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Friday, September 3, 2021

AMPS & Islam + 3 more


AMPS & Islam


This is the story of how after 1990 various dogmas were imposed on our AMPS society, especially regarding the position and rank of PP Dada. 

In Caryacarya, Sadguru Baba did not give any special status to PP. However, varieties of dogmas sprouted in the fertile brain of Sarvatmananda. In the early 1990s, when PP Shraddhananda was in Sarvatmananda’s pocket, Dada Sarvatmananda created a new, special code of conduct for PP giving him privileged status. Those dogmas thrived during the reign of Sarvatmananda’s dictatorship, and they were ruthlessly enforced. Any margii or Wt who opposed those dogmas was humiliated, harassed, and ousted.

How imposed Islamic dogma quashed ancient civilisations

The imposition of religious dogmas is not a new thing. History has witnessed that when Islam came into being then gradually those Muslims attacked non-Islamic areas, and captured and killed males, and forced their religious dogma on the defeated parties. One such example is the case of Egypt. Those Muslim invaders forcibly imposed their religion, destroyed the local civilisation, and killed all the males. The females were captured and made into domestic slaves, i.e. child-producing devices. Due to fear, those mothers unwillingly accepted Islam. But their progeny had no clue about the terror and bloodshed and became strong, fanatical supporters of Islam. To this day, still that Islamic religion reigns supreme in Egypt. In the museums there are artifacts from ancient Egyptian civilisation that have nothing to do with the modern Islamic state of Egypt. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The greatest blow to Egyptian civilization came from the section of Arab society that was imbued with Islamic ideology. Due to the influence of these new Arab bhávadhárá [thought-waves], the new Egypt became dissociated, in its thought-waves, from ancient Egypt. Thus modern Egypt has ideologically nothing in common with its ancient past.” (1)

The same type of brutal, religious takeover happened in Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, and most of central Asia and the Middle East. In their heyday (across European countries, South America, and other lands around the globe), the other religions ruled by the sword. During the Crusades, the defeated party was either killed or forcibly converted. The central idea here is that during the rise of Islam, the residing males were killed, and the females were branded as child-producing factories. In the absence of opposition and strong indoctrination, the next generation became strong supporters of Islam.

AMPS also suffering from imposed dogma

A similar thing is going on now in AMPS. Newcomers are being indoctrinated and embracing PP as a divine being with super-human qualities. They have no clue that PP is just an ordinary human, bound by all the internal enemies and external bondages. PP himself is under bondage so how can he give any blessing of liberation etc. Yet now this dogma is thriving. 

Whenever any dogma is imposed then a small percentage of dharmikas vocally oppose that dogma and in turn the propagators of dogma oust those courageous people. The remaining masses keep quiet for their own safety due to the pressure of circumstance. But, in their heart of hearts, they do not really accept that imposed dogma. They only give lip service to it to avoid being attacked, jailed, harassed etc by the group leaders. This is the initial stage for the imposition of any dogma.

As time goes by and the next generation is born, this younger generation of people wholly embraces that imposed dogma as their own. They grow up with it and are not aware of any prior guideline, teaching, or belief. By their schooling and through the authorities they completely accept that dogma with all their heart. That is what happened with the Filipinos and Africans with regards to Christianity and that is what we see in so many instances. The first generation tolerates that dogma due to fear and harsh consequences, and the next generation lives and breathes that dogma.

Keeping quiet is not an option

Those margiis who came prior to 1990 cannot think that really PP is some divine entity. Only in order to escape punishment etc, they do not protest against this dogma. But their children and new margiis are enveloped by this and they think that truly PP is divine, and that one must get his marriage blessing, or they think that MPD is a veritable festival or day of observance in AMPS. There are so many dogmas that they embrace.

So if awakened margiis and dharmikas do not vociferously oppose all the various dogmas that have been inculcated by the current dogmatic purodhas since 1990, then those dogmas will stick and the dharmic teachings of Ananda Marga will be lost.

In Him,

Dogma: PP has capacity to bless

PP Vishvadevananda can often be seen giving his so-called blessing to innocent margiis. This dogma of how PP is divine was infused after 1990 and is now getting more and more cemented. But PP is just a pseudo-guru and an imposter. There is no special code in Caryacarya for PP, as PP is a sadhaka just like everyone else. Only Sarvatmananda was keen to infuse PP with a special, god-like stature so he (Sarvatmananda) could usurp that power. And since that moment Rudrananda has opportunistically used PP in that same manner.

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Careful about this...

Ananda Marga ideology states, "It has been said earlier that the grace of Parama Puruśa is only showered on devotees. His grace is all that matters. It is true that the people of knowledge (jiṋániis) and the people of action (karmiis) may labour harder, but it is the devotees (bhaktas) alone who attain Parama Puruśa. There are two major obstacles on the path of knowledge: lethargy and vanity. A vain person remains far away from Parama Puruśa. Of all the different types of lethargy, spiritual lethargy is the worst. Spiritual lethargy means not to sit for meditation regularly. Those with spiritual lethargy have time for all other actions, but for spiritual practice there seems to be no time. They say, “It's already late today – I'll do a short meditation right now, and devote more time to sádhaná tomorrow.” They sit attentively inside the cinema hall, but in dharma sádhaná they feel sleepy." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 10, The Devotee and the Lord

== Section: Important Teaching ==

The selfishness of pseudo-bhaktas

False aspirants think about themselves whereas true bhaktas think about God and want to serve Him. By this approach life becomes meaningful and they reach to the Goal; otherwise, they are just fake bhaktas who take birth and die again and again, suffering in this transitory world.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "True devotees can think only of Parama Puruśa – their every action is to please Parama Puruśa. For them, there is only sádhaná and selfless service to the universe – and because selfless service is to please the Lord, that also helps sádhaná. Tapah [selfless service] is part of sádhaná. True devotees are unable to think of right and wrong, but because they wish only to please Parama Puruśa, they can only do good, all their actions will be benevolent. So you are not just to worry about right and wrong, about dos and don'ts – you are to develop that true devotion for Parama Puruśa...But of course, until you develop such devotion, you must distinguish what to do from what not." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam-30, The True Devotee