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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Why disunity among wts

Why disunity among wts
In His discourse titled Social Psychology, Baba has enlisted several requisite factors for attaining unity. Among those, this letter brings forth an important point of unity: economic justice. Without economic justice there cannot be unity. Here following is Baba’s guideline. As His disciples, it is our duty and responsibility to understand how to bring unity.
Baba says in order to have unity a requisite factor is: Economic Justice
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In Ananda Marga, even in the economic field, there is a common ideal, as the whole property of the earth is common property and is to be shared by all members of the society. This is instilled in every member by reciting the following shloka [couplet] at the commencement of every function held by the members of Ananda Marga: Samgacchadhvam samvadadhvam…Let us share our wealth without differentiation, like sages of the past, so that all may enjoy the universe. Love for all – the ideal of the whole of humanity being one family, utilizing all the property of the world as one unit.” (1)
Comment: Baba clearly delineates that there must be economic justice based on the ideal that all the moveable and immoveable property of this universe is to be shared rationally amongst His children.
Suffering from a dearth of money, or food, or clothes
Unfortunately, economic disparity is present nowadays in our Wt Cadre. We have some Wts who are rich, and some who are poor - whose minimum requirements are not fulfilled. Those workers with wealth are given respect due to their high economic status, and some are mistreated because they lack economic means. If one has money they will get organisational post and power; and without money one will be humiliated, forgotten, and overlooked.
In such an environment of “haves” and “have nots”, it is not at all possible to achieve unity. Rather it is far, far out of reach. So economic inequality is a main cause of disunity which we see prevalent in our Marga nowadays. The problem runs deep and exists on many levels. Hence this point of economic justice is a key point that needs to be inculcated for achieving unity.
Ananda Marga ideology says, "Suppose you have gathered sufficient money, and there is no dearth of food in your house, but the remaining portion of society, your neighbours, your friends, are suffering from a dearth of money, or food, or clothes. Then it means that you are not following the spirit of “samgacchadhvam”." (2)
In His Social Psychology discourse, Baba presents a comprehensive list of factors for gaining unity. In any society if some people roll in luxury and others starge, then in that society there will be chaos. And in due course it will disintegrate. Many empires collapsed because some were rolling in luxury and others were suffering in poverty. Wherever economic injustice, exists, that society will not remain for a long time; rather it will die prematurely. We should raise our voice against wt exploitation.
in Him,
1. A Few Problems Solved- 7 - Social Psychology
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam  - 3

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