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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Crisis: what we can do + 2 more


Crisis: what we can do

These days there is a serious water crisis around the globe affecting around 300+ million people who are suffering from lack of food, water, and daily needs, and thousands are dying. Many countries are experiencing a severe drought, in one region or another. See the list appended below.

Indeed, the environmental problems which Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar brought to light in the following Prout discourse more than a quarter-century ago are now becoming obvious to all. If people had paid attention when He first gave this warning, this current water problem would have been controlled or averted entirely.

The below image depicts the serious drought conditions in Somalia. Due to lack of food and water people are dying.

(Below Photo: Courtesy of Farah Abdi Warsameh, AP)

The above image depicts the serious drought conditions in Somalia. Due to lack of food and water people are dying.

Although researchers now understand the problem, they do not have the proper solution. So this teaching needs to be propagated. Then it can be solved.

Prout teachings offer simple and clear-cut answers. But because leaders are not paying heed they cannot solve these growing and ongoing environmental issues of drought, water crises, flood, and pollution etc.

Regardless what governments, corporations, and NGO's decide, we as Ananda Margiis and Proutists should each do what we can individually in our personal life and collectively. Every concerned person can help solve the matter by planting a tree and conserving water.

The below image depicts the serious drought conditions in Somalia. Due to lack of food and water thousands are dying. Here is one photo of child.

(Below Photo: Courtesy of Farah Abdi Warsameh, AP)

The above image depicts the serious drought conditions in Somalia. Due to lack of food and water thousands are dying. Here is one photo of child.

In the general society, people know the problems but not the solutions. It is our duty to share Prout’s answers with all. Kindly read the below key guidelines from Prout philosophy for how to resolve this burning issue of water crisis, drought and starvation. Please educate those in your community.

Every margii can help solve the matter to some degree by planting trees in your area, conserving water, and propagating of Prout's teachings.

In Him
Brahma Prakash

~ In-depth study ~

  • Here below is an excerpt from the discourse, "Water Conservation", given by Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, the Propounder of Prout.

Constructing more deep tube wells is not the answer

Water Conservation, 25 March 1989, Calcutta

If it does not rain anywhere on earth for only one year, all life on the planet will be destroyed. This is because all creatures – from the smallest organisms to the largest animals – need water. If there is no water, first the small creatures will die, then the ecological balance of the planet will be lost. Next, human beings will also die, and soon the earth will become a barren wasteland.

Global Water Crisis

In the near future there will be a severe crisis in many parts of the world. Many large rivers like the Ganga, the Jamuna and the Thames are already very polluted. People cannot drink this water, and if they even wash their hands in it they can become infected. The only solution is to rely on rainwater. We must collect the rainwater, develop the science of making artificial rain through helium or any other process, and bring the clouds which rain over the ocean onto the land. Constructing more deep tube wells is not the answer. Rather, we must catch the rainwater where it falls. Many ponds, canals, dams, lakes and reservoirs should be immediately constructed to catch the rainwater and store it for drinking water. This is the only way out of the water crisis that will confront humanity in the very near future.

In the physical sphere there are two types of calamities – natural calamities and those caused by human beings. Today most calamities are caused by human beings, but sometimes natural calamities like typhoons, floods, droughts, earthquakes, etc., also occur. Although different types of calamities may confront humanity, doomsday will never happen. The very idea of doomsday is based on dogma.

Land area of the Indian subcontinent is decreasing

The calamities caused by human beings are mainly of two types. First, many calamities are caused by the bifurcation and trifurcation of society. The bifurcation of society is exemplified by the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians and the recent war between North and South Vietnam. The division of India into India, Pakistan and Bangladesh is an example of the trifurcation of society.

Calamities are also caused by the destruction of the environment and the indiscriminate exploitation of subterranean resources such as coal, oil and water. One of the greatest causes of environmental destruction is deforestation. Due to deforestation, the rain clouds coming from the Bay of Bengal travel all the way across India and rain on the Arabian Sea. That is, clouds which once rained on Magadh now rain on the Arabian Sea. Consequently, the water level in the Arabian Sea is gradually rising and the Bay of Bengal is becoming more salty. The result is that the water level around the coast of India is rising, the land area of the Indian subcontinent is decreasing and soil erosion is increasing. Approximately two-thirds of the surface of the globe is water and one-third is land, but due to deforestation the water portion is increasing and the land portion is decreasing.

Another cause of environmental destruction is the exploitation of subterranean resources. Deep cavities have been formed in the earth after extracting subterranean resources, and these cavities should be properly filled. In some countries it is the practice to use sand to fill the cavities created by mining underground coal. If these cavities are left unfilled, the surrounding regions are more likely to experience earthquakes than other areas. Moreover, the unfilled cavities can severely weaken the surface structure of the earth, causing whole regions to collapse.

Afforestation is the only solution to desertification

In some Arab countries, huge amounts of money have been made by extracting oil from under the ground. Several years ago the leaders of these countries realized that the supply of oil would not last forever, so they started to think about the future of their countries after the supply of oil was exhausted. They became concerned that the level of the water-table was falling and the sizes of the deserts were increasing. To solve this problem, they decided to import soil and sweet water to create dense forests. Now the trees that they planted are eight to ten years old, and last year it was reported that they experienced floods for the first time. Many of the local people had never seen floods before, and young children even cried in alarm at the sight of the rain!

The exploitation of subterranean water reserves is contributing to desertification in many parts of the world, and as the subterranean water level recedes, the soil near the surface dries out and plants wither and die. This has already happened in many parts of Rajasthan. Afforestation is the only solution to desertification. Human beings have suffered from water scarcity and drought in the past, and this problem will continue unless proper care is taken in the future. If deforestation and the indiscriminate exploitation of subterranean water reserves continue, it is likely that many parts of the world will face severe water shortages within 5 years until these issues are resolved. The only way to avoid such a catastrophe is to immediately implement a decentralized approach to water conservation. (Water Conservation, 25 March 1989, Calcutta)
  • Here above is an excerpt from the discourse, "Water Conservation", given by Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, the Propounder of Prout.

Courtesy of San Jose Mercury News

“Extreme even in a state infamous for extremes, Santa Barbara is wet above but desperately dry below — and must grasp for solutions to cope with a future California climate that could deliver wetter storms but also deeper droughts.” (Courtesy of San Jose Mercury News)

Drought disasters

(Courtesy of Unicef)

The following eleven countries are experiencing severe droughts / disaster. Around the globe, approximately 300+ million people are suffering from severe drought, and lack of food, water, and daily needs.
  • Ethiopia
  • Eritrea
  • Somalia
  • Sudan
  • Uganda
  • Afghanistan
  • China
  • India
  • Iran
  • Morocco
  • Pakistan

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

“Ghosts” are figment of imagination

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "I had a certain acquaintance whose garden was quite large. One night his wife thought she saw a ghost in a corner of the garden. In Bihar, a female ghost is called `chudel' in Hindi. At the sight of the imagined ghost she cried out in fear, and fainted. She never regained consciousness and died some time later. The next night the same gentleman came out of his house at the same time. He also thought he saw the ghost. `Why should people have to die one after the other in this way?' he thought. Stepping forward to strike at the imaginary ghost with a stick, he suddenly saw that it was nothing but a bush which, in the moonlight, looked just like a human being. His wife had died for nothing, terrified by the deceptive image of a bush. Most so-called ghosts are like this. Towards the end of the rainy season rotting vegetation often gives out a gas, called marsh gas or will-o'-the-wisp, which bursts into flame when it comes in contact with oxygen. This burning gas may easily be taken to be a ghost. This is how a fear complex can develop." (1)

Note: In His various discourses, Baba clearly states that there is no such thing as “ghosts”; so-called ghosts do not exist. Most often, people in their mind imagine that there is a “ghost”, as is the case in the above example. When in fact there is a perfectly rational and logical explanation. People imagine it and become convinced that it is real.

1.  Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, How Should a Devotee Behave?