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Monday, October 5, 2015

Peculiar questions and answers about vital issues


Peculiar questions and answers about vital issues

In their Mahaprayan Bengali circular, B group raised the following points:

1) Ananda Purnima was not included until some devotee asked Sadguru Baba to start the Ananda Purnima function. If some devotee had asked Baba that, "After your death, what should we do?", then He would have added this Mahaprayan function".

Answer: At that time, in 1955 Ananda Marga did not have any scripture. Even Caryacarya was nonexistent. That is why Ananda Purnima was included in Ananda Marga in the aforesaid way. But in 1990, the situation was completely different. Baba had already given everything, completed everything. In that situation, giving this logic is laughable.

2) B group raised the question as to how Baba could possibly tell about what should be done after His own death. It would have been so painful, that is why Baba did not tell all those things. That's why MPD is not there in CC.

Answer: Baba is not xyz. He told all the things. And He was not feeling any problem in telling about His leaving the physical body. In Junior Acarya Diary, Gurupuja Notes, He explained clearly what to do when He is not physically on this planet. So this point is not taboo for Baba. 

in Him, 
Madhurii Bhattacharya

When Ananda Marga Caryacarya can and can’t be changed


This email contains five sections:

1. Posting: When Ananda Marga Caryacarya can and can’t be changed
2. Bangla Quote: পরমপুরুষের লীলা-বিবর্তন
3. PS #1698: Expression of bhakti of A-grade bhakta
4. End Quote: How knowingly or unknowingly parents ruin the child
5. Links

When Ananda Marga Caryacarya can and can’t be changed

Is adding the mahaprayan appendix to Caryacarya
according to Ananda Marga core principles - or against?

Generally speaking, every country has a constitution and a law-making or legislative body. And the fundamental guideline or rule is: The laws must not go against the constitution.

The country governs with mundane rules and regulations so on occasion their constitution is amended etc - but very rarely. It is unusual; mostly the constitution remains intact, as-is. For instance, the US constitution is a worldly document yet it has essentially remained the same for 250 years, whereas countless US laws have been changed and modified - on a daily basis.

That is the case with a country and their worldly constitution.

But in our Ananda Marga it is very different - we are talking about a socio-spiritual organisation. And spirituality never changes. So all of the spiritual teachings of Ananda Marga ideology are eternal. And on social points - our scripture is also bound - our social treatise cannot go against its core principles - i.e. against the spiritual code.

Our core point is that spiritual ideology is our constitution and that never changes and Caryacarya cannot go against that. So MPD cannot be added in Caryacarya - that could only be done when Ananda Marga loses its backbone and gets turned into complete dogma.

OK then - so what is it that might change in the future with respect to Caryacarya. Here is an example.

In the shraddha chapter, it states: "At the end of the shráddha ceremony, a gift may be made of a bull, buffalo, ram, billy-goat, or any other male domestic animal of good breed for public welfare."

So this point about the billy-goat etc could be removed if and when it is not needed by the common masses.

Again, the very nature of so-called mahaprayan is against the core principles of Ananda Marga ideology. So there is no question of adding mahaprayan into Ananda Marga Caryacarya as an appendix.

in Him,
Lotita Ghosal

== Section 2 ==


পরমপুরুষের লীলা-বিবর্তন

 “যেখানে আমরা কারণ খুঁজে পাই না, তাকেই ৰলি লীলা | কারণ খুঁজে পেলে তাকে ৰলি ক্রীড়া | এই পরমপুরুষের লীলা-বিবর্তনে জড় থেকে মানসিকে, মানসিক থেকে চেতনে, আর চেতনা থেকে চরমতম চেতন পরমপুরুষেই এক দিনে সে মিশে যাৰে | এক থেক অনেক; অনেক থেকে এক | জীবের উপর পরমপুরুষের নিশ্চয় কৃপা আছে | কারণ, পরমপুরুষের চিন্তার ফলেই জীবের উদ্ভূতি | আর তিনি তাঁর চিন্তারই শেষ-পর্যায় জীবকে নিজের মধ্যে মিলিয়ে নিচ্ছেন | তাঁর থেক ৰেরিয়ে তাঁতেই মিসছেন |” (1)

1. DMC 1 January 1989 Ananda Nagar

== Section 3 ==

Expression of bhakti of A-grade bhakta

Every bhakta knows, “Prabhat Samgiita is the feeling of the heart, and the expression of the heart, and it has been written with the ink of the heart.”

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: There are three kinds of bhaktas. C-Grade bhaktas ask for and complain about mundane things. B-grade bhaktas do not ask for mundane things but ask for various psycho-spiritual boons from Parama Purusa. They ask for mental peace, mukti, or moksa etc. And A-grade bhaktas do not ask anything at all from Parama Purusa - just they ask for Him. And when their mind becomes apexed then they become one with Parama Purusa, by His grace. And that is the final culmination of devotion - the goal of human life. Those who are B and C grade bhaktas may not understand the depth of this song as it is the expression of A-grade bhakti. This top-grade bhakta is expressing love and affection towards Parama Purusa.

"Ajáná pathik, thámo go kśańik,tomáy parábo málá,..." (Prabhat Samgiita # 1698)


O' Ajana Pathik [1], please stop for a moment. Please don’t go away, I wish to garland You. With the fragrance of flowers, and with love and affection, I have brought a decorated flower basket. I wish to garland You.

Baba, I have been singing Your songs day and night to please You. I have been practicing and learning the rhythm and melody of Your music - Your songs. Because of Your great and unfathomable love, my heart is saturated with sweetness, and my mind is overflowing in bliss. O' Ajana Pathik, please stop for a moment. I wish to garland You.

O' my Lord, I dance in innumerable rhythms to adore and receive You. With boundless joy, and with the river of nectar, I do not want anything from You. Only I wish to offer and surrender the love pouring from my heart. O' Ajana Pathik, please stop for a moment. I wish to garland You.

O' Aja'na' Pathik, O' Baba, please grace me and accept my garland...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #1698:

[1] Ajana Pathik: The term Aja'na' Pathik means 'The Divine Entity Parama Purusa Who moves around this entire universe, and resides everywhere and knows everything; irrespective of where one goes, He remains along with you'. That is one of His many unique attributions and that is the speciality of the name 'Ajana Pathik'. Means the name 'Ajana Pathik' denotes this special quality.

Literally, Aja'na' means 'unknown' and Pathik means ' traveler' or ‘tourist.’ But this is just the word by word, literal translation; and proper nouns are not meant to be translated. So we cannot call Him the ‘Unknown Traveler’ or ‘Unknown Tourist.’ The spirit and meaning is then lost.

The inner sense of the name Ajana Pathik is that Parama Purusa is always moving throughout this vast cosmos and by His special grace He is constantly present with everyone, all the time. He is in the Cosmic Nucleus yet at the same time through His ota and prota yoga He is everywhere - carefully watching & lovingly guiding everyone. This unique aspect of His grand Personality is treated as Aja'na' Pathik. Because He is constantly traveling yet present everywhere. He is in the nucleus as well as throughout this entire universe.

As the Ajana Pathik, Parama Purusa Baba moves and moves and moves. Thus in their devotional approach devotees feel that wherever they go the Aja'na' Pathik will always be there to shower His blessing. By His grace, devotees can always get His intimate company & companionship. With this devotional link, by His grace sadhakas understand that Parama Purusa is present everywhere, yet side by side He travels on and on throughout this entire cosmos. Thus He is Aja'na' Pathik.

Overall the name Aja'na' Pathik has one special and unique meaning that goes far beyond its literal translation. And in our hearts we A'nanda Ma'rgiis know and feel that Baba is that Aja'na' Pathik. Indeed in His discourses, in Dharma Samiiksa, and in reporting, in DMC, and in numerous ways Baba has revealed this very fact that He is ever-present and always along with us. Hence He is always moving and wherever we go then He will also be there. Parama Purusa has infinite attributions and one of them is this special quality where He always remains along with us wherever we are in this vast universe. In this way He is known as - Aja'na' Pathik.

Those who use ‘Unknown Traveler’ or ‘Unknown Tourist’ in place of Aja'na' Pathik are going against the spirit of the term.

== Section 4 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

How knowingly or unknowingly parents ruin the child

"In a family it is natural that differences of opinion will arise among the adults; when they do, the adults should reconcile their differences considering each other’s opinions. Unfortunately they often lack the requisite mental make-up to reach an amicable agreement – each tries to convince everybody else of his or her viewpoint without caring about the opinions of others. The result is an outburst of unreasonable obstinacy – the adults lose all self-control and behave in a gross and vulgar manner. The effect on the minds of the children is disastrous. Children thus learn obstinacy from their elders. If the mother or those with whom the children spend most of their time is obstinate, the neglected children will, in most cases, become noticeably obstinate, and they will have to carry this psychic ailment around with them for a long time. If, on the other hand, as is sometimes the case, the wishes and desires (if they are not unreasonable) of children are fulfilled, the children will not have the opportunity to learn obstinacy." (1)

Note: In this guideline Baba is teaching two things. Firstly, if parents have to quarrel then they should not do so in front of children. Rather, if there is no other way and they must quarrel, then they should do so when the children are in school or away from the house. If parents argue amongst themselves that is one thing. Whereas arguing in front of the children and harming their growth is another. The children will emulate such behaviours and start quarreling in school with their classmates. In result, they will be punished by the teacher. Yet all along the problem was created by the parents. The best parents do not quarrel. Next are those parents who fight, but not in front of the kids. And the absolute worsts are those who fight in front of the children. They are a burden to society. Instead of becoming productive member of the society, their child will undergo much heartache and hardship - and even get arrested - due to their quarreling nature.

Secondly, in many countries there is an age restriction on harmful vices like smoking and drinking etc. If parents drink and the children are aware about it those kids will develop the desire to also drink. At the first opportunity they get - in high school etc - they go and drink. When the parents themselves do not drink then the kids are less inclined. So best then is not to drink at all. But if one must drink then at least it should not be done in front of the kids. The absolute worst are those parents who drink in front of their children.

1. Human Society - 1, Education


== Section 5 ==