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Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Answer to water crisis in India + 4 more

Answer to water crisis in India


Prout philosophy poses the query: "Question – What are the drawbacks of well irrigation?"

Prout philosophy states: "Answer – Well irrigation causes the level of the water table to go down until the subterranean flow of water eventually dries up. Shortages of water due to well irrigation are not easily perceptible."

"The negative effects of well irrigation include the following:"

"(1) All neighbouring shallow wells dry up creating the problem of the lack of drinking water."

"(2) Trees, orchards and large plants don’t get sufficient water so they may wither and die. Green countryside will become a desert after 30 to 45 years of intensive well irrigation."

"(3) In some deep tube wells elements or minerals which are harmful to the soil get mixed with the water, causing salinity, for example. As a result the land becomes unfit for cultivation and eventually becomes infertile."

"(4) When the flow of well-water stops, irrigation tanks supplied by these wells also dry up."

"Well irrigation should be used only as a temporary measure because of the devastating effects it can have on the surrounding environment. Alternative methods of irrigation are river irrigation, irrigation from reservoirs, shift irrigation and lift irrigation." (1)

Note: There is a limited supply of underground water. Around the globe, people are using underground water for drinking and irrigation by using deep pumps etc. Using underground water for drinking is ok, but it is extremely harmful to use underground water for irrigation purposes. By this way, the water table is rapidly diminishing and a severe water crisis is threatening the earth.

Due to a lack of proper knowledge, serious problems are cropping up around the globe. Our duty is to follow Baba's guidelines and educate others. To overlook the problem is to invite disaster.

Because of deep well irrigation, the water table is dropping. Plants and trees become dry and brittle. Extreme dryness invites fires. The vegetation gets destroyed. Without trees, there is no more rain. This brings drought which then leads to starvation, and ultimately death. This is the eventual outcome wherever groundwater irrigation is in vogue.

So then what is the answer? How to irrigate? According to Prout philosophy, rain water should be collected in ponds and reservoirs and used locally. That will solve the problem and offer an environmentally sound, renewable resource for our water needs, most critically, irrigation.

The below news article highlights the terrible water crisis in India. In Chennai, one must drill down 2,000 feet for well water yet drilling to such depths has been forbidden by the government because of the inherent environmental hazards and dangers. While in Indore the wells have reached 1,000 feet. The common citizens cannot construct wells that deep.

In Him,

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, Questions and Answers [on Society] – 3

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Gandhism is useless

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who don’t accept this spiritual ideology will have to be kept under some social or external pressure to check the greed of usurping others’ property. Proper education will also have to be imparted. However, it should be borne in mind that merely exerting circumstantial pressure is not enough. This pressure tactic will no longer be necessary once the ideology is accepted. Those who believe in spiritual ideals, but don’t believe in the policy of exerting external pressure, in other words, the application of physical force, will find it utterly impossible to achieve their goals."
   "In this world there are many people who pay deaf ear to pious appeals. On such people social or other types of pressure will have to be imposed. No problem will ever be solved if one waits indefinitely for their consciousness to be awakened. Like materialism, spirituality based on non-violence will be of no benefit to humanity. The words of non-violence may sound noble, and quite appealing but, on the solid ground of reality, have no value whatsoever.” (1)

1. Tattva Kaomudii - 1, Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy, #45)

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

बाबा तुम मेरे सबकुछ हो।

प्रभात संगीत 2329 भालो बासी तोमाय आमि, केनो ता जानि ना...


हे परम पुरुष! हे बाबा ! मैं तुम्हें प्रेम करता हॅूं पर यह पता नहीं कि मैं क्यों प्यार करता हॅूं। इसका रहस्य क्या है मैं समझ ही नहीं पाता। मैं तो केवल यह जानता हॅूं कि तुम मेरे अंधकारमय हृदय के दिव्य आभामय पुंज हो। तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं इस आभा को कभी भी मिटने नहीं दूंगा। मैं हमेशा  तुम्हारा प्यार हृदय में बसाये रखूूंगा। तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं तुम्हारा दीप्तिमान रूप अपने मन में सदा ही बसाये रहॅूंगा ।

हे परम पुरुष! बाबा, मेरे हृदय में तुम्हारे लिये बसा गहरा प्यार,  मन में तुम्हारी चाह, मेरी सभी आशायें तुमसे सम्बंधित हैं। तुम्हारी कृपा से  वे सब तुम्हारे गीतों, ताल छंदों और नृत्य के माध्यम से प्रदर्शित  होती हैं। बाबा तुम मेरे सबकुछ हो।

हे परम पुरुष! बाबा, तुम्हारी अहैतुकी कृपा से मैं यह अनुभव करता हॅूं कि तुम मेरे अस्तित्व के प्रत्येक घटक को निर्देशित कर रहे हो। अब मेरे मन में रंचमात्र भी भ्रम नहीं है प्रत्येक तथ्य मेरे मन में स्पष्ट हो चुका है। मैं कहाॅं हॅूं, कहाॅं जाऊंगा, कहाॅं से आया हॅूं इस प्रकार के व्यर्थ के भ्रम और प्रश्न  अब तुम्हारी  कृपा से मेरे मन में नहीं आते हैं। मैं इन्हें जानना भी नहीं चाहता, मैं तो पूरी तरह तुम पर ही निर्भर हॅूं यह सब तुम जानते हो और सब कुछ तुम्हारे द्वारा ही नियंत्रित हो रहा है। मेरे लिये यह पर्याप्त है कि तुम मेरे आश्रय हो ।

बाबा ! हे प्रभो!  तुम हमेशा  ही मुझ पर कृपा वर्षा करते रहते हो  हैं, मैं हृदय से तुम्हें प्रेम करता हॅूं मेरा सब कुछ तुम्हारा ही है।

== Section 2: Links ==