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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Value of GS + 3 more


Value of GS


The eternal truth is that Brahma is Guru and Guru is an eternal Entity - He never dies. Those sadhakas who take shelter in Him are most blessed and realise Baba in an intimate way.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Parama'tma' is seated in your heart." (1)

Such a bhakta feels in their regular life and realises in their sadhana that Guru is along with them. That is the greatest blessing of all. The practice of Guru sakasha helps greatly in this way.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us that very early in the morning upon awakening, immediately a sadhaka should place themselves under His shelter. For this reason, the practice of Guru sakash is mandatory for each and every Ananda Margii. By this way, each day begins with Guru's closeness. And that continues over the course of the whole day: His closeness is felt by Guru mantra, different meditation lessons, shravan (hearing His name), manan (thinking of Him), nididhya'sana (ideating on Him), and doing His work, etc. At night, when going to bed, each bhakta remembers Him and falls asleep in His lap. That is how a bhakta passes their days - under the shelter of Baba's divine grace and presence.  

How to do Guru Sakash

Sadguru Baba is always present with every bhakta. So every sadhaka should be vigilant to adhere to Baba's divine guideline from Shabda Cayanika, discourse #223, which is also printed in Yoga Psychology:

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Early in the morning one should meditate on the Guru in Vara'bhaya Mudra with two hands and two eyes seated on a white lotus in Guru cakra, and address Him with your most loving and affectionate epithet...In what state does the Guru, endowed with two eyes and two hands exist? In the Vara'bhaya Mudra (in the posture of holding out the boon of fearlessness) He is your well-wisher, and as a matter of fact, the doer of your good. The epithet with which you address the Guru or silently speak during your dhya'na or Gurudhya'na should also be used by you at the time of this Gurudhya'na. Always address the Guru at a stretch. This is Gurusaka'sha." (2)

In one's practical life, one is to feel and experience that, "Baba is with me."

At His feet,
Satya Prakaash

NB: That day at the Madhu Koraka Baba Quarter (Tiljala, Kolkata) in June 1990, I was there. Baba gave His discourse in Bengali. He revealed the secret behind the greatness of Guru. That was the day Baba gave Guru sakash, which every sadhaka knows is an extremely important practice in spiritual life.

There is no scope for so-called mahaprayan. Sadguru Baba is always present with every bhakta. So every sadhaka should be vigilant to adhere to Baba's divine guideline from Shabda Cayanika, discourse #223, which is also printed in Yoga Psychology.

When the false idea is injected that Guru has left and gone to some distant land, i.e. passed away, departed, and went to heaven - vis so-called mahaprayan, then the One to Whom the disciple should take shelter in is missing. The disciple is present, but the Guru has departed to some far away place. In that situation, taking shelter in Him is not possible. One's heart will not feel comfortable taking shelter in an entity who is in some other abode, gone to some distant land, i.e. passed away, departed, and went to heaven i.e. "mahaprayan". That is the ill-effect of the dogma of so-called mahaprayan.
1. Subhasita Samgraha - 19, The Supreme Aesthetic Science and the Cult of Devotion
2. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

There is no comparison between You and me

Note: Only those bhaktas who feel a spiritual vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.

"A'ma'r a'sa' a'ma'r ja'oya' toma'r kheya'l-kushii priyo..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2026)


Baba, my taking birth and leaving, my coming and going, is depending on Your wish. My life, death is the way, but You are ever-present, infinite, and vast - bigger than the grandest of oceans, and I am just one tiny drop. There is no comparison between You and me. 

My Parama Purusa, for me, day and night, all these 24 hours are a big thing; but for You even billions of years is just one minuscule segment of time. For me one giant ocean is very vast; but for You it is even smaller than a single drop of water - or even less than that. That which is so insurmountable for me that is absolutely ordinary for You. Because You are the Controller of everything; this entire creation lies within You.

Baba, I have come here due to the flow of Your divine source. And with the attraction of Your incredible grace I am floating on and on in this creation. For me, Your love and Your mercy are everything. Without that my existence has no value.  

Baba, there is no comparison between You and me. You are vast and I am meagre and I am completely depending on Your krpa... 

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे मेरे प्रभु ! तुम आनन्द स्वरूप हो, आनन्दमूर्त्ति  हो।

प्रभात सङ्गीत 4140 आनन्दघन तुमि अनन्त करुणा, आनन्द सुधा सार


हे परमपुरुष ! तुम आनन्द ही आनन्द से भरे हो। तुम आनन्द से पूर्ण हो। तुम आनन्द स्वरूप हो। तुम्हारी करुणा किसी बन्धन को नहीं जानती, उसका कोई अन्त ही नहीं है । तुम अमृत के सार हो।  तुम अनन्त आनन्द के सार हो। तुम सबसे अधिक आकर्षक और सुन्दर हो। तुम हमेशा आनन्द में रहते हो। तुम्हारा परम बिन्दु आनन्द है। तुम्हारा प्रत्येक विचार, शब्द और कार्य सब कुछ आनन्द है। तुम्हारे आनन्द के स्तर की कोई सीमा नहीं है। तुम्हारा सब कुछ आनन्द से भरा हुआ है। हे मेरे प्रभु ! तुम आनन्द स्वरूप हो, आनन्दमूर्त्ति  हो।

हे बाबा ! तुम्हें सामान्य आँखों से नहीं देखा जा सकता। तुम्हारा कोई रंग भी नहीं है। तुम बेदाग़ और अनन्त हो। तुम बहुत कृपालु हो।  तुम सभी की शङ्काओं का  समाधान कर देते हो। तुम सभी, सन्देहों और दुविधाओं को दूर कर देते हो। तुम अपनी तीन आँखों से वर्तमान, भूत और भविष्य तीनों पर नज़र रखते हो। तुम सभी का कल्याण चाहते हो। तुम्हारे पास सब सवालों का उत्तर है । तुम सबकी इच्छाऐं पूरी करते हो। तुम सबके अपने हो। सबको सब कुछ देते हो। तुम सब के हृदय हो। तुम अनन्त शान्ति के महासागर हो।

बाबा ! हे परम प्रभु ! तुम इस संसार में प्रकाश के रूप में आए और उसी की कान्ति में हमेशा रहोगे। तुम स्थूल, सूक्ष्म और कारण इन तीनों प्रकार के लोकों में रहते हो। तुम सब को कम्पित कर रहे हो। तुम घास की पत्ती से सृष्टि कर्ता ब्रह्म तक सबको,अपनी ओर खींचे हुए हो। तुम्हारी कृपा से सब तुम्हारी ओर आ रहे हैं। हे महान सत्ता ! तुम मेरे सब कुछ हो। हे प्रभु, तुम्हारे चरणों में शत-शत प्रणाम | (1) (2)

1. Hindi purport translated by Dr. T.R. Sukul from original English purport by Ananda Marga Universal.
2. Sadguru Baba says (in GD, Delhi, 26 Feb 1984) that when writing a Prabhat Samgiita purport then very simple words should be used so that the common mass may understand. The above Hindu purport has been written according to that guideline.

== Section 3: Links ==
Recent postings Other topics of interest
More important letters

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Value of GS
2. PS #2026: There is no comparison between You and me
3. Links