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Friday, October 22, 2021

Bogus story, but very famous


Bogus story, but very famous 

Note: This letter is very easy for some, but very difficult for others, unfortunately, especially those who have no bhakti or personal realisation in sadhana.


The idea that "Baba is a mystery" is very detrimental to bhakti, and that is why this fabricated notion of mystery has no place in His discourses; rather, AM philosophy is the exact opposite of the mystery story. The relation between the sadhaka and Parama Purusa is very personal, trusted, authentic, meaningful, and eternal. It is absolutely rock solid. Whereas if one feels that He is a mystery then that trust and closeness is undermined. 

In AM philosophy Baba spreads the message that Parama Pursua is your nearest, most caring, and most loving One. There is no such trusted eternal guardian or friend or intimate one other than Him in this universe. To such a Personality, calling Him a mystery is irresponsible and contravenes the cult of bhakti; moreover, it is a betrayal of His love and care. In that light, Baba warns us how one should not think of Parama Purusa as a vast or unfathomable Entity.

Baba says, "They think that since Parama Puruśa is so vast and so learned, whereas they themselves are foolish and illiterate – insignificant creatures. Thus they increase their radii, their distance from the nucleus. This psychology that Parama Puruśa is too vast and great for the devotees to attain Him is called mahimnabodha, that which keeps them away from Parama Puruśa." (1)

Mystery is contrary to bhakti & AM

The term "mystery" means uncertain and unpredictable; and those concepts are not suited to spiritual philosophy with regards to the relation between bhakta and Parama Purusa. In a similar manner, one would never use the term "mysterious" to characterize their close family member or friend or any trusted personal relationship. Rather the term "mystery" or "mysterious" is used to talk about someone who used to be close but is now no longer a personal relation.

Baba did not include this mystery term or notion in AM philosophy; indeed it is not part of AM scripture. And now someone is emphasizing and giving great importance to those bogus things like the term mystery and giving them equal status as AM teachings. And that is wrong. Keeping all this in mind, kindly read the following.

Two bogus mystery stories

Here in yellow highlight are two versions of the famous but fake story that numerous Dadas have recounted in their books.

"I [Baba] have come as a mystery, I will remain as a mystery, and I will leave as a mystery.”  - One Dada’s book


"Once, after repeated requests for Him to write his autobiography, He [Baba] handed a piece of paper to His disciples and said, "Here is my autobiography." The paper read: "I [Baba] was a mystery. I am a mystery. I will always remain a mystery." - Another Dada’s Book    

How to recognise true or false story

With any Baba story, the first test of authenticity is whether the idea which the story propagates is present in any of Baba’s thousands of printed or non-printed discourses. If that idea is not present in His discourses, then strike that story down and mark it as fake, as it is a false story that could not pass the test.

The above yellow highlighted story is fake because you will not find this idea anywhere in Ananda Marga literature. Baba has given hundreds of thousands of pages of discourses and He talks so much about Parama Puruśa, Mahásambhúti, Táraka Brahma, Sadguru, Saguńa Brahma, Nirguńa Brahma, and Niraksa Brahma etc, but nowhere has Baba told that these entities are a mystery. Rather He told that Taraka Brahma is the most loving One. That is why one of His names is Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, meaning Bliss Personified.

God is part of family: very intimate or close One - not a mystery

Especially in the Semitic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Muslim) people have concept about God related with being a mystery. Buddhism does not believe in God and Hinduism does not propagate the idea of being a mystery. Since the advent of the first Mahasambhuti on this earth, God has been part of the family as Father, Friend, etc.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Táraka Brahma is...the loving Father. He is the eternal companion of unit beings in their joys and sorrows – not a God in the distant sky but an understanding Lord in the house where they dwell.” (2)

Mysterious things are scary

People cannot have a relationship with a mysterious personality because who knows what the fellow is going to do. What will be the next move of that person. Suppose someone is sitting at your table or kitchen counter and he is mysterious then you will not feel comfortable - let alone having an intimate relation with them. Because you will think who knows when this person will disappear, or hide underneath the sink, or in a flash he will change himself or herself into a cat or mouse - or even an ant. - and start crawling around on the counter. After all, that is what mysteries do.

Parama Purusa is our very close

In thousands of discourses, Baba has preached:

Do not think that Parama Purusa is far away or some alien; He is your family member. He is very near and He helps you always - regardless of time and place. Always He is caring you; He is very kind.

So the relation between the bhakta and Parama Purusa is very predictable. You have trust that Baba is going to help and save you - no matter what. Baba is not at all a mystery for bhaktas.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Táraka Brahma is...the loving Father. He is the eternal companion of unit beings in their joys and sorrows – not a God in the distant sky but an understanding Lord in the house where they dwell.” (3)

How this bogus story took birth

The question then becomes what is the origin of this above yellow-highlighted false story. In Ananda Marga philosophy, Baba teaches us that there are three types of aspirants: bhaktas, jinanis, and karmiis. For jinanis, due to their extremely dry mental state and utter lack of personal connection with Parama Purusa, their God is in theory only just like some key mathematical formula. Devoid of any personal realisation or feeling in their heart, they like to imagine that God is mysterious. With their fertile, dry mind this bogus. yellow-highlighted story came into being.

Personal God of bhaktas

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, for bhaktas God is a personal God who remains in their heart and is very intimately linked with those bhaktas. So He is not mysterious, or unpredictable, or involved in strange behaviour. You can imagine if your own family member is mysterious then you will not have a deep connection with them as you do not know what that person is going to do next. It is entirely unpredictable. Thinking that Baba is a mystery is anti-devotional.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Táraka Brahma is...the loving Father. He is the eternal companion of unit beings in their joys and sorrows – not a God in the distant sky but an understanding Lord in the house where they dwell.” (4)


This fake mystery story in yellow highlight is very popular so to date people has not used their logical analysis; otherwise, they would have rejected it a long time back. But those have any kind of bhakti and have some feeling or realisation of Baba, they have do not appreciate this type of story in their heart of hearts. Now close your eyes and think in this way: Really Baba is a mystery for you or is He very near and dear? I do not think you will find Him to be a mystery. But if for some that is the case then simply do more dhyana. That is what Baba teaches us in the appendix of Namami Krsnasundaram where He guides us that one should have a personal relationship with Parama Purusa. Then God will not be a mystery but a very intimate relation.

Baba is guiding us how Parama Purusa is our very close family member - not some unknown, mysterious character. Rather He is with us each and every moment - good times and bad times - and we can always depend upon Him as our nearest and dearest One.

In Him,

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Táraka Brahma is...the loving Father. He is the eternal companion of unit beings in their joys and sorrows – not a God in the distant sky but an understanding Lord in the house where they dwell.” (5)

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Táraka Brahma is...the loving Father. He is the eternal companion of unit beings in their joys and sorrows – not a God in the distant sky but an understanding Lord in the house where they dwell.” (6)

Loving child

Ananda Marga ideology states, “What are you to think? What are you to ideate upon? That is: “Oh Father, I am your loving child. I was a bit misguided, now please help me. I want to sit on your lap, I want to remain with you, I want to be an ideal boy, an ideal girl of yours, just help me. I am very weak and you are the strongest personality”, you should say like this.” (7)

God is our nearest & dearest One

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “And that noumenal entity is the loving Father. One’s relationship with the loving Father is one of love and affection, is a domestic relationship. There is nothing formal, no sort of formality in it. It is purely domestic, a family relationship. So the noumenal cause is not just a theoretical entity; it is your Father, your nearest and dearest one.” (8)

“The dearest one” or “the nearest one”

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “The root meaning of the term bábá is “the dearest one” or “the nearest one”. As He is the Supreme Father, the Parama Puruśa, He is Bábá of the entire creation; and because you are the created beings, you are His loving children, you are also His Bábá – because bábá means “nearest and dearest one”...when His devotees, His children, sing Bábá nám kevalam, He also sings Bábá nám kevalam.” (9)

Note: This letter is very easy for some, but very difficult for others, unfortunately, especially those who have no bhakti or personal realisation in sadhana.

Dry Wts wrote many mystery books

Sadly so many of our Dadas are completely enthralled with calling Sadguru Baba a mystery. They do not realise that this undermines their stature as they expose their anti-devotional feelings. See here the list of books where Dadas refer to Baba as a mystery in the very title of their book. That is the main theme of their book. It is most unfortunate they could not grow in their sadhana.

  • Glimpses of a Mystery by Dada
  • Advent of a Mystery by Dada
  • Mere Rahasya Maya Ba'ba' (My Mysterious Baba) by Dada
  • Ya'tra' Rahasmaya Guru ke sa'tha (Journey with Mysterious Guru) by Dada
  • Rahasya May Guru (Mysterious Guru) by Ac.

~ In-depth study ~

More of Baba's teachings

Here below in the following teachings, Baba is guiding us how Parama Purusa is our very close family member - not some unknown, mysterious character. Rather He is with us each and every moment - good times and bad times - and we can always depend upon Him as our nearest and dearest One.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The Progenitor is the nearest and dearest one for the progeny, hence the progeny also is the nearest and dearest one for the Supreme Progenitor. Both are bábá to each other and one another.” (10)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “You must not have any worries and anxieties about your personal problems. Your problems are to be solved by the Supreme Father.” (11)

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Táraka Brahma is...the loving Father. He is the eternal companion of unit beings in their joys and sorrows – not a God in the distant sky but an understanding Lord in the house where they dwell.” (12)

Ananda Marga ideology says, “When the Supreme Father is your father, when you all are the children of the same Father; why should you suffer from any inferiority complex or any fear complex, when the Supreme Father is with you? You are not weak...He is with you, always He is with you to help you. You are never alone.” (13)

Ananda Marga ideology says, “You are the dignified children of Parama Puruśa, and He is always with you. You are never alone.” (14)

Popular bogus story (again)

Here in yellow highlight are two versions of the famous but fake story that numerous Dadas have recounted in their books.

"I [Baba] have come as a mystery, I will remain as a mystery, and I will leave as a mystery.”  - One Dada’s book


"Once, after repeated requests for Him to write his autobiography, He [Baba] handed a piece of paper to His disciples and said, "Here is my autobiography." The paper read: "I [Baba] was a mystery. I am a mystery. I will always remain a mystery." - Another Dada’s Book   

And various other Dadas have written this story in their books.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Supreme Desideratum of the Microcosms
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, A Devotee's Object of Ideation
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, A Devotee's Object of Ideation
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, A Devotee's Object of Ideation
5. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, A Devotee's Object of Ideation
6. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, A Devotee's Object of Ideation
7. Subhasita Samgraha -12, The Noumenal Cause and the Personal God
8. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, The Noumenal Cause and the Personal God
9. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, Microcosm and Its Object of Ideation
10. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, An Expression Is Never Alone
11. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, The God of Human Beings
12. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, A Devotee's Object of Ideation
13. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, Be Free from All Complexes
14. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Everything Comes from Something

== Section 2: Links ==