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Monday, October 9, 2023

Kiirtana trap: MPD dogma


Kiirtana trap: MPD dogma


When a fisherman decides to catch some fish, he knows that if he goes and sits by the pond and cries out, “Hey fish, come over here”, then the fish will not come. So the crafty fisherman sits quietly by the side and places bait on a hook and drops it in the water. Due to its naivety, the fish thinks it is a generous feast and foolishly eats the bait and gets trapped.

The MPD organisers use the bait of 6-day kiirtan to lure margiis to attend and commit sin, unfortunately. Those simple margiis are trusting that the kiirtan offered to them is real, genuine kiirtan. So they go and attend - and get caught in sin. 

Yet, the period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days. That is the rule as per Baba’s guideline in Caryacarya. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (1)

Fish, mouse, & elephant

Similarly, when a farmer decides to catch a mouse, the farmer knows that if he goes to the kitchen and cries out, “Hey mouse, come over here”, then the mouse will not come. So the crafty farmer sits quietly by the side after placing bait in a trap in the far corner of the room. Due to its naivety, the mouse thinks it is a generous feast and foolishly eats the bait and gets killed.

Likewise, when poachers decide to catch an elephant, those poachers know that if they go to the jungle and cry out, “Hey elephant, come over here”, then the elephant will not come. So the crafty poachers sit quietly by the side after digging a huge pit, covering it with branches and leaves, and placing bait on top. Due to its naivety, the elephant thinks it is a generous feast and foolishly eats the bait and gets trapped.

In each of the above cases, the unsuspecting animal thinks that food has been generously offered to them. Due to their naivety, the fish, mouse, and elephant all get lured and caught in the trap - and ultimately killed. There are three basic factors at play: (a) ignorance, (b) trust, and (c) deception or the betrayal of trust.

The mouse is ignorant and does not know that the farmer is not being generous. Same is the case with the fish and elephant. All three animals are ignorant and unable to understand what is going on. So they have full trust that the food is going to be genuine - not bait. But that trust is quickly betrayed when they are trapped and killed.

The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days. That is the rule as per Baba’s guideline in Caryacarya.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (2)

"Hey Ananda Margiis, come & participate in sin..."

When MPD organisers wish to draw people to their annual mahaprayan program they know that if they loudly cry out:
  • “Hey Ananda Margiis, come here to Tiljala, we are going to commemorate an annual death day celebration which is against Caryacarya and we will all incur sin. That is ok because we have to do for our group identity.”
  • “Hey Margiis, come over here, we will eat shraddha food (i.e. death ceremony food) for six days and we will incur sin according to Caryacarya. But that is ok for our group identity.”
  • “Hey Margiis, come donate to the poor on the occasion of this annual death ceremony so it will reach the deceased. By this way, we should commit sin together. We have to do this for our group identity.”
  • “Hey Margiis, we are doing kiirtan for the sole purpose of alluring you to come here and participate in these above three sins. That is the main goal of this day. Kiirtan is just the outer wrapping to allure you. We have to do these things for our group identity, although it is sinful & against pre-1990 Caryacarya.”

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (3)

If the MPD organisers make such declarations beforehand and write this in their brochure, then margiis will not come. It is just like if you say, “Hey mouse, this is a trap and our goal is to kill you; that is the main objective.” If the mouse understands this, that mouse will not come. It will be scared. So the trapper does not say anything to the mouse, and the mouse is not aware. Ultimately, the mouse comes to the trap, eats the bait, and gets killed.
In a similar fashion, simple margiis do not know this inner motivation of the organisers, and in turn they attend and get trapped in sin:
  • Sin of participating in annual death ceremony;
  • Sin of offering during the death ceremony commemoration;
  • Sin of eating annual death ceremony food.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (4)

Just bait to lure naive people

The MPD organisers use the bait of 6-day kiirtan to lure margiis to attend and commit sin, unfortunately. Those simple margiis are trusting that the kiirtan offered to them is real, genuine kiirtan. So they go and attend - and get caught in sin. Because it is not kiirtan; rather it is bait to lure simple people to attend and celebrate an annual dogmatic death-day program and commit sin. Yet some are caught and trapped. Just as those animals trusted the bait and were trapped. By this above analogy, it is clear that what one group is doing nowadays is a trap to lure people into sin.

Those who are alert will run away by seeing that type of kiirtan; they will easily realise it is bait. They will understand and they will never get caught in that sin. Whereas those who do not think deeply will not understand that this kiirtan is bait. And they will get trapped and duped into committing a veritable sin. Because participating in an annual shraddha or annual death day celebration is sinful and against Guru’s guideline of pre-1990 Caryacarya.

The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days. That is the rule as per Baba’s guideline in Caryacarya.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (5)


Can you imagine getting trapped and cajoled into committing sin, i.e. an act that is against bhagavad dharma and contrary to Sadguru’s teachings of pre-1990 Caryacarya. Watch out - our sole duty is to:

(a) Not get trapped in sin:
  • Sin of participating in annual death ceremony;
  • Sin of offering during the death ceremony commemoration;
  • Sin of eating annual death ceremony food.
(b) Save innocent margiis from getting lured and caught in sin.

Animals are animals, and we are humans. We should be able to understand and differentiate between bait food and real food, between bait kiirtan and genuine kiirtan.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (6)

in Him,
Renu Guha

~ In-depth study ~

The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days. That is the rule as per Baba’s guideline in Caryacarya

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (7)

What should be done on the 21st?

Every so often the question is raised, "What should be done on October 21?”

Best is to simply follow Caryacarya. Baba guides us that if our own loved one has died, then we should not observe an annual commemoration of their death, thereby plunging the mind into misery and despair. According to Sadguru Baba, on that day, nothing should be done. One should live life as normal. Same is the case with 21st Oct. Nothing should be done. Moreover, in the case of Taraka Brahma Baba, we always feel His blissful presence. In that case, why should we impose the idea that He "departed" that day. It goes against our sadhana and spiritual approach. That is why to maintain a proper ideation and outlook, this occasion of the 21st should just be overlooked and forgotten naturally. One should just go about their normal routine that day.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (8)

Open questions to dada S. - the inventor / father of MPD dogma

Here are some key points everyone should know about the mahaprayan / shraddhainjali dogma:

Attending Tiljala dogma means supporting the cause of annual death day.

Some wrongly justify that, “What is wrong, I am just going to Tiljala for the kiirtana, not for the sake of the mahaprayan program.” Here it should be clear: Going to the annual mahaprayan gathering for the sake of doing kiirtan is a bogus justification. Merely attending that mahaprayan gathering signifies your wholehearted support of that event. The fundamental equation is if anyone is doing anything anywhere and you go to their location and do what they are doing, it means you are supporting their cause. That is the basic formula that can be applied to countless situations.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (9)

Let’s look at this from another angle. Who can forget when Baba was in jail and our Ananda Margii brothers and sisters from all over converged on-site to protest the injustices. Margiis sang kiirtan. And participation in those kiirtan rallies demonstrated support for the greater cause. Those days Jai Prakash Narayan called the police on margiis and had them arrested on the basis that their participation in that kiirtana meant they were the supporters of the political protests against Baba’s incarceration.

Later on, after the rally, that same kiirtan would be sung for purely spiritual purposes during dharmacakra etc. Here the point is that doing kiirtan or raising the slogan at a rally means supporting that issue or cause.

Of late, both H group and B group have used kiirtana programs as a strategy to reclaim and recapture various AMPS buildings for their group cause. And those who participate in that kiirtana are their pawns for their groupist agenda. That is what happened in Goddha, Ananda Nagar, Bhopal, and numerous other places where H and B were battling for control of that jagriti etc. Kiitana programs are their main arsenal for capturing those properties from the opposite group. This happened so many times in the past and will happen in the future also as this is their cherished strategy.

The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days. That is the rule as per Baba’s guideline in Caryacarya.

In CC I, II, III no annual death day ceremony

The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days. That is the rule as per Baba’s guideline in Caryacarya

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (10)

So by hosting an annual death day / mahaprayan / shraddhainjali prorgram our Dadas are directly contravening Baba’s teaching in Caryacarya.

How margiis were befooled

To impose the mahaprayan dogma, the chief inventor borrowed a page out of the dogmatic religious playbook. For ions, the dogmatic religions have maintained their grip of power by doctoring their scripture. That means whenever they wanted to convince their followers of any point, then first they would alter their scripture and insert their own agenda. Then they would show that to their followers to convince them. By this way they kept those followers under their thumb. And that is exactly what Sarvatmananda did as Publications Secretary: he inserted the term “mahaprayan” into Ananda Marga scripture.

Baba never spoke or mentioned the word mahaprayan in His discourses. Sarvatmananda intentionally corrupted Ananda Vacanamrtam part 12 to justify his selfish agenda of mahaprayan. Then he cited the mahaprayan term of  Ananda Vacanamrtam part 12 (Bengali edition) and underlined it and highlighted in his MPD propaganda brochures and pamphlets and told that, “Look, Baba Himself used the term mahaprayan in AV-12.” This is how Sarvatmananda befooled Bangla-speaking, village margiis.

Of course, Baba never spoke the term “mahaprayan” in His discourses as this was Sarvatmananda’s own insertion.

Verily, Sarvatmananda pranced about showing this bogus mahaprayan term to margiis all around and some got convinced. They did not realise that this is not Baba’s term - rather Sarvatmananda slyly inserted his dirt into the Bangla edition of Baba’s Fiesch discourse. This is how Sarvatmananda befooled some margiis and proved that he himself is just a reincarnation of those dogmatic, exploitative priests of old.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (11)

Falsely justifying MPD by deception

The dogmatic leaders and inventors of the shraddhainjali / mahaprayan (মহাপ্রয়াণ)  / tomb worship dogma, repeatedly resort to a particular quote when justifying the existence of their annual tomb day ceremony. Dadas want to prove that the mahaprayan term is God’s command - God’s term. To prove that our Dadas found one pravacan of Fiesch and wts told that in this discourse the term mahaprayan has been used so it is a holy term and the mahaprayan function is approved. In this way Sarvatmananda’s stooges brainwashed Bengali-speaking margiis.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Táraka Brahma comes here on a particular date, leaves this earth also on a particular date, takes the birth of His quinquelemental body, the death of His quinquelemental body." (12)

The above quote was originally delivered by Baba in English. So those cunning MPD dogmatic leaders translated the above teaching in Bangla and inserted the term mahaprayan in association with Táraka Brahma. This was their scheme or ploy to try and validate the mahaprayan programme. Dadas lay claim that Baba Himself used the term mahaprayan. But that is outrightly false. Sarvatmananda dada manipulated the translation and inserted the term “mahaprayan” in hopes of befooling people into thinking that mahaprayan is really something legit - when really it is just one awful ritual.

Shraddhainjali is never done for the Supreme Entity who is ever-present. Rather, the shraddhainjali dogma is done for mortals in non-margii society. It is not approved by Ananda Marga philosophy. Shraddhainjali is not in the pre-1990 Caryacarya book and Sadguru Baba rejects this dogmatic shraddhainjali / yearly offering to the deceased. The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days. That is the rule as per Baba’s guideline in Caryacarya.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (13)

Howling wolf scenario

In the below photo, a wolf is howling and crying out because it has stepped in a hunter’s trap that has caught its front left paw. Basically, the hunter put some food by the trap and the wolf unsuspectingly went to go eat it not knowing that the trap would ensnare its paw. So the naive wolf was lured toward the trap and caught. That is how cunning hunters entrap these wolves. The hunter knew that if he just called, "Hey wolf, come here" then it would not work. The trapper understood that if he did not put food out as bait and then hid quietly in the bushes, then he would not have been able to catch the wolf.

Similarly the MPD organisers do not say, “Hey Margiis, we are doing kiirtan for the sole purpose of alluring you to come here and participate in these three sins. That is the main goal of this day. Kiirtan is just the outer wrapping to allure you. We have to do these things for our group identity, although it is sinful & against pre-1990 Caryacarya.”

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (14)

If the MPD organisers make such declarations beforehand and write this in their brochure, then margiis will not come. It is just like if you say, “Hey wolf, come here" then it would not work. 

The innocent animal trapped in the photo represents a simple Ma'rgii. The food used as bait by the hunter to trap the animal in the trap represents kiirtana. The trap in the photo which grabbed the animal's leg is the sin of the annual death ceremony. By the trap, the animal will die. And by taking part in this negative dogma of MPD, the ma'rgiis get submerged in sin. 
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (15)

Remember, the period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days. That is the rule as per Baba’s guideline in Caryacarya.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (16)

1. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony, "A Few Directives", Point 1
2. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony, "A Few Directives", Point 1
3. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony, "A Few Directives", Point 1
4. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony, "A Few Directives", Point 1
5. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony, "A Few Directives", Point 1
6. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony, "A Few Directives", Point 1
7. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony, "A Few Directives", Point 1
8. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony, "A Few Directives", Point 1
9. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony, "A Few Directives", Point 1
10. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony, "A Few Directives", Point 1
11. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony, "A Few Directives", Point 1
12. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, The Coming of Táraka Brahma, EGD 13 May 1979 Fiesch
13. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony, "A Few Directives", Point 1
14. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony, "A Few Directives", Point 1
15. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony, "A Few Directives", Point 1
16. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony, "A Few Directives", Point 1

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Strong vibrations: sometimes a curse and other times a boon

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The stamina to stand vibrations differs in different people. Hence various degrees of happiness or sorrow are experienced by different people, and these differences depend on their respective mental constitutions. The subtle causes of these different mental constitutions are their acquired samskáras or reactive momenta, and the crude causes are their nerve cells, nerve tissues, glandular secretions, etc. The sudden vibrational impact on the body and mind makes the mind react violently, resulting in the cessation of the cardiac functions. This also explains the death of a person struck by lightning. The sudden contact of the eyes with an extremely dazzling radiance often results in the total impairment of vision. If we look directly at the brilliant sun for a few moments, our visual power becomes temporarily stunned and we cannot see anything for some time. Similarly, when some very high pitched or loud sound strikes the eardrum, the power of hearing may be destroyed. The sensitivity of every organ may be suspended by the impact of any violent vibration; this stupefaction, if the intensity of the vibrational impact is very great, may even become permanent. Yet sometimes powerful vibrations may help stimulate and restore the power of organs which have not been functioning for years. You must have heard of a person who had been blind or deaf and dumb since his childhood, regaining the lost power of his impaired organs in his latter years either by stroke of lightning or by being suddenly informed of an extremely happy or sad news." (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour

== Section 2: Links ==

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