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Saturday, March 30, 2024

You are bound + 4 more


You are bound


All the animals are bound. They are pre-programmed by prakrti (cosmic operative principle). An animal does not think or decide anything on their own. They are dominated by various propensities and instincts, and accordingly they do certain actions. They eat, sleep, run from enemies, procreate, and hibernate etc. Whatever they do, the totality of their actions is governed by the laws of prakrti. Verily, they are slaves of prakrti.

How living beings are bound: slaves & robots of prakrti

Think of it this way. An animal is just like a robot with a different software - and accordingly they act. What is quite shocking to consider, however, is that humans are in a very similar situation as those animals. People are tightly bound by prakrti and act according to their various vrttis. People mistakenly think that they like this or that - or are free to act etc - but actually their so-called liking is just the activation of their vrttis - nothing more. Seeing the scene of how people are utterly bound without realising it, it can all seem quite bleak.

Humans are blessed by Parama Purusa with the faculty of vivek. And by using this faculty of rationality, one can become divine, by His grace. Unfortunately, the mass of people completely overlook their sense of vivek, and instead run from one desire to the next. Their life becomes just a web of engagements determined by their various vrttis. Essentially theirs is little different from animal life. Verily, they are also slaves of prakrti.

Watch out guided by prakrti or viveka

So see the drama how prakrti - the cosmic operative principle - has everything under her control. Nobody is doing anything that she has not programmed them to do. It is therefore very important to be 100% alert. One should consider whether they are doing as per their vrttis or per their vivek. A sadhaka should be keen to ensure they are living the life of a human and progressing towards divinity, and not just reverting back towards animality - i.e. compulsively acting on their vrttis.

When people are dominated by a particular vrtti - like running after the opposite sex, greed, vanity etc - then that person has completely forgotten who they really are. Running after that vrtti is not the expression of their true self. They think it is, but it is not. That is just the result of being controlled by the cosmic operative principle. By surveying the scene, it all seems quite hopeless as prakrti has such a tight grip upon all.

What is the way out

However, as noted above, there is that ray of hope - i.e. that sense of vivek that is instilled within every person. As one recognises and acts according to their rational faculty they slowly free themselves from prakrti - although no human can free themselves completely and gain liberation by their own efforts. So the secret is to always remember that when you use your vivek and take a tiny step forward on the path of spirituality, then Parama Purusa graciously takes very large steps towards you - or rather He lovingly pulls and draws you towards Him. That is the speciality of His liila.

It is no different from how parents watch and help their infant reach them when that baby is taking its first steps. Always the parents help. And same is the case with Parama Purusa. Those who utilise their vivek and aim to move towards Him will receive His immense grace. And actually Parama Purusa wants people to try. So one should sit in sadhana and put forth effort and engage in all kinds of dharmic life practices as per Sixteen Points. Seeing your sincere effort, He will draw you near. That is the special way for gaining His grace and attaining Him.

Even if it seems like nothing is happening in sadhana, it is important to sit and repeat your Ista mantra. That is all one can do. And the rest is up to Him. And by seeing Your efforts He will certainly be gracious. One should never lose hope or revert to habits of old. Always one should make constant efforts to advance. Then success is sure - by His fathomless grace.

Leave for other allurements

Sadly, we see this even with some who become Wts in Ananda Marga. Due to their good samskara, vivek, and Guru’s grace they come onto the path, and then in some cases they leave for other allurements, completely driven by various propensities. And not just Wts, this can happen to any aspirant. So vigilance is needed. As sadhakas it is extremely important to consider how we conduct ourselves in this world and understand how this creation is operating.


So beware - by not putting forth any effort then He cannot help you. There are millions of jiivas who are not making any efforts towards their emancipation. And if Parama Purusa helps some but not others that would be partiality. But He is never partial. Always He is just and fair to all. That means He only helps those who move towards Him, and all the rest who are doing nothing remain completely bound and programmed by prakrti.

So one should use their vivek and ensure they are moving forward on the dharmic path - then one is sure to escape the clutches and programming of prakrti, and attain Him, by His grace.

at His feet,


~ In-depth study ~

When a child falls into the gutter

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Indeed, the relationship between Parama Puruśa and other jiivas is that of a father and his children. When a child falls into the gutter people may laugh, poke fun, or even humiliate him or her. The child’s father, however, will not behave in such a way. He will rush over, lift the child out of the gutter and give it a good wash. This is his duty as a father.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “And what is the nature of sin? Suppose again that a child is walking on the road. Suddenly it falls into the gutter. Naturally its arms and legs will be covered with mud. Will the father despise his child in this condition? Other people on the road may be repelled. But what will the father do? He will immediately pull his child out of the drain, wash its arms, legs, and body, take it on his lap, and try to console it: “What makes you cry, my child! Everything is okay now. You are all clean now. I’ll dry you off with a towel.” The position of those branded by society as sinners is like this.” (2)

Gives with right hand & takes away with left


Ananda Marga ideology states, “A mother tries to coax and cajole her crying son, and offers him some toys to divert his attention, so that she can work in the kitchen. The child stops crying and forgets his mother for the time being. But if he is a bit naughty, he will again resume his effort to reach the breast of his mother. He will throw away the toys and cry for Mother only. And the mother ultimately has to come and take the child on her lap. A devoted sádhaka is like this child. He or she will say, “O Father, this world that I see all around is a plethora of toys. This world took its birth at a certain time, so it will also come to an end at some time or other. This world has not been given permanently to anybody.” If God is asked whether He has given this world-toy to anybody forever, He will not be able to answer, for He does not give things forever. He gives with the right hand and takes away with the left.” (3)


1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, Taking Refuge Is the Final Word

2. Discourses On Krsna & the Giita, “Mucyate Bhavabandhanát”

3. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Niiti & Dharma

== Section: Important Teaching ==

When democracy becomes a mockery

   Prout philosophy states, “The fact that voters without political consciousness weaken the governmental machinery cannot be denied. In the interests of the general public, it is desirable that uneducated and less-educated people do not have the right to vote.”
   “Democracy is a mockery in a country of uneducated people. In such a country cunning, fraudulent persons very easily secure or purchase the votes of illiterate people. Moreover, the general public in such a country is easily misled by the propagation of casteism or communalism.”
   Prout philosophy states, “The success of democracy depends upon educated, sensible voters. Hence, in a democratic country, the spread of education is of the highest priority. For the convenience of the general public, the educational system must be free of cost. No overbearing government pressure should be exerted on the educational system, otherwise the party in power will continue to propagate its ideas through the medium of education.” (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #33

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

उस इच्छा की कभी 

"साधना करना हर इनसान के लिए फ़र्ज़ है । यह परमपुरुष की इच्छा है । और मनुष्य का काम क्या है ? परमपुरुष की इच्छा के अनुसार काम करना । मनुष्य अगर अपनी इच्छा के अनुसार कोई काम करें और उस इच्छा में परमपुरुष का समर्थन न हो, तो उस इच्छा की कभी पूर्ति नहीं होती है ।" (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam (Pure), Part 39, chapter 2, ब्रह्मचक्र और कृपा वर्षा

== Section: Prout ==

Only recipe for unity: adoption of Cosmic ideology

Prout philosophy states, "Unity and benevolent intellect lead human beings towards supreme fulfilment. Reading voluminous treatises on philosophy will be of no use in awakening this benevolent intellect. For this, one will have to sincerely follow Yama and Niyama in individual life. To establish unity, the society will have to select an ideology which remains unassailed by any spatial, temporal or personal differences. That is why only Cosmic ideology will have to be adopted as the polestar of life." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #37