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Friday, January 8, 2016

Economic Trends & Reforms for 2016


Economic Trends & Reforms for 2016

Here following is a review of Dr. Ravi Batra’s many works and publications including his economic trends and reforms for 2016 - and more.

Enclosed please find two attachments.

In Him,
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New Book by Ravi Batra Highlights Economic Trends and Reforms for 2016
Press Release:  – Wed, Jan 6, 2016 19:39 GMT
DALLAS, TX--(Marketwired - Jan 6, 2016) - Ravi Batra, author of End Unemployment Now: How to Eliminate Joblessness, Debt and Poverty Despite Congress, has made a career out of making accurate forecasts. He claims an over 90 percent success rate in his predictions that seem to be borne out by what he has written in the past. For instance, in two books penned in 1978 and 1980, he foresaw the fall of Soviet communism before the end of the century, a forecast that earned him the medal of the Italian Senate in 1990. 
In another book published in 2006 and noted for its predictive accuracy, The New Golden Age: The Coming Revolution against Political Corruption and Economic Chaos, he made forecasts for the next 10 years. He prophesied a very deep recession starting in 2007, along with a lingering malaise and stagnation at least till 2016. The title of this book says it all. He also foresaw the Bush and Obama bailouts along with a giant increase in federal debt. Regarding oil, he predicted a continuing bubble that would crash after 2012. It seems everything he said or wrote in 2006 has come true.
What is in store for us in 2016? That is where his new book, End Unemployment Now, comes in. "2016 is going to be a year of the climax," says Batra, an economics professor at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. "It will be a year in which a revolution begins against the rule of money, leading to economic reforms by 2018. After that a golden age starts and is in place around the end the decade."
End Unemployment Now ( explains the reason behind what is now known as The Great Recession and offers a variety of reforms. "The main cause of our troubles is monopoly capitalism, which is a system dominated by giant companies that charge high prices, pay low wages and extract huge productivity from employees," says Batra. "As a result, supply rises faster than demand and generates layoffs. So the solution lies in breaking up the behemoths and returning to free markets, where small firms engage in price and quality competition."
However, politicians are beholden to wealthy corporations and will not permit such reforms, at least until the revolution. Batra says there are existing laws that any U.S. president can use to quickly eradicate poverty and joblessness, making Congress irrelevant to the restoration of prosperity. For instance, the president can ask the FDIC to create what is known as a "bridge bank" that would compete with large banks. This step could trim interest rates on credit cards by as much as 66 percent, he says. "Using The FDIC alone can cut poverty in half in just a week," an outlandish claim that, according to Batra, "depends on the president acting courageously like the FDR and not worry about the political fallout."
If recent financial turmoil is any indication, we may do well to pay heed to Batra's words.
About Ravi BatraDr. Ravi Batra, a professor of economics at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, is the author of five international bestsellers. His latest book is "End Unemployment Now: How to Eliminate Joblessness, Debt and Poverty Despite Congress" ( Batra received the Pratima and Navin Doshi Award for his contributions to economic analysis. In 1990, the Italian prime minister awarded him a Medal of the Italian Senate for writing a book that correctly predicted the downfall of Soviet communism, 15 years before it happened.


2016 Will Be a Tumultuous Year
©Ravi Batra

I have written many books in my life and some of them made a variety of forecasts. For instance in a book published at the end of 2006, I pinpointed the year in which a major recession would start in the United States and then engulf the world. Some of my words in The New Golden Age were:
The economy will steadily get worse with home prices falling and layoffs rising…(p.173)
The housing bubble appears to be a major event, which once had a lot of momentum but is now beginning to recede. It is likely to burst in 2008, give or take a year. The burst could start in 2007 and continue till 2009. (p.175)
The economy could still face a steep recession because of rising oil prices, but avoid the calamity of a depression. Unemployment could rise to the level of 10 percent or more. (p.179)
The rest is history. The housing bubble punctured in mid-2007, whereas, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the so-called Great Recession began in December 2007 and ended in July 2009. In addition the stock markets crashed between October 2007 and March 2009, while unemployment rose to 10% by the end of 2010.
About oil, my forecast was that “the current bubble could go on till 2011 and then crash in 2012.” (p. 175.) This forecast was off slightly, because the oil price began to collapse in 2014, and continues to crash. However, remember that all these forecasts were made in 2006.
Now the question is: what is in store for us in 2016. Given that poverty in the United States is the worst in more than 50 years, a large swath of Americans—even the poor around the world – looks forward to a major change in society; they see how money has corrupted politics and economic policy; they feel hopeless and wish to God that some one would put an end to the rule of money. It is in this spirit, I have written a poem, which ends with a message of hope in 2016. (I started writing this poem in 2010 and completed it last December.)

God’s Washer Man Plan: A New Year Message
When righteousness dies and sin prevails
God makes a plan to end travails
Leaders rise to destroy greed and cruelty
To restore honesty and end poverty
The wicked tremble as crowds roar
You will not grab our wealth any more
The corrupt are put to slander and shame
Economists helping them get the blame
O Big Business, heed the clarion call
For God is about to make you fall
Our Father is now well enraged
His washer man plan is taking shape
A washer man slams clothes on jagged rocks
To cleanse them of dirt and dross
God has lifted rich CEOs to a new height
To slam them down in a terrible blight
They will now pay for stealing from the poor
And go to jail, it is crystal clear
This will end the rule of acquisitors
While sanity, humanity and people will be victors
Watch the world dance in celebration
As tyrants face humiliation
The oligarchs are arrogant and mean
Worry not, God’s plan will start in 2016

Ravi Batra is a professor of economics at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, 75275, USA. He is the author of five international best sellers. His latest book is, End Unemployment Now: How to End Joblessness, Debt and Poverty Despite Congress. For more information, see