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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Are we embarrassed? + Putting our Ista in the hands of fools


Are we embarrassed?

Looking at what is written about our Master, the question keeps coming up: do we capitalize His pronouns? Or do we just not rock the boat?

Some important books have been written of Baba's theories, particularly on Prout. Example: After Capitalism-Economic Democracy in Action, by Dada Maheshvarananda.

In this brilliant book, all Baba's pronouns are lower case. I am thinking, this brilliant acarya wrote this but all Baba's pronouns are in lower case? Why? Was Dada afraid people wouldn't take him seriously?

What is the etiquette around this? I thought we capitalized Baba's pronouns and that's it.

Now, if you go to all the devotional books of Baba stories, of course, the pronouns are capitalized.

It seems that we capitalize the pronouns or go lower case when it suits us. Intellectuals will be reading about Prout, so Baba gets lower case. (Interesting that the more jinani literature gets lower case pronouns.)

But devotional books, true or false, are devotional, and they all capitalize Baba's pronouns.

I wonder... What kind of a game are we playing here? Is Shrii P. R. Sarker lower case?

So the question, are we in hiding? Are we embarrassed? If I wrote a book about Baba, you can believe all the pronouns would be capitalized because not doing that is disrespectful to Taraka Brahma. The un-initiated may get away with not capitalizing the pronouns and questioning Baba's divinity.

So this is a quandary for me. What is Ananda Marga's stand here? As far as I'm concerned, His pronouns should always be capitalized.

Out of respect, we capitalize His pronouns. Margiis believe Baba is Divine. Overwhelming evidence here. Not that anyone outside the Marga has to believe this. And even those inside the Marga...but what happens is that when we meditate on His Sweet Being, we understand.

Baba is my Ista. 

at His Lotus Feet,

== Section 2: Letter ==

Putting our Ista in the hands of fools

Another thing that comes to mind I could have said and that bears saying:

When one "publishes" any material on the Internet, this person has, with the click of a button, made this image available to the entire World, especially if there are no programs in place or talk of copyright infringement. (As if anyone cares about copyright infringement on the Internet.) So, basically, when someone "publishes" - uploads - the Pratikriti or Pratik onto the net, anyone can copy it and do whatever they want with it. Is this not disturbing? It should be disturbing to us all.

People are stupid. Didn't Baba say a democracy is a mobocracy, the psychology of a mob? The majority of people are foolish. So our democracy on the net, as Baba says of democracy, is a foolocracy. Thus, margiis are unwittingly putting our Ista in the hands of fools. Lots, and lots of fools.

at His Lotus Feet,