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Friday, October 27, 2017

No falsehood? + 3 more

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No falsehood?


Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Preach only satya. Whatever you have done with reasons thereof. Also, make it clear to them what you want to do and why you want to do.  The result of this highly useful (helpful) preaching is that the inferiority complex disappears from the mind of the common men. They are encouraged when they see that a common man like themselves is inspired with such a high ideal. The second result of this is as follows. The common result of this is as follows. The common people are not generally aware of your usefully high ideas. In every work, big or small, they cling to selfishness. So, learning everything pure and high through your easy and simple language they will co-operate with you, with a mind free from wrong notions. The third outcome of this is that they will be shorn off the wrong notions that may have crept into them by the propaganda made by the selfish persons with vested interests."

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Win over their heart by propagating satya but without abusing anyone. When, they will feel the ideal of satya and come to know of your untiring karma sa'dhana', naturally, they will abandon their wrong notions about you; they will even start respecting you."

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Even in private life when a person behaves with you badly or uses harsh words, don't behave with him in the same manner. You shall explain to him his duties gently. In case, anyone has a wrong impression, you shall show him the right path without scolding (abusing) him. Make it clear to him if possible with practical demonstration how harmful may be the effect of such habits. But always keep this in mind that in such cases your behavior must be like that of a friend, and never like that of an instructor. Your only object will be to get your advice accepted by him. the idea that he is fool and you are wise is not desirable in any party." (1)

Pracara tips

Note: Here Baba is giving us invaluable guidelines for going pracara and bringing all onto the path of bliss.

1) At all times we should follow the code of satya - i. speaking the truth for universal welfare, never giving way to falsehood out of self-interest.

2) Those suffering from a superiority complex are unable to properly guide or teach others. For them, doing Ananda Marga pracar is basically impossible.

3) However, in the Supreme Command, Baba has allotted us the special duty "to bring all to the path of bliss" - to bring all to the divine path of Ananda Marga. So this is a very sacred task which our Guru has given. Indeed it is the greatest social duty of human life.

4) When Parama Purusa takes advent on this dusty earth then He does not waste His time in any type of material pursuit; rather, He is fully dedicated to the all-round progress and emancipation of human beings.

5) The conclusion is that the most virtuous aspect of human life is serving others. And the best service - the most lasting service - is doing dharma pracar. For this reason we should sincerely follow Baba's above guideline.

in Him,

1. Ta'ttvika Diipika': Dvitiiya Parva

== Section 2: Main Topic ==

We cannot allow our fellow human beings to be divided

"Ma'nav sama'j avibha'jy jayga'n..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0880)


Human society is one and indivisible - collectively we have to express this glorious ideal through song, dance, and music. We cannot allow our fellow human beings to be divided. We have to propagate the idea that all humans are one. O' my brothers and sisters, we have to march ahead and form a united human society without delay. We have to tread onwards crushing all sorts of thorns that hinder our plan and program of forming one vast human family. Those obstacles are like spikes and must be destroyed. A singular human society should be established. We have to sing His glory.

All human beings are my brothers and sisters - my own close and very intimate ones. No one is far or distant. Everyone is my kith and kin, nearest and dearest. If all human beings are moving collectively in one flow then Parama Purusa always remains with them. And He is ever-gracious. When human beings are fragmented they go far from Parama Purusa. If everyone is moving together towards Him in unison then this dusty earth will be turned into one golden paradise.

In the past we got swept away in the dogma of groupism - giving way to disparities and differences. We kept other human beings, our brothers and sisters, distant and far away - thinking that they belonged to another group. This was our ignorance. We fell into the dogma of narrow-mindedness. We degenerated into a dungeon of fissiparous tendencies - drifting far away from Baba's divine teachings of neo-humanism.

Today, by His grace, I have overcome my ignorance and illusion. Now I am working tirelessly for everybody's attainment of perfect peace. We have to raise the slogan of one human society; our collective humanity is one and indivisible. We are to sing the glory of Parama Purusa as our Cosmic Father...

== Section 3: Comment ==

Re: AMPS: future

I have one word for the Dear Brother who submitted this.
PS But are we to wait like so many toads on a rock waiting for change to come?
Or are we real dynamic men and women knowing that time is of the essence ?
Are we followers of evolution or revolution ?
What did BABA want? More speed more any logical means necessary.
Careveti ! Careveti!

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic - AMPS: future?

== Section 4: Links ==
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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #0880: We cannot allow our fellow human beings to be divided
2. IT: No falsehood?
3. Comment: Re: AMPS: future
4. Links