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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Female issues + 3 more

Female issues

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, one's inherent capacity should be used for the welfare of society. Among their qualities, men possess physical might so they should be the ones involved in physically strenuous activities that demand tremendous might. In contrast, women possess their own set of strengths that can be applied for the betterment of society.

Caring for infants: males feel emotionally frustrated

For instance, males do not have the right temperament or sentiment to raise infants. That is why in the west we see a rash of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS): "Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) is a form of physical child abuse that occurs when an abuser [predominantly male] violently shakes an infant or small child, creating a whiplash-type motion that results permanent brain damage and even death." So it is the males that feel emotionally overwhelmed and challenged by the prospect of caring for infants. (See Note 1)

In contrast, females have greater sentimental feeling and greater attraction toward the baby. Naturally women are more suited to raising young babies and infants. In addition, Baba has said that Didis should demand running all the primary schools of Ananda Marga. Here the point is that wherever emotion and sentiment are paramount, then females will do that work better than males. Whereas physically tough jobs like using a bulldozer, working on a garbage truck, or managing a chain saw should be for men.

Certainly, anybody can do anything - there are always exceptions - but generally women will harm themselves doing hard physical labor like extreme manual labour. So the basic rule is that males should do physically demanding work, and females should attend to sentimental jobs. When these roles are switched - i.e. when men engage in things that demand sentiment or when women attend to duties that demand physical might - then problems invariably arise. 

All have inherent limitations

This letter is not intended for fault-finding with or accusing any gender. This is for everyone's welfare. We all have our limitations. Humans cannot glide or fly like birds without a machine so sane people do not jump out of tall buildings and try to fly in the sky. Likewise, regardless of our gender, we should be aware of our inherent strengths and limitations.

Around the globe, in the general society, females have been exploited so much that there has developed a certain competition between the sexes. Rather than being complementary to one another, there is the feeling of competition to outdo the other. Hence, many women have turned to trying to outgun their male counterparts in traditionally male areas of ability. This is an unfortunate development born out of years and generations of the exploitation and suppression of women.

Strenuous work severely restricted

Some women state that women should not be put in harm's way by dealing with physically strenuous work responsibilities, while a very vocal group of women demand that women must be given the right to match male toe-to-toe in strenuous activities etc. In our Ananda Marga, we have our stand based on Baba's teachings. Males and females have different physical characteristics and capacities. In particular, males are physically stronger than females.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "There are people who, in the name of giving equal rights to women in all spheres of life, want them to engage in heavy physical and mental labour which is unsuitable for them. Such an outlook is deplorable. It must be accepted that the physical bodies and nervous systems of women are not as strong as those of men, so men and women cannot work in identical areas. Apart from this, for physical reasons women cannot work in the same way every day of the month, and during pregnancy and the post-delivery period the ability to work strenuously is severely restricted. These points must not be overlooked." (1)

Ideal: neither children nor society are adversely affected

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “As in the societies of most other species, in human society also females are physically weaker than males. Because their nervous systems are weaker, their minds are also slightly weak. Nevertheless women have no less value in human society than men. Selfish men, however, have disregarded the value of women; they have taken full advantage, and are continuing to take full advantage, of their weakness. Although men have publicly declared that women should be respected as the mothers of society, they have actually relegated them to the status of domestic cattle and sheep." (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The physical and mental structure of a woman is such that even though she may have all the requisite ability to take care of her children, it is extremely difficult for her to bring them up properly and to adequately provide for food, clothing, education and medical care all alone; at the same time she has to keep her children with her or near her, or else it becomes difficult for the children to survive. Therefore if men, instead of women, take the main responsibility for providing food and clothing, while women, after duly attending to the needs of the children, where possible or in cases of necessity earn money by working either at home or outside, neither the children nor society will be adversely affected in any way." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “As the physical strength of women is less than that of men, the latter should always endeavour to save the prestige of women...Special attention should be paid to the comforts of women during festivals, at spiritual conferences, and on other occasions." (4)

Because males are stronger that is why games and sports are done separately: Women compete against women, and men compete against men. Clearly then, females do not have the physical strength and stamina that males have. So less physical strength is one key reason we do not support burdening women with extremely strenuous physically demanding work etc.

Another difference between men & women

Physical strength is not the only physical difference between males and females. For instance, the female cranium is smaller than the male cranium. That is one basic physical difference. Generally speaking, a bigger cranium means more brain power. We see that in any species where the brain is smaller it is less developed. And when the brain is bigger it is more developed.

However, humans are unique in this regard. Much of the brain capacity of humans goes unused. The human brain has a tremendous capacity. So regardless of whether one is a male or female, much of their brain power is unused. There is very little practical difference between males and females in this regard. You will find foolish males and intelligent females and vice versa. Here is Baba's teaching about the size of the cranium.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Generally the cranium of a female is smaller than that of a male. If you see the skull of a female skeleton, you will notice that the upper portion of the skull is smaller. Those who are eunuchs by birth have still smaller craniums...If a male becomes a female by biological processes, he will not suffer from headaches as such; he will have no difficulty. But if a female becomes a male, she will suffer difficulties because the cranium is smaller; that is, the brain is smaller." (5)

The overall point is that Baba clearly points out that there are distinct physical differences between males and females. But there is no need to develop a complex about why males and females are not equal in physical might. Those trying to rebuff this idea are harming themselves.

Competing physically

Here are some of the stated reasons being championed by women who feel women should not be pushed to physical exertion in competition with men. In order to compete with men physically, many women sacrifice their womanhood and take steroids to develop muscles etc. But this creates a hormonal imbalance as well as psychic imbalance. In many cases, they lose their fertility. This point is embedded within a greater schema. When women aim to compete with men in male-oriented activities, then they end up harming themselves. Allowing women to engage in extremely strenuous and physically demanding work is only going to exacerbate this problem. More women will suffer the ill effects of competing with men in male-driven endeavors.


We should not allow females to compete with males in very strenuous activities. Females will be harmed; society will be harmed; and children will be harmed. There is no benefit in any direction. Males and females are both the creation of Parama Purusa. Parama Purusa has made those physical bodies so we should not destroy them needlessly by competing with one another on the wrong front.

In Him,

About shaken baby syndrome

Shaken baby syndrome happens primarily with male guardians, less so with female guardians. A mother who is truly attached with her baby can never do such things. Males are more apt to get frustrated and act inappropriately with the baby. Sometimes paid nannies and baby-sitters also act in this way. Why does this happen? Because, at that young age the baby cries, cries, and cries. Those not wholly attached with the baby can get frustrated and unnerved by that crying. They might shake the baby violently, but not the mother.

~ In-depth study ~

Role of women & gender issues

From Wikipedia: ”The female skeletal system is less dense, and more prone to breakages. There is also a concern that, in aviation, the female body is not as adept at handling the increased g-forces experienced by combat pilots...Furthermore, health issues regarding women are argued as the reason that some submarine services avoid accepting women...The Center for Military Readiness, an organization that seeks to limit women's participation in the military, stated that “Female soldiers [are], on average, shorter and smaller than men, with 45-50% less upper body strength and 25-30% less aerobic capacity, which is essential for endurance”." (Wikipedia)

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “In every sphere of life men have either substantially limited the rights of women, or made the ability of women to exercise their rights subject to the whims and caprices of men. Such an attitude never existed among the primitive human beings who lived at the dawn of human history. Nor had primitive men conceived of the deceitful practice of establishing their supremacy by keeping women in bondage in the name of social purity. Even today among primitive races we do not find significant lack of magnanimity concerning the freedom of women." (6)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Actually, when there is no question of women's rights having been snatched away, there is no need for a movement styled on the trade-union movement. Whatever responsibility there may be in this regard, it is entirely that of men. If at all a movement is required, it must be implemented by men themselves. Today men should consider the needs of women and gradually restore to women the rights which women once entrusted to men out of feelings of helplessness or in response to their heartfelt sentiments." (7)

License should not be encouraged in the name of liberty

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “When we pay recognition to any simple truth, we should not be carried away by sentimentality. Only rationality based on humanism is acceptable. As children of nature, women should have the same access as men to light, air, earth and water. In fact, it is not a matter of granting rights to women, but rather a case of recognizing their rights. If, however, the recognition of women's rights is treated sentimentally, it may result in great social disaster." (8)

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “In most countries society is patrilineal. The patrilineal system has some advantage over the matrilineal one. There are two main advantages. The first advantage stems from the fact that it is not as easy to determine the identity of the father as that of the mother, and in the absence of any direct blood relationship the mother's affection for her children is generally greater than the father's. Under these circumstances the patrilineal system is much better, for it awakens in the father a proper sense of responsibility for his children and precludes the possibility of the children's identity remaining unknown or concealed. And the father is compelled by circumstantial pressure to take responsibility for bringing up his children; and therefore makes an effort to properly preserve the structure of the family. (Among less-developed creatures, fathers rarely take care of their offspring due to the absence of this sort of circumstantial pressure.)” (9)
Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “It must always be remembered that freedom, or liberty, and license are not the same thing. The concept of women's freedom is good, but license should not be encouraged in the name of liberty. Giving license to either men or women could destroy the social structure in a short time. Hence those who are the most vocal in proposing the freedom of women must carefully consider the form this proposed freedom shall take." (10)

Dogma: to spend their lives with ladles, tongs, & spatulas

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The second advantage of the patrilineal system complements the first. Since the relationship between the father and the child is known, the mother naturally does not feel so very alone in rearing the child. The physical and mental structure of a woman is such that even though she may have all the requisite ability to take care of her children, it is extremely difficult for her to bring them up properly and to adequately provide for food, clothing, education and medical care all alone; at the same time she has to keep her children with her or near her, or else it becomes difficult for the children to survive. Therefore if men, instead of women, take the main responsibility for providing food and clothing, while women, after duly attending to the needs of the children, where possible or in cases of necessity earn money by working either at home or outside, neither the children nor society will be adversely affected in any way." (11)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “I do not support the supposed wisdom of those who advise women to spend their lives with ladles, [[tongs]] and spatulas, because this is unrealistic. Necessity often compels women to discard this convention. Such a system may suit a handful of rich or upper middle-class people, but it has no value for day-labourers or the poor. Many of those who loudly advocate equal rights and the freedom of women, in reality keep their women behind a purdah or covered with a burka. Even among such families I have noticed poor housewives going to the market with their husbands to buy and sell, or to the fields, farms or coal mines, voluntarily taking on light work. Evidently, they cannot afford to behave ostentatiously and live indolently behind a lace curtain." (12)

Manual labour: men & women cannot work in identical areas

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Social interaction: There are diverse views among those who formulate social codes concerning the free mixing of men and women. It does not require much logic to convince people that the final outcome of free mixing in an undisciplined society is unhealthy. It is also true, however, that the absence of social interaction creates a suppressed longing, a special attraction or an unhealthy curiosity, as does the denial of other desires. This may lead to illicit mixing, which eventually undermines social purity. A system that thwarts social interaction is nothing but an attempt to suppress the mind. Where there is illicit mixing, the only harm done to men is that they degenerate morally, but the damage to women is far greater, because they may be cast out of society in disgrace. Thus on the one hand, men and women will have to be free to mix together socially, while on the other hand, a well-thought-out code of self-control will have to guide their social interaction." (13)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “However, there are people who, in the name of giving equal rights to women in all spheres of life, want them to engage in heavy physical and mental labour which is unsuitable for them. Such an outlook is deplorable. It must be accepted that the physical bodies and nervous systems of women are not as strong as those of men, so men and women cannot work in identical areas. Apart from this, for physical reasons women cannot work in the same way every day of the month, and during pregnancy and the post-delivery period the ability to work strenuously is severely restricted. These points must not be overlooked." (14)

Making women wear burkas, are entirely farcical

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The trend of the age is irresistible, for in this too there is dynamism. It is the duty of intelligent people to channelize the trend of the age towards the path of benevolence by applying their intellect. Neither the individual nor the society as a whole is capable of resisting the powerful spirit of the age. It knocks down anyone who tries to thwart it, and proceeds ahead with irresistible speed. Those knocked down and sprawled on the ground stare at it in utter helplessness, with dazed minds and vacant eyes, as it marches by." (15)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who want to keep their daughters away from the influence of modernism, and are therefore reluctant to send them to school and college, perhaps do not realize that long ago the waves of modernism intruded into the privacy of their homes without their knowledge. So their efforts to protect their daughters and themselves by following the custom of purdah and making women wear burkas, are entirely farcical." (16)

1. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
2. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
3. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
4. Caryacarya 1, "Social Relationship between Men and Women"
5. Yoga Psychology, The Human Body Is a Biological Machine
6. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
7. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
8. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
9. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
10. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
11. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
12. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
13. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
14. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
15. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
16. Human Society - 1, Social Justice

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Quiz: do you know the answer?

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who believe in the equal distribution of the world’s wealth, naively underestimate the power of moha vrtti. The human mind can be sublimated only by spiritual ideation, not by any high-sounding philosophy. This utopian idea has proved ineffective in the past and in the present and will continue to prove so in the future." (1)

They missed the point about infatuation vrtii

Answer: In His above teaching, Baba is indirectly referring to communist leaders. They underestimated moha vrtii with regards to the people’s attachment for their land or wealth. Those communist leaders were fascinated with their own philosophy and could not understand that the common folk would not like giving up their land or wealth. So when their land or wealth was taken from them, the farming suffered. Not enough food was produced; and the end result was widespread starvation and strife. The root cause of the problem was that those communists failed to take into consideration moha vrtti. Forcibly taking the people’s land or wealth set off this entire negative chain of events.

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy - 8, The Acoustic Roots of the Indo-Aryan Alphabet

== Section 3: Links ==