahma & Brahma Is Guru

The Marga Guru is Brahma and His teachings should be maintained in their original and pure form. This is one of the main duties of His disciple. What Guru says, we should follow. And in due course of time one will understand that what Baba says is meaningful. We should not allow this negative dogma of fake Ananda Vaniis to continue. Rather best is to stick to Baba's original Ananda Vaniis, as His true Ananda Vaniis are unique and complete unto themselves.

Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is the Sadguru, Taraka Brahma. So what He has introduced, we may or may not understand but with our nistha and shraddhá (reverence) we should accept His guideline.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Thus highly intelligent sa'dhakas, the greatest realized persons, all describe the Supreme Entity -- Guru Brahma, Ta'raka Brahma -- not as essence but as Sa'ra'tsa'ra, the Quintessence, the Essence of the essence.

Vandana' kariba a'mi gurure a'ma'r         
Yini pu'rn'a, yini nitya, yini Sa'ra'tsa'ra.

I shall worship my Guru who is complete in Himself,
Who is eternal -- the Essence of all essences." (1)

Guru is Brahma, not an ordinary human being. His teachings should be taken seriously. This is one of the major characteristics of the proper disciple. What Guru has given, we should follow and maintain. And in due course of time we will understand that what Baba says is the supreme veracity. Thus there is no scope for concocting or creating fake Ananda Vaniis.

Fight injustice & catch Fake Ananda Vaniis

We should take guideline from this following teaching.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The characteristic of good people is to fight against injustice, to firmly adhere to truth and righteousness, to protect the helpless and fight against all evil persons.  Those who are merely simple and are of a meek and goody-goody nature are not good people." (2)

So we should all stand firm and uphold the ideal that Baba's teachings should not be misrepresented. There is no scope for the creation of Fake Ananda Vaniis. You know that a Fake Vanii does not give the same benefit as Baba’s True Ananda Vaniis. So there is a critical need to have a tool to quickly identify and catch those Fake vaniis. Then that Fake Vanii can be discarded and replaced by a true Ananda Vanii.

To solve this problem, here is one solution. The entire collection of true Ananda Vaniis have been posted to this link:


1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shivas Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 12)
2. A Few Problems Solved part 5, Shrávańii Púrńimá

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Beckons me from the distant blueness

“Dúr niilimáy hát cháni dey, sudurer kon bandhu ámáy…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0319)


Which Bandhu is that Who calls from such a remote, heavenly place and beckons me from the distant blueness - satya loka. He is lovingly calling me, “Why are you keeping yourself so far away from Me. Draw yourself near Me. O’ bhakta, I have been awaiting you. So I request you to come - come into My courtyard, my dwelling.”

He (my Bandhu) says, “For you, I have threaded and decorated a garland of stars - in numerous colours and forms, with so many divine plays. O’ bhakta, arise, awake and open your eyes. Just take a look around your closed room of materialism and dogma; unfortunately, you are surrounded by so much misery and suffering. That is why I call you again and again, come unto Me - and bathe yourself in Cosmic bliss.”

Parama Purusa, my Bandhu, always gives the call of a new era; He only sings songs that are eternally new, brimming in spiritual ideation. Those tunes are filled with such hope and love. I listen attentively to my Bandhu; He graciously sings the song in so many beautiful melodies for me. Hearing His voice, my heart and mind become suffused in His supreme love…

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #319

[1] Bandhu: Here below are some of Guru’s teachings on the term bandhu.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “What is the meaning of “bandhu”? In Saḿskrta, the meaning of the word “bandhu” is “to bind”. Bandhu indicates that person or entity who cannot stand separation. Parama Puruśa or Saguńa Brahma is closely and intimately connected with this expressed world, or jagata. He is pervasively connected with every individual entity, be it a living being or a crude object. He is also linked through and through with the universe as a whole. In other words, He is indissolubly and inextricably involved (ota prota) with everything. Therefore, He is the only bandhu of this universe. The rest of your bandhus in the physical world are not your eternal friends. Though they are with you now, a day will soon come when they will go away; they will be separated from you. When you depart from this world, these friends will accompany or carry your dead body. But how far will they accompany you? They will accompany your body up to the cremation ground or the burning ghat. Having gone so far, at the most they will return to their own dwelling places. So they are not your real bandhu. There is a shloka in Saḿskrta:” (1)

Atyágasahano bandhu sadaevánumatah suhrd;
Eka kryaḿ bhavenmitraḿ samapráńáh sakhásmrtah.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “He who loves [[so much that]] he can never sustain the grief of separation, is known as “bandhu”. In this sense, nobody can have any bandhu in this world. Only that Jagatabandhu – that Parama Puruśa – can be your bandhu. No one else is your bandhu. Only He is your real friend.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, Parama Puruśa – the Only Bandhu

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to convey sublime ideals to common folk

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Whatever the profound, philosophical implications of the word prema [“love”], the true characteristic of love is supra-physical – beyond the bondage of any limitation. When artists become absorbed in the essence of love and try to convey it to the people through their language, rhetoric and subtle suggestions, the sweetness of their artistic genius reaches the apex of expression. But then this creation of the artist cannot be regarded as popular literature or art, because the subtle sense which is capable of comprehending that transcendental feeling is, in fact, undeveloped in most people. We do find at places in the literature of Rabindranath Tagore some semblances of this pure, supra-physical love, but whenever Rabindranath tried to give expression to it, he became unintelligible to the masses. The transcendental thoughts and ideas of the sweet, graceful shlokas [couplets] of the Upanishads are also incomprehensible to the common people.”
   “This sublime love has established itself for all eternity beyond the limits of time, space and person. Infinite love is the ultimate ecstatic expression of finite love. This sense that artists try to awaken in the popular mind, when they devote themselves to the task of establishing the link between the finite and the infinite, between the mundane and the transcendental – this awareness, though not purely transcendental, is of the greatest importance in the realm of art. Because it gradually leads that sweetness of the human mind which is apprehensible to ordinary intelligence to a dreamland that is beyond the senses.” (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature