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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Accusation of bhakta + बाबा कृपा: मेरी दीक्षा + 3 more


This email contains five sections:
1. মুখে দাবি করা হয়েছে-- ”এই করেছি, ওই করেছি, এই করেছিলুম, ওই করেছিলুম”
2. PS #4499: Loving accusation of bhakta to Parama Purusa
3. Posting: बाबा कृपा: मेरी दीक्षा
4. Blind religious people divide human society - Ananda Vanii
5. Links

মুখে দাবি করা হয়েছে-- ”এই করেছি, ওই করেছি, এই করেছিলুম, ওই করেছিলুম”

“যা এত দিন হয়ে গেছে, তা অবনতিই হয়েছে | মানুষকে নিচের দিকেই নামিয়ে দিয়েছে | তাতে কোনও লাভ হয়নি | বৃথা কাল-ক্ষয় হয়েছে | সময় নষ্ট করা হয়েছে | মুখে দাবি করা হয়েছে---”এই করেছি, ওই করেছি, এই করেছিলুম, ওই করেছিলুম” | আসলে কাজের কাজ তাতে কিছুই হয়নি | এই যেন সেই, হয় না---যে ঈশ্বরপ্রেম নেই | কিন্তু খুৰ নাক টিপে প্রাণায়াম করছে | বা খুৰ শীর্ষাসন করছে, ঠ্যাঙ্গ উপরে তুলে, মুণ্ডু নিচে করে | তাতে কি কোনও কাজ হয়?   

আসন মারে ক্যা হুআ, জো গঈ ন মন কী আস |
জ্যোং কোল্হূ  কে ৰৈল কো ঘর হী কোস পচাস ||


তো, সেই ব্যাপার, উন্নতি-টুন্নতি হয়নি |” (1)

1. অপ্রকাশিত,আনন্দ নগর ১৯৮৪

== Section 2 ==

Loving accusation of bhakta to Parama Purusa

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: Cannot be realised by those with a dry heart

The majority of Prabhat Samgiita compositions express above average or higher devotion. For those not adapted in higher lessons of sadhana of sahaja yoga, such songs are beyond their grasp. And sometimes they may feel uncomfortable also. To truly feel Prabhat Samgiita, deeper sadhana is needed. Otherwise, the sweetness of Prabhat Samgiita cannot be realised by those with a dry heart. Generally, Prabhat Samgiita  needs a subtle mind to understand. Until one has basic attraction for Parama Purusa, Prabhat Samgiita will just be something purely theoretical. But nobody should feel hopeless. After a few days of proper sadhana one can derive sweetness from Prabhat Samgiita. And if one wants to have better understand then read it after meditation.

"Tomáke sadái d́áki, áŕále tháki, shono ki mor kathá.." (Prabhat Samgiita #4499)


O' Parama Purusa, I go on calling You always to tell You of my suffering. But You never respond. It seems like You do not even care. Alas, remaining hidden, do You even listen to all my tales and talks. O' my Dearmost, please say something. Please let me know that You were at least listening. Why don't You speak. It seems that You do not understand the longing and pain of my heart. O’ Lord, after listening & knowing my itikatha - my life story and tales of woe - do You understand my misery - please tell me.

In the rose garden every day roses blossom, but due to the blistering heat of the sun their petals wither away and lie in the dust. Baba, I am that petal and You are the sun. By Your divine grace, each and every day my devotion blooms and blossoms for You. Yet, ultimately, I get burned in my melancholic longing for You. Due to Your lack of response, that devotion dries up and withers away. O’ my Lord, how You ignore me. I burn in longing for You - oh what a  blissful feeling of burning in the fire of melancholy.

Baba, You have put me in the midst of so many thorns - it is an anti-devotional  surrounding. And You have forced me to struggle constantly with thunderstorms and bad weather. You harass me making my heart dry and by putting me in a this situation. How unkind this lila’ is of Yours that You play. By thinking of  Your lila’, even the eloquent speaker becomes speechless. The one who is very loquacious becomes dumb. Baba, O' Parama Purusa, I go on calling You constantly. By remaining hidden it looks like You do not have any feeling towards me. It seems You do not care about my tears of longing…

More on Prabhat Samgiita: Just like a small child who lovingly and sweetly complains to its mother, in the same manner here the bhakta is lovingly placing his complaint before Parama Purusa - the nearest and dearest One. This type of very close and intimate relation is characterized by tremendous sweetness and love. That is what is depicted in this song.

Above average devotion is needed to understand this song. This type of feeling develops when one’s sadhana is of a very high standard - by His grace. Those with lower sadhana will not understand this song. Strong devotion is needed and when that is present then the feelings expressed in this song are very natural.

In contrast, if that mind-set is not there - if one is not experiencing high sadhana - then one will think the feelings expressed in this song are odd or peculiar. It is just like when a child is young then it has tremendous degree of love for the mother and will cry when she is not present. As the one ages though that degree of love steadily declines such that older children will think it is strange how a young child is crying for its mother. Because that older child does not have that high degree of love for mother. Similarly, to understand this song, above average devotion for the Parama Purusa is needed.

This type of devotion is not just some theoretical notion. In Ananda Marga there are many sadhakas who have this feeling in their practical life - even today. They are fortunate; their life has become successful. Because this type of ardent love towards Parama Purusa is devotion. And when one has devotion one has everything. There is nothing left to gain. With devotion surely one is going to attain Parama Purusa, by His grace. It just depends upon the degree of one’s sincerity.

What to speak of a sadhaka, if an ordinary, or even a degraded person, does sadhana sincerely, and from the deep core of their heart they request, “O’ Parama Purusa, I want nothing else, please grace me with the highest devotion”, then the afore-described deep devotional love will quickly develop, by His grace.

The above Prabhat Samgiita composition carries this idea.

== Section 3 ==

बाबा कृपा: मेरी दीक्षा

ईसवी सन् १९६७ में मैं  विभागीय निदेशक के कार्यालय में योगदान किया| प्रत्येक कार्य प्रभुजी की इच्छा से संपन्न होता है| भला मैं इससे अलग कैसे हो सकता था? मेरी इच्छा थी की  पटना के निकट ही मेरा पदस्थापन हो, लेकिन बाबा भगवान तो दूसरा ही सोच रहे थे| मेरा नया पदस्थापन सिंहभूमि जिले में एक अति पिछड़े इलाके में सरायकेला में कर दिया गया| वहाँ का वर्णन और नाम सुनकर मैं काँप गया| सोचने लगा, हे प्रभु! यह तुमने क्या किया| मै तो कहाँ बिहार की राजधानी पटना में रहने का आदी रहा और आपने ठीक विपरीत पहाड़ी जंगली और पिछड़े स्थान में मुझे भेज दिया| मुझसे कौन सा ऐसा अपराध हो गया था? अरे वह तो बिहार का अंडमान – निकोबार द्वीप समूह है| मन में हुआ कि वहाँ न जाऊँ-नौकरी छोड़ दूँ । 

 किन्तु दुसरे ही पल अभाव, गरीबी, और ‘दुर्लभ नौकरी’ की याद आने लगी| लाचार हो, जाने की तैयारी  करने लगा| जब चला तो रास्ते में ही अपर शिक्षा  निदेशक, बिहार श्री गणेश प्रसाद दूबे से भेंट हो गयी| उनसे मेरा परिचय था तथा उनका आशीर्वाद भी हमें प्राप्त रहता था| श्री दूबे जी को जमशेदपुर जाना था| रास्ते भर हम लोग साथ रहे| जमशेदपुर रेलवे स्टेशन पर उनके उच्चाधिकारी होने के कारण जिले भर के विभागीय अधिकारी स्वागतार्थ खड़े थे जिसमे मेरे होने वाले प्राचार्य महोदय भी थे| वहाँ प्राचार्य महोदय से श्री दूबे जी ने मेरा परिचय करवाया| वहाँ मै करीब आठ-नौ माह रहा| श्री दूबे जी भौतिकी के प्रख्यात विद्वान तथा विभाग के वरीय अधिकारी थे| जब वे लोक शिक्षा निदेशक, बिहार के पद पर आसीन हुए  तब मुझे गोविंदपूर, धनबाद में एक शिक्षा संस्थान में स्थानांतरित कर पदस्थापित  करा दिए|

मेरी दीक्षा: मैंने बाबा  को आत्मसमर्पण कर दिया

मेरे आवास के समीप ही बिहार सैनिक पुलिस-३  का मुख्यालय था| उसी में एक श्रीपद्मकांत ठाकुर नाम के वायरलेस ऑपरेटर थे| जब ठाकुर जी मुझे बाबा श्री श्री आनन्दमूर्ति जी के दर्शन को युक्ति से समझाते तो हमें ऐसा जान पड़ता की यह दर्शन तो हमारी वस्तु है, इसी को मै खोज रहा था| मैं मंत्रमुग्ध हो उनकी बातें सुनता जाता तथा मालूम पड़ता की इस दर्शन से मेरा पूर्व से ही कोई सम्बन्ध है| लेकिन बीच-बीच में उनसे जबरदस्त तर्क भी करता| तर्क करने पर उसका समाधान भी मुझे मिल जाता| अंत में यही कहूँगा की मैंने बाबा  को आत्मसमर्पण कर दिया तथा वहीं  स्थित एक आचार्य श्री मत्स्येन्द्र  बहादुर जी से दीक्षा ले ली| इस प्रकार दीक्षा लेते ही मुझ जैसे तुच्छ एक ओस-कण की महायात्रा प्रारंभ हो गयी| दीक्षा देने  के पूर्व आचार्य जी द्वारा शिखा-सूत्र का परित्याग करने पर मैंने कुछ अजीब महसूस किया| मैं सोच रहा था कि यह हमारी परंपरा है। अपने वंश में इसे मैं पहले-पहल तोड़ रहा हूँ। बहुतों से इस विषय पर बहस करनी पड़ेगी। अच्छा, जो होगा देखा जायेगा। पहले दीक्षा तो ली जाय। मैं ईसवी सन उन्नीस सौ अड़सठ मे दीक्षित हुआ।

परम प्रभु, बाबा चरण में

This above story was narrated by Dev Kumar ji. We are very grateful to Shrii Bhakti for his immense contribution of putting the hardly legible material into a usable electronic format. Without his efforts it would not have been possible to publish this story. - Eds

== Section 4 ==

Blind religious people divide human society - Ananda Vanii

"Human society is one and indivisible, don’t try to divide it. Each and every individual should be looked upon as the manifestation of the Cosmic Entity." (1)

“You see, in the psycho-physical sphere, many people are guided by – rather goaded by – dogmas. Dogmas have taken root in the human mind. People cannot get rid of these false ideas because they have been injected into their minds since childhood. As a result, one human society is divided into different nations, and one nation is divided into different religions; religions also have different castes, and caste also have different sub-castes – what kind of situation is this? We have only learned how to divide and subdivide humanity, and we never learned how to unite the people. This is all due to the defective teachings of dogmas.” (2)

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.

Ananda Vanii #21
2. A Few Problems Solved
-7, Renaissance in All the Strata of Life