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Monday, May 1, 2017

Story: mock expulsions + 4 more


Story: mock expulsions


Every sadhaka is aware that Baba brought everyone near and never expelled anyone. Only He performed mock expulsions whereby all were aware they were not really expelled.  The below account speaks perfectly to this point: how Baba always keeps His bhaktas engaged in dharmic works, never allowing them to stray.

1970’s: Dada S wanted to return to his laokik home

Back in 1975 during Emergency (martial law in India), Dada Satyavratananda was working in Jaipur with various other Wts. Suddenly the police came and arrested them all, but Dada S was able to evade the police and slip away. At that point, Satyavratananda left his Wt-ship, went underground, and returned to his laokik (worldly) home. That was Dadaji's way of dealing with those turbulent times. Many courageous workers and margiis held firm to the principles and fundamentals of Ananda Marga. But Satyavratananda Dada took a different route - he went back to his laokik (worldly) home in Maharashtra. But soon after, the police tracked him down and arrested him.

Once in police custody, they brought him all the way back to Jaipur and jailed him with Wts. In this way, Dada S was united with so many other avadhutas. That was exclusively Baba's grace. In that way, Satyavratananda again joined up as a Wt, and ultimately they were all released from prison in 1977.

In contrast, those other few Wts who left during Emergency (martial law in India), and went back to their laokik families, missed out on the dharma of Ananda Marga for the rest of their lives. Due to their negative samskaras and poor choices, they remained far. So it was Baba's special grace on Satyavratananda that even though Dada wanted to leave he could not. During the Emergency period in the 1970's, Baba saved him from mundane, worldly life and brought him back as a Wt worker for His divine mission. And Dadaji was very grateful.

The next turn in Dada S’s story

WT conduct rule: "No relationship should exist with worldly family." (32 Rules for Avadhutas, point #9)

Still in the 1980’s Dada Satyavratananda was considering giving up Wt life and returning to his laokik family. This thought was coming in his mind, over and over again, due to his negative samskara.  Satyavratananda knew that going back to his ancestral home was a violation of WT life, but he could not control his desire. To exhaust that bad samskara Baba did one mock expulsion for Dadaji's welfare. This was all part of Baba’s liila. Here is that event:

In the 1980's. Ac Satyavratananda Avt was mock "expelled" by all-loving Baba. Verily, he had to turn in his avadhuta dress and he was barred from seeing Baba. Rather than wait for the drama to play out and be allowed to continue as an avadhuta, Dada S took this as an opportunity to actually leave his Wt-ship and go back to his birthplace etc. So Dadaji went back to his laokik home state of Maharashtra. But Satyavratananda thought if he goes directly back to his birthplace then he will immediately be caught by Wts. So without telling anyone, he opted to hide at his laokik friend’s house in Mumbai instead, rather than go back to his laokik (worldly) family's ancestral home. Subsequently, Baba enquired about Satyavratananda. Upon hearing that Satyavratananda had left for his hometown, Baba scolded Dada S’s higher authority for not keeping a watchful eye on the situation.

Sadguru Baba saves Dada S

In this manner, Baba lovingly scolded that dada who was the boss of Satyavratananda. Then all-knowing Baba disclosed the exact whereabouts of Satyavratananda and instructed GS dada to send one dada to the address of the laokik (worldly) friend's house in Mumbai where Satyavratananda was hiding. The order was given to bring Satyavratananda back.

When the appointed Dada reached the house where Satyavratananda was hiding, then Satyavratananda was quite surprised and asked how this Dada knew where he was. Because he (i.e. Satyavratananda) hadn't told this address to anyone. That Dada replied that Baba had given them the address and told them where to go; and, moreover, Baba had given the instruction to bring Satyavratananda back to central office immediately.

Hearing thus, Satyavratananda couldn’t control himself. He was completely overwhelmed with joy of Baba’s love, and tears rolled down his cheeks. Dadaji called out, "Baba...Baba...Baba." He mentally thought of Baba and prostrated before Him. Then Satyavratananda immediately made the trip back to Kolkata. Since that time, Dada Satyavratanandji has been committed as a full-time Wt.

During a mock expulsion, most Dadas would just remain around and in due course Baba would graciously reinstate them as a Wt. And indeed on that very occasion, countless other WTs were also mock-expelled, but they did not go back to their families. They understood Baba's liila, felt repentance for their wrongs, and waited for Baba to accept them back - which He did.


Today AMPS group leaders claim that since Baba did mock expulsion, therefore they [group leaders] have the right to do genuine expulsion and kick out anyone from AMPS - permanently. But we know that this is just their bogus and egoistic cry. After all, you know that expulsion is not allowed in our Ananda Marga.

at His feet,
Rashmita Devi

The teaching from Ananda Marga philosophy on this thorny issue of expulsion has been illustrated in the below section.

~ In-depth study ~

Baba’s liila of performing mock expulsions

It was around 1984 that Baba began performing His mock expulsions. Surely many may recall how this unfolded. The first few times Baba did a mock expulsion of a Wt, there was so much intrigue and curiosity. Everyone wanted to know what the person did wrong and how it happened etc. Those workers who knew the Wt who was mock expelled would ask him directly, and those who did not know him well would ask all their friends. It was a big, big deal.

As soon as the Wt was mock expelled he had to remove his avadhuta uniform and start wearing civil dress. The “mock-expelled” Wt did not leave the office vicinity. But they were forbidden from seeing Baba, and no longer held their post etc. Sometimes this mock expulsion lasted a few hours and sometimes it would go on for a few days. But as soon as they were mock expelled, their in-charges would start pleading to Baba on the Wt’s behalf, in hopes of getting the mock-expelled worker reinstated. Baba had created the Liila’ in this way. If any supervisory worker did not advocate for the mock-expelled Wt, then Baba would rebuke them. And if the mock-expelled Wt really left the campus to go back to their family, then immediately Baba would send those in-charges to track down that Wt. Baba would say, “We need Wts for this mission, go get him and bring him back.” And immediately, the in-charge would hustle to the train station or bus depot etc and bring back that Wt.

And verily this drama mounted over the years, whereby Sadguru Baba was regularly expelling this worker or that worker for even the most simplest of reasons. It became so common that other Wts lost interest in finding out who had been mock-expelled and why etc. It was just an ordinary event. And everyone understood that the worker was not really expelled, just it was part of His divine liila.

Why mock expulsions

 Baba's plan of doing mock expulsions was done solely for benevolent purposes. In the above story about Dada S, Baba's mock expulsion was His blessing.

Baba's special approach of doing mock expulsions was done for various reasons.

(a) Life is monotonous - day to day living is boring. So in His grand manner Baba would make all kinds of dramas keep life interesting and meaningful. By this bitter-sweet drama of mock expulsion, people would learn to be more sincere in their duties and responsibilities to serve the society.

(b) Life is short and Baba's drama of mock expulsion was aimed at those lethargic people who were not utilising their potential. By this way they understood that their energy not remain forever and they should jump into action and serve.

(c) Sadguru does one particular action - like mock expulsion - and it has such a dynamic and positive effect in all realms of life. By this way, so many became activated and energized to do for the great cause of dharma. This was the great outcome of His mock expulsions.

Misuse of power of AMPS leaders

Today's opportunistic leaders of AMPS could not understand Sadguru Baba’s approach and in result they twisted the expulsion issue into a completely different direction and used it for their own self-serving and political interests. All we can say is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Now those very same opportunists are facing the reaction of their sinful deeds. They themselves== have expelled each other. For such opportunists, their energy should have been used for social service, but instead they did everything for their own selfish power. So they passed their days in infighting, paying lawyers, battling each other. Today those very same opportunists are facing their samskara, and wasting money and time in fighting criminal court cases to avoid  their own  jail sentences for their sin.

In Ananda Marga all are welcome

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, "Ananda Marga keeps its gates open so that each and every man and woman may enter. Anybody may join, anybody may sing in chorus with the rest. The united march of the people is a march of victory. Ananda Marga states this in unequivocal language." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Suppose somebody is suspended from his job. In his mind the seeds of revolt germinate. He files a court case, contacts so many people, organizes a demonstration, etc. That is the natural reaction to suspension." (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy says,  "If punishment kills or prevents one from progressing along life's path, it may be treated as vice...Instead of hating anyone, the sadvipras will encourage everyone to build good careers. This will be the sadvipra's principle duty. None should feel that they have been doomed forever." (3)

No one can be outcasted

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Ananda Marga has formed a society which frames its laws on the basis of common ideals in order to develop the idea of one-ness of all humanity. This society is radically different from any existing society, for it provides a society with a common bond where there is no distinction between class or sex, where no one is declared an outcast..." (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Harsh social punishment such as creating not find any place in our society." (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Our social life includes all; we do not exclude anything or anyone, nor will we do so in future, because we want to utilise the services of all. Thus we have been able to unite the entire humanity under one banner, and in the future we will perhaps be able to do this in a still better way." (6)

1. A Few Problems Solved Part 6,  'Spirit of Society'
2. Ananda Vacanarmtam - 3, Superstitions about Death
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 7, Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles
4. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Ananda Marga: A Revolution
5. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Ananda Marga: A Revolution
6. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, Genius and Technician

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

This flower of mine is not found in any garden or in the wild

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: In this song everything is expressed in a very poetic, artistic manner and should not be taken literally i.e on a mundane level.

"Gáner málá tomár tare, genthe rekhechi áj bhore, eso tumi karuńá kare, parábo paráń bhare..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3323)


O' Parama Purusa, since the early dawn, I have prepared this garland of songs for You. O' my Lord, please be gracious and by Your karuńá come close. With heart-felt affection I want to garland You, O’ my Adored One.

O Divine Entity, in hope and preparation of Your arrival, after bathing I wear my holy silk cloth, and carefully I collect flowers of bhakti. O’ Lord, for You, I have decorated the golden wicker tray with rhythm, melodies, and tunes to offer You. I have prepared everything that I wanted for Your auspicious reception. [1] Now I am gazing towards the path of Your arrival.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, this flower of mine is not found in the garden. It does not bloom in the wild. This flower blossoms in the depths of my mind, in my heart - amidst streams of bhakti, in the charming magic upon the strings of the viina, on a secret journey of supreme love for the Unknown. O’ Parama Purusa You are that Unknown Entity. When I cry in longing for You then this song flows from my heart.

I am waiting for You, my dearest Baba. Please grace me..

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #3323:

[1] Arcana: Some Hindu worshipers collect physical articles, lamps, and flowers and do certain rituals to honour and call the Lord. That is arcana. In our Ananda Marga that physical, external, and ritualistic approach does not belong. But if anyone is doing this spontaneously in their contemplation then it is approved - as it has a positive value. But this is not a song to be taken literally on the mundane level. Meditation is a psycho-spiritual practice and bhakti means gaining psycho-spiritual proximity with the Lord. If in their mind, one actually performs the steps outlined in this song then their mind will be goaded towards Parama Purusa. And ultimately the mind will become fully ensconced in deep samadhi where the bhakta feels oneness with Parama Purusa. So the above song can depict what a sadhaka is actually doing in their contemplative approach. If anyone is thinking about or engaging with someone then their proximity with that person increases. That is the practical teaching from this song. And that closeness is bhakti. A sadhaka feels Parama Purusa in the mind - His closeness to ultimately become one with Him.

This song describes how the sadhaka is engaging their mind in meditation. The song may be interpreted as a metaphor, or in a more direct manner because psycho-spiritually the sadhaka really is taking these actual steps in their contemplation. This depicts a bhakta’s strong desire to have the the proximity of Parama Purusa. And when Parama Purusa is not coming close, then see how that bhakta ideates and communicates his feeling with Him.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==


This following teaching has two main parts:
(a) If someone harms you in personal life and their behaviour is rectified and they feel repentant then you should forgive them - highlighted in green.
(b) If some wrongdoer harms the society then you should force them to rectify themselves - highlighted in yellow.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “The faults of others should be excused as far as possible. If you find that the conduct of an individual is antisocial, you should try to reform his or her nature by resorting to whatever severe measures may be necessary. Remember, he or she is not your enemy, but his / her conduct is the enemy of your society.” (1)

Note: You know that in various other teachings Baba says that it is bad to prematurely forgive someone. If the wrongdoer’s conduct is not changed then do not forgive them.

In the world, there are two types of forgiveness. One is real and one is pseudo. In some countries, we see that pseudo-forgiveness is often in vogue. For instance, suppose there are two teenagers, Rob and John. And they get into an argument and Rob kills John. And the police arrest Rob on charges of murder. For this crime Rob felt repentant and then his personality changed. Seeing this transformation, John’s mother said, “I forgive you Rob for killing my son John.” But if that mother does not take active steps to help Rob get parole, then that is just pseudo-forgiveness. She is just offering forgiveness to ease the hatred and pain in her own mind. When the real meaning of forgiveness means helping the rectified culprit. Repentance is not done just for relieving oneself. This is pseudo forgiveness. In real forgiveness efforts should be made to bring the rectified person out of jail.

== Section 4: Important Teaching ==

Why sadness disappears in deep sleep

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Although bodily pleasures are perceived by the mind in the wakeful state, the objects of such pleasures always come from without, with the result that the privations of the external world will always stand in the way of real happiness, as the external world cannot always supply objects in accordance with the desires and wishes of the mind. Due to this the mind has to run up and down in search of them. It becomes very agitated in the process and peace becomes and impossibility. The influence of the external world is absent during the dreamful state, accordingly the amount of pleasure is due to want of efferent desires in the mind or increased organs (for that matter here the desire is not afferent either). In the state of sleep, as the internal activities of the mind are substantially less, the amount of happiness (Static happiness) is proportionately increased.” (1)

Note: In life sometimes tragedy comes. This happens to everyone. And you might have experienced what Baba explains in the above teaching. If you lost your wallet after that you feel asleep then at least during that time of sleep you got some relief. For this reason, those who life is inundated with problems want to sedate themselves and go to sleep.

1. The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 4

== Section 5: Links ==
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This email contains five sections:
1. Posting: Story: mock expulsions
2. PS #3323: This flower of mine is not found in any garden or in the wild
3. IT: Pseudo-forgiveness
4. IT: How happiness is increased during sleep
5. Links