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Friday, November 20, 2015

Who is worse + 5 more


This email contains six sections:
1. End Quote: Who is worse: God-fearing worshipers or atheists
2. Hindi Quote: दो भाई का दो जात नहीं हो सकता है | यह common sense है
3. Bangla Quote: তুমিই আমার পরাগতি
4. PS #2206: Please be gracious, remaining forgetful about You
5. Inspire those who are liars and criminals to lead honest lives - Ananda Vanii
6. Links

Who is worse: God-fearing worshipers or atheists


Ananda Marga ideology states, “The word “godly” and “god-fearing” do not have the same meaning. Behind godliness is a soul-stirring sentiment – an ardent zeal to realize one’s true Self; and the reason behind the fear of God is the important attempt to escape from the consequential suffering of one’s misdeeds. Yet the latter is still superior to the atheists, because at least for fear of divine punishment they refrain from sinful acts. The greatest advantage of the theists is that they do not endure the pangs of internal clash. But no matter how brazenly sceptics indulge in tall talks or sharpen the edge of their verbal weapons to win in an argument, there is always a fight going on in their minds. Reading a few pages of a book or listening to the eloquences of a few speakers, they seek to violate their own nature. With their fragmental external knowledge they try to struggle against the indivisible Supreme Entity, and in the end, being defeated, the say, “If He does exist, then why can’t we find Him?” Yet all the while their inner selves lament within them.” (1)

Note: There are three key and important points from the above teaching.

(1) The religions preach that one must be God-fearing otherwise God will punish and destroy you. They think that is the best possible relationship one can have with the Divine, i.e to be God-fearing. According to Ananda Marga philosophy, fear is worst type of relation with God. If one fears Him they will not like to go close to Him. In which case, one can never become one with that Divine Entity. So it is very obvious that by this religious formula, no one can reach the Supreme One.

(2) The teachings of Ananda Marga are the topmost: Ananda Marga preaches that one should cultivate love for the Divine Entity. By that way, the devotee wishes to go close to Him and ultimately becomes one with Him, by His grace.

(3) The status of atheists is worse than followers of the dogmatic religions. Religious adherents refrain from doing bad due to fear of the Lord. But atheists have two problems. First, they do not have any genuine, dharmic rules in their life. Secondly, such atheists perpetually suffer from existential issues. With their logic they say they do not believe in God and try to disprove His existence, yet their heart tells them otherwise. Then their logical mind retorts, “If God exists then why can I not see Him?” So they live in a perpetual dilemma - always in limbo. That is why Baba says that no one is an atheist. All in all, their condition is pathetic as they live in perpetual crisis and misery.

in Him,

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure

== Section 5 ==

दो भाई का दो जात नहीं हो सकता है | यह common sense है |

”दो भाई का दो जात नहीं हो सकता है | यह common sense है | यह साधारण बुद्धि से ही मनुष्य समझेंगे, कि—एक पिता है, दो भाई हैं, राम और श्याम; राम का एक जात, श्याम का एक जात नहीं हो सकता है | कभी नहीं हो सकता है | कोई अगर बोले कि—राम और श्याम दो अलग जात हैं, तो बाप भी दो हो गए तब | तब वह तो बाप को नहीं मानता है |
आँऽ ? जो बाप को नहीं मानता है, वह तो जारज है | तो, जो बाप को मानते हैं, परमपिता को मानते हैं, वे जात नहीं मानेंगे |
[मार्गी लोग—“बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !”]
जो परमात्मा को मानते हैं, जो धार्मिक हैं, उनके पास जात नहीं है |”
[यह बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया, बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्द मार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं]  [1]

1. परोपकारात्‌ महत्‌, Paropaka'ra't Mahat, V28-19, GD 2 January 1970 Patna

== Section 3 ==

তুমিই আমার পরাগতি

“নিবেদয়ামি চাত্মানং ত্বং গতিঃ পরমেশ্বরঃ |” তাহলে এইটাই একমাত্র পথ; এ ছাড়া অন্য কোনও পথই নেই | ৰাকী জিনিসগুলো কাজ নয়, অকাজ | এইটাই একমাত্র কাজ | আর সৰ সময় তাই এই মনে রেখে অন্যান্য জাগতিক কাজ করতে হয় | কি মনে রেখে ? না, “নিবেদয়ামি চাত্মানং ত্বং গতিঃ পরমেশ্বরঃ |” আমি আমার সমস্ত শারীরিক, মানসিক, আত্মিক সত্তা তোমাকে সমর্পণ করে দিলাম | তুমিই আমার একমাত্র গতি | তুমিই আমার পরাগতি | ৰাঁচৰার, আগে চলৰার নিজের অস্তিত্বকে জ্যোতিতে ঝলমলিয়ে দেওয়ার এই একমাত্র পথ |  নান্যঃ পন্থা বিদ্যতেঽয়নায় |” কল্যাণমস্তু |” (1)

1. DMC 1 January 1982 Ananda Nagar

== Section 4 ==

Please be gracious, remaining forgetful about You,
my whole life is getting wasted

"Tomáre bhúle bhesechi akúle,karuńá karo he krpá nidhán,..."  (Prabhat Samgiita 2206)

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart.


O' Parama Purusa, O' Baba, remaining forgetful about You, my whole existence is floating aimlessly without a Goal or destination. Sometimes I think this mundane thing is my goal. Other times I think that mundane thing is my goal. By this way, my life is getting wasted. O' karuńá-Personified, merciful, ever-gracious One, please be gracious and bestow Your karuńá [1] upon me. Please save me  from avidya maya. My days pass in meaningless pursuits - various vicious, negative works. I remain oblivious about the gift which You have graciously bestowed upon me. You have given me a human body & mind but I could not use these precious gifts of Yours, to do sadhana.

Baba, You have graciously sent me to do Your work - sadhana, seva, sacrifice - and fulfill Your desire, follow Your command, execute Your task, serve everyone, and fill this world with colour and beauty. You have given me the duty to bring happiness in the life of all living beings, after wiping away their tears, and fill everyone's life with bliss.

Baba, still some time is remaining in my life. If You shower a wee-bit of Your cosmic grace on me then what cannot happen. Everything is possible. My only request is that You bless me with Your varabhaya mudra - with that strength I can go on completing all Your allotted tasks. And I can go on singing Your song and spreading Your glory always - and continue serving all with the ideation of Narayana.

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #2206:

[1] Karun'a': This is when one is pained by seeing another's suffering and feels, "I should help them.” This type of empathetic feeling is karun'a'. For example, suppose you saw one beggar who is suffering. By seeing his pitiful situation then you felt in your heart that, "I should help him and remove his suffering. This very feeling of the heart towards that suffering beggar is the expression of karuna'.

Similarly, suppose a bhakta is suffering and unable to move ahead in the physical, psychic, or spiritual realm. In such circumstances, Parama Purusa cannot bear to watch His bhaktas go through so much suffering. When devotees are helpless and trying hard to move ahead on their forward journey and they face all kinds of obstacles, complexes, bondages, and suffering due to their own samskaras - and the situation arises where they can no longer move ahead - seeing this unbearable scene, Parama Purusa feels He must rescue them immediately from their suffering. With His deep empathy and mercy, Parama Purusa removes their suffering, so that once again they can move ahead in all realms of life. This entire liila is called His karun'a'.

Difference Between Krpa' & Karun'a'

In the case of karun'a', Parama Purusa is moved by a bhakta's suffering and comes forward to save that bhakta from their suffering. With krpa' (grace), the bhakta is not suffering but even then Parama Purusa is bestowing His blessing.

It is just like if a baby is sick and with great empathy a neighbor selflessly gives that infant more attention without expecting anything in return. That neighbor just lovingly places the sick baby on her lap in a very special way and serves the baby. That is karuna. Because the neighbor is moved and motivated into action by seeing the sick child's suffering. In contrast, if that same baby is not sick, and the neighbor just wishes to bring the baby on her lap to serve the baby, then that is krpa.

Similarly, when out of empathy Parama Purusa lovingly comes to the aid of His suffering devotee to relieve them of their spiritual strife, that is His karuna; and, if that same devotee is not suffering devotionally, yet Baba still bestows His blessing, that is His krpa.

So there is a distinct difference between krpa (grace) and karuna (compassion).

When Parama Purusa showers His karuna He helps that suffering person and relieves them of their pain and agony - in all spheres of life.

== Section 5 ==

Inspire those who are liars and criminals to lead honest lives - Ananda Vanii #8

“Those who can maintain their restraint in spite of intense provocation are the real spiritual aspirants. They alone have overcome anger. Inspire those who are liars and criminals to live honest lives by pointing out their defects. This is the only spiritual approach to punish wrongdoers. Supreme truth is ever resplendent and can never be tarnished by false propaganda.”

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.