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Friday, September 20, 2019

Samaj & psychic disease + 3 more


Samaj & psychic disease


Baba’s samaj system is the ideal way to build up our universal human family and greater global community. However, since 1990, various groups have come into the lead, simultaneously pushing others behind. And they justify their view by telling that their people or their samaj is more favoured by Baba than other samajas etc. This is their unfortunate tactic.

All have equal standing

But we know that Baba is the Cosmic Father - the Supreme One. And He never favours the people of one area over another. Rather in front of Him everyone is of equal standing - regardless of their birth or community.

Discourses on the Mahábhárata states, “All human beings are the progeny of the Supreme Progenitor. Hence all are His children, hence all should live together – nay, will have to live together. Black or white, literate or illiterate, small or tall, all are the children of the same Father. Hence all will have to live together.” (1)

No one can rightly claim that Baba favours one group or one samaj over another, or that Baba is partial to a particular community. The proof of this is that wherever Baba would go He would sing the praises of that particular area and guide them on the path to move ahead. Those receiving that inspiration would understand that, "Just as Baba is encouraging us to advance, likewise He is infusing the spirit of progress within all." That is the spirit of the samaj system.

So Baba's samaj theory is a dynamic approach where all progress is in coordination with the development of others. No group, clan, or community can raise their head and say they are more blessed or more favoured by Parama Purusa than others. To do so is merely to expose how they themselves do not understand Prout and the samaj system.

Prout philosophy states, "PROUT advocates the formation of self-sufficient socio-economic units throughout the world. They will work to enhance the all-round welfare of the people in their respective areas and unite humanity on a common ideological base. The interests of all local people will be guaranteed and gain proper recognition. As each unit becomes strong and prosperous it will merge with other units. The formation of a world government will assist this process of integration. Socio-economic units will thus facilitate the comprehensive, multifarious liberation of humanity." (2)

Diseased people: "Baba favours our samaj over others"

As Proutists know, Baba's samaj theory recognises the specialties of all. In that regard, Baba appreciates and encourages all samajas. For example, in each and every place where Baba has visited, then invariably He praises that community and the qualities of their samaj. Because Baba wants to highlight the good things of a particular samaj in order to give them a boost of self-confidence so they can fight against exploitation and raise their standard. So Baba praises all samajas with the intention of removing their inferiority complex - thus enabling and empowering them to fight against exploitation.

Unfortunately, some samajas are operating in an opposite way. They are telling one and all that, "Baba favours Amara Bengali samaj above others.” This is what certain leaders of the Amara Bengali samaj propagate. They want to inject inferiority complexes within other samajas all around the globe in our Ananda Marga society. This type of approach goes directly against the spirit of the samaj system. They have brainwashed innocent people around the globe. In particular, it is the Amara Bengali samaj that salutes themselves in this way.

Yet, wherever Baba toured and visited various samajas He vehemently encouraged all and infused them with the belief that they are great. Then those samajas would gain the requisite self-confidence to fight against exploiters. Baba inspires one and all in order to help society rid itself from any and all negative feelings like inferiority complex etc. Because Baba loves all and He encourages each and every community to overcome their current difficulties and struggles. Baba helps everyone recognise their inherent strength and talents. Toward this end, Baba has praised so many samajas so that each and every community could rise up and grow. Side by side, nobody should get confused and think that Baba was partial to one samaj over another.

Wherever Baba visits He showers His blessing

Here then are some of the many examples where Baba praises various samajas when He visits that particular area. In the following quote Baba is glorifying how Chattisgarh samaj will serve as one guiding light to the whole humanity.

Prout philosophy says, Chattisgarh "should have a very bright future. Let the people from other parts of the world come here and learn how far the people here have achieved progress, and in which ways they are going to bring about progress in other spheres of life. Let the light of Chattisgarh be ever effulgent, like a luminous star in human society, so that all may learn and be benefitted by it." (3)

Here below Baba is encouraging and reminding the Bhojpuri people of the greatness of their land so they will raise their fist against injustice.

Prout philosophy says, "From the economic point of view the soil of this [Bhojpur] area is extremely fertile...The [Bhojpuri] people are industrious, and the soil is fertile...If the land is not poor, why should the people be poor? There should not be poverty among the people at all in this area. So it is your bounden duty to make this beautiful fertile land free from exploitation." (4)

Baba also highlights the speciality of those people of the Ananda Nagar area. And here below Baba is praising Magahii samaj with the strength and courage to stand in the face of all opposition and exploitation.

Prout philosophy says, "That Magadha which has given birth to noble persons...will never perish. There is no power on earth that can destroy it." (5)

More how Baba blesses every samaj

By the following lines it is clear that when Baba visits any samaj then He praises not one but many aspects of the samaj. A case in point occurs here with regards to Mithiila samaj.

Prout philosophy says, "Mithiila is situated in the eastern part of India, at a different longitude, and as such it should and does have its own almanac...Thus we see that in all respects Mithila has its own specialities...This proves that Mithila has all along had its own script and alphabet." (6)

Prout philosophy continues, "The children of the present-day Mithila, should remember that even five or six thousand years ago there was a great civilisation at Mithila, and it was a pre-Aryan civilisation: That is, it existed even before the Aryans migrated to India. Thus you can easily understand how ancient was the civilisation of Mithila." (7)

Prout philosophy says, "The very land of Mithila is the land of Tantra." (8)

Prout philosophy adds, "The people of Mithila are very rational-minded and intellectual by disposition. There was no differentiation of caste among them even as far back as in the post Buddhist age." (9)

Baba concludes, "In fact it can be said that the Maethili language has the oldest history of all the Sam'skrt-derived languages in India...This language is at least 1200 to 1300 years old, and its literature is 900 years old." (10)

And here below Baba is highlighting particular attributes of the Pahari and Dogari samajas.

Prout philosophy  says, "Pa'ha'r'ii is a separate language, not merely a dialect; and Dogrii, too, is also a separate language, as I have told you previously." (11)

Similarly when Baba has visited overseas then He always praises and encourages those local samajas as well, such as in Venezuela, Fiesch, Manila and so many places. Baba has blessed all with strong inspiration within all the communities of the globe. This is one special approach that He has done everywhere. So none should think that Baba only favours one over others - there by leaving the rest behind.

In this piece, I am not mentioning all samajas; so this is not an exhaustive list; this is just a sampling. But internally all should know that Baba appreciates all samajas, whether He visited there or not.

Answer to Bengalee superiority complex

Here below, Baba guides us that if any community or individual has a greater degree of mixed blood they will be more intelligent than those with less-mixed blood. So those with a blood mixture of three main ethnic groups will be more intelligent than those with a blood mixture of two. And those with a blood mixture of five or six main and sub ethnic groups will be more intelligent than those with three etc. That is why Baba encourages revolutionary marriages, i.e. marital unions that are inter-caste and interracial etc. 

Our Bengalee community is a mixture of three main ethnic groups. Around the world, there are so many communities that have an even greater more mixture. For example in the US, all the races can be mixed in one child. There are millions of such people. The US population comes from all around the world. Not a single country is not represented. And they freely intermix and marry. That is why in the US there are people of all colours, shapes, and sizes with regards to their eyes, skin, faces, eyelids hair, and body types etc.

Bengalees should not gloat about their

About the point of intelligence and the mixture of blood, the US is tops. So the Bengali community should not gloat about their status on this matter. Rather they should mix with other ethnic groups and intermarry. Then they will be able to compete with other communities and achieve a greater blood diversity. Unfortunately some Bengalees are confused and think they are the best and unparalleled. That is why some in our Bengal suffer from a superiority complex.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “There were three main ethnic groups in India in those days: Austric, Mongolian, and Negroid. In [East] India they all mingled into one. The dark-complexioned non-Aryan Austrics were the original people of India, and thus there is Austric blood in most of the present population of India. The Bengalees, being a mixture of these three groups, evolved in a particular way and developed a particular psychology. They have developed certain morphological characteristics from which one can easily deduce that they are Bengali. Their physical appearance and nature are a result of a special type of blood mixture. Those groups which have mixed blood are generally very intelligent, and the Bengali people are no exception. Besides being intelligent, they have other marked psychological traits which characterize them as Bengalees: they are sports fanatics, even those who do not play any sport themselves, and they are equally mad for open-air theatre and established theatre. These psychological traits result from the integration of the different racial groups.” (12)

In comparison Bengalees are quite ordinary

Some Bengalees also brag that theirs is a mixture of three civilisations. Three big rivers join in the delta stage in Bengal. In the past, those rivers represented pathways of communication. Where there were more rivers, there was more communication; and, that civilisation was more developed. But that era of old is gone. Now communication and human interaction occur via plane travel and internet. Knowledge is shared by these avenues. Areas by big international airports are more developed. Bengalees should not gloat over being a mixture of three civlisations, when so many places are more mixed. In comparison, Bengal is quite ordinary.


Yet we also must recall and document that Baba visited so many samajas - indeed on His north India tour in 1984 Baba visited so many large and small samajas where He graciously held DMC etc. And always Baba was equally showering His grace and encouraging all. And in many of those regions, Baba delivered absolutely fascinating talks on the local history, language, geography, archeology etc. About this grand tour others have written postings and accounts in the past. Suffice to say here that so many angles and unknown histories were revealed by Baba.

But in an unjust manner those discourses given by Baba were never given their rightful place by Dada Sarvatmananda and never included in the Prout series of published books. Rather Amara Bengali leaders, most notably Dada Sarvatmananda, worked to ensure that even imaginary & made-up samaj discourses were included in the Prout Nutshell series. In this way they have tainted the history. In turn, those whose mind is colured by geo-sentiment believe and propagate that really Baba is more partial to Amara Bengali. Sadly, that is their psychic disease.

in Him,
Ranjana’ Bose
(with input from Pranav Ghosh)

Dada Sarvatmananda and Dada Bhaskaranandja are two prime examples of those who openly talk and spread the propaganda that Amara Bengali samaj is the top-most. When the mind is so riddled by geo-sentiment, this type of false notion gains traction in the mind. But that has nothing to do with Prout’s samaj system.

~ In-depth study ~

Why their progress is checked forever

Neo-humanism states, “What is that geo-sentiment which inflicts the first blow on the inner asset of humans? It is to let one’s sentiment flow towards a particular territory. One does not consider whether what one is doing is right or wrong, logical or illogical. In this situation, sentiment is substituted for logic; and in the next phase, superstition is substituted for logic. All those religious, economic, political or social theories which are based on geo-sentiment, yield to superstition from their very inception. The so-called religions which have mouthed high-sounding ideals but are essentially motivated by geo-sentiment, become converted into reservoirs of superstition, into oceans of blind faith. They submerge humanity in a quagmire of superstitions, and people struggle in that filth for ages. Their progress is checked forever.”  (13)

Every samaj received His attention and it was made clear that no samaj was more favoured by Baba. There is no credence to the Amara Bengali sentiment that theirs is the favoured samaj.

Samaj theory: universal in spirit, regional in approach

Indeed the entire spirit of Baba's samaj theory encompasses the welfare of all - whether He has physically visited a place or not. Baba's overall guideline is that every samaj and community should grow.

Ananda Vanii says, "Encourage everyone to build their career in a nice way. Let none get the scope to think that their life has become useless." (14)

That is why the overall slogan of the our Proutistic samaj theory is, "Universal in spirit, regional in approach." (15)

Here Baba is guiding us not to accept the dogma that any particular samaj is better than the rest. Rather we are to directly oppose such a misguided idea.

Prout philosophy says, "A person who wants to promote others’ welfare, a person who wants to serve the entire humanity, must keep away from dogma. In addition to that, he or she will have to staunchly resist dogma. It is not enough to keep away from something which is considered a veritable sin, it is not enough to lodge only verbal protest against sin – one will have to wage an uncompromising fight against it." (16)

All are equally important

So there is no question of any land being high or low. All are are part of Parama Purusa's special creation; and He loves all equally. About this there should be no complex, no feelings of inferiority, no dogma. We should all live remembering that all samajas are great, all human beings are great, and that all are His progeny.

Prout philosophy says, "You must never encourage superiority complex, inferiority complex, fear complex, defeatist complex etc. You are the very children of Parama Purusa. Hence you are not inferior to anyone. You must not encourage any inferiority complex, for you are the members of the highest and noblest family. Because Your Father is the most revered Entity of this universe." (17)

1. Discourses on the Mahábhárata, Planning for the Mahávishva
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Socio-Economic Groupifications
3. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Let Chattisgarh Have a Brilliant Future
4. A Few Problems Solved - 4, The History of the Bhojpuri Language
5. Shabda Cayanika - 1, Áṋt to Áhiira (Discourse 5)
6. A Few Problems Solved - 4, The History of the Maethili Language
7. A Few Problems Solved - 4, The History of the Maethili Language
8. A Few Problems Solved - 4, The History of the Maethili Language
9. A Few Problems Solved - 4, The History of the Maethili Language
10. A Few Problems Solved - 4, The History of the Maethili Language
11. A Few Problems Solved - 4, The Fundamentals of Language
12. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, Bhaerava and Bhaeravii
13. Neo-Humanism, Geo-Sentiment (Discourse 3)
14. Ananda Vanii #19
15. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Socio-Economic Groupifications
16. A Few Problems Solved - 4, The Liberation of Intellect
17. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Rise Above All Complexes

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You care about those or not 

"Je tomáre bhálobáse he vásava, tumi táre bhálobáso ki ná..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4487)


The love-personified Parama Purusa, maybe I am confused but I often wonder if You care about those who have affection for You, or not. Your liila sometimes unfolds by making others laugh and other occasions making them cry. Your way of expressing affection is beyond my understanding. 

The flowers are blooming but then fall to the ground and become one with the dust. The beautiful spring loses its existence in the burning desert. So many buds withered away and fell apart before they even bloomed. Similarly, even though He is showering His grace always, to the outsider it looks like He does not have any feeling for the soft, tender expressions of those bhaktas. That is why many brand His liila as unkind, despite the fact He has suffused His creation with His supreme benevolence. 

He has made the soft siivantii, chandramallika (chrysanthemum) flower with countless thorns around it. And He covers the charming full moon with the dark, black clouds. This is His grand play. When the fragrant sandalwood tree spreads its aroma all around, He puts countless poisonous snakes coiled around it. Why He plays His liila in this is way I can’t understand. He pours His merciful compassion upon every jiiva, but some do not feel this in their heart. Although, He inundates all with His bliss, some do not feel it....

Note: In the first stanza of this song, the bhakta is asking Parama Purusa indirectly thereby referencing about his own situation. Especially in this particular line, "I often wonder if You care about those who have affection for You, or not." This type of scene happens on the path of bhakti. It is just like how small little kids express their unhappiness with their mother for leaving them and not returning back right away. In the same manner, bhaktas of the highest order will benevolently express  their disappointment with Parama Purusa for not looking upon them in the way they wish to feel His presence.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Lowly tactic of bogus gurus / teachers

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "There is a secret technique to raise this serpentine coil. Previously this technique was not clearly given. At that time some people thought it proper to keep it secret. If something harmful to individual or collective life is not given, that is good; but the useful things have to be given. People will be more attracted to do sádhaná."

"The first thing is that this kulakuńd́alinii rises slowly from the múládhára cakra to the sahasrára cakra in eight steps, it passes through eight cakras, and the sahasrára cakra is the ninth. Just below the sahasrára cakra is the guru cakra. When one meditates at the guru cakra, the kuńd́alinii takes one jump upwards, and the mind goes to the other side of the cakra [i.e., to the sahasrára.] This is the technique of sádhaná, but it has previously neither been explained nor written in books."

"The kulakuńd́alinii rises upward in eight jumps or phases, so with two syllables in a siddha mantra, the kuńd́alinii will jump four times. But a general, or publicly-given, siddha mantra will make the kulakuńd́alinii jump eight times or in eight phases. That is why such a siddha mantra has eight syllables. So you should understand that a proper kiirtana must have eight syllables, never seven or nine syllables." (1)

Note 1: The prevailing dogma in the past in India was that so-called gurus did not want to share all of their knowledge or reveal all of their techniques to their disciples. Those dogmatic gurus were thinking they should keep something 'special' for themselves, otherwise their prestige and own value will be lost. So they withheld certain key teachings and ultimately died with those special techniques.

In that case, their disciples only got 99% or so of what the guru had - not everything, not that last 1%. Gradually, then from one generation to the next, 1% kept getting withheld until finally everything was completely lost.

And now in places like India in the name of spirituality, only dogma is left. This is why the withholding of vital information is very negative. This applies to other fields as well such as medicine, law, chemistry, physics etc. Unfortunately, this same type of withholding of information occurs in many fields. All done by selfish people to "enhance" their own prestige. When, in truth, it undermines their greatness. This dogmatic and defective way must be stopped.

Note 2: Baba has given the idea in Namah Shivaya Shantaya that when one gets proper students who are eager and capable, then in that case tell them everything. Do not withhold any information or keep anything secret. That will be a disservice to the society.

1. Discourses on Krsna & The Giita, Krśńa Unparalleled

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Secret to overcoming degrading tendencies

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “If one stays away from objects of attraction, one has no chance of using them and they may thus gradually lose their attraction; while if one is near them one may be attracted towards them more.” (1)

Note: Reading negative articles, dirty books & literature, filthy magazines and watching lewd movies invites degeneration. By staying away from such degrading vices, one will step-by-step overcome that type of sensual attraction etc. And the mind will not be overwrought by those negative vrttis / degrading inclinations.

1. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, '98 Edn, p. 126

== Section 4: Links ==