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Thursday, May 9, 2019

AMPS: recent expulsions


AMPS: recent expulsions


You must have heard that recently one avadhuta has been expelled.

This sin of expulsion is not new. The first victim of expulsion was Ac Maniisananda Avt who became a Wt in 1970. He was expelled in January 1994 when all the groups were all together. This incident happened 24 years ago, a quarter-century back. That time Dada Sarvatmananda gave the oral order to expel Dada Maniishananda. And all the groups gave their full support as they were all ruling AMPS together. That was the first expulsion, and it was done with the support of all the Wt groups. Yet Dada Maniishananda’s only fault was raising the voice against scriptural distortion and margii rights etc. Those leaders who expelled him were later on expelled by that same tool. It was a boomerang, and since then that boomerang has been going on and on and on, and it will destroy everything if it is not stopped.

Pointing out debauched leaders

Whistleblowers on any point get expelled. A similar thing is related with the recent expulsions of Ac Ramkrsnananda Avt, as well as numerous margiis. The basic formula is this. Rudrananda and his stooges are very aware of their lowly status as Rudrananda has collected a bunch of debauched persons to occupy the seats in Centre. Courageous and brave margiis naturally were keen to what has been going on and pointed out the inadequacies and characterless dealings of those in Centre. That brought huge irritation in the psyche of Rudrananda and his lackeys, and in quick succession they categorically pushed away and expelled those whistleblowers.

For all these reasons, this following letter is very important to know how far Ananda Marga ideology accepts or rejects expulsion theory.  Expulsion has been a key issue in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha since 1990. It has adversely affected our organisation by creating a "culture of fear", undermining our unity and leading to terrible balkanisation. To resolve this issue we must better understand our Ananda Marga's stand on expulsion, as well as investigate how it has been misused.

Can't be expelled

There is no scope for expulsion in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha: As long as one follows Ista and has faith in adarsha, they can't be expelled. That is the main idea.

Expulsion: getting rid of whistleblowers

In essence, since 1990, whoever has been at the helm has used expulsion as a weapon to maintain their exploitative hegemony over the organisation. There have been many expulsions over the years, buy they have been warranted. They were never done to safeguard and protect the sanctity of Ista. Those sadhakas who were expelled were righteous whistleblowers who pointed out bad deeds going on in Centre.

They were sadhakas committed to Ista and Ananda Marga ideology. The only thing they were "guilty" of was taking a dharmic stand against wrongdoings and injustices in the upper echelons of the organisation. Indeed, since 1990, certain key Dadas have used expulsion again and again as a tool for (a) seeking revenge, (b) getting rid of dharmic whistleblowers, (c) creating an atmosphere of fear, (d) threatening and wiping away any in their path for more power, and (e) maintaining the status quo.

And in more recent years since H group has come to power, Rudranananda and his stooges are keen to sell maximum AMPS properties at the earliest. Because it is not sure how much longer Rudrananda will last, and it is uncertain how things will play out after his death. So in this interim period, if anyone points out the Ranchi faction for selling AMPS land holdings then they gang up and victimise, abuse, and expel that individual.

This is the very dark way in which expulsion has been used - and the results have been horrific.

Clamp on open communication

In every organisation and community, there must be scope for the free expression of ideas. By this way wrongs can be corrected, injustices can be undone, and an environment of trust can be created. If open communication is not allowed, then by the weight of their own injustices, that organisation will crumble. So within every organisation and community, there must be adequate and ample scope for the free expression of ideas. There must be open avenues wherein opinions can be expressed and evaluated. That is an absolute need for the survival and growth of any organisation or community. Unfortunately, that is missing nowadays in AMPS.

Since 1990, expulsion has been used by groupist leaders to put a clamp on open and free communication, just like a communist regime does so no one will point out their atrocities and wrongful dealings. Those who took a dharmic stand were systematically eliminated using expulsion; and, side by side, others were silenced under the threat of expulsion. That has been the harmful trend since 1990.

By veritably shutting down the air-waves and eliminating the voice of the people, the stage was set for the organisation to move along the harsh pathway of one injustice after another, and one vengeful deed after another. All done in order to grab hold of more power and keep others at bay.


Another harmful offshoot of expulsion is the rise of splinter groups and competing factions, i.e. balkanisation. When people are expelled on false pretenses and when others are fearful of expulsion, then naturally such persons will seek out a new home. When they can no longer survive under such suppression, oppression, and repression, they themselves will form a splinter group or competing faction. And that severely threatens unity; rather, it shatters all attempts at unity.

This we have all been witnessed in AMPS since 1990. All because expulsion has been used as a weapon of revenge and a tool for destruction where innocent people have been harmed and dharmic voices have been outcaste or silenced.

Blowing the whistle on corrupt dealings

There is no scope for expulsion in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha: As long as one follows Ista and has faith in adarsha, they can't be expelled, irrespective of what they have done. That is is the main idea.


Here below is the grand ideal of Ananda Marga teachings that state how (a) there will not be any exploitation or expulsion, and (b) leaders will not crush whistleblowers with their steamrollers nor harass them as ruling communists have done. The following ideal has yet to be achieved that is why such a struggle is going on.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Ananda Marga forms a society in which laws have been framed always keeping in view the common ideal, and thereby developing the idea of the oneness of all humanity. This society is radically different from any existing society, for it provides a society with a common bond where there is no distinction, whether of class or sex, where no one can be one would allow oneself to be exploited by others. Such a society had been dreamt of and spoken of earlier by moralists and idealists, but never before has a practical approach to achieve it – as has been discovered by Ananda Marga by producing people who combine all the qualities of the different economic classes of the world in one individual – been conceived of by any of the numerous thinkers or lawgivers of the world." (1)

In His service,
Kenneth Sanberg

~ In-depth study ~

History: how whistleblowers sidelined by unjust leaders

Here Baba points out the long history how those in power regularly attacked and exiled dharmic persons who opposed the injustices of the ruling elite. Remember, hundreds and thousands of years of history show that whenever people stood up to exploitation and pointed out the status quo then those in power misused their authority, and harassed and outcasted them. Nowadays, the Ranchi faction takes aim at, sidelines, and expels any and all who oppose their massive selling off of AMPS properties. Baba strongly condemns such dealing.

Unfortunately a similar thing has happened and is happening in AMPS, as described in the prior para. We should read Baba's teachings to understand more in-depthly how in the past atrocities occurred and that the same is going on at present in AMPS.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In the Vipra era, humanity was affronted by the creation of divisions between high and low. People of high-birth would lose their caste if they merely stepped on the shadow of the so-called low-castes. Even worse, if a Vedic Brahman touched a person from a low family he was declared an outcaste. In no other age has humanity suffered such hatred and insult. Rabindranath says, “By standing aloof from your fellow man daily, you have hated the God enthroned in his heart.”" (2)

Injustice: why Krttivása Ojah was declared an outcaste

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, "Nor did the Samskrta scholars give any importance to Bengali: it was considered nothing short of blasphemy to translate the religious scriptures from Samskrta into Bengali. The Nabab Hussein Shah personally tried to develop the Bengali language. With his active support Krttivása Ojah translated the Ramayana, Káshii Ram Dash translated the Mahabharata and Máladhra Vasu translated the Bhágavata from Samskrta to Bengali. This caused a furor among the community of scholars. They tried to brand Hussein Shah as a saboteur of the Hindu religion because, according to them, to translate the holy scriptures into Bengali was to defile the Hindu religion. Máládhra Vasu had to bear the stigma of being a Moslem convert and was widely ridiculed as Guńaranjiṋa Khan. So incensed were the Samskrta scholars over the translations of Krttivása Ojah that he was declared an outcaste for committing an act of sacrilege. All this took place only 450 years ago." (3)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The Shákadviipii Brahmans spread (prasár) Ayurveda throughout northern India. In Bengal, however, there was little use of Ayurveda; mainly the Vaedyaka system was in vogue. In contrast to Ayurveda, the Vaedyaka treatises provided for the dissection of corpses; that is, the Bengali physicians did not limit themselves to the Ayurvedic theories. They paid attention to the practical side also. Later on, the demonic dogmas of the Shákadviipii Brahmans in north India extended their limiting influence over the physicians as well and slowly the Vaedyaka practitioners abandoned the dissection of cadavers. When Shrii Madhusudhan Gupta began practising western medicine during British rule the caste injunction against touching dead bodies made him a social outcaste." (4)

Blows boomeranged

Ananda Marga ideology states, "In vaedyak shástra there is a provision for the dissection of dead bodies; but in northern India, there is no such provision. Anyone doing so will run the risk of becoming an outcast. And so there is a standing rule in northern India that the Vaedyas of Bengal are not recognized as Brahmans, although, according to the liberal social system of Bengal, the Vaedyas should be recognized as Brahmans. I do not believe in casteism; I am just trying to point out the facts." (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The Atharva was mixed with Tantra at nearly every step. At one time the orthodox priests declared the followers of the Atharvaveda to be socially outcast; they said atharvánnaḿ má bhuiṋjiitháh, that is, the food of the followers of the Atharvaveda should not be accepted." (6)

Ananda Vanii states, "History bears testimony that whenever a person states the absolute truth in any sphere of life, whether it be spiritual, social, economic or otherwise; sought clarification of doubts or protested against injustice and wrongs, the evil forces forthwith plotted against the person, administered poison, slandered and assaulted that person with rage, misused authority and mercilessly dealt blow after blow; but the blows boomeranged and ultimately the evil forces were annihilated by those very blows. Remember, by an unalterable decree of history, the evil forces are destined to meet their final doom." (7)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya guides us, "The unity of Ananda Margis should not be allowed to be jeopardized for any reason. Unity should be maintained even at the risk of your life." (8)

Sadvipra: If trouble comes, let it come

Ananda Vacanamrtam ideology guides us, “According to our philosophy, when consciousness arises in individual life then a person begins to move in accordance with certain instructions, certain guidance. In collective life as well, when this stage comes, those who are well advanced, who understand better, who are more courageous, more firmly established in morality, who are truly righteous, they have to take the lead, to assume the mantle of leadership. In such times those who worry about what others will say or think, or worry about being criticized, and due to this fear hide behind closed doors thinking that if they take action their good name will be tarnished, such people are not true human beings. They are beggars, begging for reputation. They have no manliness; they have lost the courage to move ahead. At that time those who come forward and say – “Let’s go. I’m with you. If trouble comes, let it come. I’ll take it on my shoulders” – such people I have given the name sadvipra.” (9)

Give up the rubbish of the past

Ananda Marga ideology says, “This is the way it has been and the way it will always be. However, in collective life at the critical juncture between one great age and another, in this transitional stage of great change, when it becomes impossible for the common man or even ordinary sadvipras to take up the leadership, then Parama Puruśa through his special grace arranges that leadership. At this time on the earth humanity is witnessing such a yuga sandhi. On one side there is the rubbish heap of the past and people are clinging to that rubbish heap because they have not yet been shown the way out. And on the other side, there is the call of the new. Under such conditions what will that Mahásambhúti do who gave guidance to the human race in the past? With courage he will call to human beings and declare: “Give up the rubbish of the past. It can only harm you and lead you to your death. Move ahead. Answer the call of the new. I am with you. There is no reason to be afraid.”” (10)

Vishokananda was a traitor to Guru

The key point in this topic is that one should not go against Guru. As we all know, Vishokananda was a traitor to Guru. As a defector, he had already categorically removed himself from Ananda Marga. Thus, his expulsion was a mere formality. Because when one does not accept or follow Ista that means they have basically disconnected themselves from Ananda Marga at the most fundamental level. In that case their life itself is contrary to the main principle of being an Ananda Margii.

Think of it in this way: If a person is loyal to their country then they are a citizen. And if they act in a way that is disloyal to that nation they will lose their right to live in that country as a citizen. Likewise, if one observes non-compromising strictness and faith regarding the sanctity of Ista and adarsha, they are an Ananda Margii. If one renounces Ananda Marga ideals and plots against Ista, they have withdrawn themselves from Ananda Marga and their expulsion is a mere formality, as they have already disconnected themselves from Ananda Marga from the very root.

Alternate Spellings:  Ac Ramakrsnananda Avt, Ac. Ramakrishnananda Avt, Dada Ramakrishnana’nanda, Ac Ramakrsnana’nanda, Ramkrishnananda, Ramkrsnananda, Ac Maniis’ananda Avt, Ac Maniishananda Avt, Ac Manishananda Avt, Ac Manis’ananda Avt, Ac Maniisananda Avt, Ac Manisananda Avt, Ac Manishananda Avt,  Ac Maniisanand Avadhuta.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Ananda Marga: A Revolution
2. Prout Nutshell - 7 , Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles
3. Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The History of Bengal
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The History of Bengal
6. Shabda Cayanika -2, Rk to Rkśa (Discourse 11)
7. Ananda Vanii #41
8. Caryacarya, Part 2, Society, pt #13
9. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, The Significance of The Word “Yuga”
10. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, The Significance of The Word “Yuga”

== Section 2: Links ==

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