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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Why India + 3 more


Why India

Every so often some wonder why Baba started Ananda Marga in India and why He established our headquarters also in India. Following are points for all to consider.

As we know, to do anything in this world a proper environment is needed, i.e. a place that is conducive. The conditions should be most suitable for the success of that project. For instance, if you plant a tree in a desert then that seedling will never grow. Rather, it will die a premature death, never even making it through the early stages of life. In contrast, if that same seedling is planted in a region that experiences regular rains and appropriate temperatures, that tree will become very healthy and strong, and reach full maturity.

The central idea is that each and every thing in this universe is dependent upon a place or region that is most suitable for its progress. And this theorem applies to our Ananda Marga as well.

Before delving deeper into this topic we should first remind ourselves what Ananda Marga is. And then we can best understand why Baba started Ananda Marga in India and established the headquarters (HQ) there. Baba is the Dharma Guru and His Ananda Marga ideology is the essence of dharma contains all the guidelines for tantric life. So the offices of Ananda Marga should be placed in a region that will support dharmic principles and the proper growth of Ananda Marga.

The prana dharma of India

Each and every land has its own unique characteristics and specialties, or pra’n’a dharma.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “When the national characteristics are expressed in a particular vein, we may call it the pra’n’a dharma of the nation.” (1)

And here below Baba describes the pra’n’a dharma of India.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “The thoughts and ideals of India are quite different from the other countries…Since ancient times, India has been adhering to her distinct pra’n’a dharma. Regarding life and the world, the Indian people are certainly spiritually inclined. They look upon each and every thought and deed as part of their spiritual practice.” (2)

So India was the one country where the overall flow of life is based on spirituality and the mass of people have incorporated this outlook into their very way of living. And the residue of that tantric approach remained for some time. We must bear in mind that Baba is referring to that period of time in India before the mass import of materialism and pseudo-culture. We all have to consider how far this is still relevant today.

Age 5 to 25 received extensive training in spiritual knowledge

Here below Baba explains more about the traditional way of life in India.

Ananda Marga philosophy says. “The reason is that in ancient India, children studied from the age of five till the age of twenty-five. They lived virtuous, disciplined and holy lives and received extensive training in spiritual knowledge as well as some degree of mundane knowledge. At the conclusion of their student careers, they returned home to adopt the life of householders. As householders they continued to cultivate both spiritual knowledge (para’) and mundane knowledge (apara’). When they reached the age of fifty, having met all their family commitments, they would adopt the life of a Vanaprastha and retire to a forest to concentrate on the cultivation of spiritual knowledge.” (3)

By His above description it is clear how for generations and generations the entire mode of living in India was geared towards spiritual thought. Each and every aspect of Indian life was based on spirituality. That was the long ongoing history and may not apply to these ultra-modern times in India’s major cities that has been so affected by materialism etc.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “All aspects of Indian life were based on spirituality. This subjective approach to life became the Pra’n’a Dharma of Indians.” (4)

So by His above teachings it is clear that the land of India had a special link with the sublime ideals of spirituality. And the remnants of that continued for some time. Baba discusses this at length in His discourse ‘Spirituality & India’ (i.e. Bha’ratvars’a aor A’dhya’tmikata’) from AV-28 chapter 20 Hindi edition. In this discourse, Ananda Marga philosophy explains how over the centuries, those dharmikas interested in spirituality traveled to India to learn more and advance their practice. Because India was a mecca of spiritual thought and eruditio, i.e. a land of great sages and sadhakas. India attracted countless earnest seekers who wanted spiritual attainment and liberation.

India was conducive and overseas margiis came

It is no different from how in the second-half of the 20th century and opening portion of the 21st century, those looking for training in material science went to the USA and Europe to study. Because in the US and Europe there was funding, facilities, universities, and corporations keen in this domain. Students and professionals from around the globe made their way to those areas to advance their careers. Same was the case with India in the realm of spirituality.

So in this discourse – ‘Spirituality & India’ AV-28 (H) – we must bear in mind that Baba is referring to that period of time in India before the mass import of materialism and pseudo-culture. We all have to consider how far this is still relevant today. And when Baba was first forming Ananda Marga, then certainly this was the case: The prana dharma of India was spirituality.

When the mass of people in India are inclined towards spiritual ideals then it only makes sense our HQ should was first established in India. That is not to say that Indian margiis are more spiritual than overseas margiis. Rather, overseas margiis have a very special samskara because even though they grew up in materialistic areas still they did not get lured in that direction but were attracted to the divine ideals of Ananda Marga. That itself is a special characteristic.

Walking down the street with human skulls

At the same time it has to be recognised that the general mass of people in India were far more aware in the ways of tantra than other countries around the globe. That is why if one of our avadhutas was walking down the street with human skulls in a bag then the people had reverence for him, thinking him to be a great tantric and a well-wisher of humanity. And still that residue remains in some parts of India today.

In contrast, if anyone is caught moving around with skulls, in most overseas countries then they will either be arrested or questioned by the police. The people there will think that our avadhuta is a threat to society. Reason being those local citizens and officials have no inherent appreciation for the dharmic ways of tantra. Verily, there are thousands and thousands of examples of how the people in India will naturally support so many of the tantric ideals and tenets of Ananda Marga. In that case Ananda Marga has a conducive environment in which to exist and grow, and will not be under attack each and every minute, or rejected outrightly.

Even though the land of India is not without its clashes and challenges – both past and present – still it has to be recognised that in the years when Baba was forming Ananda Marga India was the place best suited for the successful build-up of the mission.


Lord Shiva is the Father of tantra. The land of India was imbibed with that vibration for centuries and centuries right up through the 20th century. In some places it had waned and some less so. Yet, in comparison to the rest of the world, India remained a fertile ground for the propagation of Ananda Marga ideals. As we know, in the 1960’s and 1970, even entire villages and all their distant relations were initiated into Ananda Marga sadhana. The long history of tantra remained alive in certain parts of India and was embraced by those inhabitants. So it was the most appropriate place to found an organisation (AMPS) for the spreading of Ananda Marga ideology.

In Him,
Vidya’ Ma’ya’

By Baba’s grace the day is fast arriving where the sublime ideals of Ananda Marga will touch each and every human heart.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Remember, everyone is entitled to sa’dhana’. For this, nothing neither pedigree, education, knowledge nor any asset, is necessary except only two things – implicit faith and sincerity. Arouse these two things through your will-power and victory is yours, it must come." (5)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4
2. A Few Problems Solved - 6, ‘Pra’n’a Dharma’
3. A Few Problems Solved - 6, ‘Pra’n’a Dharma’
4. A Few Problems Solved - 6, ‘Pra’n’a Dharma’
5. Subhasita Samgraha - 4

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Which four root languages mapped most of the globe

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "When a swift horse runs its hooves make a turtur sound. That which makes a turtur sound as it moves is called turaga or turaunga or turaungama (that is, "horse"). That animal which makes a kurkur sound as it runs is called kuraga or kuraunga or kuraungama (that is, "deer"). In this way human beings have created many word forms and verb forms to express their mental ideas. This process of word formation is called "acoustic derivation" and the original verbal roots in all the world's languages were created in this way."

"The first word forms in all the world's languages were the original verbal roots. By adding prefixes and suffixes many different words were derived. Among the established languages of the world, mainly four can be considered as the root languages. They are Vedic, Latin, Hebrew and old Chinese. If one examines the derivation of the vocabulary of these languages one will find that their method or process is identical. (1)

Here Baba is explaining that these 4 languages (Vedic, Latin, Hebrew and old Chinese) are root languages. The words and vocabulary of these languages are based on the natural sounds those inhabitants heard, such as when a horse runs. In that way those early people created root verbs.  Time passed; daughter and granddaughter languages were formed. And those languages were built upon the root verbs of those four original root languages.

For example, Sanskrit / Samskrta came from the Vedic language and from Sanskrit / Samskrta so many Indian languages were created: Hindi, Bengali, Gujurati, Malayalam and all the Indo-Aryan languages. They are all based on Sanskrit / Samskrta and follow the same root verb from the original Vedic. This is also happened with Latin, Hebrew and Old Chinese. So many languages were formed upon the root verbs of these 3 other root languages, just as happened with Vedic.

1. Varn'a Vijina'na, Disc 19, p.270

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Don't Blame Parama Purusa, He Is Not Giving Test,

Obstacles Are Not Created By The Great Preceptor Sadguru

"Sádhaná is the effort to free oneself from the qualifying influence of Prakrti. Avidyámáyá is also a quality, and that too has to be renounced. If a tenant has been occupying a house for a very long time it will be extremely difficult to suddenly evict him by force, particularly if he has been treated as a respectable tenant for a long time. He will never leave the house willingly and will place all sorts of obstacles in your path. You will have to fight against all his manoeuvres, and only when you have completely defeated him will the bully allow you to enter the house. Similarly, as one has been at the mercy of Avidyámáyá for many lives, it will not leave easily when one starts intuitional practice. Like the bullying tenant, Avidyámáyá will throw all possible obstacles across one’s path when one tries to destroy its influence. Sádhaná or intuitional practice as taught by a great preceptor is the way to remove Avidyámáyá. Only success in sádhaná can make Avidyámáyá loosen its hold. So the beginning of true sádhaná is marked by great resistance from Avidyámáyá, which, through the obstacles it creates, tries to compel one to give up sádhaná. In its attempts to subdue Avidyámáyá, sádhaná will naturally meet resistance from the evil force of Avidyámáyá. Obstacles in sádhaná (intuitional practices) should be regarded as an indication of one’s success in one’s attempt to remove Avidyámáyá. Obstacles are not created by God or the great preceptor (sadguru), as they wish every one of the units to become emancipated like themselves. They are created by Prakrti, against whom one is waging war. If one is to win, Prakrti has to be defeated with the weapon of sádhaná, against which Avidyámáyá defends itself by placing obstacles in one’s way. Obstacles in sádhaná should be regarded as good signs, indicating that the influence of Avidyámáyá is beginning to wane." (AMEP, Intuitional Practice and Its Necessity)


== Section 3: Links ==

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Why India
2. Important Teaching: Which four root languages mapped most of the globe
3. Links