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Monday, January 18, 2016

Pratyáhára is one lesson of sadhana + 6 more


This email contains 7 sections:
1. PS #3647:  हे मेरे बाबा! मुझ पर अहैतुकी कृपा की वर्षा कीजिये।
2. Holy Teaching: Pratyáhára is one lesson of sadhana
3. March of universal humanism must be made- Ananda Vanii
4. Bangla Quote: ঘাড়ে-কাঁধে জোর নেই
5. Comment: Re: People get terrified remembering this key thing
6. Comment: Re: Why bad marriages
7. Links

हे मेरे बाबा! मुझ पर अहैतुकी कृपा की वर्षा कीजिये।

प्रभात संगीत 3647 भूलिते चाहिना, कभु भूलिबो ना, साथे थेको प्रियो मने थेको...

बाबा, मेरे परमप्रिय! कृपा कर मेरे मन में, मेरे साथ अनन्त काल तक रहिये। मैं तुम्हें भूलना नहीं चाहता। मैं तुम्हारी कृपा नहीं भूलॅंगा। जब कभी मेरे मन को जड़ता का स्पंदन और भौतिक आकर्षण का तूफान दूर फेकने लगे तो कृपा कर मुझे धर्म के पथ पर बनाये रखना। कृपया मुझ पर दया बनाये रखें। मेरे ऊपर हर क्षण अपनी अहैतुकी कृपा और करुणा - दृष्टिपात करते रहें । हे मेरे बाबा! मुझ पर अहैतुकी कृपा की वर्षा कीजिये।

- Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us.

== Section 2: Holy Teaching ==

Pratyáhára is one lesson of sadhana

"Question: What is pratyáhára?"

"Answer: Pratyáhára is derived: prati – á – hr + ghaiṋ. The word áhára literally means “assimilating” or “taking something within”. As a yogic practice, pratyáhára means “withdrawal of the mind from external objectivity and goading the withdrawn mind toward Parama Puruśa”. (Yoga Psychology, Questions and Answers on Meditation)

"You must bring about a revolutionary change in the flow of your judgment and thought, and see how, after overcoming your fascination with external colour, your mind becomes tinged with the His glorious colour. In Ananda Marga Sadhana, the method of withdrawing the mind from degrading tendencies, and absorbing oneself in the colour of the Great, is called Pratyáhára Yoga (the yoga of withdrawal) or Varńárghyadána (the offering of colours). All people have a particular attraction for one or another object or activity and as soon as they become attracted to an object, then their minds become coloured with the colour of that object. You can withdraw your mind from the colour of that object and dye yourself in His colour by offering Him the captivating colour of the object that has attracted you: this is the real Pratyáhára Yoga. The word Pratyáhára means “to withdraw” – to withdraw the mind from its object." (1)

Note: In Astaunga Yoga, there are 8 limbs - one of which is pratyahara. We practice that as Guru puja as part of our regular sadhana routine. Guru puja is very important. After sadhana, one should always do Guru puja, and Guru puja can also be done on its own. After all, it is a lesson. By this way, one's attachment for mundane things slowly fades away. It is a perfect science. If, after practicing Guru puja, one is unable to get rid of their worldly attachments and / or a particular mental weakness, then best is to consult an acarya. In Senior Acarya Diary, Baba has given a detailed science and method for practicing Guru puja. One should learn how to do this from any acarya, one on one.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour

== Section 3: Ananda Vanii ==

March of universal humanism must be made

“Since the very dawn of civilization, numerous isms have emerged before the humanity. Various rhythms of mobility have appeared but none of these has taught to look upon the entire humanity as an integral and indivisible entity. Hence, there is so much infighting so much intolerance amongst human beings. The human society of today has advanced considerably in the intellectual sphere. It must no longer sit inert. By applying all its might, the march of universal humanism must be made smooth by hook or by crook. Hence no latitude in procrastination or cowardliness of any sort should be permitted in this regard.” (Ananda Vanii #52)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section 4: Bangla Quote==

ঘাড়ে-কাঁধে জোর নেই

“তাই ধর্ম ছাড়া অন্য কোনও দ্বিতীয় পথ থাকতেই পারে না | কারণ বিস্তার, এই যে expansion, এই যে বিস্তারিত হওয়া, এটা একটা স্বভাব ধর্ম | এর এই স্বভাবধর্মই মানুষের মনকে ৰড় করতে-করতে, ভূমামনে মিশিয়ে দেয় | এ ছাড়া অন্য তো পথ নেই | কেবল theory প্রচার করে তো কাজ হৰে না | আর, কেবল বিশেষ-বিশেষ দর্শন নিয়ে, অন্যের নিন্দাবাদ করেও, কোনও কাজ হৰে না--মানুষ তৈরি হ’ল না, তো, অন্য কাজ সে মানুষ কি করে করৰে ? আগে তো তাকে তৈরি হতে হৰে | মাথায় জোর নেই, ঘাড়ে-কাঁধে জোর নেই, তার উপর যদি দশ মনের ৰোঝা চাপানো হয়, সে তো নিয়ে যেতে পারৰে না | তাই মানুষ তৈরিকরাটাই ৰড় কাজ | এবং মানুষ তৈরি করতে গেল ধর্মপথ ছাড়া অন্য কোনও পথ নেই, অন্য কোনও গতি নেই |” (1)

1. ১ জানুয়ারি ১৯৮৪,AN.

== Section 5: Comment ==

Re: People get terrified remembering this key thing

Another wonderful source three dimensional skulls ..can be had via ceramics. Here in the west they sell them perfectly copied..with a small 7 watt  light bulb  inside...and wire coming out of the base. People market them for Halloween.
 I have two in my house as a reminder that human life is like a bubble in the wind. I use them as night lights in my home. A real skull is usually devoid of the lower jaw..but is right for Tandava.

I was watching a fascinating documentary called "Particle Fever" a seventeen mile cyclotron in CERN Switzerland has been built and has shown the elusive Higgs particle exists.

At the entrance of this facility is a wonderful statuary of Siva Nataraj.

 I am sure it is at the entrance  in honor of Oppenheimer.

As you might know after the first test of the Hydrigen bomb J Robert Oppenheimer quoted from the Bhagavad Gita..." I am Siva destroyer of worlds.."
Oppenheimer a genius but a true human being talked  against the US government..programs..they eventually destroyed him.
Thinking of this documentary AND Oppenheimer quoting the Gita .. I was walking in my local small town cemetery here in the US. Population only 5000. I happened upon a grave ...and there was an inscription on a stone." For every man who is born death is certain..and for every man who dies birth is certain."
Now you have to realize here in the might be able to find an inscription from the Bhagavad Giita say in Los Angeles or New York City in a modern cemetery ..but I live in  a small western Pa town...and the cemetery I walk in harkens from the 1800s.! And there are thousands of stones but my eye found the inscription .
A rare incident indeed.


Way back in the early 1970s at a retreat here in Tallequah married couple from Texas  wrote a wonderful Bhajan.
I have forgotten most of the lyrics...but some of them I do remember

I saw the dance of SHIVA in thunder wind and rain..
I saw the dance of SHIVA I'll never be the same

Came to earth as SHIVA..Ah ah ah ah ah ahhh
Came to earth as Krsna ...Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
Cane to earth as BABA..Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah..
BABA his greatness the undiscovered mystery ...
No one knows the secret..No one knows the secret..No one knows the secret
No one knows the secret
BABA His greatness the Undiscovered Mystery...No one knows the secret!

The melody is equally wonderful and haunting

Note: Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic - People get terrified remembering this key thing

== Section 6: Comment ==

Re: Why bad marriages

Namaskar Bro Vikram
Thanks for bringing this matter up. I think a progressive margii should support this idea.
In Him
Note: Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic - Why bad marriages

== Section 7: Links ==