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Friday, July 22, 2022

Learning vishes’a yoga + 2 more


Learning vishes’a yoga

Note: To understand this extremely sacred topic, reverence to Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamuriti ji is highly essential.


Here following are some of the key points on this important issue.

The repetition of the Gayattrii Mantra is a most ordinary thing. Every street dweller is aware about this. It is practiced in each and every town and city in India. For the Indian population, it is as common as the sun and the moon.

So I do not understand why some vishes’a yogiis / purodhas brag about this Gayattrii Mantra / vishes'a yoga sadhana / purodha sadhana as if this is something unearthly and celestial. This is all due to their ego and ignorance mixed together.

Gayattrii Rk, gayattrii mantra is for non-margiis & vishes'a yogis

Sadguru describes and contrasts non-margii chants and AM sadhana - and this letter addresses how this is related with the practice of vishes’a yoga.

Now, in particular, pay special attention to the below sentence in bold red font (further down). In that line, Baba is guiding us that once one has been blessed to learn first lesson of AM sadhana then they need not practice mantras from the Rgveda like the Gayattrii Rk (Gayattrii mantra).

Essentially, the Gayattrii Rk (Gayattrii mantra) is for those who have yet to learn 1st lesson. Yet that same Gayattrii Rk (Gayattrii mantra) is a central aspect of vishes’a yoga. Thus, those practicing vishes’a yoga are using a Rk or mantra that is not needed if one has learned 1st lesson, i.e. Ananda Marga sadhana.

The main purpose of the Gayatrii Rk is to help non-margiis come onto the path of AM. Because if they chant the Gayattrii Rk (Gayattrii mantra) with full sincerity, then Brahma will come to them in the form of Guru to guide them and grant them the opportunity to learn 1st lesson and get initiation. The all-loving and all-knowing Parama Purusa always hears and listens to the yearning and call of His bhakta. He knows every thought that enters the mind. So when one sincerely requests the path they will learn first lesson and get diiksa - i.e. Ananda Marga diiksa.

Thus if one has been properly initiated into 1st lesson, i.e. Ananda Marga sadhana, and one is earnestly doing Ananda Marga sadhana, then there is no need for them to repeat the Gayattrii Rk (Gayattrii Mantra) - because they are past that stage.

Sadguru describes and contrasts non-margiis and AM sadhana - and this letter addresses how this is related with the practice of vishes’a yoga.

Now, in particular, pay special attention to the below sentence in bold red font. In that line, Baba is guiding us that once one has been blessed to learn first lesson of AM sadhana then they need not practice mantras from the Rgveda like the Gayattrii Rk (Gayattrii mantra).

Ananda Marga ideology states, “In ancient times there were two recognized stages in the process of initiation. {those two recognized stages were} The first one was Vaedikii diikśá, that is, initiation as per Vedic school of thought; and the second one was Tántrikii diikśá, that is, initiation as per Tantra. The most important mantra in Vaedikii diikśá was “Gáyattrii Mantra”. The spirit of Vaedikii diikśá was to pray to God for getting the proper path, the path of bliss; and the spirit of Tántrikii diikśá was to move along that path. In the first phase the aspirant requested the God to show him the path, and in the second phase the sádhaka had to move along that path. So after getting tántrikii diikśá [Ananda Marga sadhana], the sádhaka need not do according to the dictates of vaedikii diikśá [i.e. repeat Gáyattrii Mantra]. And this “Gáyattrii Mantra” was the most important mantra in Vaedikii diikśá.” (1)

Vishes’a yoga is embroiled in politics

Baba says that the Gayattrii Mantra is not for AM sadhakas. Those who have received tantrika diiksa, i.e. AM 1st lesson sadhana, don't need the Gayattrii Mantra. Whereas we vishes'a yogis have to repeat the Gayattrii Mantra every day. So it is obvious that although we have received the 1st lesson of AM sadhana / diiksa, but actually it is not, in the true sense. Let me explain. 

The conclusion of this point is that you have been given the right medicine, but still you harbour some doubts. As long as you have doubt, you will go on searching for that right medicine. But if later you find out that the medicine which you already have is the right medicine, then you will start using it - otherwise not. So we vishesha yogiis got Ananda Marga diiksa, but still we have to repeat the Gayattrii Mantra. And the Gayattrii Mantra is for non-margiis. That is the liila.

It should be also noted that one day I saw one very good Wt was massaging the feet of Rudrananda ji and applying butter. Basically, he was doing the work of a stooge. When he finished, I politely asked him why he was conducting himself in this way. Then he told that getting initiation into vishes’a yoga is embroiled in politics. He felt that without committing himself to massaging the feet of Rudrananda ji and applying butter, he did not think he would get the opportunity to learn vishes’a yoga. So he wanted to prove himself as being 100% loyal sycophant. Hearing thus, I was shocked to hear this news and I thought to do something to resolve this issue. Because no Wt or tantrika should feel inferior about their status whereby they get exploited.

If anyone analyzes this whole situation from the point of view of bhakti, then they will find that we vishes’a yogiis are very low grade bhakta. One can say that we vishes’a yoga practitioners did not even start sadhana because still today we are repeating the Gayattrii Rk (Gayattrii Mantra). But the cold irony is that we are prone to bragging about our sadhana.


We vishes’a yogiis repeat the Gayattrii Mantra which Baba allotted for non-margiis. So we vishes’a yogiis and non-margiis both repeat the same ordinary Gayatrrii Mantra. The chief difference is that  when non margiis  learn first lesson sadhana they stop the repetition of the Gayattrii Mantra.

Whereas for us vishes’a yogiis, we shall repeat this Gayattiii Mantra our entire life. So the repetition of this Gayattrii Mantra is a most ordinary thing. Every street dweller is aware about this. It is practiced in each and every town and city in India. For the Indian population, it is so common like how the sun and moon are also common.

I do not understand why some vishes’a yogiis / purodhas brag about this Gayattrii Mantra / vishes'a yoga sadhana / purodha sadhana as if this is something unearthly and celestial. This is all due to their ego and ignorance mixed together.

at His lotus feet,
S. Ananda

Many margiis seem to think that without vishes'a yoga their spiritual approach was lacking - and that they will not be able to reach Parama Purusa. On numerous occasions, they have approached me in a concerned way and asked, “Dadaji, what is it like to have vishesh yoga?”

There should not be any confusion or misunderstanding

Being clear on this topic is vital as it is related with our spiritual life. Sadguru Baba has come to flood the world with bhakti and grant all the opportunity to realise Him. As an avadhuta and longtime practitioner of vishes’a yoga, it is my duty to propagate His ideology and help all progress along the path.

Hence, this letter is written for all those margiis and Wts who do not have vishes'a yoga so they can understand that the secret to the easiest way of realising Parama Purusa is sahaja yoga, not the arduous and time-taking practice of vishes'a yoga. About this, there should not be any confusion or misunderstanding.

There are so many discourses on the topic of this Gayattrii mantra. In each chapter, Baba guides us that non-margiis should chant this mantra, or repeat the basic idea of it in their own mother tongue:

“O’ Lord, guide my mind in the proper direction.’’

And by the virtue of their chant / repetition, one day they will get the first lesson of AM sadana by an acarya. So tell your non-margii friends to try to repeat this sincerely, with the right ideation, or simply convey this idea in their own mother tongue: “O’ Lord, guide my mind in the proper direction.’’

Then they will yearn to get initiated into Ananda Marga tantra meditation. Their psychology will change, and they will want to learn sadhana. The moment they undertake the practice of sadhana, the Gayattrii mantra will no longer have any value for them. But for us vishesh yogiis / purodhas we have to chant the Gayattrii mantra our entire lives. After reading this, if you still want to come and join us I will be surprised.

Those not aware about the Gayattrii mantra here below it is presented for you.

Oṋḿ bhúr bhuvah svah
Oṋḿ tat saviturvareńyaḿ
Bhargo devasya dhiimahi Dhiyo yo nah pracodayát oṋḿ.

1. Baba’s discourse “Gáyattrii Rhythm and the “Gáyattrii Mantra” 8 December 1964, Salem
2. Shabda Cayanika - 2, Rk to Rkśa (Discourse 11)

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section ==

Shortcomings of trade union movement 

Prout philosophy states, "The necessity of the trade union movement, to safeguard the interests of workers, cannot be denied. To guide this movement along the proper path, appropriate steps must be taken."

"Generally it is observed that trade union leaders do nothing to make workers conscious of their responsibilities in comparison to the extent to which they try to create in workers an awareness of their rights and demands. The best way to rectify this situation is to clearly accept the right of workers to participate in the management of industrial, trade and commercial enterprises. In this regard idealistic sermons or moral preaching will not bring positive results."

"Another great defect in the trade union movement is that its leadership does not always remain in the hands of true manual labourers or other workers. Political leaders with party interests tend to dominate trade unions. Their primary objective is to promote the selfish interests of the party, not the welfare of the workers." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, point #10

== Section 2: Links ==

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