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Saturday, February 25, 2017

Request about Baba's image


Request about Baba's image


A good reason to not post pictures of Baba and the pratik on social media and the Internet, nor play with the images, nor reproduce Baba in art.

It is known that we are not to reproduce art of Baba, neither drawings nor sculpture. All visual art of Baba is considered a graven image. One ends up worshipping the art and not Baba. Photographs of Baba are different. Yet, and this is an important point, toying around with the images is a form of art. It is, in fact, a personal expression, and therefore must be considered art. This includes posting on social media. Social media is essentially a method for people to express themselves. This is making Baba into art. This is prohibited. Also what is done but I don't think it should be done is playing around with Baba's image in photoshop. This is art. This is not the pure form of Mahasambhuti and thus should not be worshiped. It is a personal expression. It is art. So when you see Baba floating in the cosmos or on a lotus flower or whatever doctored up image of Baba you see, you should not worship that. It is tainted with personal expression. Your imagination is strong enough not to have to rely on such images. Yes?

Nothing is wrong with personal expression. Art is a good thing. Art is also a bad thing. We all know this. So do you think playing with Baba's photograph in photoshop is a good thing or a bad thing? It is a bad thing. It is, in fact, downgraded art and therefore a form of dogma. Dogma is prohibited in Ananda Marga. We accept into Ananda Marga those who have dogmatic beliefs. But we also try to persuade them of the difference between dogma and satya. If you want to make art, if you want to express yourself, express the inspiration you receive through some form of service. That form of service might very well be art. Playing around with Baba's picture is not service. Baba is His own personal expression!

Furthermore, because so many people have disregarded the rules and posted Baba's pictures and video all over the Internet, I submit that we should not even allow the "Gentleman's Photograph" to be posted. Mahasambhuti allowed the posting of His picture in some of His books. This is a far cry from posting His image on the Internet. Anyone who cannot understand this is a fool.

I know very well there is a lot of art made of Shiva and Krsna. One reads Baba's words on the subject and realizes that much of this are is erroneous. It depicts myth: fiction, not fact. Therefore, is it a good thing to ideate on fallacious forms of Shiva and Krsna? In Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Baba debunks many of the myths spread about Shiva, who He was married to, and various mythological beings associated with Him. Baba will say such and such a creature did not exist because a human can't have four arms. He says this over and over. Is this not intelligent and factual? It is one thing to create fantasy. It is another to worship fantasy. That is a dangerous activity. Mythological beings are Jungian archetypes. Jungian archetypes are not God.

You have attached your ego to Baba's image

I am an artist. I have thought of depicting Shiva and Krsna. I chose not to. Why depict Mahasambhuti? Better to build a jagrti. Rather than looking at images of Krsna and Shiva, why not read about them in Baba's books? 

As I am an artist, I know this well, the point I am about to make. If you express something, it is no longer in your mind. What you have expressed becomes released from your mind. You will no longer dwell on it in the same way. It becomes an object of your creation. This having happened, you cannot keep the ego from attaching itself to what you have created. This includes "sharing" Baba's image. This is not a personal activity. Baba is not remaining in your mind. You have attached your ego to Baba's image.  

I used to have many pictures of Baba on my puja table. I thought, more is better. More is not better. More diffuses and confuses the mind. Less is better. One may have many pictures of Baba, but best, in my opinion, to only have one picture on the puja table. This helps focus the mind. Those that do dyana should understand this. We don't want to be seeing Baba everywhere on the Internet. We want to internalize Baba's image. We want to be thinking about Baba within and not projecting His image out in the world all over the place. And didn't Baba say the way to reach Him is by going within? I am sure He said that many times.

So not only will I not post images of Baba and the Pratik, nor make any art based on Baba's image, I will also not make any art of Shiva or Krsna, as they are also Mahasambhuti. Read about Krsna and Shiva in Baba's writings and you will begin to imagine the REAL Shiva and Krsna, which is much more satisfying. You will think about them within and not rely on external creations.

The more we can properly respect the images of Mahasambhuti, the better. Baba is special. By tossing Baba's images and video out onto the Internet, we are giving away the farm. This is similar to selling properties that should remain with Ananda Marga. This is, in essence, selling out.

Keep Baba internal. Stop externalizing Him. Keep Him to yourself. That is where He should be. Is this not so? We must refrain from the impetus to express Him. Rather, go inward. Then you are more likely to see Him in the sky and chirping birds, in flowers, everywhere.

Baba's Grace,

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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Free will for some is boon & for others curse & more


Free will for some is boon & for others curse


Free will is the capacity to decide what to do and what not to do. Humans have this quality, not animals. People constantly decide what to do after weighing the pros and cons,  the positive and negative. So Parama Purusa has given humans a lot of latitude and freedom, which animals do not have. Animals are guided purely by instinct. By seeing one particular dog then you can understand how other dogs of that breed behave. With humans, one cannot generalise in this manner. Everyone has their own unique way of making a decision, even under the same circumstances. This is due to free will. The central idea is that God has given you the capacity to do wrong or right. And that is free will. And due to this freedom you are rewarded or punished also. For example you have the capacity to beat or serve others also. If you beat and abuse others you will be punished. And if you serve others you will be rewarded. Again, the freedom to do whatever you wish is free will. Some people misuse it and some utilize ir. For instance, after death there are many who get punished and have to return to animal life due to their bad decisions. They misused their free will. In contrast, those who follow the path of righteousness realise God. This is the central idea of free will. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Human beings have a fully-reflected consciousness which makes them capable of independent action and also of distinguishing between good and bad." (1)

So this capacity of free will is that unique and unknown power. With free will, every person can gain tremendous control over their life and avert so many disasters, by His grace. Yet in one discourse, Baba has famously declared that 99% of human beings misuse their free will and invite negative samskaras. But it does not have to be like that. One can avert all these problems. This free will can also lead one to the apex of spiritual attainment, by His grace. But it can also be like a double-edged sword. Free will can lead one to the heights of bliss or the depths of hell. It all depends upon how it is used.

Humans get what they desire

In so many discourses, Baba guides us that human beings get whatever they desire.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Suppose a person is obsessed with the thought of doing this or that, to harm another person. They will receive the body of a pig or a dog. One who desires to do something good and noble will receive a good physical body accordingly." (2)

Whatever good or bad things a person desires in this life affects their next birth also. Here are more examples of this phenomenon.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Suppose someone has a desire to eat delicious food. Parama Purus'a will grant that wish, and the person may be reborn in the next life as a wolf or wild boar, to eat to his or her heart’s content. A woman who wishes to adorn herself with ornaments may be reborn as a colourfully-marked peacock. One day, however, a hunter may shoot the beautiful peacock with an arrow. As one desires, so one attains...So before wishing to attain something, one must be extra-cautious. Suppose a man wants to be a king. In the next life he may be born into the household of a poor man whose surname is “Raja” [“King”]. He wanted to be a Raja and he became one! One must be very cautious before wishing for anything." (3)

That is why this very special quality - i.e. free will - is a double-edged sword. If one desires Him one, will get Him. And if they desire something mundane they will get that. Tragically, all too often human beings are not aware how powerful their desires are nor where those desires will lead them. In their shortsighted manner, people long for so many things - material wealth, name, fame, prestige, etc - which bind them more and more.

Negative pratisaincara only happens to humans

Animals are animals and follow their nature; they never get degraded and slowly move along the path of pratisaincara. In contrast, with free will, human beings may rocket ahead toward Him by His grace, or fall back into the depths of animal life or even be reborn as inanimate objects.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "A human being in this life may well be reborn as an animal, plant or even a rock in the next life." (4)

It is due to free will that one may get caught up in negative pratisaincara. No other being falls in this way, only humans. Here below Baba graphically explains how one gets a body according to their desire.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Which animal is the greediest among the animals with which we are all very familiar? It does not like to give up greed in spite of ill treatment and humiliations. It is the cat. Yes, after moving a few steps ahead, the cat forgets that it was beaten. So that particular person is reborn as a cat after death, because that body affords an opportunity for the satiation of their greed. When the housewife looks around inattentively, the cat sneaks into the kitchen through the small opening in order to reach the milk." (5)

One may be reborn as a cat in order to fulfill their greed. All because when in human form they misused their free will and just indulged in greed. So the progress of living beings is very steady until one attains the human framework. Then, depending upon one's use of their free will and the nature of their desires, a person may degenerate (negative pratisaincara) and revert back to animal life or worse. Or one may ideate on the Supreme and attain Him. 


Human beings have so many desires so if one is not aware about how to exercise their free will, they will suffer all the pains and agonies of degradation into a lower birth. Suppose one rushes after wealth, revenge, or greed etc, one will get a body accordingly. By Baba's grace, there is an easy answer. Those in human form have been blessed with an aspiration for the divine. With one's free will they should goad the mind in that direction and ask for parama'rtha.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Parama'rtha is that factor which brings about the permanent cessation of the triple afflictions. Here permanent cessation means cessation of those afflictions which, once removed, will never return again in the future. That artha which brings permanent relief from the pangs of hunger, which is the instrument of permanent cessation, is called “parama'rtha”." (6)

By desiring salvation, even a notorious sinner like the robber Valmiki can become a great saint. So when ordinary human beings seek paramartha then naturally they will be blessed and escape this cycle of birth, death, and rebirth as a lower being, which leads to so much suffering and unrest. By His grace, one will walk this earth filled with His bliss and ultimately attain salvation, moksa. That is the proper use of free will and that is the proper use of our unique and often misused power.

In Him,
Brahma Prakash

~ In-depth study ~

Suppose one does not have any concept of parama'rtha. And suppose one does not know how to use their free will correctly. Even then an ordinary person can achieve the highest stance. The way is to simply surrender to the will of Parama Purusa. One should merely request, "Let Your desire be fulfilled." That is the essence of Guru's below blessing.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Created beings, will have to move according to the Cosmic will; there is no other way. Learning, intellect and personal status become meaningless [and will goad one into bondage] unless they are directed towards Parama Purus'a. After realizing the Supreme truth intelligent people start moving according to Parama Purus'a’s desire, saying, “Oh Parama Purus'a. I have nothing to ask of You. Let Thy will be fulfilled. I want nothing else.”" (7)

Our unknown power

Every human being is born with a very special, innate capacity, but most of the time that special capacity goes unnoticed and misused. Yet, this quality allows one tremendous control over their future. However, because one is not aware about their unique and unknown power and unable to use it properly, things go awry. Consider the greatness human beings could achieve, and how many pains and troubles could be averted, if one becomes aware of and properly utilizes this innate gift.

In this modern era, researchers and scientists classify humans within the animal category. Yet, according to Ananda Marga philosophy, there is a significant difference between humans and animals. And this letter explores that unique difference. From the purview of Ananda Marga, human beings are wholly separate from animals and what distinguishes humans from animals is: Free will. Parama Purusa has given humans free will - the power to think, choose, and decide.


1. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy
2. Ananda Vacnamrtam - 10, p.182
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4
4. A Few Problems Solves - 8
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, p.184
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4
7. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 10

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Lack of refined intellect people become atheists

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Self-awareness develops through clash. The awareness that develops through physical clash is termed jadábuddhi [crude physical intellect] because it is associated with jadá [matter]. The consciousness of animals and undeveloped human beings is matter-oriented. But even in developed human society, if someone is an atheist or a materialist, we can only term their intellect as jadábuddhi. Such people deny the existence of spirituality in order to hide their intellectual deficiencies. Their denial betrays their moral and intellectual bankruptcy. It does not speak of their glory, nor does it diminish the value of spirituality."

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Devotion plays a positive role in the process of clash. Had there been no factor to maintain the balance among all the objects created within the Macrocosmic Mind, the entire structure of the universe would have fallen apart. For the sake of harmony and balance within the universe, there is a mutual attraction among all the objects; each microcosm attracts the other microcosms. All finite microcosms – the innumerable manifestations of the Supreme Entity – are entitled to that universal love with which It has bound each microcosm to Itself, entitled to the wave of that universal love, in which Its divine ocean of bliss is perennially flowing. Attraction is the innate characteristic of microcosms. When this attraction is for finite objects, it is called káma [“physical longing”], and when it surges towards the Cosmic Entity, it is called prema [“divine love”]. Of course, káma is nothing but a limited form of prema. When microcosms rush towards Parama Puruśa [Supreme Consciousness] attracted by the irresistible force of divine love, it is termed “devotion”. Since clash drives the microcosms towards subtlety, it follows that clash must be the sustainer of devotion." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Cosmic Attraction and Spiritual Cult


 You must not sit idle like a frog in a well under the spell of inertia - Ananda Vanii #5

"The accumulated distortions of many lifetimes cannot be removed in the twinkling of an eye. The removal of these distortions requires prolonged cultivation of knowledge, selfless devotion and untiring action. The world expects tremendous work from you; so you must not sit idle like a frog in a well under the spell of inertia. Therefore awake, arise."

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.

== Section ==

আমাদের এগিয়ে চলতে হৰে

“উৎ + নতি = উন্নতি | উৎ মানে—উপরের দিকে | ऊपर की ओर | Upward | যেখানে উৎ, নম্‌, ক্তিন্‌ | যেখানে মানুষ নমস্কার করছে, উপরে দিকের কোনও সত্তাকে---সেইটা হল তার উৎ নতি, উন্নতি | আর যেখানে মানুষ নমস্কার করছে, শ্রদ্ধা জানাচ্ছে, “অব” মানে “নিচের দিকের, কোনও কিছুকেই, জড়কে, ভেদ-ৰুদ্ধিকে, মানুষের-মানুষের বৈসম্য তথা বৈমনস্যকে”, সখানে সে নিচের দিককে নমঃ করছে | সে নিচে নেমে যাচ্ছে |...

তো, সেই ব্যাপার, উন্নতি-টুন্নতি হয়নি, ৰাপু; মুখে যাই ৰলা হক | তা, এখন যে যুগ চলে গেছে, যে দিন অতীতের অন্ধকারে হারিয়ে গেছে, সে গেছে ভালই হয়েছে | এখন নূতন উষার দিকে তাকিয়ে, আমাদের এগিয়ে চলতে হৰে” (1)

1. অপ্রকাশিত,আনন্দ নগর ১৯৮৪

== Section ==

When to skip following dharma

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Those who protect dharma, dharma protects them. One should always protect dharma, in both big and small ways. If one thinks that they will only follow dharma in some big events, and not in small ones, then those big events may not ever come in their entire life. It may be that in their whole life, besides their birth and death, not a single big event happens. Yet at the time of birth how can one protect dharma. At that time one is just a small infant and cannot do anything. That infant is totally unaware about the events going on around them. Then how can they protect dharma. And at the time of death, a person is senseless. In that case also how can they protect dharma. For this reason, dharma should be protected always. In small and big ways-- even in jokes and humor dharma should be protected. Those who protect dharma, dharma protects them: Dharma raksati raksitah." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 32 (H), p.86-7

== Section ==

Find out how many cultures in the world?

"Culture is a vague term. It is the collective name for different expressions of life. People eat, enjoy hospitality, laugh on some occasions and shed tears on others, and thereby express life through various actions. The collective name of all these actions is culture."

"According to PROUT all of society has the same culture. There are local variations in the mode or state of cultural expression, but the expression is universal. While everybody eats, some eat by hand, others by stick and still others by spoon. Indian dance is based on Mudrá or dance postures, and European dance is based on rhythm, but they do not represent two different cultures."

"Local variations will diminish if there is a close blending between different groups of people, because this will create common customs. In Nepal there is a blending of Hindu and Buddhist customs. In Bengal there is a blending of Aryan and Dravidian customs. These local variations are called customs. Thus local modes of expression bearing local or group specialities are customs, but the expression itself is culture. Therefore it is a mistake to readjust boundaries on the basis of language and culture. Indian culture and the culture of the world are one and the same." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout


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This email contains three sections:

1. Posting: Free will for some is boon & for others curse
2. IT: Lack of refined intellect people become atheists
3. Links

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Dos & don'ts: Mourning + 2 more


Dos & don'ts: Mourning


As we all know, the various ceremonies given by Sadguru Baba in Caryacarya are to be performed in a certain way to preserve the sanctity of the function and prevent dogma from entering. One key point about the shraddha ceremony is that a photo of the deceased should not be on display during this shraddha function. And here is why.

As we know, Sadguru Baba’s teachings of Ananda Marga ideology offer perfect guidance in every sphere of life - in every circumstance. The tenets of Ananda Marga ideology are for the welfare of all. To ease the suffering of the grieving family, the Ananda Marga shraddha (death) ceremony does not support the idea of having the deceased’s photo on display.

True neo-humanists always try to remove people’s suffering

The grieving family is already suffering the pain of their loss. And this is really the key point. Ideal Ananda Margiis are sadhus and aim to reduce the pain and suffering of others. True neo-humanists always try to remove people’s suffering. Yet, seeing the photo of their departed loved one, those in mourning will more acutely feel the pain of their loss. In that case, displaying the photo of the deceased runs counter to the aims and goal of the Ananda Marga shraddha ceremony. Because that ceremony is only for bringing a sense of closure to those in mourning.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya guides us, “The departed soul does not get any advantage from the shráddha ceremony [memorial ceremony]. It is only meant for the psychic satisfaction of the person performing it.” (1)

Neo-humanists will always work to uphold the ideals and tenets of tantra shastra. They will not do anything which rekindles the memory of the deceased by displaying the photo, telling a story, or delivering a eulogy etc. Because no sadhu-minded person wishes to cause pain to others. So they will not introduce elements - such as a photo of the deceased - into our Ananda Marga shraddha ceremony as that will make matters worse for the grief-stricken family. When people come and see the photo and talk about the deceased then the grieving family will again fall into despair.

We should not exacerbate the the suffering of those in mourning

So the deceased’s photo should not be on display nor should anyone deliver a eulogy of the deceased on the occasion of their shraddha ceremony. Otherwise one is exacerbating the situation and multiplying the suffering of those in mourning. The grief-stricken family can only overcome their misery when the mind is diverted to Parama Purusa. And having the photo present undermines this endeavour. So devotees will never remind the suffering family of that raw wound by displaying the photo of the deceased during the shraddha ceremony - as that would undermine the welfare of the grieving family.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Important to discuss ahead of time with loved ones

The following points are all related with why the deceased's photo should not be put on display and how to raise awareness with others on this matter.

1. First and foremost, it is very important to educate everyone beforehand about Baba's guideline. The concerned family and their relatives people should know ahead of time. Raising the matter the day of the shraddha ceremony or at the ceremony itself is bound to create a lot of emotional angst and turmoil. So the earlier this conversation can happen the better. The main thing is that awareness and pracara must be raised ahead of time.

2. Bear in mind that Baba made the rule for all-round welfare of those in mourning so no one should feel shy in educating others about this policy.

3. Remember, this is no different from other dogmas faced and overcome in the past liken caste marriage, dowry, and multi-deity puja worship etc. Similarly, as people are made aware of the drawbacks and defects of having a photo of the deceased on display at the shraddha ceremony, this dogma will also fade.

4. Overall, there are various levels of margiis, and those who are pashvacariis are not going to be able to follow everything perfectly. Whereas, those who are divyacariis will follow. Ultimately, true margiis will adhere to this guideline.

Garlanding the deceased’s photo is against AM ideals

Offering a garland to the deceased’s photo at the shraddha ceremony goes directly contrary to Ananda Marga teachings.

    Tadekaḿ japámas tadekaḿ smarámas
    Tadekaḿ jagatsákśiirúpaḿ namámah;
    Tadekaḿ nidhánaḿ nirálambamiishaḿ
    Bhavámbodhipotaḿ sharańaḿ vrajámah.

[I will remember You only. I will contemplate on You only. I will salute You only, the Witnessing Entity of this expressed universe. You are the supreme shelter, but you require no shelter, and no authority lords over you. We take shelter in You in the form of a ship sailing on this vast universe.]

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “If anyone's name is to be chanted in japa, it is the name of Parama Puruśa.” What is japa? A word has a particular meaning; repeating the word inwardly again and again, after having understood its meaning, is what is termed japa. As a result of the prolonged repetition of a word, whose inner meaning is clearly understood, its ideation becomes permanently imprinted on one's mind, and consequently there occurs a radical change in one's mental arena. The extroversial tendencies of the mind gradually become introverted. This is the benefit of japa. And if anyone's name is to be repeated, it is the name of the Lord.” (2)

1. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Intuitional Science of Tantra

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Links ==

Unholy alliance: capitalism & the priesthood

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In ancient times powerful rájas and mahárájas used to perform yajiṋas or sacrifices to declare that they were heroes, but this was also a form of exploitation. They erected many temples to hide their ill-deeds, not out of devotional spirit. There was an unholy alliance between physical exploiters and intellectual exploiters. Intellectuals have praised these rájas and mahárájas in all ages. Another form of exploitation is the priesthood. Capitalism will never go against the priesthood nor will priests go against capitalism. In order to create inferiority complexes in the minds of the people, intellectuals have composed many stories and myths. These stories are illogical and concocted to exploit the sentiments of the common mass. One glaring instance is the following verse composed by satanic opportunists.”

    Bráhmańásya mukhamásiit váhurájano’bhavat
    Madhya tadasya yad vaeshyahpadbhyaḿ shudrojáyata.

    “Brahmins came out of the mouth, Kśatriyas were born out of the arms,
    Vaeshyas came out of the trunk of the body, and Shúdras were born out of the legs.”

“In the capitalist structure, industry or production is governed by the profit motive, but in the Proutistic structure production will be governed by the motive of consumption.” (1)

1. Talks on Prout

== Section 3: Links ==

Upcoming Commemoration: Niilkantha Divas: Feb 12, 2017 Recent postings
Other topics of interest
More important letters

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Dos & don'ts: Mourning
2. Important Teaching: Unholy alliance: capitalism & the priesthood
3. Links

Friday, February 10, 2017

Animal cruelty in H group DMS - 2


Animal cruelty in H group DMS - 2

Here following is the example of one emaciated and hungry elephant who is coerced to garland Purodha Pramukha at one DMS. And this is not an isolated case. As far as possible, wherever PP Dada goes his stooges do this. This is against neo-humanism. It is shameful that the flagbearers of AMPS are doing the opposite of what Ananda Marga ideology says.

Here above is the example of one emaciated and hungry elephant who is coerced to garland Purodha Pramukha at one DMS. And this same elephant is described in detail here below. Please go on reading.

These days in certain parts of the globe it is big-business to trap large-game animals in the wild and bring them to the city for the entertainment industry such as the circus, tourist rides etc. Also in India, big-game animals are exploited and displayed at political receptions, processions, marriage parties, etc. By these dealings, animals are tortured and forced to lived in a cage in town.

It is so sad to see these wild animals - who wish to live in their natural habitat - caged, chained, and forced to live out their days in this confined manner. This type of animal cruelty goes on unchecked. It is sad and disgraceful that we are unable to open the eyes of the general public about such animal cruelty. Due to our own poor example, we have been unable to propagate neo-humanism to the people. The worst part is that so-called avadhutas promote themselves as the flagbearers of Ananda Marga ideology and neo-humanism but they indulge in animal cruelty also. The recent case of elephant exploitation is one of the examples. And this is not something that is going on hidden under the covers. H group propagated this below photo in their own newsletter and in the public newspapers also. Those DMS organisers are projecting to the whole world that it is ok to treat animals in this way. This is the misguided and hypocritical message given by our Dadas. This whole scene unfolded at Samastipur DMS in Bihar India.

Case of animal torture & coerced starvation

Take a look and see the elephant brought by our Dadas for the recent DMS.

#1: The DMS organisers have brought an elephant on-site - in the middle of town; obviously it is completely unnatural for that elephant to remain in the city. But out of their desire to add pomp and show to the occasion of Samastipur DMS, our Dadas did this.

#2: Now take a look at the elephant which they have brought onto the scene. See how the elephant is completely emaciated. The two red arrows point to huge divots in the elephant’s head, on either side of the eyes. That type of extreme hollowness in the skull shows how malnourished and food deprived the elephant is. Due to starvation, it has developed huge cavities in its head whereby the bones protrude in a sickly manner. It is a case of animal torture. Really it is quite shocking to see. Yet, those Dadas are forcing that poor, wild animal to starve and live in the dirty, dusty city for their own DMS procession.


#3: Once again, if you did not read this already up above, take a look at the elephant which they have brought onto the scene. See how the elephant is completely emaciated. The two red arrows point to huge divots in the elephant’s head, on either side of the eyes. That type of extreme hollowness in the skull shows how malnourished and food deprived the elephant is. Due to starvation, it has developed huge cavities in its head whereby the bones protrude in a sickly manner. It is a case of animal torture. Really it is quite shocking to see. Yet, those Dadas are forcing that poor, wild animal to starve and live in the dirty, dusty city for their own DMS parade.

#4: Sadly, this is a clear-cut case of animal cruelty. This callous mistreatment is quite disgraceful and has to be opposed on the point of neo-humanism.

#5: As Ananda Margiis, we cannot remain silent. Sadguru Baba has given us the duty to care for animals and plants also.

#6: Where animal cruelty goes on - we have to raise the voice of neo-humanism and oppose such ghastly mistreatment of these animals.

Cruelty against elephant

As disciples of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, the Propounder of neo-humanism, we have to raise the voice against such type of cruelty and mistreatment. How long will we keep quiet in the face of this horrible exploitation of these grand creatures who are members of our vast universal family. It is disgraceful how these animals are forced to live a tortured life.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Human beings are more cruel than vultures. Their hearts don’t melt even at the sight of tears of innocent birds and animals. Just to gratify their sense of greed, they mercilessly slit the throats of animals with sharp knives and swords and thus deprive them of the right to live.” (1)

1. Neo-Humanism in a Nutshell - 2, How Cruel Human Beings Are! – Excerpt A

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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Why India + 3 more


Why India

Every so often some wonder why Baba started Ananda Marga in India and why He established our headquarters also in India. Following are points for all to consider.

As we know, to do anything in this world a proper environment is needed, i.e. a place that is conducive. The conditions should be most suitable for the success of that project. For instance, if you plant a tree in a desert then that seedling will never grow. Rather, it will die a premature death, never even making it through the early stages of life. In contrast, if that same seedling is planted in a region that experiences regular rains and appropriate temperatures, that tree will become very healthy and strong, and reach full maturity.

The central idea is that each and every thing in this universe is dependent upon a place or region that is most suitable for its progress. And this theorem applies to our Ananda Marga as well.

Before delving deeper into this topic we should first remind ourselves what Ananda Marga is. And then we can best understand why Baba started Ananda Marga in India and established the headquarters (HQ) there. Baba is the Dharma Guru and His Ananda Marga ideology is the essence of dharma contains all the guidelines for tantric life. So the offices of Ananda Marga should be placed in a region that will support dharmic principles and the proper growth of Ananda Marga.

The prana dharma of India

Each and every land has its own unique characteristics and specialties, or pra’n’a dharma.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “When the national characteristics are expressed in a particular vein, we may call it the pra’n’a dharma of the nation.” (1)

And here below Baba describes the pra’n’a dharma of India.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “The thoughts and ideals of India are quite different from the other countries…Since ancient times, India has been adhering to her distinct pra’n’a dharma. Regarding life and the world, the Indian people are certainly spiritually inclined. They look upon each and every thought and deed as part of their spiritual practice.” (2)

So India was the one country where the overall flow of life is based on spirituality and the mass of people have incorporated this outlook into their very way of living. And the residue of that tantric approach remained for some time. We must bear in mind that Baba is referring to that period of time in India before the mass import of materialism and pseudo-culture. We all have to consider how far this is still relevant today.

Age 5 to 25 received extensive training in spiritual knowledge

Here below Baba explains more about the traditional way of life in India.

Ananda Marga philosophy says. “The reason is that in ancient India, children studied from the age of five till the age of twenty-five. They lived virtuous, disciplined and holy lives and received extensive training in spiritual knowledge as well as some degree of mundane knowledge. At the conclusion of their student careers, they returned home to adopt the life of householders. As householders they continued to cultivate both spiritual knowledge (para’) and mundane knowledge (apara’). When they reached the age of fifty, having met all their family commitments, they would adopt the life of a Vanaprastha and retire to a forest to concentrate on the cultivation of spiritual knowledge.” (3)

By His above description it is clear how for generations and generations the entire mode of living in India was geared towards spiritual thought. Each and every aspect of Indian life was based on spirituality. That was the long ongoing history and may not apply to these ultra-modern times in India’s major cities that has been so affected by materialism etc.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “All aspects of Indian life were based on spirituality. This subjective approach to life became the Pra’n’a Dharma of Indians.” (4)

So by His above teachings it is clear that the land of India had a special link with the sublime ideals of spirituality. And the remnants of that continued for some time. Baba discusses this at length in His discourse ‘Spirituality & India’ (i.e. Bha’ratvars’a aor A’dhya’tmikata’) from AV-28 chapter 20 Hindi edition. In this discourse, Ananda Marga philosophy explains how over the centuries, those dharmikas interested in spirituality traveled to India to learn more and advance their practice. Because India was a mecca of spiritual thought and eruditio, i.e. a land of great sages and sadhakas. India attracted countless earnest seekers who wanted spiritual attainment and liberation.

India was conducive and overseas margiis came

It is no different from how in the second-half of the 20th century and opening portion of the 21st century, those looking for training in material science went to the USA and Europe to study. Because in the US and Europe there was funding, facilities, universities, and corporations keen in this domain. Students and professionals from around the globe made their way to those areas to advance their careers. Same was the case with India in the realm of spirituality.

So in this discourse – ‘Spirituality & India’ AV-28 (H) – we must bear in mind that Baba is referring to that period of time in India before the mass import of materialism and pseudo-culture. We all have to consider how far this is still relevant today. And when Baba was first forming Ananda Marga, then certainly this was the case: The prana dharma of India was spirituality.

When the mass of people in India are inclined towards spiritual ideals then it only makes sense our HQ should was first established in India. That is not to say that Indian margiis are more spiritual than overseas margiis. Rather, overseas margiis have a very special samskara because even though they grew up in materialistic areas still they did not get lured in that direction but were attracted to the divine ideals of Ananda Marga. That itself is a special characteristic.

Walking down the street with human skulls

At the same time it has to be recognised that the general mass of people in India were far more aware in the ways of tantra than other countries around the globe. That is why if one of our avadhutas was walking down the street with human skulls in a bag then the people had reverence for him, thinking him to be a great tantric and a well-wisher of humanity. And still that residue remains in some parts of India today.

In contrast, if anyone is caught moving around with skulls, in most overseas countries then they will either be arrested or questioned by the police. The people there will think that our avadhuta is a threat to society. Reason being those local citizens and officials have no inherent appreciation for the dharmic ways of tantra. Verily, there are thousands and thousands of examples of how the people in India will naturally support so many of the tantric ideals and tenets of Ananda Marga. In that case Ananda Marga has a conducive environment in which to exist and grow, and will not be under attack each and every minute, or rejected outrightly.

Even though the land of India is not without its clashes and challenges – both past and present – still it has to be recognised that in the years when Baba was forming Ananda Marga India was the place best suited for the successful build-up of the mission.


Lord Shiva is the Father of tantra. The land of India was imbibed with that vibration for centuries and centuries right up through the 20th century. In some places it had waned and some less so. Yet, in comparison to the rest of the world, India remained a fertile ground for the propagation of Ananda Marga ideals. As we know, in the 1960’s and 1970, even entire villages and all their distant relations were initiated into Ananda Marga sadhana. The long history of tantra remained alive in certain parts of India and was embraced by those inhabitants. So it was the most appropriate place to found an organisation (AMPS) for the spreading of Ananda Marga ideology.

In Him,
Vidya’ Ma’ya’

By Baba’s grace the day is fast arriving where the sublime ideals of Ananda Marga will touch each and every human heart.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Remember, everyone is entitled to sa’dhana’. For this, nothing neither pedigree, education, knowledge nor any asset, is necessary except only two things – implicit faith and sincerity. Arouse these two things through your will-power and victory is yours, it must come." (5)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4
2. A Few Problems Solved - 6, ‘Pra’n’a Dharma’
3. A Few Problems Solved - 6, ‘Pra’n’a Dharma’
4. A Few Problems Solved - 6, ‘Pra’n’a Dharma’
5. Subhasita Samgraha - 4

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Which four root languages mapped most of the globe

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "When a swift horse runs its hooves make a turtur sound. That which makes a turtur sound as it moves is called turaga or turaunga or turaungama (that is, "horse"). That animal which makes a kurkur sound as it runs is called kuraga or kuraunga or kuraungama (that is, "deer"). In this way human beings have created many word forms and verb forms to express their mental ideas. This process of word formation is called "acoustic derivation" and the original verbal roots in all the world's languages were created in this way."

"The first word forms in all the world's languages were the original verbal roots. By adding prefixes and suffixes many different words were derived. Among the established languages of the world, mainly four can be considered as the root languages. They are Vedic, Latin, Hebrew and old Chinese. If one examines the derivation of the vocabulary of these languages one will find that their method or process is identical. (1)

Here Baba is explaining that these 4 languages (Vedic, Latin, Hebrew and old Chinese) are root languages. The words and vocabulary of these languages are based on the natural sounds those inhabitants heard, such as when a horse runs. In that way those early people created root verbs.  Time passed; daughter and granddaughter languages were formed. And those languages were built upon the root verbs of those four original root languages.

For example, Sanskrit / Samskrta came from the Vedic language and from Sanskrit / Samskrta so many Indian languages were created: Hindi, Bengali, Gujurati, Malayalam and all the Indo-Aryan languages. They are all based on Sanskrit / Samskrta and follow the same root verb from the original Vedic. This is also happened with Latin, Hebrew and Old Chinese. So many languages were formed upon the root verbs of these 3 other root languages, just as happened with Vedic.

1. Varn'a Vijina'na, Disc 19, p.270

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Don't Blame Parama Purusa, He Is Not Giving Test,

Obstacles Are Not Created By The Great Preceptor Sadguru

"Sádhaná is the effort to free oneself from the qualifying influence of Prakrti. Avidyámáyá is also a quality, and that too has to be renounced. If a tenant has been occupying a house for a very long time it will be extremely difficult to suddenly evict him by force, particularly if he has been treated as a respectable tenant for a long time. He will never leave the house willingly and will place all sorts of obstacles in your path. You will have to fight against all his manoeuvres, and only when you have completely defeated him will the bully allow you to enter the house. Similarly, as one has been at the mercy of Avidyámáyá for many lives, it will not leave easily when one starts intuitional practice. Like the bullying tenant, Avidyámáyá will throw all possible obstacles across one’s path when one tries to destroy its influence. Sádhaná or intuitional practice as taught by a great preceptor is the way to remove Avidyámáyá. Only success in sádhaná can make Avidyámáyá loosen its hold. So the beginning of true sádhaná is marked by great resistance from Avidyámáyá, which, through the obstacles it creates, tries to compel one to give up sádhaná. In its attempts to subdue Avidyámáyá, sádhaná will naturally meet resistance from the evil force of Avidyámáyá. Obstacles in sádhaná (intuitional practices) should be regarded as an indication of one’s success in one’s attempt to remove Avidyámáyá. Obstacles are not created by God or the great preceptor (sadguru), as they wish every one of the units to become emancipated like themselves. They are created by Prakrti, against whom one is waging war. If one is to win, Prakrti has to be defeated with the weapon of sádhaná, against which Avidyámáyá defends itself by placing obstacles in one’s way. Obstacles in sádhaná should be regarded as good signs, indicating that the influence of Avidyámáyá is beginning to wane." (AMEP, Intuitional Practice and Its Necessity)


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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Why India
2. Important Teaching: Which four root languages mapped most of the globe
3. Links