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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Bad way - 1 & 2

Bad way - 1

This letter gives the Proutistic direction for resolving this urgent issue: If the Gandhian protest fast is not the way to end exploitation in AMPS, then what is the way. Please continue reading.

Movement will not be successful if

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Without arousing social consciousness, it is next to impossible to bring about social welfare. It may not be possible to bring about social welfare through constructive programmes and through the struggle against injustice alone; social consciousness is indispensable.” (1)

Prout philosophy states, “Before launching any movement, you should make sure that the masses are conscious of their exploitation, otherwise the movement will not be successful. Although it may take some time to raise the consciousness of the masses, ultimately you will be victorious.” (2)

Demon's heart will not melt

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Some people are of the opinion that only humanistic appeals [protest fast] and no other approach can effect a change of heart. Although the principles of such people may be high, in reality the soil of the earth is extremely hard. Their appeals to do good cannot easily gain support.” (3)

Prout philosophy states, “Revolution may not take place unless the exploited masses are psychologically prepared for revolution. If the people do not support revolution, the clarion call for revolution will not be heeded." (4)

Nowadays, the mass of common margiis and Wts will not support revolution as they are not cognizant of or adequately educated about the rampant exploitation in the organisation these days. Some few are educated, but the common mass is not. So first, the mass of margiis must be made to understand that their rights are being curtailed. Without proper education and awareness about the issues, those margiis will side with Rudrananda or Sarvatmananda etc.

What to do

What to do: The main job is to raise the mass consciousness down to the village level. 95% of the margiis in remote villages in some countries do not have computers. They need some other way to know what is going on in the organisation. Due to that ignorance, they do not know about exploitation and their rights, and they will not support the revolution. Rather, in their confused state, they will label and blame the revolution as being anti-organisational.

Baba denounces the Gandhian fasting as a means to press for particular social demands / protest. Baba tells it never works because those exploiters / wrongdoers are very low. The exploiter Dada R will be happy that his enemy is getting destroyed by the extended fast. That is why fasting to protest exploitation will never work.

Our India is very susceptible to this type of Gandhian protest because non-margiis commonly do this. After the hunger striker revolutionaries fast, then on small or big problems, Ananda Margiis will start fasting and then those hunger striker revolutionaries will be the villain for generations and generations. So watch out  - we should not participate in any type of hunger strike.

Debauched purodhas will not have a path to run away

Only one thing we can do is channelise the protest in a constructive way. Educate the margiis about exploitation and in DMS with one voice they should leap on the aggressors. Then those debauched purodhas will not have a path to run away. The problems will be solved forever.

But now margiis are uneducated. They do not know that they are being exploited. So they go by the thousands to honour these womaniser purodhas. However, if we open their eyes then the work will be done. Our duty is to educate the margiis about the presence of exploitation in AMPS. Then in DMS with one voice margiis will leap on the exploiters; those exploiters will not have a path to run away. They will run with their tail between their legs along with their spouses.

In Him,
Ram Prakash

~ In-depth study ~

Prout philosophy says, "Revolution may not take place unless the exploited masses are psychologically prepared for revolution. If the people do not support revolution, the clarion call for revolution will not be heeded." (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “In order to save humanity from economic exploitation (whether politico-economic or psycho-economic), you must raise the people’s consciousness, otherwise they will never be able to successfully resist psycho-economic or politico-economic exploitation.” (6)

Prout philosophy says, “A leader of the Maethilii community in Bihar wanted to start a movement against the exploitation of the Maethilii language, so he organized a massive rally and started to lecture the people about the suppression of Maethilii. Initially, everyone listened to him attentively and supported his ideas. At the end of his address he told the masses: “We will live for Maethilii, we will die for Maethilii.” But one person amongst the crowd shouted out: “Yes, we will live for Maethilii, but why should we die for Maethilii? Rather, I choose to die in Kashi.”.. Immediately all the people started supporting this view, and as a result the meeting was disturbed. This happened because the people were not conscious of the suppression.” (7)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us “So, you should neither encourage voracity, nor should you undergo fasting for a long period of time.” (8)

1. Namámi Krśńasundaram, Disc: 26
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
3. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution
6. Liberation of Intellect - Neo-humanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture (Discourse 7)
7. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
8. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, Seven Secrets

== Section 2: Topic ==

Bad way - 2


Nowhere in Ananda Marga philosophy, or the teachings of neo-humanism, nor in Prout philosophy will you find any guideline that says to fight exploiters by doing a hunger fast. Rather, when fighting enemies one should strengthen themselves in all sorts of ways. The Gandhian way of fasting is just the opposite; it is suicidal.

Outlandish idea

You can imagine if you are attacking an enemy and in the middle of the war you announce the outlandish idea to adopt a Gandhian method whereby from now on, “All my commanders, troops, and soldiers will begin a fast unto death. And by this way we will march to victory and defeat our enemies.” However, by this outlandish Gandhian approach, you are actually destroying your entire army and helping your enemy. That is why the Gandhian approach is suicidal.

Here the point is that with the strength of the body, mind, and intellect you are trying to defeat the exploiters. But the Gandhian way is to starve that same body, which in turn will adversely affect the mind and intellect. After a few days that person will lose their strength; in a short span they will become so depleted they will be unable to think or walk. That is why this type of protest is not only ignorance but suicide. Only the enemies are benefited by this slow, steady death of a Gandhian hunger fast.

Actually, if the spirit of XYZ’s overall plan of fighting against injustice is very good. But his / her approach is bad. Let me explain further. If XYZ is trying to fight against all sorts of exploitation in AMPS. Indeed that is the need of the day. But his / her modus operandi, i.e. Gandhian approach of fasting to death, will harm all his / her fighting troops.


Nowhere in Ananda Marga philosophy, or the teachings of neo-humanism, nor in Prout philosophy will you find any guideline that says to fight exploiters by doing a hunger fast. Rather, when fighting enemies one should strengthen themselves in all sorts of ways. The Gandhian way of fasting is just the opposite; it is suicidal.

In Him
Kripal Singh

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Some people are of the opinion that only humanistic appeals and no other approach can effect a change of heart. Although the principles of such people may be high, in reality the soil of the earth is extremely hard. Their appeals to do good cannot easily gain support. What are humanistic appeals, or satyágraha? simpler language, they are a way to compel people to move.” (1)

1. Human Society - 1, Social Justice

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 3: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Most endearing & charming Entity 

"Tumi nandan-manthan candan sa'r a'j eso prabhu ghare a'ma'r..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4394)


Baba, O’ Parama Purusa, You are the most endearing and charming Entity and as sweet as the essence of nectar. Please come to my home today. I have decorated my entire house for Your reception - for the occasion of Your august arrival. I have opened all the doors and windows of the abode of my heart, along with the thousand petals of the white lotus. I have decorated the pitcher with mango branchlets and leaves. All done with the hope that You will come in a gracious mood.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, I do not know the protocol for welcoming You, nor how to receive You in a grand way. You are anadi, beginningless, so Your lineage is not known to me. I never heard of Your gotra. And there are no particular scriptures, rituals, or dos and don'ts for chanting Your name, and calling You. So with my ista mantra I am calling You with tears in my eyes.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, I came to know that You are vast. Your idol cannot be made and You do not have an abode in any tiirtha. I never heard of any pilgrim that You like. So It is useless to search for You in the various holy lands. For all these reasons, I have created the atma'-tiirtha: Your seat in my soul. In that very divine temple, my mind is dancing, overwhelmed in the bliss of having You. Baba, please come in an attractive and exquisite way. Kindly come in my heart, I have been waiting for You since ages...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Sadhana becomes harmful if

Here below Baba warns how Ananda Marga sadhana could be harmful. Suppose you are closing your eyes and sitting for sadhana, but instead of doing mantra japa you are planning how you will beat xyz     or file a court case to harass your neighbor. All kinds of negative thoughts are coming in the mind and by this way the time is wasted. In that case, the mind becomes more degenerated in comparison to when you started sadhana. After sadhana, the mind is in a lower state than it was before sadhana. Merely closing the eyes and sitting for sadhana is not enough. With bhakti and reverence one has to repeat their mantra. Then surely it will be fruitful.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “अब तो---"गोतिया से मुक़दमा लड़ना है | अब तो उसके {उसकी} खेत में भैंस छोड़नी है |" यही सब भावना | क्यों ये सब भावनाएँ आती हैं जी ? न, जप जिसके लिए हो रहा है, उससे मुहब्बत नहीं है | तो, बड़ी चीज़ है, यहाँ मुहब्बत | मुहब्बत है तो जप ठीक से होगा; मुहब्बत नहीं है तो जप व्यर्थ | और जप तो व्यर्थ है, उसके साथ-साथ समय भी बरबाद हो गया | और परमपुरुष के प्रति ध्यान नहीं है; तो, जप का दुरुपयोग भी हो जाएगा | अर्थात्‌ पूजा के नाम पर बैठा है, और उतना एक-डेढ़ घण्टा केवल अनुचित {चिन्ता में} चिन्तन में व्यस्त रह गया | अर्थात्‌ और भी ख़राब काम हुआ | जैसा था, उससे भी नीचे गिर जाएगा | अर्थात्‌ "गैल भैंस पाइन में खूँटा समेत |" (1)

1. DMC 1 January 1979 Patna

== Section 4: Links ==

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