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Thursday, December 7, 2017

In AM why Saḿskrta + 2 more


In AM why Saḿskrta


We all know Baba has graciously come on this earth to spread His sublime ideals—i.e. the teachings of Ananda Marga ideology—to enable all human beings to progress. To achieve this, He needed to ensure that what He spoke was properly understood. For this reason from the outset, He began educating us about the Saḿskrta language. Because Saḿskrta contains many of the words, phrases, and concepts needed to express the tenets of Ananda Marga ideology. To ensure those Saḿskrta words were properly understood, He clarified and expounded upon their meaning and usage. By this way Saḿskrta became an integral part of the teachings of Ananda Marga ideology.

Saḿskrta is pervasive in our AM way of life

Baba has used Saḿskrta in so many unique ways in our Ananda Marga. He has put the Roman Saḿskrta alphabet in the beginning of every Ananda Marga book; He has made the system for giving everyone Saḿskrta names; He has given all mantras in Saḿskrta—as well as the vast majority of His sutras and shlokas. And Saḿskrta is used in all our social ceremonies like marriages and baby naming, as well as in all our collective spiritual gatherings & practices. And Sadguru Baba has carefully explained the meaning of countless Saḿskrta words—like bhakti, dharma, tantra, mantra, Ista etc—in His various discourses. Plus there are so many other examples how Baba has used Saḿskrta to put forth His Ananda Marga ideology. From 1955 up through 1990, Baba educated us about Saḿskrta so that we could develop a better understanding of His sublime ideals—as other languages did not have words to express what He wished to say.

Saḿskrta related with so many languages

That is why, early on, Baba explained about the importance of language in discourses like 'Expression and Symbolisation'. And that is why in countless discourses in Ananda Vacanamrtam and Subhasita Samgraha, Baba explains the meaning, derivation, and application of so many Saḿskrta words. A large number of His discourses begin in this very manner.

And then later on, when a strong foundation of understanding Saḿskrta had already been established, Baba spoke in greater detail about Saḿskrta and its special relation with all the other languages around the globe. In His books Varńa Vijiṋána, Varńa Vicitra, and Shabda Cayaniká, and related discourses Baba is explaining about Saḿskrta and its link with so many languages spoken on this earth, including French, Hebrew, Spanish, Urdu, Latin, Greek, Hindi, Tagalog,  Bengali, English, Farsi, Russian, Angika etc.

Baba says, "There is a very close relationship between Vedic [old Saḿskrta] and all other classical languages of the world. If Vedic [old Saḿskrta] is properly nourished and encouraged it will encourage the unity of the world and a cordial relationship amongst human beings will develop." (1)

Baba says, “Saḿskrta is a classical subject as well as an ancient language. It is the mother of all the mother languages of South Asia and Southeast Asia. All North Indian languages and South Indian languages like Oriya, Marathii and Konkoni are of Saḿskrtic origin.” (2)

And again, all of this was done for the greater goal of teaching us about His Ananda Marga ideology not highlighting any particular language per se.


Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Latin is the daughter of Vedic [ancient Saḿskrta] and so is [modern] Saḿskrta. If Saḿskrta is used human unity will be encouraged and human beings will move closer together. See how sweet the link is between Vedic, Saḿskrta and the other classical languages of the world? So you should encourage the study of Saḿskrta.” (3)

In Him,
Aditya Sen

How to best understand His sublime ideals

Baba's emphasis on language holds universal appeal as He is propagating Ananda Marga ideology, thus He wants for all the languages of the world to be expanded to best convey human thought and understanding. This He has encouraged in so many discourses and talks like, 'Expression and Symbolisation'.

Baba's teaching of Saḿskrta grew from the teaching of prefixes and suffixes to a full linguistic, historical, social, and cultural survey of Saḿskrta and how it relates to today's world based humanity—all so that everyone could best understand His sublime ideals of Ananda Marga.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "India is one and indivisible...Let Sam'skrta be the national language, as this will provide equal opportunity to all." (4)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "At the time of initiation or shortly afterwards, those who do not have a Saḿskrta name should be given one by the A'carya." (5)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "The Saḿskrta name should be used in all worldly dealings." (6)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "I am using Sam'skrta slokas and not Pa'li because Pa'li may not be intelligible to you. Sam'skrta is better understood. That is why I am using Sam'skrta slokas." (7)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 17, The Significance of Language
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 17, The Evolution of Indian Languages
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 17, The Significance of Language
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 17, The Significance of Language
5. Caryacarya - 1, p.6, 1995 Ed.
6. Caryacarya - 1, p.7, 1995 Ed.
7. A Few Problems Solved Part 4, Art and Science

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

How different vibrations affect us

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The stamina to stand vibrations differs in different people. Hence various degrees of happiness or sorrow are experienced by different people, and these differences depend on their respective mental constitutions. The subtle causes of these different mental constitutions are their acquired samskáras or reactive momenta, and the crude causes are their nerve cells, nerve tissues, glandular secretions, etc. The sudden vibrational impact on the body and mind makes the mind react violently, resulting in the cessation of the cardiac functions. This also explains the death of a person struck by lightning. The sudden contact of the eyes with an extremely dazzling radiance often results in the total impairment of vision. If we look directly at the brilliant sun for a few moments, our visual power becomes temporarily stunned and we cannot see anything for some time. Similarly, when some very high pitched or loud sound strikes the eardrum, the power of hearing may be destroyed. The sensitivity of every organ may be suspended by the impact of any violent vibration; this stupefaction, if the intensity of the vibrational impact is very great, may even become permanent. Yet sometimes powerful vibrations may help stimulate and restore the power of organs which have not been functioning for years. You must have heard of a person who had been blind or deaf and dumb since his childhood, regaining the lost power of his impaired organs in his latter years either by stroke of lightning or by being suddenly informed of an extremely happy or sad news." (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour

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