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Friday, January 9, 2015

Low-Grade People Do For Show Only + 3 More


This email contains four sections:
1. PS #1926: Please Light My Lamp - Arouse My Devotion
2. Posting: Low-Grade People Do For Show Only
3. End Quote: Do's and Don'ts: Must Not Discourage Fine Arts
4. Links


Note: If you (a) blindly support and have great fascination towards a particular person or persons, (b) deem them to be beyond question, and / or (c) do not like to hear genuine and healthy criticism, then do not read any further. This letter is written with the purpose and intention that the standard of our AMPS and Wt cadre can be better. By this way, the whole Ananda Marga society will be benefited.

All are aware that Sadguru Baba has given instructions for all aspects of individual and collective life, including what to do when performing a tree planting ceremony.


"Plant the tree while mentally reciting guru mantra. Then while pouring some water on the tree, everyone will recite the following with the ácárya/á or a senior person leading:"

Oṋḿ madhu vátá rtáyate madhu kśarantu sindhavah;
Mádhviirnah santvośadhiih.
Madhu naktamutośaso madhumat párthivaḿ rajah;
Madhu dyaorastu nah pitá.
Madhumán no vanaspatirmadhumán astu súryah;
Mádhviirgávo bhavantu nah.
Oṋḿ madhu oṋḿ madhu oṋḿ madhu.

“May the tree planted today prove felicitous for us with its fruits, flowers, fragrance, floral nectar, leaves and shade. May we ourselves prove helpful to the tree through our regular service in providing manure, water and sunshine to it. Oṋḿ shántih, oṋḿ shantih, oṋḿ shantih.” (1)


To summarize, here are the steps given by Guru for the tree-planting ceremony:

1. Mentally take Guru mantra when planting the tree;

2. A senior person should lead the recitation of the "Omn Madhu..." shloka while pouring water on the tree.

These are the two key steps when performing the tree-planting ceremony.


Here we have a clear photo of how PP Dada Vishvadevanandji behaved during this recent tree-planting ceremony. He merely wants to show others that he is deeply engaged in the tree-planting ceremony and that he is environmentally conscious.

But unfortunately, instead of adhering to Sadguru Baba's guidelines and sincerely involving himself in the tree-planting ceremony, PP Dada was merely there for the sake of a photo op. Because his main goal was the photo, not service to Guru and the environment. So his whole approach is complete hypocrisy. This is all his superficial and duplicitous show. Because, in fact, his main aim is the photo shoot and the publicity. That’s why he is looking towards the cameraman.

So this entire manicured drama is for show only. See below how PP Dada is consumed with smiling at the camera while pouring water on the tree. This directly contradicts Guru's teaching. As a senior avadhuta, PP Dada should instead be leading the recitation of the Omn madhu shloka.

Look at the below photo and decide for yourself if PP Dada is smiling at the camera or reciting the shloka.

Indeed, PP Dada is so enthralled with the camera that he is not even looking where he is pouring the water.

The photo should depict Guru’s teachings - not something else. By seeing this photo no one will learn that in our Ananda Marga we have a special tree-planting ceremony for the welfare of the tree etc.


Indeed it is an unfortunate presentation. As Purodha Pramukha, PP Dada must be the embodiment of all Guru's teachings, including those guidelines related with the tree-planting ceremony. It was PP Dada’s duty to sincerely engage is this tree-planting ceremony. But PP Dada didn’t approach this duty in a straightforward and dharmic manner. Instead, his presentation was for show only: To make it look like he follows Guru’s every program and to make it look like deeply cares for the natural world. When his inner intention from the very beginning was to be displayed in the photo shoot.



In the following quote, Baba is giving the example of a few hypocritical political leaders. In particular, Baba is recounting the tragedy of the Jamalpur earthquake of 15 January 1934. So many people were buried under the debris and rubble of collapsed houses. Some were dead and some were alive, crying out for help. Sincere local volunteers and neighbors were trying hard to remove the debris and rescue the victims / survivors.

In the meantime, a few political leaders came with a cameraman. Those politicians borrowed spades and shovels from volunteers and posed for photos as if they were trying to dig out survivors etc. Immediately after the photo was taken they walked away.

That is the eyewitness account Baba is giving in this below Hindi quote.

Only hypocrites do like this; Ananda Margiis should never conduct themselves in this way. In the life of an Ananda Margii, sincerity is the beginning, sincerity is the middle, and sincerity is the end. The main quality of a sadhaka is sincerity - no hypocrisy. But unfortunately PP Dada’s behaviour is hypocritical and insincere.

“Fifteenth January nineteen thirty-four में जमालपुर मुंगेर में ज़बर्दस्त earthquake-भूकम्प हुआ था | तो, उस वक्त तो बहुत, मकान के नीचे,  dead body क्या, Wounded persons, जो कि मरे नहीं थे, वे लोग दबे थे---तो, कुछ लोग कुदाली लेकर ईंटा हटाना शुरू कर दिए | और कुछ दो-चार leader आए, तो एक-दो minute कुदाली लेकर, बस photo के इन्तज़ार में थे | उसके बाद ही चले गए | और सके नहीं | हम देखे थे | तो, ठीक वैसे ही मध्यम group के मनुष्य ऐसे ही होते हैं | काम start करते हैं, तब तक करते हैं जब तक—उनका photo नहीं लिया जाएगा | (2)

PP Dada's tree-planting ceremony was done for show only and has no dharmic value. Just it was an empty, superficial display.


Doing something and trying to show something else to others is hypocrisy. For example if someone is sitting in padmasana in full view with their spine straight and their eyes closed in order to impress upon others that, “I am a great yogi because I can sit for four hours without moving”, that is hypocrisy.

Not only that, when that person is not really doing sadhana and just sitting there for show that is doubly dangerous. Firstly it is a waste of time, and secondly all remnants of simplicity are lost - gone; their mind became completely degenerated. Just they are sitting there for their own prestige. Such is the degree to which their own mind became crooked. Thus for them is a double loss.

Verily, there are many examples of hypocrisy that can be given; but here the concerning point is with PP Dada. See how his behaviour is hypocritical. He is very concerned about having his photo taken, but he is not even remotely interested in that tree-planting ceremony. Just he wants to show others that he is very sincere and involved to do the tree planting ceremony according to Sadguru Baba’s guideline. Such is the extreme degree of his hypocrisy.

If he had been sincere then what would he have done? He would have properly engaged in the ceremony according to Caryacarya - not caring about any photo etc. But unfortunately, in PP Dada’s case if the camera is not present he will never participate. All in all this is a very poor show. In that case, what can anyone learn from him when his standard is so low and he rampantly contradicts the word and spirit of Guru’s teachings.

All along the handlers of PP Dada are always trying hard to jack up PP Dada’s image by doing various tricks like putting his seat a little higher than Baba’s seat etc. Plus so many other things are done that are the subject of other discussions. The concluding idea is that here in the tree-planting ceremony, PP Dada’s performance is insincere and hypocritical.


Here are a few Baba's teachings & warnings about hypocrisy. The sense is that on the one hand they are trying to highlight a tree-planting ceremony, but instead of bringing Guru's teachings to the forefront, PP Dada was drowned in the notion of highlighting himself by smiling at the camera. Thus, this entire ceremony sadly became one hypocritical display.

Baba says, "Hypocrisy in the human mind is also increased as a result of the influence of negative microvita." (5)

Ananda Marga ideology warns us, "Such people attempt to cover their harmful or defective sentiments under a veil of hypocrisy. This concealing mentality is one aspect of hypocrisy." (6)

in Him,

1. Caryacarya-1, Tree-Planting Ceremony
2. ज़िद चाहिए, Zid Ca'hiye,V24-07
3. Yoga Psychology
4. A Few Problems Solved - 6, 'Spirit of Society'
5. Microvita in a Nutshell
6. Neo-Humanism: Liberation of Intellect, 'Awakened Conscience'

== Section 2 ==

The sections below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Do's and Don'ts:

Must Not Discourage Fine Arts

"Agriculture, arts, commerce and other developmental work should, as far as possible, be carried out on a cooperative basis."

"Fine arts lead human beings to the trans-sensory realm; hence sádhakas should not discourage fine arts; rather they should support them, directly or indirectly."

"Artists are great benefactors of society, hence take active steps for their protection. For example, before enacting a drama or its translation, enough money for a day's maintenance must be given to the author."

"If a drama or other art performance is staged and a charge is made for tickets, after deducting the incidental expenditure, the remaining money should be distributed among the artists, half on the basis of labour and half on the basis of merit." (1)

1. Caryacarya, Society, Points #15-18

== Section 3 ==

~ Please Light My Lamp - Arouse My Devotion ~

"Eso ka'jal ra'ter a'ndha're, hiya' a'lokit kore..." (PS 1926)


O' Lord, O' Effulgent Divine Entity, please grace me by coming in my heart, which is as dark as the black night, and make it effulgent. Please light my lamp, arouse my devotion, with Your divine love. O' Parama Purusa, awaken the humanity which is in deep slumber. Please grace one and all.

O' Parama Purusa, except You, no one can wipe away this cimmerian darkness [1]. Without You, humanity will not awaken. For the welfare and enlightenment of this entire universe, please come in everyone's dhya'na. Please come in the crudest sphere of everyone's mind and make it divinely effulgent.

Baba, O' Parama Purusa, I long for You in my mind which is as dark and dreary as a dungeon. I have been desperately and ceaselessly searching You since the dawn of my life. Your charming & loving smile is like an ocean of nectar from the divine world. This divine smile will wipe away all the staticity.

Baba, please shower Your causeless grace and remove the cimmerian darkness and fill my heart and mind with Your divine effulgence...


[1] Darkness: In this song, the darkness represents dogma, ignorance, and a crude state of mind.

== Section 4 ==