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Friday, August 14, 2015

Do's and don'ts of pracara + 3 more


This email contains four sections:

1. End Quote: Do's and don'ts of pracara
2. The path of movement - Ananda Vanii
3. PS #2749: You came showering Your divine karuńá 
4. Links

Do's and don'ts of pracara


Ananda Marga ideology states, "Preach only satya. Whatever you have done with reasons thereof. Also, make it clear to them what you want to do and why you want to do.  The result of this highly useful (helpful) preaching is that the inferiority complex disappears from the mind of the common men. They are encouraged when they see that a common man like themselves is inspired with such a high ideal. The second result of this is as follows. The common result of this is as follows. The common people are not generally aware of your usefully high ideas. In every work, big or small, they cling to selfishness. So, learning everything pure and high through your easy and simple language they will co-operate with you, with a mind free from wrong notions. The third outcome of this is that they will be shorn off the wrong notions that may have crept into them by the propaganda made by the selfish persons with vested interests."

"Win over their heart by propagating satya but without abusing anyone. When, they will feel the ideal of satya and come to know of your untiring karma sa'dhana', naturally, they will abandon their wrong notions about you; they will even start respecting you."

"Even in private life when a person behaves with you badly or uses harsh words, don't behave with him in the same manner. You shall explain to him his duties gently. In case, anyone has a wrong impression, you shall show him the right path without scolding (abusing) him. Make it clear to him if possible with practical demonstration how harmful may be the effect of such habits. But always keep this in mind that in such cases your behavior must be like that of a friend, and never like that of an instructor. Your only object will be to get your advice accepted by him. the idea that he is fool and you are wise is not desirable in any party." (1)

Note: Here Baba is giving us invaluable guidelines for going pracara and bringing all onto the path of bliss.

1) At all times we should follow the code of satya - i.e. speaking the truth for universal welfare, never giving way to falsehood out of self-interest.

2) Those suffering from a superiority complex are unable to properly guide or teach others. For them, doing Ananda Marga pracar is basically impossible.

3) However, in the Supreme Command, Baba has allotted us the special duty "to bring all to the path of bliss" - to bring all to the divine path of Ananda Marga. So this is a very sacred task which our Guru has given. Indeed it is the greatest social duty of human life.

4) Plus, we know that when Parama Purusa takes advent on this dusty earth then He Himself does not waste His time in any type of material pursuit; rather, He dedicates His each and every for the all-round development & emancipation of human beings.

5) The conclusion is that the most virtuous aspect of human life is serving others. And the best service - the most lasting service - is doing dharma pracar. For this reason we should sincerely follow Baba's above guideline.

in Him,

Ta'ttvika Diipika': Dvitiiya Parva

== Section 2 ==

The path of movement is not always strewn with flowers
nor is it always beset with thorns
Ananda Vanii #74

Ananda Vanii states, Everything in this universe is moving. The hours, days, human beings, stars, planets, nebula – all are on the move. Movement is a must for all, there is no scope for its cessation. The path of movement is not always smooth or strewn with flowers nor is it always beset with thorns or encumbered with violent clashes. According to the nature of the path, human beings will have to prepare themselves and move courageously. In that movement alone lies the very essence of life.”  (1)
Note 1: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis.

1. Ananda Vanii #74

== Section 3 ==

You came showering Your divine karuńá -
and filled my mental sky with the colour of devotion

"Ghor tamasa'y esechile, a'loy bhuvan bhariye dile..."  P.S. 2749


O' Parama Purusa, You came in Cimmerian darkness, and filled the universe with the illumination of devotion. When society was in a state of deep slumber and there was Cimmerian darkness all around, then You came and filled this universe with Your divine effulgence. Baba, You created the vibration and established dharma.

O' Supreme Entity Bab, You looked towards humanity, kindled the flame of bhakti, and spread the bond of love amongst one and all. In the past humans were fighting between groups and clans. Now society is moving towards one Goal, Parama Purusa.

O' Parama Purusa, in the flow of rhythm, You filled everything with melodies. In the past people did not have proper songs, melodies, or tunes; even they did not know how to speak properly. You gave us everything: A new language and a proper voice. You came showering Your divine karuńá - and filled my mental sky with the colour of devotion. You made everything colourful. Whether small, big, meager or vast, everyone started dancing with flow of devotion due to Your august arrival.

Baba, this entire universe is filled with Your effulgence; it is Your grace...

Notes For Prabhat Samgiita #2749

Karun'a': This is when one is pained by seeing another's suffering and feels, "I should help them get rid from the trouble they are facing." This type of empathetic feeling is karun'a'. For example, suppose you saw one beggar who is suffering. By seeing his pitiful situation then you felt in your heart that "I should help him and remove his suffering – he should get some help right away." This very feeling of the heart towards that suffering beggar is the expression of karuna'.

Suppose a bhakta is suffering in the spiritual realm because of so many problems and difficulties, and they are unable to move ahead in sadhana and devotional life. In such circumstances, Parama Purusa cannot bear to watch His bhaktas go through so much struggle and strife. When devotees are helpless and trying hard to progress in sadhana but their pathway is completely obstructed and they cannot advance in the spiritual sphere or any sphere of life – overcome by various complexes, bondages, and obstacles – then a feeling of deep, deep empathy develops in the mind of Parama Purusa.

This feeling or mind-set, motivated by seeing their suffering, is karun'a' bha'va. Parama Purusa feels He must rescue them immediately from their spiritual retardation. In that moment, the help He gives to the devotee is the showering of His karun'a'. With His immense feeling of karun'a', He blesses His devotees and relieves them of their pain and suffering in their devotional life. This is nothing but His divine karun'a': Wherein Parama Purus'a cares for the devotees and removes their troubles and hindrances so that once again they can move ahead on the path of sadhana. That is the meaning of karun'a'.

Difference Between Krpa' & Karun'a'

In the case of karun'a', Parama Purusa is moved by a bhakta's suffering and comes forward to save that bhakta from their difficulties. With krpa' (grace), the bhakta is not suffering but even then Parama Purusa is bestowing His blessing.

It is just like if a baby is sick and with great empathy a neighbor selflessly gives that infant more attention without expecting anything in return. That neighbor just lovingly places the sick baby on her lap in a very special way and feeds the baby. That is karuna. Because the neighbor is moved and motivated into action by seeing the sick child's suffering. In contrast, if that same baby is not sick, and the neighbor just wishes to bring the baby on her lap to feed the baby, then that is krpa.

Similarly, when out of empathy Parama Purusa lovingly comes to the aid of His suffering devotee to relieve them of their spiritual strife, that is His karuna; and, if that same devotee is not suffering devotionally, yet Baba still bestows His blessing, that is His krpa.

So there is a distinct difference between krpa (grace) and karuna (compassion).

When Parama Purusa showers His karuna He helps that suffering person and relieves them of their pain and agony - in all spheres of life.

== Section 4 ==


Story: how non-margii villagers attended the annual Tiljala shra'ddha

My Ananda Nagar Visit: water bottle dogma