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Monday, August 17, 2015

Many things


This email contains 6 sections:

1. Engage yourself in such useful pursuits... - Ananda Vanii
2. End Quote: Animals have few but the human mind is occupied with all 50 occupations
3. Comment: Re: About vishes'a yoga
4. Comment: Re: Some are confused, supporting wrong side
5. PS #865: O’ Parama Purusa, You have created huge tidal waves
6. Links

Engage yourself in such useful pursuits
that even your worst enemies
- Ananda Vanii #33

Ananda Vanii states, "After millions of animal lives, a created being attains the human form. That is why all the sacred books speak of the rarity of human life. The wise properly utilize all objects and this utilization alone makes the existence of the object worthy.You have achieved the human frame. You must make it meaningful by your sádhaná, service and sacrifice. Engage yourself in such useful pursuits that even your worst enemies have hardly any chance to despise you. Utilize yourself in such a manner so as to satisfy yourself mentally, that you never wasted your time uselessly on this earth." (1)

Note 1: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis.

1. Ananda Vanii #33

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Animals have few but the human mind is occupied with all 50 occupations

Here are the first 49 propensities...

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “dharma (psycho-spiritual longing), artha (psychic longing), káma (physical longing), mokśa (spiritual longing), avajiṋá (belittlement of others), múrcchá (psychic stupor, lack of common sense), prashraya (indulgence), avishvása (lack of confidence), sarvanásha (thought of sure annihilation), kruratá (cruelty), lajjá (shyness, shame), pishunatá (sadistic tendency), iirśá (envy), suśupti (staticity, sleepiness), viśáda (melancholia), kaśáya (peevishness), trśńá (yearning for acquisition), moha (infatuation), ghrna (hatred, revulsion), bhaya (fear), asha (hope), cinta (worry), cesta (effort), mamata (mineness), dambha (vanity), viveka (conscience), vikalata (mental numbness due to fear), ahamkara (ego), lalata (avarice), kapatata (hypocrisy), vitarka (argumentativeness to the point of wild exaggeration), anutapa (repentance), śad́aja (sound of peacock), rśabha (sound of bull), gándhára (sound of goat), madhyama (sound of deer), paiṋcama (sound of cuckoo), dhaevata (sound of donkey), niśáda (sound of elephant), oṋm (acoustic root of creation), hum (sound of arousing kulakuńd́alinii), phat́ (putting theory into practice), vaośat́ (expression of mundane knowledge), vaśat́ (welfare in subtler sphere), svaha (performing noble actions), namah (surrender to the Supreme), vis'a (repulsive expression), amrta (sweetness in expression), apara (mundane knowledge)...” (1)

And the 50th propensity and the only vrtti a sadhaka should seek is: para (spiritual knowledge).

1. A Guide to Human Conduct

== Section 3 ==

Re: About vishes'a yoga

Yes Dada you are a master diplomat...trying to assert that those of who do not have  Vishesha do not need it. And you are most certainly correct. Yes it is also true that those of us do not need Vishesha...we can reach the goal with Nama mantra alone and parabhakti.


Here is an excerpt from the original letter upon which the above comment was made.

Essentially, the Gayattrii Rk (Gayattrii mantra) is for those who have yet to attain tantric diiksa. Yet that same Gayattrii Rk (Gayattrii mantra) is a central aspect of vishes’a yoga. Thus those practicing vishes’a yoga are using a Rk or mantra that is not needed if one has tantric diiksa, i.e. Ananda Marga sadhana, i.e. sahaja yoga.

(To read original letter in full click here)

== Section 4 ==

Re: Some are confused, supporting wrong side

Baba : Namaskar: In this article a great amount of research and analysis and time was spent and words written are golden and the eseence of waht is going on in AMPS amid all factions today . Even if this article wakes up just one person from ignorance and moves him or her on Baba's side was worh this much effort that went in to writing this . Very deep and thoughtful analysis indeed.

- N

Here is an excerpt from the original letter upon which the above comment was made.

those margiis who got favours from groupist Dadas and Didis should show their gratitude by bringing those workers onto the proper path – otherwise they will become just like Karna.

Unfortunately, because Karna got food, shelter, and friendship from Duryodhana, Karna became sentimental and in his ways of simple morality he thought that, “Since Duryodhana helped me on my bad days, how can I go against him. Rather I must follow whatever he says.”

By this way, the heroic Karna thought he was properly expressing his gratitude towards Duryodhana. When actually he was doing harm and committing sin.

(To read original letter in full click here)

== Section 5 ==

O’ Parama Purusa, You have created huge tidal waves 
in the ocean of divine effulgence

"Álor sáyare d́heu jágáyecho, alakár sudhá jharáyecho, tumi..." (Prabhat Samgiita #865)


O’ Parama Purusa, You have created huge tidal waves in the ocean of divine effulgence, and You are showering the nectar of the immortal world. After dispelling the dark fog, Baba You have graciously brought the crimson dawn.

O’ Parama Purusa,  You have given the message of liberation into the dumb and inert human mind. The human heart which was burned with the trit’ap [1], to that heart You have quenched the thirst for the infinite, by Your grace.

O’ Parama Purusa, Baba, You want to see that all move together in harmony, by eliminating the distinction between human and human. For this reason, You painted the picture of a brilliant new era at the time of the emergence of human intellect - and also introduced neohumanism.

End Note for Prabhat Samgiita #865

[1] Trit’ap: three afflictions 

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Human capacity is very limited – we cannot ignore this truth. Human afflictions are trifarious: physical, psychic and spiritual. The physical afflictions originate from the material world and the psychic afflictions from the unmanifest world or human mind. In some countries of the world people have abundant supplies of food and clothes, but are they happy? No, they too suffer from pains and miseries, troubles and diseases. They too mourn the loss of their nearest and dearest ones. These are psychic afflictions. Next are the spiritual afflictions. The periphery of human mind is small, and this small mind remains engrossed with limited objects. The mind must be raised above these limited objects, above the world of limited happiness, into the limitless spiritual world. Limited psychic wealth is the root cause of spiritual afflictions. The state of breaking the bondages of limitations is known as “spiritual liberation.” When that liberation is permanent it is called “salvation”.” (AV-4, Artha and Paramárth)

AV-4, Artha and Paramárth

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us.

== Section 6 ==
