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Saturday, September 14, 2019

Few hypocrisies in AMPS + 3 more


Few hypocrisies in AMPS


Generally, people only resort to hypocrisy when they are sure the next person does not know the truth of the matter. So the main ingredient for gaining success in hypocrisy is making certain the person you are dealing with does not know the facts. Otherwise that hypocrisy will be counterproductive. Then hypocrisy will yield an unfavourable result, and the relation will become sour. In spiritual life, there is no scope for hypocrisy between a disciple and the Sadguru, as He knows everything that is happening in the disciple's mind.

Example of Hypocrisy #1: Ananda Marga philosophy does not support the caste system or racism per se. Knowing this full well, some disciples resort to hypocrisy and secretly ask others their caste before marriage. Externally they try to show that they do not believe in the caste system, but internally they harbour and practice caste sentiment. That is why it is hypocrisy.

They deceive margiis and feed abominable food

Example of Hypocrisy #2: Every margii and Wt knows that there is no question of an annual death ceremony, year after year.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (1)

But even then, I have seen in India how on the annual death day of their parents, or their spouse, how some arrange kiirtan. They secretly calculate and fix the kiirtan on the death day, and deceive margiis of the unit. They do not openly tell them, “This is my father’s or mother’s annual death day so I have arranged kiirtan.” Instead they keep mum and arrange kiirtan; and then under the excuse of prasad, they arrange an elaborate feast of objectionable food in the name prasad. By this way they deceive margiis and feed them shraddhanna - abominable food.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Shráddhánna: Shráddhánna (food offered at a memorial service) is neither priityanna nor ápadanna, hence it is not to be taken.” (2)

This action is not only hypocrisy but deception as well. This kind of deception is prevalent everywhere, just the degree varies. That is why these days smart bhukti pradhans keep an eye on who is arranging kiirtan on what day, and investigate why this day was chosen. So here the worst part is that those engaging in this type of deception try to remain forgetful that their Guru is God - who is hiding in their mind all the time 24 hrs watching everything. So there is no possibility of concealing one’s mental plot or planning.

If they were brave they would openly announce

Example of Hypocrisy #3: These days there is a similar thing going on with arranging kiirtan on the 21st of October, or between the 21st  and 26th of October. They know so-called mahaprayan is a defective notion, but they keep mum about it and arrange kiirtan in hopes of luring people to attend. This is also a form of hypocrisy. Such persons are worse than those who are openly support the MPD dogma. Think in this way. They resort to this hypocrisy and by this way try befool innocent people that it is not related with MPD. This cover-up is the expression of a stained mind which ruins their spiritual progress. Such people are cowards as well. If they were brave they would openly announce that they are arranging MPD kiirtan or MPD dharmacakra etc. They would openly say, “This is the annual MPD, annual death day, and that is why we are doing this dharmacakra.” In that case one is openly supporting dogma, which itself is bad. But instead there are some who try to hide their intention. That is why they are just manipulators, hypocrites, and cowards.

Neo-humanism states, “An honest person should never resort to hypocrisy in any sphere of life; under no circumstances must he or she compromise with any unjust theory.” (3)

Condemned in pre-1990 Caryacarya

The central idea is when you see a special date of dharmacakra has been chosen to fit the annual death day then be alert. They are trying to befool and coerce you into committing a veritable sin, which is condemned in pre-1990 Caryacarya. So be aware about such type of dharmacakras that are going to be held soon in many, many units. And not only that, serving and eating food on the annual death day is also a veritable sin. So be alert. You will be deceived into eating food which should never be eaten.

In Him,
Kalicharan Mukhopadhyay

1. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony
2. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #37
3. The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture (Discourse 7)

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

With material gains nobody can get You

"Diip jvelecho álo d́helecho, tumi mukta tumi shuddha..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2673)


Parama Purusa, You have lit the lamp of bhakti, filled everything with Your exquisite refulgence, and illumined every iota of this cosmos. You are not bound, rather beyond the gunas - Gunatiita. You are ever-pure and have pulled me close to You and removed all my attachments. Rudra, You are apápaviddha - unaffected by action and reaction and beyond samskara. 

My Supreme Entity Baba, You cannot be realised by worldly knowledge nor by memorising or studying scriptures. With the strength of mundane intellect no person can get You. You can't be held on the basis of terrestrial power and prestige, or name and fame etc. Rather those who have social status are dry in spirituality. You can only be pulled near with the depths of bhakti. When bhaktas call You, You come running. With material gains - money, reputation etc - nobody can get You. O’ Lord, to whom You wish, You grace and come within their grasp. Then only do they realise You. Without Your krpa, nobody becomes emancipated. Mayatiita, You are Mayadhiisha - beyond the binding principle of maya.

Cosmic Entity, You are indescribable; it is not possible to express Your glory in words. And the unit being cannot reach You. When the mind comes to You, it loses its existence. Lokottara, You are beyond the bondage of the three gunas and various lokas. Time to time by taking advent, You come on this earth to shower Your unfathomable kindness and affection. With Your pure love You spread Your karuna everywhere. All-Pervading Entity, You have lit the lamp of bhakti in my heart.

Baba Your liila is unfathomable. I surrender at Your lotus feet...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #2673:

[1] Rudra: Ananda Marrga ideology states, "Why call the Supreme Being “Rudra”? The word Rudra in Sanskrit means “weeping.” But the Supreme Being not only makes all weep, He also makes them laugh! In both the circumstances, that is, of extreme pain and pleasure, there are tears in the eyes. In pain the tears come from the middle of the eyes, in pleasure they come from the corners of the eyes. A mother weeps when her daughter goes to her in-laws' house. She also weeps when her daughter returns from the house of her in-laws. In one case she weeps for pain, in another she weeps for joy."
   "If living beings were to live in one state always, there would be extreme monotony and no one would want to continue life. If in a drama we know the end in the very beginning, there would be no interest in the play. We need suspense, ups-and-downs and eleventh-hour surprises to keep life interesting. God, that is, Rudra, is a first-class dramatist. He keeps life floating within the two extremes of joy and pain; hence His liilá, His play, goes on." (1)

[2] Apápaviddha: Parama Purusa is beyond action and reaction. He is unassailed by action and reaction etc.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 25, Rudra

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Great benefit of forgetfulness

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Forgetfulness is a providential decree. Usually human beings forget their past lives. Is this forgetfulness a blessing or a curse? It is a blessing because human beings feel burdened by the weight of one life. It would be impossible for them to carry the burden of many lives together."
   "The human mind is sentimental – full of love, affection, camaraderie, etc. People have a deep attraction to this world; they remain preoccupied throughout their lives with fears and anxieties for the safety of their families. So many problems have to be confronted. The problems of one life alone are enough to make people restless. If they had to face the problems of several lives, they would be unable to lead a natural life. The problems of the past lives, compounded by the strife of the present life, would drive them to the brink of insanity. Secondly, it is difficult for people to be detached from love and attachment for one life. So much effort is required to overcome the bondages of attachment and march towards Parama Puruśa. If the memory of the past lives is revived, the bondage of attachment will tighten its grip, putting a halt to spiritual advancement. One will be caught in the grip of worldly attachment. Thus the decree of merciful providence is, “Let human beings be oblivious of their past lives.”" (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, Cerebral and Extra-Cerebral Memory)

== Section 3: Links ==