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Monday, May 4, 2015

Jewish Infighting: White Jews Hate Black Jews + 3 more


This email contains four sections:
1. End Quote: Jewish Infighting: White Jews Hate Black Jews
2. PS #3340: Baba, please shower Your karuna and grant me parabhakti
3. PS #2160: बाबा! मैं अपने जीवन के प्रत्येक क्षण में तुम्हारी उपस्थिति चाहता हॅूं , मुझ पर कृपा करो।
4. Links

Jewish Infighting:

White Jews Hate Black Jews

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Human beings will have to expand themselves so much that they will go beyond the fetters of limitations. There cannot be and should not be an inferiority or superiority complex in anybody. Those who preach individual racial superiority are committing sins. They are going against human dharma.” (1)

Baba says, “Tantra does not recognize any racial, genealogical, political, national or economic differences among human beings, but it does give recognition to individual vigour. ….. in Tantra only the ideal human gets the honour.” (2)

Those who adhere to racial divisions are anti-social elements

Note: According to the tenets of Ananda Marga philosophy, all humans are one - one people, one family. Those who adhere to caste and racial divisions are anti-social elements. They are the enemies of our human society. Why? Because all are created by Parama Purusa. When the Father is one there cannot be different races and castes amongst His children. Theists who believe in Parama Purusa do not fall prey to casteism and racism. Believing in Parama Purusa and adhering to such dogmas (i.e. casteism and racism) cannot co-exist. If someone sticks to casteism and racism, it means their father is not Parama Purusa but someone else. 

Black Jews harassed and victimised by white jews

In Israel, most are Jewish. Yet within that umbrella of Judaism there are both white Jews and black Jews. Both are Jews, yet on racial grounds, those black Jews are mistreated, harassed, and victimised by the dominant group, i.e. the white Jews. Finally, when those black or African / Ethiopian Jews were pushed to the edge and could not tolerate it any one, they waged a violent protest. Not much different from the violent protests that have erupted amongst the African American community in the US against the dominant white population. In the US, both whites and blacks are predominantly Christian. So it is not a religious divide - it is a racial divide. Just like what is unfolding nowadays in Israel. Within the Jewish community in Israel, there is a racial divide between whites and blacks.

Israel and the US are suffering from racism

While Israel and the US are suffering from racial divides, and ensuing violence, the comparable situation in India is the hatred along caste divisions. Thus the racial tensions in the west, and other regions prone to racial discrimination, are similar to the exploitation of casteism in India. But India’s situation is far better. Because lower caste people get all kinds of privileges via affirmative action policies. That is why their situation is comparatively better. They face discrimination on the religious plane, but not in the socio-politico-economic spheres.

Read the below excerpts for the current news about the scene unfolding in Israel where racial tensions are mounting.

1. AFPS-6, Universality in Race, Language, Religion and Culture
2. DT-2, Tantra and Its Effect on Society

News report:

An open and raw wound at the heart

JERUSALEM — President Reuven Rivlin of Israel said on Monday that mounting protests by Ethiopian-Israelis had “revealed an open and raw wound at the heart of Israeli society,” but he condemned the violence that erupted the night before at a demonstration in Tel Aviv. “We must look directly at this open wound — we have erred, we did not look, and we did not listen enough,” said Mr. Rivlin, who has emerged as a leading advocate for Israel’s Arab and other minorities during his first year in his largely ceremonial post.”

The call for calm came as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened meetings with leaders of the Ethiopian community after Sunday night’s protest, in which 56 police officers were injured and 43 demonstrators were arrested. Several thousand people, including many non-Ethiopians who supported the anti-discrimination message, rallied peacefully in Tel Aviv for hours, but clashes broke out in Rabin Square as night fell.

Several thousand people rallied peacefully in Tel Aviv for hours on Sunday, but clashes broke out in Rabin Square as night fell.

Black Israeli soldier beaten by white

The police said demonstrators tried to break into City Hall and pelted officers with bricks and stones. They responded with water cannons and stun grenades, whose use is rare in the historic square and unusual at a gathering of Israeli Jews. Officers were deployed in large numbers on Monday around Jerusalem’s government complex, in anticipation of another outbreak of violence.

Sunday’s protest followed a smaller one last week in Jerusalem, in response to the April 26 beating of a uniformed Ethiopian-Israeli soldier [Nr. Demas Fikadey] by two police officers, which was caught on video and went viral on social networks." (Courtesy of the New York Times)

== Section 2 ==

~ Baba, please shower Your karuna and grant me parabhakti ~

"E shárad sandhyá náce madhu chandá, ceye áche tomári páne..." (P.S. 3340)

Note: This song has been posted on our networks since 2004, but some thieves stole it and put it up on their website - in their own name. In the  future we may expose such persons - if anyone has any doubt we will present our old email.


O' Parama Purusa, by having You close, this beautiful evening of sha’rad [1] is dancing in ecstasy and looking towards You. In the sweet fragrance of the shepha'lii flowers [2], and in the form of beautiful white clouds, who knows what this evening wants to express - what heart-felt, loving feeling it wants to communicate to You.

O' Divine Entity, who can say when the first sunrise happened; nor can anybody guess when the last sunset will happen. But this beautiful evening of pre-winter season understands the tale that: Baba, You know everything, and You are always attracting everyone, and keeping one and all safe under Your shelter.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, I have only one longing in my heart: Please grant me me unflinching, unconditional love towards You, i.e parabhakti [3]. With that strength, O' Lord, I can get salvation, permanent oneness with You. In the brilliant, red, colorful evening, which is saturated with the love & fragrance of the shepha'lii flower, I ask, bowing down to Your lotus feet, that please shower Your karuna' [4] and grant me parabhakti.

Baba, in this divinely intoxicating pre-winter evening, please saturate my heart with parabhakti and ultimately grant salvation. I surrender everything at Your lotus feet...

* In 1990 this song was sung before Baba at a devotional program during the Victory Day celebrations.

Notes For Prabhat Samgiita #3340:

[1] Sha’rad: The term sha'rad means autumn season, also known as fall in some countries, and in other places it is called pre-winter.

[2] Parabhakti: This is the highest type of bhakti where one wants only Parama Purusa and does not want anything from Him, whereas aparabhakti is when one asks the Lord for mundane gains.

Baba says, "When one wants Parama Purus'a from Parama Purus'a,then that bhakti is para'bhakti..."
  "And what is para'bhakti? 'O Parama Purus'a, You know whether I am Your devotee or not. It is You who are to judge whether I am Your devotee or not -- but I want You...I want You. And why do I want You? Because I want to serve You'."
   "And when asked by Parama Purus'a, 'O my boy, why do You want to serve Me?"...The reply should be, 'By serving You I want to give You pleasure. That's why I want to serve You. I don't want to enjoy pleasure'." 
   "This is the highest phase of para'bhakti." (1)

“When people beseech the Lord to fulfil all their selfish desires, this is called aparábhakti. “Oh Lord, I am your devotee, help me to pass my examination… Oh Lord, my daughter has attained marriageable age – help me to find a worthy suitor… Let the bridegroom be ideal, let me not spend much on the wedding…” This type of showy devotion that simply asks for mundane objects, is no devotion at all, because it demands everything except Parama Puruśa. Such devotees never say, “Oh Lord, be mine… I want You and only You.” They always say, “I want this, I want that.” In fact this is no devotion at all. When one asks only for Parama Puruśa, this is the true devotion, parábhakti.” (2)

[3] Shepha'lii: The night-blooming jasmine flower (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis) (Night-flowering Jasmine) is a species of Nyctanthes, native to South Asia and Southeast Asia. This flower blossoms in the night and then falls just prior to morning.

[4] Karuna: This is when one is pained by seeing another's suffering and feels, "I should help them get rid from the trouble they are facing." This type of empathetic feeling is karun'a'. For example, suppose you saw one beggar who is suffering. By seeing his pitiful situation then you felt in your heart that "I should help him and remove his suffering – he should get some help right away." This very feeling of the heart towards that suffering beggar is the expression of karuna'.

Suppose a bhakta is suffering in the spiritual realm because of so many problems and difficulties, and they are unable to move ahead in sadhana and devotional life. In such circumstances, Parama Purusa cannot bear to watch His bhaktas go through so much struggle and strife. When devotees are helpless and trying hard to progress in sadhana but their pathway is completely obstructed and they cannot advance in the spiritual sphere or any sphere of life – overcome by various complexes, bondages, and  obstacles – then a feeling of deep, deep empathy develops in the mind of Parama Purusa.

This feeling or mind-set, motivated by seeing their suffering, is karun'a' bha'va. Parama Purusa feels He must rescue them immediately from their spiritual retardation. In that moment, the help He gives to the devotee is the showering of His karun'a'. With His immense feeling of karun'a', He blesses His devotees and relieves them of their pain and suffering in their devotional life. This is nothing but His divine karun'a': Wherein Parama Purus'a cares for the devotees and removes their troubles and hindrances so that once again they can move ahead on the path of sadhana. That is the meaning of karun'a'.

- Difference Between Krpa' & Karun'a'

In the case of karun'a', Parama Purusa is moved by a bhakta's suffering and comes forward to save that bhakta from their difficulties. With krpa' (grace), the bhakta is not suffering but even then Parama Purusa is bestowing His blessing.

It is just like if a baby is sick and with great empathy a neighbor selflessly gives that infant more attention without expecting anything in return. That neighbor just lovingly places the sick baby on her lap in a very special way and feeds the baby. That is karuna. Because the neighbor is moved and motivated into action by seeing the sick child's suffering. In contrast, if that same baby is not sick, and the neighbor just wishes to bring the baby on her lap to feed the baby, then that is krpa.

Similarly, when out of empathy Parama Purusa lovingly comes to the aid of His suffering devotee to relieve them of their spiritual strife, that is His karuna; and, if that same devotee is not suffering devotionally, yet Baba still bestows His blessing, that is His krpa.

So there is a distinct difference between krpa (grace) and karuna (compassion).

When Parama Purusa showers His karuna He helps that suffering person and relieves them of their pain and agony - in all spheres of life.

1. SS-24, p.97
2. AMIWL-11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us.

== Section 3 ==

बाबा! मैं अपने जीवन के प्रत्येक क्षण में तुम्हारी उपस्थिति चाहता हॅूं , मुझ पर कृपा करो।

मैं तुम्हें अपने जीवन में प्रत्येक क्षण, हर पल में चाहता हॅूं।

प्रभात संगीत 
2106 तोमाके चेयेछि आमि जीवनेर प्रतिपले...


हे दिव्यसत्ता! मैं तुम्हें अपने जीवन के प्रत्येक क्षण, हर सेकेंड में चाहता हॅूं। कृपा कर मेरे मानसिक शतदल कमल अर्थात् सहस्रार  चक्र की मधुपूर्ण पंखुडि़यों में आ जाओ। हे प्रभु! मेरे पास जो भी संुदर और अच्छी चीजें हैं वे मैं तुम्हें देनें को तत्पर हॅूं। हे बाबा! मुझे अपने सर्वाधिक आकर्षक रूप में आकर आशीष देने की कृपा करें।

हे प्रभु! तुमने मेरी योग्यता के अनुसार मेरे लिये जो भी उत्तम समझा वही दिया है यह तुम्हारी कृपा ही है। अब उन सब के बदले कृपा कर मेरे पास सबसे आकर्षक रूपमें आ जाओ।

हे मेरे परमप्रिय! तुम्हारी हर चीज बहुत ही सुंदर है, तुम पूर्ण प्रकाशित सर्वव्याप्त दिव्य सत्ता हो। हे परम पुरुष! तुम वह चंद्रमा हो जिसमें कोई काले धब्बे नहीं हैं। बाबा! तुम परम नियंत्रक सत्ता हो, मेरे ऊपर अहैतुकी कृपा कर मेरे मन की भय और लज्जा दूर कर दो। कृपा कर वे सब अशुद्धियाॅं दूर कर दो जो मैंने अपने मानसिक पटल पर संचित कर रखी हैं। कृपा कर मुझे अपनी दिव्यभक्ति की भेंट दे दो।

बाबा! मुझे तुमसे कोई भी साॅंसारिक वस्तु माॅंगने की इच्छा नहीं है, केवल तुम्हारी निकटता चाहता हॅूं। यही  कारण है कि मैं हर काम करते हुए तुम्हारी खोज जारी रखता हॅूं। हे मेरे प्रभुओं के प्रभु बाबा! मैं अपने जीवन के प्रत्येक क्षण में, अपने प्रत्येक कार्य और विचार में , तुम्हारी उपस्थिति चाहता हॅूं , मुझ पर कृपा करें।

- Trans: Dr T.R.S.

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us.

Report: Ananda Purnima Celebrations + From Dr Ravi Batra


This email contains three sections:
1. Report: Ananda Purnima Celebrations
2. From Dr Ravi Batra
3. Links

Report: Ananda Purnima Celebrations

Today (04 May 2015) in ANANDA MARGA ASHRAM, Indiranagar near old dairy farm, the 94th birthday of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, founder of socio-spiritual organisation, ANANDA MARGA was observed by the local followers of Ananda Marga.

The day started with bhajan, kiirttan & collective meditation from 5am to 12 o’clock. At noon curd water (majjiga) was distributed among travelers near old dairy farm bus stop. Before this program in & around Ashram area, notebooks with pencil & pencil boxes along with chocolates were distributed among 100 poor children. Collective lunch was organized in which Marga followers, neighbours, invited guests, & sympathizers participated in it.

In our unit ANANDA VANII #67 - originally given by our Gurudev Shrii Shrii ANANNDA MURTI JI - was read out in English & Telugu. Also its internal meaning was explained. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji was born on Vaeshakhi Purnima in the year of 1921 in Jamalpur, Bihar. He is also known as Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. He established Ananda Marga in the year of 1955. Today this organisation is spread over to almost all the countries of the world.

The main objective of this organisation is “the subjective approach through objective adjustment” (atma mokshartham jagat hitaya ca). He has created 1500 sanyasii & sanyasiinis (yoga teachers) who have been teaching YOGA & MEDITATION throughout the world to all irrespective of caste, creed, colour & religion. He has written books on spiritual philosophy, art, culture, language & literature. Besides this he has composed 5018 songs known as Prabhata Samgiita. All the songs are tuned by Him.

Today in all the units of Ananda Marga, the birthday of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji is observed as ANANDA PURNIIMA all over the world.

Acharya Soumyananda, Dioscese Secretary (DS) in Ananda Marga ashram is running a children’s home where 25 poor children (aged from 5 to 10 years) from Arakku, Narsipatnam, Paderu area are provided with free boarding, lodging, education, medical care. He is rendering free medical services to patients every day through naturopathy as instructed by Shrii Anandamurti ji, founder of Ananda Marga, as well as homoeopathy, acupuncture, gem therapy etc.

The function was organised by Narayana Panda, DGM(E), Visakhapatnam Steel Plant who is Bhukti Pradhan (district secretary), Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, Visakhapatnam.

in Him,
A. Venkatraman

== Section 2 ==

From Dr Ravi Batra


Please forward this email [see attached document] to everyone you know and ask them to do the same. This should be our campaign to inform the public as to how poverty can be eliminated all over the world in spite of political opposition and corruption. 

Ravi Batra


See attached document: Dr Batra - Salient Features Global

For more info write: