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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Beware of this bogus yoga chart / poster + 2 more


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Beware of this bogus yoga chart / poster
2. Important Teaching: Dirty libertine way is becoming a fad
3. Links

Beware of this bogus yoga chart / poster

Recently, one bogus chart of tantra yoga has been making the rounds on various forums and websites. Indeed it has been pervasively shared. Sadly, those propagating this chart do not realise that it is full of errors and inaccuracies. Here are a few of the many fundamental flaws from this bogus tantra yoga chart.

information about cakras

Flaw #1 of Bogus “Tantra Yoga” Chart: The chart wrongly presents that the stage of realisation known as salokya occurs in the manipur cakra.

Comment: Sadguru Baba guides us that salokya occurs at the svadhisthana cakra.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “When by dint of Sádhaná the Kula Kuńd́alini comes to Svádhiśt́hana Cakra, the Sádhaka feels that he himself and Paramátman are in the same world. “Though He is far, yet He is visible. One day I will reach Him.” This is Sálokya Samádhi.” (Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Yoga and Bhakti) (1)

Outcome: Baba’s above teaching proves that the chart’s claim that salokya occurs at the manipur cakra is completely wrong.

Flaw #2 of Bogus “Tantra Yoga” Chart: The chart wrongly presents the practice of asanas as only related with the physical body and the muladhara cakra.

Comment: Sadguru Baba guides us that the practice of asanas is related with all the various cakras and has a profound effect on the mind as well.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The practice of ásanas cures the body’s glandular system of all its maladies and helps the mind to attain balance for spiritual practices.” (Caryacarya -1, Sadhana) (2)

Outcome: Baba’s above teaching proves that the chart’s claim that asanas are only related with the physical body and the muladhara cakra is completely wrong.

Bogus information about sadhana

Flaw #3 of Bogus “Tantra Yoga” Chart:  The chart wrongly presents iishvara pranidhana as part of dhyana, i.e. the 7th limb of astaunga yoga.

Comment: Sadguru Baba guides us that iishvara pranidhana is the 5th point of niyama, i.e. the 2nd limb of astaunga yoga.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In Niyama, the most important item is Iishvara prańidhána.” (A Guide to Human Conduct, Niyama Sadhana) (3)

Outcome: Baba’s above teaching proves that the chart’s claim that iishvara pranidhana is part of dhyana is completely wrong.

Flaw #4 of Bogus “Tantra Yoga” Chart: The chart wrongly presents the lessons of dharana, i.e. tattva dharana & cakra shodhana, as related exclusively with the vishuddha cakra.

Comment: Sadguru Baba teaches us in His sahaja yoga meditation that tattva dharana and cakra shodhana are related with many cakras.

Outcome: Everyone who practices sahaja yoga meditation knows that the chart’s claim that tattva dharana & cakra shodhana are related exclusively with the vishuddha cakra is completely wrong.

Flaw #5 of Bogus “Tantra Yoga” Chart: The chart wrongly presents the shuddhis as the equivalent of pratyahara yoga.

Comment: Sadguru Baba guides us that varńárghyadána - not the shuddhis - is pratyahara yoga.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “In Ananda Marga Sadhana, the method of withdrawing the mind from degrading tendencies, and absorbing oneself in the colour of the Great, is called Pratyáhára Yoga (the yoga of withdrawal) or Varńárghyadána (the offering of colours).” (Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour) (4)

Outcome: Baba’s above teaching proves how the chart’s claim about the shuddhis is completely wrong. The shuddhis are not even a full-fledged lesson whereas pratyahara is an actual limb of astaunga yoga.

And verily from top to bottom and from side to side, the bogus tantra yoga chart is filled with errors, misleading information, and bogus classifications. Anyone who reads this chart will be completely misguided.

False things propagate in the name of Ananda Marga

The whole chart has been created in the name of Ananda Marga philosophy. So not only is this chart full or flaws, but it is all done in the name of our philosophy. This whole episode is a farce. The chart claims to represent Ananda Marga philosophy, yet the chart itself is full of bogus information that undermines the path, practice, and philosophy of yoga Ananda Marga. It is one thing to make a personal mistake, and another to implicate Ananda Marga philosophy in one’s erroneous approach and spread it all over the internet.


This demonstrates those who created this chart failed to learn even the basics of Ananda Marga philosophy. And other naive and innocent people get allured by the bogus chart and they spread it around without realising that this chart is filled with errors etc. By this way Ananda Marga is also blamed. Sadly new people will form a poor impression of Ananda Marga when they see that even basic errors are rampant on the chart. Even information that one is taught Day 1 in Ananda Marga - i.e. yama and niyama - is wrong. All in all, no one should indulge in such sin by propagating false things in the name of Ananda Marga.

In Him,
Karen Foster

Here below is the faulty chart:

If you cannot read the above bogus chart let us know and we will send you a larger version.

Who created this mess

Now the question is who created this mess - i.e. who made this bogus chart and diluted the teachings of Ananda Marga philosophy. The answer is that we do not know. Please help us find out who is behind this. Here below is a screenprint of the website and by that way you can reach to the source from where this mess began. Superficially it looks like an authentic Ananda Marga website but by their action it is obviously fictitious / illegitimate. You may also remember that this same website [anandamarga(dot)org] prominently features a music video of the dogmatic Hindu fictional goddess Jagatambe, Kali, Durge - where they chant victory to the holy goddess Jagatambe Kali, Durge.
(Note: The website at fault is the one shown below [i.e. anandamarga(dot)org], not the Ananda Marga News Bulletin blog. Rather the News Bulletin blog pointed out the dogma of the Jagatambe video.)

The bogus Tantra Yoga chart should be denounced and removed from all Ananda Marga websites. Thereafter either the chart can be corrected, or, if that is not possible, the chart should be destroyed.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Yoga and Bhakti
2. Caryacarya -1, Sadhana
3. A Guide to Human Conduct, Niyama Sadhana
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Dirty libertine way is becoming a fad

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The Sanskrit equivalent for marriage is viváha (vi – vah + ghaiṋ): it means, after the ceremony, the man and woman can no longer live as libertines or as irresponsible so-called family people. They have to discharge their full obligations as bharttá and kalatra, responsible husband and responsible wife.”

“Another Sanskrit equivalent for “woman” is nárii, which is feminine gender. But Shiva used the term kalatra, in the neuter; for to her husband a woman is a wife, but to her children and other members of the society, she is as dignified as her male counterpart. So by declaring a married lady to be kalatra, Shiva gave her special status, and addressed her in neuter terms.”

“The liberal meaning of the term viváha is “live one’s life in a new way with a special type of responsibility”. This is the underlying significance of the Shaeva system of marriage.”

“In His life, Shiva Himself married with this commitment. We can say without the least hesitation that Shiva was the first person in this world to marry in the proper sense of the term..” (1)

Note: That which was common 7000 years ago has now again come into vogue: That same disease has become prevalent today. A huge percentage of people around the globe are leading libertine life - especially in the west. They produce children and neglect to take any responsibility. They do not like to be bound in conjugal relations and shoulder the responsibility of helping the child. The ones who suffer the most are the children and the mother. Often such children wind up in foster care - mentally and physically scarred. It is a serious crisis - watch out. Where capitalism is growing that disease will spread. Our duty is to propagate this teaching - if we bring even one libertine onto the path of responsibility then at least to some the problem is solved.

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 9