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Monday, September 28, 2015

Concern: obesity amongst our didis + 4 more


This email contains five sections:

1. Mid-Quote: Concern: obesity amongst our didis
2. End Quote:
What will be preserved in a museum
3. PS #2350: O' Parama Purusa, having faith in You...
4. PS #3355: यह गीत नानमार्गियों के लिये है

5. Links

Concern: obesity amongst our didis

Note: This section is not for those who don't have concern for our Wts.


Sadguru Baba says, “In the world today a handful of people who do no physical work, but live by their wits, have appropriated to themselves most of the wealth of humanity, so they are able to buy comparatively expensive foods, and use them to satisfy their taste buds. As a result, they, on the one hand, swell with unnecessary fat, while, on the other hand, those people doing hard manual labour are forced to live in poverty and deprived of the ghee, butter and sweets they need to maintain their bodies...So my point is that obesity is primarily a disease of well-off, non-labouring society.” (1)

overweight Didi
morbidly obese / overweight Didi

High-salaried office workers, rich businessmen and parasitic politicians are those who suffer most from obesity…. Another distinguishing mark of such people is that they are most greedy for those foods which are most fattening; that is, when invited outside, they will never even by mistake eat much in the way of vegetable preparations – instead they will eat a lot of luci, fish, meat and sweets. As they grow older and their livers become weak, they will lose that voracious appetite. Then they will sorrowfully say to people that they cannot consume food as they used to. Their muscles become flaccid and they begin to suffer from acidity, constipation or intestinal troubles. Fat accumulated on the chest affects the heart and lungs and makes it difficult for these organs to function.” (1)

The problem of obesity is prevalent amongst our female Wts

Sadly, the problem of obesity is prevalent amongst our Wts as well.

Here above this morbidly overweight Didi is far too large to properly teach asanas to others. Our yogic nuns should be an example to society for how to lead a healthy life. And kaoshikii and asanas are a vital component of human health. But when people see grossly overweight Didis - like the one pictured above - they think ours could not possibly be the proper path. Because a yogic nun should represent the ideals of yoga.

And it is true that, conservatively speaking, 90% of our Wts Didis are not regular in asanas and 60% do not fast. And verily that is the problem. In our organisation so many WT Didis are suffering from high blood pressure and cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes etc.

Nowadays, the Bangalore training centre for Wts Didis is very low - barely any new blood is entering our Wt ranks. And many of the Didis in uniform are obese. Thus we are facing a deficit situation with our workers. We are losing existing workers faster than we are gaining new ones. All in all it is an unfortunate state of affairs.

Margiis are requested to participate in fixing this problem. When you see an such Wt patient then politely try to convince them that their existence is very meaningful and they should cure themselves from this ailment of obesity by strictly adhering to the do’s and don’ts from Guru’s Yogic Treatments book.

In Him,

1. Yogic Treatments, Obesity

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest

What will be preserved in a museum

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “Sometimes it so happens that people instead of convincing superstitious people, injure their sentiments by their behaviour. A perusal of history shows that the antagonists of idolatry have, on many occasions, destroyed beautiful temples which were unique examples of architecture. They destroyed the beautiful images which represented the expressions of sculptural art. All these acts are extremely violent, because they cause severe pain to the idolaters, and consequently the idol-worshippers adopt an obstinate attitude towards idols even though they are fully convinced that idol-worship is futile. As a result, not only is the spiritual progress of the idol-worshippers hampered, but the progress of the whole human society is retarded. It is worth noting that even if in any country all the people without exception give up idolatry, the spiritual aspirants, who follow the principles of Brahmacarya, will preserve images carefully in museums out of appreciation for sculpture and aesthetic taste. They will not destroy these beautiful works in any circumstances. Destroying a work of art also results in the destruction of the sense of subtle appreciation, and this is in no way proper.” (1)

Note: In the recent past, and in the Mogul period, Muslims rampantly and senselessly destroyed idols, and still around the world they are pulverizing idols and artistic religious artifacts etc. In our human history, Hindus also disfigured and destroyed Buddhist idols when Buddhism was banished from India. Now those very same idols are showcased and preserved around India in museums and other historical places.

In our Ananda Marga the approach is very different. Margiis will never do such adharmic things. Rather it is our duty to safeguard and preserve the fine arts - from all cultural and religions expressions. In the future when people are educated and follow neo-humanism and rational ideas, they will give up their idol worship and all those idols will be preserved in a museum - for the sake of history and aesthetic value.

Those who do not appreciate the fine arts become violent and vile. That is why our Ananda Marga encourages the fine arts: painting, drawing, sculpture, music, theatre, cartooning, drama, poetry, literature, and dance etc. At the same time, Ananda Marga teachings do not condone art for art’s sake. Instead the aim is art for “service and blessedness.”

Lastly, remember, degraded, vulgar, sensual, and crude expressions are not appreciated as fine art, rather they are pseudo culture.

1. Guide to Human Conduct, Ahimsa


== Section 3 ==

O' Parama Purusa, having faith in You and trusting in Your name, 
I can do anything. Nothing is impossible in this universe

"Prabhu, tomár námer bharosá niye,agádha ságar páŕi dobo.."  (Prabhat Samgiita 2350)


O' Parama Purusa, surrendering in You, having faith in You and trusting in Your name, I can do anything. Nothing is impossible in this universe. I can even cross the bottomless ocean by having faith on Your name, keeping You in my heart, and holding Your feet. O' Divine Entity, I will go on singing Your name while pulverizing all the obstacles and hindrances of pebbles & stones which come on the pathway of my forward journey. By Your grace, with the stroke of my feet I will crush them and march ahead, by Your grace.

Baba, by trusting in Your name, holding Your flag in my hand, singing Your name in my heart, and putting Your victory mark on my forehead, I will go on marching forward with my head held high - it is Your grace. O' Prabhu, by Your ahetuki krpa', I will bring the neo-humanistic era onto this dusty earth.

Baba, O' Parama Purusa, by trusting in Your name, keeping You in the heart, there will not be any dilemmas or doubts in any sphere of life. The mind will be pointed, straight-forward, and clear. Everyone's physical, psychic, and spiritual hunger will be satiated. O' my Lord, by Your grace, I will shower my love and win over everyone's heart by my selfless service and sacrifice. I will honor everyone's right to live.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, by keeping Your feet in the heart, I can do anything. Nothing remains difficult or impossible - by Your grace...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #2350:

Note 1: Height of foolishness and existential value

   “Who says that those creatures who have lost their immediate utility value have no right to exist? No one has the moral right to say this. No one can dare to say that only human beings have the right to live – and not non-humans. All are the children of Mother Earth; all are the offspring of the Supreme Consciousness. Most creatures have existential value, although they may not be valuable to human beings, or we may not be aware that their existence has some significance. This existential value is sometimes individual and sometimes collective, and sometimes both. Oftentimes, we cannot know the utility value, or the collective existential value, of a creature; we wrongly think that it has no existential value. This is the height of foolishness. As human beings have not advanced very far in the field of knowledge, they are prone to this sort of error.”
   “Even those creatures that have no utility value for human beings or whose utility value has ceased, which have no existential value for human beings or whose existential value has ceased, still have the right to live. Even those animals which have negative utility value instead of positive, and negative entitative [[existential]] value instead of positive, human beings will have to try to preserve even those animals by creating a congenial environment for them instead of destroying them. And they will also have to provide adequate safeguards so that those creatures may not prove injurious.” (1)

1. The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, Disc: 8

== Section 4 ==

यह गीत नानमार्गियों के लिये है

प्रभात संगीत 3355 कानु बिनु थाका नाहीं जाय , से जे मर्मेर माझे झलकाय...

परिचय -यह गीत नानमार्गियों के लिये है, हमें इसे सीखकर उन्हें सिखाना चाहिए। आनन्द मार्गियों के इष्ट न तो शिव हैं न ही कृष्ण इसलिये इन्हें यदि कोई आनन्दमार्गी अपने स्वयं के साधना क्षेत्र में प्रयुक्त करता है तो वह उसे हानिकारक होगा। नीचे दिया गया लिन्क 2 देखिये।
कानु के विना मेरा जीवन कष्टमय है, और अधिक जीना मुश्किल  है। मेरे हृदय में कृष्ण एक तेजस्वी सत्ता हैं अतः जब वे नहीं होते हैं तो मेरा हृदय उनकी ब्याकुलता में अपार कष्टानुभूति  बेचैन हो उठता है। उनके विना मेरे जीवन में कोई आकर्षण नहीं है।

 मैं चैबीसों घंटे , हर क्षण अपने हृदय में दिन रात उनकी वंशी  की ध्वनि सुनता हूूं। उस वंशी  के स्वर में कृष्ण मुझसे कहा करते हैं कि वे मुझे प्रेम करते हैं। वह कहते हेैं ,‘‘मैं तुम्हें प्रेम करता हॅूं‘‘ इसलिये पुकारता हॅूं। मैं उनका इस प्रकार पुकारना हमेशा  ही सुनता हॅूं, वह कितने कृपालु हैं।

मेरे जीवन  की नदी यमुना का भक्तिप्रवाह उनकी चिंतन धारा में डूब गया है और वह गहरे कुहरे से लड़ता हुआ ऊॅंचे ज्वार के साथ सैकड़ों प्रकार से उन्हीं की ओर दौड़ता जा रहा है।  मेरे मन में उनके अलावा कोई नहीं है।

मेरे प्रभु परमपुरुष, के विना मेरा जीवन बड़ा ही कष्टदायी  और रिक्त हो गया है।


1. कानु- कृष्ण का एक अन्य नाम।

2. बंशी - शाब्दिक अर्थ में बाॅंसुरी, परंतु दार्शनिक  अर्थ यह हैः- परमपुरुष के मन के स्पंदनों का लय भक्त के शरीर के सभी अवयवों को कंपित कर देता है , यह उसकी प्रारंभिक अवस्था होती है जो अन्नमय कोष में झींगुर की ध्वनि की तरह सुनाई देती है। काममय कोष के स्पंदित होने पर यह घंटियों की ध्वनि जैसी सुनाई देती है, मनोमय कोष में बाॅंसुरी, अतिमानस में घंटा, विज्ञानमय में समुद्र गर्जन की ध्वनि , और हृण्यमय कोष में लगातार ओंकार ध्वनि जैसी सुनाई देती है। किसी व्यक्ति का मन जिस भी स्तर पर केन्द्रित होता है ओंकार ध्वनि उसी स्तर के अनुसार अनुभव में आती है। जिसका मन उचित प्रकार से केन्द्रित नहीं होता उसे यह सुनाई नहीं देती और अच्छी तरह         केन्द्रित मन के लिये यह तात्कालिक रूप से लगातार सुनाई देती है।

3. डाक- यह परमपुरुष की पुकार को प्रदर्शित  करता है। वह पुकार है ‘‘ हे मनुष्यो तुम भाग्यशाली हो , तुम्हारे पास परमपुरुष की पुकार पहुंच रही है। यह केवल पहुँच  ही नहीं रही है वल्कि तुम्हारे शरीर के हर अवयव को स्पंदित करते हुए कह रही है कि क्या अब भी तुम अपने घर के कोने में पड़े हुए अपने अस्थिपंजर के साथ विलाप करते हुए अपना समय नष्ट करते रहोगे? परम पुरुष तुम्हें समुद्र की दहाड़ में, बादलों की गड़गड़ाहट में , विद्युत के वेग में, और उल्का की चमक में पुकार रहे हैं। आलस्य में कुछ नहीं मिलेगा , अपने युवा शौर्य के साथ उठो। यह हो सकता है कि यह रास्ता फूलों  भरा न हो और पद पद पर हीन भावना तुम्हें आगे  बढ़ने से रोके फिर भी तुम्हें  अंधेरे को चीर कर आगे बढ़ना ही है क्योंकि आगे तुम्हें परम अवस्था तक पहुंचाने हेतु स्वागत के लिये सूर्य की चमक वाला स्वर्ण रथ प्रतीक्षा कर रहा है।‘‘

4. यमुना-  यहाॅं इसका अर्थ भौतिक जगत की यमुना नदी नहीं है वरन् परम पुरुष के संपर्क में आने पर मन में उठने वाला उल्लास का प्रवाह है।

- Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us.

== Section 5 ==


Who made two bodies glued together

Remembering those pioneers of Ananda Marga