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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

In AM who should and who should not get higher post + 2 more


This email contains three sections:

1. End Quote: In AM who should and who should not get higher post:
Higher post must never be entrusted to those who are themselves criminals
2. End Quote: Tandava & kaoshikii discourse in Hindi
3. Links

Higher post must never be entrusted to those
who are themselves criminals

Please read Baba’s following teaching which gives a clear indication about the type of leadership needed in Ananda Marga. Specifically, can XYZ type of persons be the leader - whether that be on the village, regional, sectorial, or global level - or are special qualifications needed? If so what are those traits and characteristics required of a leader. All these answers and more are addressed in Guru’s below teaching.

“A rśi [sage] has said: Samamantreńa jáyate iti samájah [“Society is the collective movement of a group of individuals who have decided to move together towards a common goal”]. That is, whether people are pápii or tápii [sinners or victims], thieves, criminals, or characterless individuals, they are so only superficially; internally they are filled with the potential for purity. The principal object of the sadvipras is to explore and bring this potentiality into play. They will accord human value to everyone without exception. Those who have done hateful crimes must be punished, but sadvipras will never hate them, or put an end to them by depriving them of food, because sadvipras are humanists. The pandits puffed up with vainglory could turn their attention to their books instead of attending on the ailing non-Hindu Haridas, but Chaitanya Mahaprabhu found it impossible to remain indifferent to him. He took Haridas in his arms and nursed him carefully, and thus showed respect to human value.”

“However, when the question of social responsibility arises, it must be considered with great care. Irresponsible people cannot be entrusted with social responsibility, because those who shoulder social responsibility will have to lead humanity on the path of development, and correct the ways of sinners. If they themselves are of evil mentality, it will not be possible for them to discharge their social responsibility. It has been said: “The collective body of those who are engaged in the concerted effort to bridge the gap between the first expression of morality and establishment in universal humanism is called society.” So social responsibility should be entrusted to those who are capable of discharging it creditably. If moralism is the starting-point of the journey of society, then those who are at its helm must be moralists. And since society aims to establish universalism, those people must be universalists. And if the gap between moralism and universal humanism is to be bridged, spiritual sádhaná is a must, so those people must practise rigorous sádhaná. Their philosophy of life must be, “Morality is the base, sádhaná is the means, and life divine is the goal.””

“This great responsibility must never be entrusted to those who are themselves criminals. Unless and until such people correct themselves, they will not be given any social value, though in no way will they be denied human value. At present social value is given importance, but those who are selected to discharge social responsibility do not possess the aforesaid qualities. They have occupied their posts on the strength of their money or on the basis of patronage, but this has not resulted in any collective welfare. That is why there is an instruction in our social scripture:”

“Do not be misled by anyone's tall talk. Judge merit by seeing the performance. Remember, whatever position one is in offers sufficient opportunity to work. One whose character is not in accordance with Yama-Niyama should not get opportunity [[to become]] a representative.… to [[vest]] an incompetent person with power means to push society towards destruction knowingly and deliberately.”

“The sadvipras will install qualified persons in power, and the social order which will be evolved by virtue of their leadership will give due importance to one and all. In this new society based on Neohumanism, everyone will find their life worth living. All will regain their lost positions of honour.” (1)

in Him,

1. AFPS-2, Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles

== Section 2 ==

Tandava & kaoshikii discourse in Hindi

बाबा प्रवचन: ताण्डव और कौशिकी

[Ta’n’d’ava aor Kaos’ikii se Tristariiya Vika’sa, V22-20 ताण्डव और कौशिकी,MGD 5th March 1984 Jammu ]

[मनुष्य का जीवन] जो है, त्रिस्तरीय है | There are three strata in human existence. One physical stratum, second psychic stratum and the third one is spiritual stratum | जहानी, जिस्मानी और रुहानी—तीन पहलू |

तो, ये जो तीन strata हैं, इन तीनों में किसी की अवहेलना नहीं होनी चाहिए | बात सही है कि physical stratum से psychic stratum की क़ीमत ज़्यादे है | मगर physical stratum भी अवहेलनीय नहीं है | ठीक वैसा ही psychic stratum से, रुहानी stratum, spiritual stratum जो है, उसकी क़ीमत अधिक है | मगर, psychic stratum भी अवहेलनीय नहीं है | तो, तीनों की चर्चा होनी चाहिए | जैसे कोई अगर रुहानी चर्चा, अगर spiritual चर्चा, आध्यात्मिक चर्चा नहीं करते हैं—शरीर और मन का करते हैं, तो वे भी आख़िर तक जीव-जन्तु के माफ़िक बन जाएँगे | कोई अगर शरीर की चर्चा करते हैं और रुहानी करते हैं, आध्यात्मिक करते हैं—मानसिक नहीं करते हैं, तो बुद्धि-वृत्ति में जड़ हो जाएँगे | Intellectual progress नहीं होगा देश का, समाज का | कोई अगर physical नहीं करते हैं, तो दुबले लोगों का समाज बन जाएगा | वह भी नहीं चाहिए | तीनों की चर्चा होनी चाहिए | और तीनों में एक balance, एक सन्तुलन रहना चाहिए | जैसे छोटे-से बच्चे, वे भी क्या करेंगे ? खेल-कूद करेंगे, शरीर की चर्चा करेंगे | लिखा-पढ़ी करेंगे, intellectual चर्चा | और कुछ समय के लिए जप, ध्यान, भजन माँ-बाप के साथ बैठ कर कर लेंगे | अर्थात्‌ आध्यात्मिक चर्चा भी हो गई | और, जब बड़े हो जाएँगे कुछ, तो दीक्षा लेंगे, साधना करेंगे | जप, ध्यान, आसन, प्राणायाम करेंगे | लिखा-पढ़ी करेंगे, और शरीर की चर्चा करेंगे, sports करेंगे | तो, ये तीनों का एक सन्तुलन, an adjustment रहना चाहिए | Adjustment नहीं रहने से व्यष्टि की भी क्षति होती है और समाज की भी क्षति होती है |

हम लोग का यह जो ताण्डव नाच है, यह शरीर की पुष्टि में सहायक है, मानसिक उन्नति में भी सहायक है और आध्यात्मिक उन्नति में भी सहायक है | इसलिए हम चाहते हैं कि लोग सीखें | जिनकी अधिक उम्र हो गई, वे थोड़े time के लिए घर में करें, साधना के time में | और जो कम उम्र  वाले हैं, वे कसकर करें | आपस में competition भी करें |

यह ताण्डव महिलाओं के लिए ठीक नहीं है, due to biological reasons | किन्तु, उन लोगों के लिए भी तो कुछ चाहिए | इसलिए हम पटना में कौषिकी नाच को invent किए हैं | वह भी क़रीब-क़रीब ताण्डव का काम करेगा | कुछ हद तक तो करेगा अवश्य | और वह हम देखे, कि, वह मर्द के लिए भी है, औरत के लिए भी है—दोनों कर सकते हैं, दोनों के लिए फ़ायदेमंद है |

तो, तुम लोग जो यह ताण्डव competition, कौषिकी competition करते हो, यह बहुत अच्छा है | और मैं पूरा इसका समर्थन करता हूँ | अधिक से अधिक करोगे | जहाँ मार्गी हों, जहाँ मार्गी नहीं हों वहाँ भी इसका competition हो | इससे फ़ायदा ही है | कोई क्षति नहीं है, कोई हानि नहीं है |[1]

1. MGD 5th March 1984 Jammu