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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Photo exacerbates suffering + 2 more


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Photo exacerbates suffering
2. PS #734: Today moved by Your soothing touch
3. Links

Photo exacerbates suffering

As we all know, the various ceremonies given by Sadguru Baba in Caryacarya are to be performed in a way to preserve the sanctity of the function and prevent dogma from entering in. One key point about the shraddha ceremony is that a photo of the deceased should not be on display during this shraddha function. And here is why.

In His Hindi Ananda Vacanamrtam discourse about how to deal with death, Baba guides us that when the loss is raw for those mourners, then the mind should be diverted away from their loss. That is why during the mourning period, after a death, nobody should talk about or praise the deceased in front of the deceased’s family members. Because that will exacerbate the suffering in the mind of those mourners. Having the photo on display will only heighten the pain of those grieving as it will be a constant reminder of their loss.

Not putting photo is for the benefit of the mourners

Our Ananda Marga is the path of bliss - everything is related with attaining bliss. So nothing should be done that exacerbates one’s grieving and sorrow.

Because the memory of their loss is raw, and if you remind the family of the deceased by having a photo on display, then the whole scene becomes more emotional and agonizing. And that should be avoided - the mind should be goaded towards Parama Purusa. That is why the photo of the deceased should not be on display during this shraddha ceremony.

In Him,

Please see the below scene from one shraddha ceremony. The photo of the deceased is prominently displayed on the decorated table. Seeing the photo all the mourners are sobbing. Because all those present are seated facing directly towards the photo of the deceased. So the memory of the deceased is directly projected to all. The photo is squarely placed in front of those grieving mourners, and that dramatically multiplies their sorrow. Wallowing in that pain, those mourners are sobbing, bending forward with their head bowed down.

Baba guides us that when the loss is raw for those mourners, then the mind should be diverted away from their loss. But the photo of the deceased reminds them of their loss and exacerbates their suffering. Seeing the photo of their love one deepens their pain and makes their loss feel more raw.

Now see the below scene: distraught family members and friends are sobbing seeing the photo of their departed loved one. That is why the photo of the deceased should not be on display during the shraddha ceremony.

In the above scene, people are going against the ethic of Ananda Marga philosophy by putting the photo of the deceased on display during the shraddha ceremony. By this way, the grief-stricken family suffers more. That is why the photo of the deceased should not be on display during the shraddha ceremony. Because it exacerbates the suffering of the mourners.

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Today moved by Your soothing touch

"Áji, tomári parashe tomári haraśe,dharańii ut́hilo hási..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0734)


O’ Parama Purusa, today, basking in Your ever-flowing joy and moved by Your soothing touch, all mortals - all my brothers and sisters - have started smiling. Everyone is wholly ensconced in Your cosmic rhythm and infinite bliss. From all corners, human beings everywhere are expressing their heart-felt feeling by proclaiming: "O’ Supreme Entity, O’ my Dearmost, I love You.”

O’ Compassionate One, in the flow of Your grace and blessings, the dark fog has lifted in the mere blink of an eye. Those sinners trying to extinguish Your light, Your universal ideology, have suddenly vanished from the scene. It is Your grace.

Those thoughts, which were previously lying suppressed in seed form - in the realm of imagination, have today descended down into the core of all mortals. All have started thinking about bhagavad dharma. With this kindling of light on earth, all are now trying to merge into the seven realms - and play the divine flute in unison, with one Supreme Goal in mind....

== Section 3: Links ==