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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Prout solution of desertification + 4 more


Prout solution of desertification


There is a limited supply of underground water. Around the globe, people are using underground water for drinking and irrigation by using pumps etc. Using underground water for drinking is ok, but it is extremely harmful to use underground water for irrigation purposes.

Due to a lack of proper knowledge, serious problems are cropping up around the globe. Our duty is to follow Baba’s guidelines and educate others. To overlook the problem is cataclysmic.

Deep well irrigation creates desert

Because of deep well irrigation, the water table is dropping. Plants and trees become dry and brittle. Extreme dryness invites fires. The vegetation gets destroyed. Without trees, there is no more rain. This brings drought which then leads to starvation, and ultimately death.

This is the eventual outcome wherever groundwater irrigation is in vogue.

So then what is the answer? How to irrigate? Rain water should be collected in ponds and reservoirs and used locally. That will solve the problem and offer an environmentally sound, renewable resource for our water needs, most critically, irrigation.

Prout philosophy states: ”Question – What are the drawbacks of well irrigation?”

“Answer – Well irrigation causes the level of the water table to go down until the subterranean flow of water eventually dries up. Shortages of water due to well irrigation are not easily perceptible.” (1)

And eventually becomes infertile

Prout philosophy states:
"The negative effects of well irrigation include the following:”

“(1) All neighbouring shallow wells dry up creating the problem of the lack of drinking water.”

“(2) Trees, orchards and large plants don’t get sufficient water so they may wither and die. Green countryside will become a desert after 30 to 45 years of intensive well irrigation.”

“(3) In some deep tube wells elements or minerals which are harmful to the soil get mixed with the water, causing salinity, for example. As a result the land becomes unfit for cultivation and eventually becomes infertile.”

“(4) When the flow of well-water stops, irrigation tanks supplied by these wells also dry up.”

“Thus, well irrigation should be used only as a temporary measure because of the devastating effects it can have on the surrounding environment. Alternative methods of irrigation are river irrigation, irrigation from reservoirs, shift irrigation and lift irrigation.” (2)

When all the trees of an area are chopped down, then rain clouds stop forming in that area. With the reduction and ultimately elimination of rain, the whole area turns into a desert. That is what has happened in southern Rajasthan (India).

Another pathway towards desertification occurs when deep well irrigation is not banned. Because these deep wells lower the level of the water table. In turn, trees suffer from a lack of water and begin to die. As the trees are wiped out, less rain clouds are drawn to the region. This vicious cycle escalates: Less rain -> deeper and deeper wells are dug -> due to lack of rain dust forms and ultimately the entire region becomes a desert. Overall deep well irrigation also causes the soil to be more saline (salty).

If any green fertile region does not get any rain for several years then it will become a desert.


This is not well known science - deep well irrigation creates so many problems. It ruins the soil, region, and environment, and good land becomes a desert. That is why Prout policy is that well irrigation should be completely banned and rain water should be collected for agricultural purpose.

in Him,
Manas Ranjan

California: well failures almost quadruple since 2014

~ Courtesy of the New Yorker ~
Peter Gleick, the chief scientist at the Oakland-based Pacific Institute, told me that one year of heavy precipitation, even a record-breaking one, will not undo the most serious repercussion of the drought: a severe deficit of groundwater. For years, Central Valley farmers have drawn liberally from the region’s aquifers to compensate for reduced supplies from canals and aqueducts. When a large enough volume of groundwater is pumped away, the land can slump like a punctured air mattress. Areas along the valley’s western edge have sunk by nearly thirty feet since the nineteen-twenties, and in some places the local infrastructure—roads, bridges, even the California Aqueduct itself—is at risk. Farmers and municipalities have responded by digging deeper wells, but such measures seem to be prolonging the inevitable. In Tulare County, south of Fresno, where groundwater overdraft has been particularly severe, the number of reported well failures has continued to climb, almost quadrupling since 2014, in spite of last year’s above-average precipitation and this year’s deluge. (Courtesy of The New Yorker)

In the above photo, see the desertification that has taken place. Twenty years ago this whole area was a lush, highly vegetated region and and now it turning fast into a desert.

1. Prout in a Nutshell – 14, Questions and Answers [on Society] – 3
2. Prout in a Nutshell – 14, Questions and Answers [on Society] – 3

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Way to gauge true sadhaka

True sadhakas serve others thinking it is their duty to serve one and all; and in return they do not want anything. Verily they do not have even have a remote desire for anything in return. They think those whom they are serving are Narayana God Himself. In contrast, fake sadhakas are opposite. You might have seen in various discussions and gatherings and how such persons come before all and tell, “I have done this and I have done that.” From others they mentally harbour great appreciation and respect for their so-called service. So these are fakes. To make it more clear please read Baba’s following teaching.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Bear in mind that you have a duty towards others, but that no one has any duty towards you. Everyone’s individual duty is fixed. Only one who move forward with this as his or her only thought can do proper service. Otherwise the thought may remain in the mind of the one doing service that I have done such and such work for that person, so that person ought to do such and such for me. The thought must remain in the mind of the one doing service that I have a duty towards others but no one has any duty towards me.” (1)

Note: Here sadhaka means everyone who is doing sadhana - whether they be a margii or Wt, everyone from PP Dada to a newly initiated margii.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, The Source of Internal Stamina

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

हठयोग क्या है?

 “ईश्वरतत्त्व-विहीन, भक्ति-विहीन योग, इसको लोग संस्कृत में कहते हैं---हठयोग | हठयोग मानवता के लिए लाभदायक नहीं है, हानिकारक है | "ह" माने है "सूर्य-बीज" | और, "ठ" माने है "चन्द्र-बीज" | अर्थात्‌ सूर्य-नाड़ी और चन्द्र-नाड़ी | अर्थात्‌ इडा-नाड़ी और पिङ्गला-नाड़ी को ज़बरदस्ती रोध कर लिया, तो, वह हुआ ह-ठ योग | "ह" को "ठ" के साथ ज़बरदस्ती मिलाकर रुद्ध कर दिया, तो---हठयोग | शक्ति-प्रयोग के द्वारा अचानक जो होता है, उसको हठयोग कहते हैं | हठ से जो काम होता है, हम लोग संस्कृत में उसको "हठात्‌" बोलते हैं | "हठात्‌ हो गया"---माने "ह" और "ठ" से हो गया, ज़बरदस्ती हो गया; हमारा हाथ नहीं था | “हठात्‌” बोलते हैं न, हम लोग अचानक को ? हाँ | तो, हठेन---हठेन कुरुते कर्म | वह कभी मुक्त नहीं हो सकता है, जो हठ से काम करता  है | हम लोग निन्दा करते हैं, हठकारिता की  | हठकारिता की निन्दा की जाती है |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई]  (1)

1. GD 13 September 1978 Patna

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

About the transitional phase

“Human history today has reached such a transitional phase that universal humanity, forgetting all spatial, temporal and personal differences, shall have to move, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder towards the new dawn with rapid steps. Humanity must respond to this call. With the reddish glow of the dawn, the collective body, mind and soul will be radiant with joy. And that alone will be the real progress of universal humanity, the firm establishment of unified humanism.” (Ananda Vanii #61)

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.

== Section 3: Links ==

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This email contains three sections:
1. IT: Prout solution of desertification
2. IT: Way to gauge true sadhaka
3. Links