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Monday, April 11, 2022

Multi-Baba: new dogma + 3 more


Multi-Baba: new dogma


These days one negative trend has started. Some are going to the jagrti or Baba Quarters (BQ) thinking that there are three Babas. They do sastuanga pranam separately to each Baba and ask for boons:

#1 Dharmacakra Hall: First they go to the dharmacakra hall and see Baba #1 and do sastaunga pranam to the Baba who resides only on the puja table.
#2 Holy Ashes: Next they go to the pot of holy ashes and see Baba #2 who resides only in those ashes and do sastuanga pranam and ask for some worldly blessing from that #2 Baba.
#3 Baba’s Room: Later on they go to Baba #3 who resides only in Baba's room and do sastaunga pranam to that Baba.

This is the way that some think:

(a) They feel there is one Baba who resides permanently in the DC hall, so one must go to the puja table in the DC hall and do sastaunga pranam to Baba #1.

(b) And then there is the Baba who resides inside the pot of holy ashes. This Baba never comes out from that pot so one must go very close to that pot and offer their sastaunga pranam to Baba #2.

(c) Finally they think there is another Baba in the bedroom of the BQ who never comes out. He remains there always. So one must go to the bedroom / Baba's room and pay salutations to Baba #3.

This is the way to pay respect to all three Babas. Otherwise it is not complete. It is just like the dogmatic Hindu ritualistic system. So if someone does not get the opportunity to see one of the Baba's because the room is locked etc, then they are saddened. They feel that one Baba remains unaddressed and they will be unhappy.

Dogma: How Baba #1, #2, & #3 work

Tragically, the polytheistic, multi-god phenomena which is a widespread dogma of Hinduism is now creeping into our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS). Such worshipers appreciate that Baba is three now. They think everyone should please and salute each Baba to get His grace.

In the next phase they will delineate which Baba offers which boon. For instance:
(a) The Baba #1 who resides in DC hall grants the power of intellect.
(b) The Baba #2 who resides in the ashes grants the boon of worldly wealth and money.
(c) The Baba #3 who resides in Baba's room / bedroom (BQ) grants good health and the solutions to all other problems.

In that way, pilgrims choose and select which Baba they will worship depending upon which problem is most acute in their life. Accordingly, they will go and visit the corresponding Baba: Baba #1, Baba #2, or Baba #3. This type of outcome is unfolding and now our duty is to save the situation. Tragically, this is the way the dogma of a polytheistic, multi-god approach has come into Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS). Avadhutas are benefitting by this as they stipulate that until you pay a handsome amount, Wts will keep Baba #2 and Baba #3 locked and you will not be allowed in. This is the way certain avadhutas blackmail margiis.

Ashes in urn dogma 

AK Bhaskar Patna dala'l / stooge of B group has circulated the following message in WhatsApp groups:

🌹 श्री गु रुवे नमः 🌹
 आत्मस्वरूप सभी गुरूभ्राताओं और बहनों ,      
   अति प्रसन्नता के साथ आप सभी को सूचित करना है कि हमारे परम पूज्य सद्गुरुदेव श्री श्री आनन्दमूर्ति जी के पंचभौतिक शरीर के अस्थिभस्म से भरा हुआ एक पावन कलश की स्थापना दिनांक 15/04/2022 को श्रद्धेय आचार्य  किंशुक रंजन सरकार के द्वारा प्रातः 7 बजे मधु मागधी, बाबा क्वार्टर,विशाल नगर, पटना के परिसर में हर्षोल्लास के साथ होने जा रही है ।
       अत: अनुरोध है कि आप सभी सपरिवार इस महोत्सव में सम्मिलित होकर एक दूसरे का उत्साह बढ़ाएं एवं इस पुनीत  कार्य को सफल बनावें
🌺श्रद्धेय आचार्य किंशुक रंजन सरकार का आगमन .....  प्रातः 6 बजे राजेन्द्र नगर टर्मिनल
🌺ईश्वर प्रणिधान और अस्थि कलश स्थापना..... प्रातः 7 (बाबा क्वार्टर) 
🌺तीन घंटे का अखंड कीर्तन और ईश्वर प्रणिधान..... प्रातः 9 बजे से 12 बजे तक
🌺श्रद्धेय आचार्य किंशुक रंजन सरकार का आशीर्वचन
🌺मिलित भोजन के पश्चात सिमरा में दीदी द्वारा संचालित आनन्द मार्ग स्कूल का भ्रमण.
🌺 D. M. S..... 16 और 17 हाजीपुर

~ The above Hindi is courtesy of WhatsApp forums. ~

Why some Wts like this dogma                              

Certain in-charges and central workers appreciate this 3-Baba dogma because it enhances their own importance. Since those Dadas control the jagrtis and Baba Quarters (BQ) and have the lock and key to the various rooms etc, their status has been raised. In order to see all three Babas, margiis have to please such Dadas by offering gifts, respect etc. In so many places in India and in overseas countries this dogma is becoming more prevalent in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS).

There is a growing backlash that sadhakas face as well. Wherever this dogma has taken root, then good sadhakas, who do not appreciate this 3-Baba dogma, get blamed and labeled as being crude and lacking bhakti. That is another unfortunate outcome. In that case, in order to keep their prestige and because of mounting fear and social pressure, many salute Baba #1, #2, & #3 - whether they like it or not. This is the way things are going.


It is not possible for Parama Purusa to be more than one. To understand how harmful all this is for one's spiritual progress, we have to consider Baba's below teaching. In the following quote, Baba is guiding us that God is one. Wherever you are He resides in your heart He never leaves you.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Rudra cannot be more than one. That is why I have said, “Na dvitiiyáya tasthurya.” You cannot have any supporter or competitor. That Rudra, the Supreme Entity, is the controller of the universe.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The second type of viveka paiṋcaka is dvaetádvaeta viveka. Through dvaetádvaeta viveka one gains the capacity to analyse whether the eternal entity is one or more than one and come to a conclusion accordingly (dvaeta means dualistic and advaeta means non-dualistic). There cannot remain any svagata, svajátiiya and vijátiiya differentiation in the entity which is beyond time, space and person. So it is not possible for the Eternal Entity to be more than one.…. the Entity beyond the periphery of time, space and individuality is permanent; It is one." (2)

In our Ananda Marga spiritual approach, God is one. So this 3-Baba ritual is a glaring contravention of our Ananda Marga ideals. Baba is one.

In Him,
Shant Svarup

~ In-depth study ~

As bhaktas we should always remember Baba's divine teaching that He resides in guha, i.e. in the core of the mind.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "One has to search for Him in one’s guhá. Guhá has a couple of meanings – “cave”, and the “I”. Here the second meaning applies. One has to search for Him in one’s “I”. The one who is inside your “I” is you yourself. Search for your self – you will find Him. As long as the [real] you is there, the Lord is also there." (3)

That singular divine Entity resides in the inner recesses of one's own mind. So the three-Baba dogma that is unfolding is a black spot on the pure spirituality of Ananda Marga ideology. We should oppose this dogma and uphold Baba's divine stance: That He resides in your mind.

Shortcuts in spirituality are dead-ends

Generally human beings are prone to being allured by such types of spiritual shortcuts; that is why this 3-Baba dogma is growing. Sixteen Points and yama and niyama are comparatively harder to follow. This 3-Baba dogma makes it "easier" to get Baba since He is divided into three. However, in the end, those who fall in the mire of dogma push Parama Purusa further and further away, while those who adhere to dharmic principles are blessed with spiritual attainment.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam -1, The Singular Entity
2. Ananda Marga Ideology Way of Life - 7, The Five Kinds of Conscience (Viveka)
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, The Dialogues of Shiva and Párvatii – 1

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I am marching according to Your desire

"Apár ananta tumi ki bá jáni ámi, tomár krpáy mor din cale jáy..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2147)


My Parama Purusa, You are endless and infinite and the vast ocean of bliss, while I am small and meagre. So how much can I know of You; I know not. Baba, my days are passing only by Your grace. I am floating on in Your flow. By chanting Your name and singing Your song and glory, I am marching forward according to Your desire, on the path which You have shown to me.

Parama Purusa, I love You - and smile and weep in a spiritual flow, while calling Your name, in Your longing. By chanting Your name and ideating on You, I am drenched in Your overflowing bhakti. Ensconced in that vibration, I sing and dance. Baba, Prabhu, to do Your work, I come onto this earth again and again. The way You want my life to proceed is the way it moves on. You make me act according to Your desire.

My Supreme Entity, one cannot know Your whereabouts or get You by the study debate of scripture, philosophy, and spiritual science. By this way, nobody can realise You. Baba, according to Your desire everything happens. All happens due to Your karuna', due to Your immense compassion.

Baba, You are infinite, beginningless, and endless. By chanting Your name and singing Your glory, my whole life is passing...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #2147:

[1] Ensconced in that vibration, I weep and smile: Here below Ananda Marga philosophy enlists the many different ways a sadhaka might express the pious expressions of their deep feeling or bhakti and realisation.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "When the mental flow of a spiritual aspirant moves along the introversial phase of Macrocosmic meditation, one’s animative force, having the potentiality of divinity itself, rises above all tendencies – all saḿskáras – and proceeds towards Eternal bliss. In this state the mind is vibrated with Cosmic feeling. The unexpressed divine qualities of the higher glands find expression and the resonance of the mind vibrates the nervous system. This gives rise to pious expressions in the physical body. In the case of those people whose occult feelings are not physically expressed due to causes associated with the nerves, the mental vibrations cause certain radical changes, in the various glands within the body. These occult feelings are basically of eight types: stambha (astounding), kampa (trembling), sveda (sweating), svarabheda (hoarseness of voice), ashru (tears), romáiṋca (horripilation), vaevarńa (change of colour) and pralaya (fainting fit). There are other feelings associated with these major feelings. For examples, nrtya (dancing), giita (singing), viluńt́hana (rolling), kroshana (weeping), huḿkára (roaring), lálásráva (salivating), jrmbhańa (yawning), lokápekśá tyága (indifference), at́t́ahásya (bursting into laughter), ghúrńana (whirling), hikká (hiccoughing), tanumot́ana (relaxation of the physical body) and diirghashvása (deep breathing)." (A Guide to Human Conduct)

[2] Karun'a': This is when one harbours a deep sense of empathy, is pained by another's suffering, and feels, "I should help them.” For example, suppose a beggar is wallowing in misery. By seeing his wretched condition, you felt, "I should help him and remove his agony.” This heartfelt feeling is the expression of karuna'.
Similarly, suppose a bhakta is suffering and unable to progress in the physical, psychic, or spiritual realms due to their own inherent negative samskaras. In such circumstances, Parama Purusa cannot bear to watch that sadhaka suffer. He feels He must rescue them immediately. With His deep empathy and mercy, Parama Purusa removes their agony, so that once again that bhakta can progress in all realms of life. This entire liila is called His karun'a'.
Difference Between Krpa' & Karun'a'
In the case of karun'a', Parama Purusa is moved by a bhakta's suffering and comes forward to save that bhakta. Whereas with krpa' (grace), the bhakta is not suffering but even then Parama Purusa is bestowing His blessing.
It is just like if a beggar is sick and suffering half-naked in the freezing cold. If with great empathy a passerby selflessly helps that beggar without expecting anything in return, that is karuna’. Because the passerby is moved and motivated into action by seeing the beggar's suffering. In contrast, if a student is not sick, and that person just wishes to give the student a gift, then that krpa’.
When out of empathy Parama Purusa lovingly comes to the aid of the suffering bhakta to relieve them of their spiritual strife, that is the karuna of Parama Purusa; and, if that same bhakta is not suffering in the spiritual realm, yet Baba still bestows His blessing to enhance their bhakti, that is His krpa’ on the bhakta.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Do good, but only to your own religion

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Some philosophies have taught their own [religious or caste] communities, “The members of this community are the favourite children of Parama Puruśa – others are cursed and unwanted.” Due to this defective teaching the people of one community have even considered the destruction of the members of another community as an act of virtue, and stained the stony altar of human society with the blood of innocent people. In the blood of these innocent victims, the blind adherents of such defective philosophies have taken a holy bath of “liberation”. What a horror!” (1)

In the above paragraph, Sadguru Baba is referring to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. A study of history shows that so many crusades were done where believers of other religions were persecuted and killed. Because this is written in their religious texts, this was the standard practice for hundreds of years with Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Thousands upon thousands of followers of other religions were butchered. This was commonly done in the past by Jews and Christians. Today, only Islam is still doing this.

In these religions, virtuous acts like helping others, camaraderie, and other things written in their scriptures were directed towards followers of their same faith, not for others.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “By providing such a distorted interpretation of dharma, they have deliberately prevented people from gaining a correct understanding of dharma, and thus they have betrayed humanity in the most inimical manner. They have taught people to view each other with suspicion.” (2)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

बाबा! तुमने मेरे हृदय की सभी भावनायें सुनी

प्रभात सङ्गीत  4075 : एसेछिले आमार घरे, कौनसे पूर्णमाय ।

बाबा ! तुम अपनी अपार कृपा से पूर्णिमा के दिन मेरे घर आए। मुझे वह बहुत ही यादगार और कभी न भूल पाने वाला अवसर था। अपनी बेहद कृपा से तुमने नृत्य और गीतों  के द्वारा अपना प्रेम लुटाया। तुम्हारे आकर्षण ने मुझे  इस प्रकार लुभाया कि, मैं तुम्हारे सामने अपना सब कुछ लुटाने को विवश हो गया ।

हे परम पुरुष बाबा ! मैं तुम्हारी विशेष सुन्दरता से आकर्षित होकर मोहित हो गया हॅूं। एक विशेष पूर्णिमा के दिन तुमने मेरे हृदय की सभी भावनायें सुनने की कृपा की थी। उसी दिन तुमने मेरे सभी कष्टों को गहराई से समझा। फिर, तुमने अपनी कृपा से मेरे कष्टों को सरलता से दूर कर दिया। उस पूर्णिमा के दिन, प्रेम सहित मेरे घर आकर तुमने मेरे जीवन के सुन्दर युग का प्रारम्भ कर दिया।

बाबा ! परन्तु यह मेरी समझ में बिलकुल नहीं आया कि तुम अचानक मुझे अकेला ही छोड़कर दूर क्यों चले गए ? तब से आज तक अनेक मौसम तुम्हारी बाट देखने में बीतते चले गए । इतने लम्बे समय के बाद, उस पूर्णिमा के दिन तुम्हारे अचानक आ जानेवाली यादों को समय के मोटे कुहासे ने पूर्णतः ढँक लिया है। बाबा ! कृपाकर अब तो आइये.. आ ही जाइये। यह न भूल जाना कि मैं तुम्हारा हूँ और तुम मेरे… केवल मेरे हो। (1)

1. Sadguru Baba says (in GD, Delhi, 26 Feb 1984) that when writing a Prabhat Samgiita purport then very simple words should be used so that the common mass may understand. The above Hindu purport has been written according to that guideline.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Way to cover up sin & befool masses

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Powerful people have exploited sáhityikas [writers/ speakers/ artists]in various ways, taking advantage of their indigence. This has been going on since ancient times. In those days even kings and emperors encouraged court poets, giving them gifts of tax-free properties, and in that way bought their head and their hands. Talented sáhityikas or artists frequently had to do uncongenial jobs under circumstantial pressure for the amusement of their patrons. To satisfy the whims of their licentious patrons, they had to compose obscene poems and sculpt obscene statues and images. To make their patrons’ enemies look contemptible, they had to besmirch their names with scandals and calumnies. To extol the dress, colour, family, caste, class and ancestry of their patrons, they had to resort to lies and fraud and cite the revelations of the gods as substantiation. The same condition has continued even today. With very few exceptions, most sáhityikas belong to the lower stratum of society. In spite of their desire to work independently, most of them have pawned themselves, from the grey matter of their brains to the very tips of their fingers, to particular people and organizations. Even those who appear from their writings to be bold and spirited, have, under circumstantial pressure, become the playthings of political parties.” (1)

Note: In His above teaching, Baba is pointing out how throughout history those in powerful positions have exploited and purchased writers, intellectuals, and artisans etc. Due to pressure of circumstance, those writers and artists had to use their talents to promote the agenda and glories of those in power. Sadly, nowadays, we see a similar trend in our AMPS. Those at the top force the hand of good Wts whereby those good Wts are coerced to publicly praise certain top Wts who are steeped in sin. By this way, those good Wts became agents to cover up the nefarious dealing of their bosses / in-charges etc.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature