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Monday, March 23, 2015

Watch out: carcinogenic herbicide Glyphosate used on genetically modified crops + 3 more


This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Watch out: carcinogenic herbicide Glyphosate used on...
2. News: At least 20,000 farm workers have died....
3. Letter: Ranchi sold AM properties in Davao?
4. Links

Watch out: 

carcinogenic herbicide Glyphosate used on genetically modified crops

One of the most dangerous and disturbing elements in today’s food chain is the presence of GMO’s, or genetically modified organisms.

"Not only can genes be transferred from one plant to another, but genes from non-plant organisms bacterium also can be used. The best known example of this is the use of Bt genes in corn and other crops. Bt, or Bacillus thuringiensis, is a naturally occurring bacterium." (Dept of Plant and Soil Sciences, OSU)

Why are companies so interested in using genes in this way? Because by this process, they can make those crops resistant to herbicides and pesticides – and hence easily increase profits.

How this affects Ananda Margiis

What does the presence of GMO’s in food mean for Ananda Margiis? It means that certain foods we consider to be “sentient” may in fact be tamasik.

Here are more concerns in bulleted format:

* This GMO approach is still quite new and has not been well-researched nor critically tested. There remains many unknowns along with the possibility of public health issues.

* Vegetarian foods made from transferring the genes of one plant to a separate plant's gene pool should be avoided because those products may be a health hazard (carcinogenic etc) for the short and long term, and they may be tamasik.

* Foods and GMO crops made from a plant gene pool that contains threads from an animal gene pool(s) are outrightly tamasik, plus they may have other health hazards.

* For meat-eating communities all this may not be concern; for Ananda Margiis, this is a huge issue: If vegetable or grain crops have been formed from animal genes. So every margii should know about this.

This is an all-pervasive issue

Irrespective of which part of the globe you live, you must be critically aware about this hot issue. If the food you buy does not specifically say “Non-GMO”, or if you are not 100% sure about the origin of your grain and vegetable seeds, then it is possible that your food has been genetically affected. This is especially true with name-brand, “natural”, company food products. One of the below articles offers critical information about this.

Baba’s guideline:

science and civilisation

Here is a clear-cut warning from Baba.

Baba says, “Where scientific progress supersedes civilization, there civilization meets its Waterloo.” (A Few Problems Solved Part 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress)

That means when science take precedence and is used irresponsibly in ways that harms humanity, then that society will meet its demise. And the root cause is the misuse of science.

Today, with the use of GMO’s, we see the terrible misuse of science in our fruit, vegetable and grain food supply. Genetically modified crops are spreading around the globe in order to heighten corporate profits. Big food companies are eager to keep this fact hidden regarding the deadly effect of such carcinogens. They want to use science at the cost of human health and our overall well-being. We should all be aware about this.

Thousands of farmers and their employees died in various countries due to the toxic effect of those herbicides / GMO for growing certain crops. Those chemicals had a long-term effect. The area where those GMO crops were grown became completely polluted and toxic. Everything polluted - river, ponds air etc - because of the use of those harmful genetically-modified herbicides etc. Those locals living in that region are suffering. it is especially deadly for those directly dealing with this chemical - such as those farmers and laborers. That is what below article says.

Who can forget how agent orange was used by the US forces in Vietnam to destroy the forces. Still today, 45+ years later, birth defects continue to happen in those regions.

          Courtesy of Google Images

Courtesy of Google Images

Now please see the below article about GMO’s in section 2.

Shiva Kumar
(Steve Watkins)

== Section 2 ==

At least 20,000 farm workers have died

of chronic kidney disease in Nicaragua

The most widely used herbicide in the world, glyphosate, the active ingredient in the Monsanto product Roundup, was classified as "probably carcinogenic to humans,” in a report released Friday by     cancer researchers affiliated with the World Health Organization.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) announced its assessment of glyphosate after convening a meeting this month of 17 cancer experts from 11 countries. They looked at the available scientific evidence on five different pesticides, including glyphosate, to determine whether to classify them as carcinogens. Carcinogens are substances that can lead to cancer under certain levels of exposure.

Glyphosate caused DNA and chromosomal damage in mammals, and in human and animal cells studied in laboratories, the report said. Studies of workers who had been exposed to the chemical in the U.S. Canada, and Sweden found “increased risks for non-Hodgkin lymphoma that persisted after adjustment for other pesticides,” the report said.

Glyphosate is usually used on crops, including corn and soybeans, that are genetically modified to survive it. The herbicide has been detected in food water, and in the air after it has been sprayed, according to the IARC report. “Its use has increased sharply with the development of genetically modified glyphosate-resistant crop varieties,” the report said.

WHO's based its classification of glyphosate on evidence from studies of exposure, mostly agricultural, in the United States, Canada, and Sweden that were published since 2001.

Glyphosate was originally used as a descaling agent to clean out mineral deposits from pipes because of its ability to avidly bind to heavy metals. The chemical bonds to arsenic, cadmium and other heavy     metals found in groundwater.

Scientists and farmers elsewhere have raised other concerns over glyphosate and tried to ban its use.

Channa Jayasumana, with Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, published a study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health in 2014 on a possible link between glyphosate and chronic kidney disease in farmworkers. His research found that excessive heat and dehydration may weaken the workers' bodies, making them more susceptible to pesticides and heavy metals, which can lead to kidney disease.

Based on that research, the Sri Lankan government moved to ban glyphosate in spring of 2014. But Monsanto raised objections to the report's findings, and the ban was lifted. The chemical was, and continues to be, widely used on farms in the country.

The research also suggested a link between glyphosate and a mysterious kidney disease that has killed thousands of farmworkers in Central America. At least 20,000 farm workers have died of chronic kidney disease in Nicaragua in the last two decades, The Guardian reported in February. Researchers who have studied the disease in Central America say that it mainly affects agricultural laborers working under conditions of excessive heat and dehydration, but other factors, including pesticides, may play a role. (With wire services)

"Not only can genes be transferred from one plant to another, but genes from non-plant organisms bacterium also can be used. The best known example of this is the use of Bt genes in corn and other crops. Bt, or Bacillus thuringiensis, is a naturally occurring bacterium. that produces crystal proteins that are lethal to insect larvae. Bt crystal protein genes have been transferred into corn, enabling the corn to produce its own pesticides against insects such as the European corn borer." (Dept of Plant and Soil Sciences, OSU) (Courtesy of america. aljazeera (dot) com)

== Section 3 ==

HELP!!! - Ranchi Sold AM Properties in Davao?

(Courtesy of Ananda Marga Google Groups)


If anyone has  Margiis or WTs contact in Davao to find out which property/properties Ranchi sold or in line to sell? Kapalong MU or rice fields near Kapalong MU or .... ???

All should know that all establishment in Davao city (Bhuhangin) and various Master Units (Kapantian, Kapalong, ...) are all the achievement of late Dada Cidanandaji and other WTs/Margiis .....

How long we want to keep silent to see Rudrananda swallowing Ananda Marga bite by bite, step by step with the help of his loyal agent like Vimalananda in NY and Mantrajapananda in Davao and others in different places doing the same sinful acts?


In Him