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Monday, November 2, 2015

Prout: city vs. village life,immorality vs. morality


This email contains five sections:

Prout: city vs. village life,immorality vs. morality
2. Re: Most parents don’t know this, so they harm the child
3. Hindi Quote: जो सुदुराचार महापातकी, वे भी तो उनके बेटे हैं 
4. We should do rigorous efforts - Ananda Vanii
5. Links

Prout: city vs. village life, immorality vs. morality

“Today there are too many obstacles on the path of morality. Urban civilization is one of the chief reasons of moral degeneration because many people are compelled to live undesirably in small, congested places. This is inimical to morality in individual life. Solitary living for some time is essential for the cultivation and development of morality.”

“Where the population is very dense, milk and vegetables are in short supply, and these are indispensable for healthy survival. When the demand is more than the supply, adulteration goes unchecked. To meet the deficit in the supply of milk, people mix water with it. To meet the demand for diamonds, imitation diamonds are produced, because the demand is more than the supply. Cities become dens of corruption because of antisocial elements, but generally such things are not noticeable in villages.”

There are many swindlers lurking in their midst

“In villages, everybody knows everyone else. Everybody knows the livelihood of their neighbours. But even after twenty years of living in a city people seldom get acquainted with their neighbours. They don’t even know that there are many swindlers lurking in their midst.”

“However, the slogan, “Go back to the village” alone will not suffice. City life has a great attraction for people generally so they run to cities for their livelihood. To stop this trend intellectuals and others will have to look for their livelihood in villages. The supply of cheap electricity and the expansion of cottage industries in villages are of paramount necessity today. By cottage industries I do not mean outdated, primitive handicrafts. Cottage industries must be efficient, modern mechanized units.”

“From the economic viewpoint decentralization is an absolute necessity. With the exception of heavy industries and essential government offices, all industry should be shifted to the villages. To stop overcrowding in the cities this is the only feasible approach.”

“Villages are not congested, so antisocial people will not be able to hide themselves there. If they try, the police can easily detect them.” (1)

1. AFPS-2, Dialectical Materialism and Democracy

== Section 2 ==

Re: Most parents don’t know this, so they harm the child

At first I thought ...oh the writers of this are going overboard .

But then I opened my mind and began to recall incidences in my past and my fathers past etc.

My paternal grandfather used to tell my 3 year old father in 1930 when he sent him to the cellar of the house.."Be careful Frankie there's a cow down there" my father recalled this seemingly innocuous story to me while in his sixties and said how frightened he was as a child. My father had the highest IQ in the state he lived in...and yes he was highly successful with numerous patents...Research and research papers ..but he suffered from insecurities and anxieties - and such insecurities marked his whole life.

Of course not all linked to one incident ...but his father was quite "distant" .

My father too would not only frighten me,..with crazy wild horror stories..but would holler...Stop the baby! As I would attempt to climb small stairs etc. This was remembered to me by my maternal grandmother.

To this day I have to overcome my fear of heights daily and I'm almost 70 years of age..working developing properties for my son. Anything mechanical.. my father was inept..not being taught from his father..when I tried something new he would bellow.."you're not going to be able to do that!" I can still hear him when I dive into anything new.

As a result I found I would actually perform tasks throughout life always taking the most difficult path and methods...and sometimes subconsciously sabotaging myself.

So without going into too much detail, I agree with the margii writers whole heartedly.

I encourage my granddaughters with great zeal ...never complimenting them too much and only mentioning I was impressed with their great efforts.

When my first granddaughter was born on April 7 2007...I wrote my Acarya. He said she definitely would do something for all humanity. It sent chills up my spine.

Of course I mentioned this to no one in my family. But as I watch this girl and nurture her I notice an uncommon quiet creative genius beginning  to blossom.

These kinds of abstracts and themes written below in Ananda Marga Universal of BABA’S teaching should increase..more and more.

in Him,

Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic of parenting....

== Section 3 ==

जो सुदुराचार महापातकी, वे भी तो उनके बेटे हैं |

“जो तगड़े-तगड़े साधक हैं, वे [परमपुरुष] उनके भी पिता हैं | और, जो सुदुराचार महापातकी, वे भी तो उनके बेटे हैं | तो, उनके भी वे ही मालिक हैं | वे साधक को प्यार करेंगे, और पापी को घृणा करेंगे, सो बात नहीं | साधक भी कहेंगे---"तू परमपिता है |" और, पापी भी कहेगा----"तू परमपिता है" | दोनों से समान सम्पर्क---वैयष्टिक relationship | इसलिए मैंने कहा कि पाप के लिए जो अधिक conscious है, और सोचता है---”मैं पापी हूँ |” तो, उन्हें याद रखनी चाहिए यह बात कि--पापी है, तो क्या है  परमपिता का तो पुत्त्र है | इसलिए घबड़ाने की कोई बात नहीं, कोई वजह नहीं है |”

1. Subhasita Samgraha 24 -chap 6

== Section 4 ==

We should do rigorous efforts to become worthy mediums (media)
 of Supreme Entity
- Ananda Vanii #66

"From place to place, from age to age, the elixir of immortality has been flowing forever. Through the medium of human structures this message of immortality is transmitted onwards. So no human beings should ever belittle or slight themselves, rather they should make rigorous efforts to become worthy mediums (media). The wise and intelligent ideate less on their defects and demerits and more on the Supreme desideratum."

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.