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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Why prayer is dogma and wrong + 3 more


This email contains four sections:

1. End Quote: Why prayer is dogma and wrong
2. Why we need not worry - Ananda Vanii #34

3. Prabhata Samgiita #1516: Your Yourself came with rhythm and beats
4. Links

Why prayer is dogma and wrong

Note: This letter is for those who understand Ananda Marga philosophy or those who have a keen interest to know Ananda Marga philosophy. If someone is not in either of these categories, then for them this letter is useless.

Here is Guru's teaching from Ananda Sutram.

3 -11 Prárthanárcaná mátraeva bhramamúlam.

“Purport: It is useless to pray to God for something, for He is sure to give what is necessary. Solicitation or importunity in the name of worship is nothing but toadyism and flattery.” (1)

In His above teaching of Ananda Sutram, Guru guides us that any type of prayer to Parama Purusa is “useless”. That is why in our Ananda Marga we do not pray to Parama Purusa. Because when He is all-knowing and all-benevolent, then surely He is more about our needs than we are.

Anyone who has studied even the basics of Ananda Marga philosophy understands this fact: A true sadhaka will never pray to the Lord.

Yet see here what one avadhuta recently wrote: “We pray to Baba for peace of her soul.”

Sadly, by his expression - by Dadaji’s use of the word “pray” - it is evident that he is unaware about this fundamental aspect of Ananda Marga philosophy. Even worse is that as an avadhuta, he is leading others astray. People are surely looking to emulate his example because he is an avadhuta. This makes his mistake exponentially worse because now he is misleading others as well.

Praying to God means precisely pointing out God's partiality

“Prayer is the act of asking for a favour with earnestness. It also means a solemn petition addressed to the Supreme Being for certain benefits. One prays to God for something which one does not possess or thinks one does not possess. One asks God for these favours with the faith that He alone can bestow everything and by His mere wish all wants can be satisfied. By prayer or by begging one wants to awaken His wish so that one may be granted the things one lacks. Does not one’s attempt to rouse the wish of God to fulfil these needs, upon careful and rational thinking, appear to be a reminder to God to give one something of which God has kept one deprived? It would otherwise not be necessary to remind Him in prayer of that thing or to try to arouse His wish to give. For instance, if one is in need of money, one would, with the faith that God alone can give, pray to Him for the favour of giving one money. Does not this request show God’s fault in keeping one in want of money, when He alone can give it? God alone is blamed for it, and by praying to Him for money one is precisely pointing out to Him His partiality in not giving one the money one needed. Therefore, prayer or asking for favours from God is only pointing out to the Sole Giver His mistakes in the distribution of His favours. It only presumes lack of impartiality in Him, and that is why He is blamed for making some very rich and others very poor. Praying to God for favours is only to bring to His notice the charge of partiality levelled against Him. When prayer leads to such a conclusion, it is only ignorance to ask for favours.” (1)

The avadhuta who wrote "we pray..." is Dada Divyachetanananda. It is surprising this Dada is not aware of the above teaching otherwise He would not have done so.

As disciples of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji it is our duty in this scenario to do two things.
1. Forward this letter to Dada - -  so he can get opportunity to learn Ananda Sutram on the point of prayer.
2. If you see Dadaji around then softly convey this idea that in future he should not inspire others to pray.

Sam Woods

1. Ananda Sutram 3-11
2. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?

== Section 2 ==

Why we need not worry - Ananda Vanii #34

Ananda Vanii states, “Just as the advent of the purple dawn is inevitable at the end of the cimmerian darkness of the inter-lunar night, exactly in the same way I know that a gloriously brilliant chapter will also come after the endless reproach and humiliation of the neglected humanity of today. Those who love humanity and those who desire the welfare of living beings should be vigorously active from this very moment, after shaking off all lethargy and sloth, so that the most auspicious hour arrives at the earliest.” (1)

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis.

1. Ananda Vanii #34

== Section 3 ==

You Yourself came with rhythm and beats -
What a divine liila You are playing

"Tumi esecho, bha'lo besecho, man jine niyecho..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1516)


O' Parama Purusa, Baba You are so gracious; You have come, You have loved me and stolen my mind. My mind wants to think about You and only You Yourself came with rhythm and beats. What a divine liila You are playing. You are mine.

O Lord, before Your august arrival, I was not aware about You - I did not know anything about You. I did not understand who You were. O’ Divine Entity, You came and revealed Yourself. It is Your grace. You made me understand that You are mine. 

Baba, You have come and showered Your love.

O’ Parama Purusa, I was  only thinking of my own hopeless state and despair. I was just drowned in self-pity. I was thinking nobody is mine. There was no light, no hope. You graciously kindled the light of the lamp that was on the lamppost standing in my dark room. You came close in a very intimate way and filled my heart with the radiance of devotion. Now I know that only You are mine. You have come and stolen my mind.

O’ Parama Purusa, Baba, You have come to me and enlightened my entire being...

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us.

== Section 4 ==


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Strategy to Deal with wrongdoers + IK Dada's Suffering


This email contains two sections:

1. Strategy to Deal with wrongdoers
2. Iishvarakrsnanandji ’s tale of tortures

All margiis must confirm their "membership in good standing" from AMPS NY SOS. If they are refused they must attempt to fulfill the requirements (fasting, regular support {however minimal it may be} 16 points, dharmachakra, sadhana etc are the basic requirements that SOS told me are required). If they only scrutinize and refuse those they brand as "troublemakers" like myself who they say behaves badly (they do not specify what behavior because they don't have a legal leg to stand on} that is illegal according to their constitution and bylaws. That is their weak spot.

The constitution names the specific books that constitute the basis of Ananda Marga Scripture that they must uphold as directors (keepers of the faith, it is their legal fiduciary duty} We must see the currant bylaws and constitution, and we must affirm our "membership" so that we can demand they follow our  scripture as they administer the organization. If we put ourself outside AMPS then they can ignore and or dismiss our concerns.

I do not believe POB or Ananda Seva have to abandon their respective associations in order to reaffirm their "membership" in good standing with AMPS. The Gang of Three do as they please now because there is no vocal opposition from within AMPS that logically and methodically forces them to follow Baba's system. That is the case senior margis should have taken to court. Not to fight for control of Ananda Marga Inc but to fight for Ananda Marga Inc. to follow its own Constitution and bylaws which clearly state it must follow Baba's system and names all the books that constitute its scripture.

- Raghuram

== Section 2 ==

To whom it may concern. Namaskar,
It is known to many people of the world that that I am Worker of Ananda
Marga Pracaraka Samgha whose camp head quarter is Ranchi.

I had to leave last year sectorial head quarter Corona, New York . I was
resident of the Corona since 2007 due to serious health condition. To
survive I had to get Medicaid from US Government. To keep Medicaid every
year we need supporting document from house owner or organization. Last
year Acarya Vimalananda Avadhuta (SS NY) Instructed Dhruva not to provide
Documents. The conversation between Dhruva and Acarya Vimalananda Avadhuta
came on taped message which was circulated by New York Sectorial Public
relation secretary (Acarya Vimaleshananda Avadhuta) of Marga .Voice
recording - SS to Dhruva - Do not give him the Supporting Document. If you
give the paper to IK then We will not be able to sale the Sectorial office.
IK will make an excuse for illness. I was very very ill that time. I had to
find a place to live and finally I rented a place. Because without
Medicaid, I would have died. It took lot of struggle to get my Medicaid.

Before buying this new office, they( Dhruva and SOS)had been requesting me
to move to new place. After buying they again approached me to move to new
place. They had even room ready for me on first floor. They wanted to clean
and arrange the place. So SOS requested me to come in the first week of
month of August. One day I went to New Sectorial office when SOS was gone
to Ashville. I came to know through Dada Shaunkarananda that there is some
thing going on. He wanted to know that if I spoke to SS. I said. Yes I did.
There was no discussion for moving to new place between me and SS.I had
this doubt . So I wrote a letter to SOS about my moving to New Sectorial
office. He replied was shocking to me. It broke my heart. These gang of
three have hurt lot of workers of Marga of the sector. I have seen with my
naked eyes. They have became mad after winning the case of USA.95 percent
of Margiis and WTS have left from them. Now they wants to finish this five
percent of margii and Wt. I am alone. I am not joining any group. Because
it is meaningless. Ananda Marga Pracarak Samgha belong to me . Handful of
criminals can not take over Anannda Marga Pracarak Samgha.Special Blessing
of My Guru is always upon me. Good people of the planet will be always with
me. Even though I am alone. I will fight with these criminals who are
trying to kill a forty years of missionary worker. I am requesting central
administration of AMPS Ranchi through this letter to seize the legal power
of Gang of three(Acarya Vimalananda Avadhuta, SS.Acarya Diiptimanananda
Avadhuat,SOS and Dhruva and end the tyranny In New York sector . If these
criminals are not removed from power then I will make known my line of
Action to you all. I am going through serious health problems. Most of my
time to go to visit Doctors, hospitals, and gym. I am not able to work. I
am living on credit cards, loans and unpaid bill since more than two years.

Acarya IIshvarakrsnananda Avadhuta

Monday, July 27, 2015

Confused people think they can get salvation in this way + 4 more


This email contains five sections:
1. Opening Quote: Pralaya is a bogus proposition
2. Posting:
Confused people think they can get salvation in this way
3. Conduct is the main thing in Ananda Marga - Ananda Vanii #13
4. Comment:  Marriage tax on margiis: PP & Rudrananda imposing #2
5. Links

Pralaya is a bogus proposition

Ananda Marga ideology states, "“Pratyaḿjanáḿstist́hate saḿcukopántakále”. Parama Puruśa remains with every entity. He is everyone’s shelter, everyone’s refuge. Thus, human beings are never helpless, neither individually nor collectively. Always remember that He is with every individual. Some philosophers, quoting the scriptures, say that a day of final doom will darken the Earth when the dead will rise from the grave. Others predict that a doomsday (pralayá in Saḿskrta – “pra” means “complete” and thus pralaya means “complete destruction”) will obliterate all forms of life. One should laugh at such illogical doctrines. According to Ánanda Márga philosophy, this doomsday or pralaya will never occur. On the one hand, the flow of creation will continue and on the other, there will be jadasphota [gradual or instantaneous disintegration]. There will never be a complete thermal death. of the universe. Thus, predictions of an imminent doomsday should be of no concern to you. It is nonsense; pralaya will never occur." (1)

Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 7, The Divine Drama

== Section 2 ==

Confused people think they can get salvation in this way

Kindly read the below quote from Baba's teachings. At the end of the quote a question has been posed. If your answer to the question is correct then it means you read Baba's books carefully; and, if your answer is wrong or you do not know the answer, then it signifies that you need to pay more attention when reading Guru's teachings. After all, if sadhakas are not diligent in studying Baba's books then who is going to read them - non-margiis?

Here then is the quote:

"There are some people who die after fasting for thirty or forty days. The members of their community think that they have attained salvation thereby, but one cannot attain salvation by fasting in this way." (1)

Who is Baba referring to in the above quote?


Answer: Both Vinoba Bhave and Balak Brahmacari fall in this category. They both died after extended fasts, and in both cases their followers thought they had attained supreme realisation, but in His above teaching Baba informs us otherwise.

Verily so many have passed in this way - especially monks have died from long fasts and their followers believe they got moksa. That is a misnomer within the Hindu religion.

And it is common with the Jain tradition as well - at the end of their life those monks fast to death. They think that by this way they will get moksa. 

If due to lack of food one attained salvation, then what about all those in economically destitute nations who have starved to death such as during terrible famines. Did they too all attain moksa?

As Ananda Margiis we do not subscribe to all these dogmatic theories from these various religions. In our Ananda Marga, one must do sadhana and seva. And when one is aged and sick and body is old and weak then one is only to do sadhana. One should never resort to killing oneself.

Remember, deliberately fasting to death invites negative samskara.

We should always remember Guru's guideline: "Die while working, and work even while dying."

Work while dying means doing sadhana in one's final days, while those who are confused think working means dying while digging the soil or engaging in other mundane work

in Him,


Hinduism fasting to death & moksa

Prayopavesa (Sanskrit: प्रायोपवेशनम्, literally resolving to die through fasting) is a practice in Hinduism that denotes the suicide by fasting of a person, who has no desire or ambition left, and no responsibilities remaining in life. It is also allowed in cases of terminal disease or great disability. A similar practice exists in Jainism, termed Santhara. (2)

Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, after 21 days fast, died on 26 February 1966. He thought that his duties were fulfilled and thus has no purpose left to live. In November 2001, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami subjected himself to prayopavesa. Subramuniyaswami was diagnosed to be suffering from terminal intestinal cancer. He later died on the 32nd day of his fast.

​Jain​ism fasting to death & moksa

An ascetic or householder who has observed all these vows to burn the karmas, take the vow of Sallekhana at the end of his life. Sallekhana is treated as a supplementary to the twelve vows taken by Jains. However, some Jain Acharyas such as Kundakunda, Devasena, Padmanandin and Vasunandin have included it under the last vow, śikşā-vrata.

Jains are strict vegetarians. In order to attain moksha all positive and negative karmas must be burnt. Santhara is a method of burning Karma when one has mastered self-control, has no worldly desires, inclination towards pleasures are nil, mentally and spiritually person is in sound health. Santhara is not allowed in conditions of good health, mental disease or unconsciousness, unwillingness, due family responsibilities, desire to eat or live, or remaining worldly desires. Healthy young adults or children are unfit (not allowed) to do santhara because they have family obligations, lives to live and religion to practice. It is allowed only in cases of impending death due to old age or terminal disease.

The basic idea in different kinds of Jain fasting is to acquire a lowest possible negative karma and purify oneself.[citation needed] The guiding philosophy is: "Our soul is immortal. Our soul goes from one body to another body (cycle of birth and rebirth or reincarnation) just like we change old clothes. For betterment of our soul we must be free from desires and kamas. By practicing Jain principles in life those people who attain such a peaceful state of mind, perpetual happiness and self actualization and become free from desire of eating, living, dining etc. perform santhara. It is a Jain method of separating soul from old and diseased body during last few days of life to enter in new life form/reincarnation."

Santhara is a voluntary act and is bound by very strict regulations. Only a person who has no wishes/desire/ambition left, and no responsibilities remaining in life is entitled to perform it and the action is done under community regulation. The decision to do so must be publicly declared well in advance and permission from family & other relatives is a must. Conditions that allow santhara are: (2)

On average, 240 Jains practice ​fast until death each year in India

Sallekhana (also Santhara, Samadhi-marana, Sanyasana-marana), is the Jain practice of undertaking voluntary death at the end of one's life. It is a highly respected practice among the members of the Jain community. Sallekhana is made up from two words sal (meaning 'properly') and lekhana, which means to thin out. Properly thinning out of the passions and the body is 'Sallekhana'. It is prescribed both for the householder (sravakas) and ascetics. Sallekhana is allowed only when a person is suffering from incurable disease or great disability or when a person is nearing his end. Due to the prolonged nature of sallekhana, the individual is given ample time to reflect on his or her life. The purpose is to purge old karmas and prevent the creation of new ones. According to Jain texts, sallekhanā leads to Ahimsa (non-injury), as person observing sallekhanā subjugates the passions, which are the root cause of himsā (injury or violence). After taking the vow of Sallekhana, one must not have the desire to live or desire to die. Practitioner shouldn't recollect the pleasures enjoyed or, long for the enjoyment of pleasures in future.

According to the Press Trust of India, on average 240 Jains practice sallekhana until death each year in India.[9] There exists a similar Hindu practice known as Prayopavesa.(2)


Old age disease such that death appears imminent. Or in cases of terminal disease in adults.
Strong desire to burn karmas by fasting.
Strong Desire of Moksha/Nirvana.

Jains claim that Santhara or Sallekhana fast until death is the most ideal, peaceful, and satisfying form of death. It is done in full consciousness, not suddenly, sadly or ignorantly. (2)


Comparison with suicide

Sallekhana is often compared with suicide. According to the Jain text, Purushartha Siddhyupaya, when death is near, the vow of sallekhanâ is observed by properly thinning the body and the passions. It also mentions that, sallekhanâ is not suicide since the person observing it, is devoid of all passions like attachment.[16] Like most religions, Jainism forbids all forms of suicides. Suicide involves an intentional act of harm against oneself with a known outcome that negatively affects those left behind. It is believed that the precipitous taking of one's life constitutes only a perpetuation of the karma from the current life (particularly that associated with negativity or suffering), which is thus "inherited" by the subsequent life to be assumed through reincarnation. Suicide does not allow escape from one's karma, nor from one's cycle of births and rebirths. However, in the practise of Sallekhana, it is viewed that death is "welcomed" through a peaceful, tranquil process that provides peace of mind and sufficient closure for the adherent, their family and/or community.[17]

Statistically, Sallekhana is undertaken both by men and women of all economic classes and among the educationally forward Jains. Statistically it is done by more women than men. It has been argued that Sallekhana serves as a means of coercing widows and elderly relatives into taking their own lives,[18] but that is a rare case. In both the writings of Jain scriptures and the general views of many followers of Jainism, due to the degree of self-actualisation and spiritual strength required by those who undertake the ritual, Sallekhana is considered to be a display of utmost piety, purification and expiation.

In his book, Sallekhanā is Not Suicide, Justice T. K. Tukol wrote:

My studies of Jurisprudence, the Indian Penal Code and of criminal cases decided by me had convinced that the vow of Sallekhana as propounded in the Jaina scriptures is not suicide
. (2)


1. AMIWL-10, Ideation on Brahma
2. Wikipedia

== Section 3 ==

Conduct is the main thing in Ananda Marga - Ananda Vanii #13

Ananda Vanii states, “Your ideal is represented by your conduct. Your learning, your social or economic status have nothing to do with your ideal.
” (1)

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis.

1. Ananda Vanii #13

== Section 4 ==

Re: Marriage tax on margiis: PP & Rudrananda imposing #2

Dear brothers & sisters,

It is very disappointing to know from Madhusudanji that our great socio-spiritual order "Ananda Marga" as set up by our BABA to demolish the age old social stigmas of the dogmas & superstitions & the vicious barriers of caste, creed &colour as imposed by the vested interests which shattered our human society, if getting foiled by Purodha Pramukh &Rudrananda Avadhut as alleged to perpetuate their vested interests, they must be opposed.

It must be borne in mind that our Purodha Pramukh is only to act as the chief volunteer of our Baba to take forward His great mission taking all of us including all workers like Rudranandaji united in the main stream.If he fails to serve the purpose, he is immediately to make room for the more befitting one instead of remaining stuck up to the position as elected for the purpose.

It must be further borne in mind in the situation created as alleged, to stand up united firmly to protect the great mission of  our Baba getting hijacked by the vested interests even present among us.

Yours brotherly,
Er. Suresh  

Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic -  Marriage tax on margiis: PP & Rudrananda imposing #2

== Section 5 ==


Sunday, July 26, 2015

Way to prepare documents against Ananda Marga wrongdoers + 2 more


This email contains three sections:

1. Comment:
Court case: Way to prepare documents against Ananda Marga wrongdoers
2. Ananda Vanii #8: What is only spiritual approach to punish wrongdoers
3. Links

Court case: Way to prepare documents
against Ananda Marga wrongdoers

If one writes to higher authorities and no investigation is taken, or a cover-up takes place then at least it is documented (keep your emails and copies of letters, witness info etc secure and in duplicate). As well as silent action one should report to your local bhukti pradhan.

These documents should be preserved until many cases / evidences are available to show the administration is corrupt and unwilling to follow its own constitution thus paving the way for a court ordered removal of the corrupt administration. If that is not possible then the documents should be used to create a grassroots movement to remove the corrupt admin by persuasion or force (covertly or otherwise).

One must usually exhaust internal organizational avenues that exist to deal with corruption and immoral behavior before the courts will intervene. This does not apply to crimes that are not protected by the division of church and state, such as murder or rape.

I am speaking from experience and study of North American precedents.

Obviously one should research how it is usually dealt with in your own jurisdiction. In some cases the state will stand by while the offending so-called protectors of the faith are publicly tarred and feathered by their once loyal followers. In extreme cases beheading can occur to deter others.

I am not advocating such extreme measures however such misguided administrators should be made aware of the possible perils that may be the effect of their neglect of duty (the cause).

One feels much better in conscience to be expelled from a corrupt body while speaking out than to simply remain dumb while witnessing the putrification of a corrupt body. Besides the stench is often simply unbearable. No matter how much they may isolate you, rest assured Baba / dharma will always be with you. Stating the obvious.

If corrupt and immoral leaders think they can hide behind bodyguards they might reflect on the fate of the powerful prime minister of India, the late Indira Gandhi.

If you have any contact info for central VSS cadres I would be most grateful to receive it.  

Baba Nam Kevalam 


(Douglas Oldham)

Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic - Writing Higher Authorities

== Section 2 ==

What is only spiritual approach to punish wrongdoers - Ananda Vanii #8

Ananda Vanii states, “Those who can maintain their restraint in spite of intense provocation are the real spiritual aspirants. They alone have overcome anger. Inspire those who are liars and criminals to live honest lives by pointing out their defects. This is the only spiritual approach to punish wrongdoers. Supreme truth is ever resplendent and can never be tarnished by false propaganda.” (1)

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis.

1. Ananda Vanii #8

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Wandering seekers in search of Sadguru + 3 more


This email contains four sections:

1. End Quote: Wandering seekers in search of Sadguru
2. Ananda Vanii #67
3. PS #3681: O' Parama Purusa, You only care about the feeling of the devotee's heart
4. Links

  Wandering seekers in search of Sadguru

What Baba is describing in His below teaching is still going on in India - both inside and outside of Ananda Marga. For instance, Ac Cidanandji describes indepthly in his book how before, and even after, entering into Ananda Marga he would venture of to the foothills of the Himalayas - Haridwar & Rishikesh - in search of great spiritual guides etc. To this end, he visited numerous holy sites (tiirthas) and stayed in various ashrams with the hope of finding some great sadhu or saint etc. Cidanandji documented all this in his book - Unforgettable Memories (2008). Dada Samanvayanandji held a similar inclination: Go to the Himalayas in search of a great preceptor. This is what he wrote in his book and used to tell everyone - on numerous occasions.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Although it is difficult to find a muktapuruśa or sadguru (great preceptor), it is not necessary to search for one in jungles, mountains and caves in accordance with popular belief. The purpose of the Qualified Supreme Entity in manifesting the creation is to obtain emancipation for each one of Its units. In order to fulfil this purpose, It will have to appear before anyone who has a yearning for emancipation. This yearning or state of mental uneasiness caused by the intense desire for emancipation heralds the arrival of the opportune moment. The Qualified Supreme Entity, in the form of a great preceptor, will appear to those who have reached this opportune moment by virtue of their intense desire for liberation. If this were not so, the purpose of the creation would not be served; it would be merely a trap, and the Creator, the Qualified Supreme Entity, would become the cause of bondage. Hence to wander through jungles and over mountains in quest of a great preceptor is futile. What is most essential is to kindle in one’s heart a yearning, an intense desire for emancipation.” (1)

And this same idea is expressed in Ananda Sutram as well.

Muktyákáunkśayá sadgurupráptih.

"Purport: When a vehement desire for emancipation wakes up in a person, he or she attains his or her sadguru [true spiritual preceptor] on the strength of that desire." (2)

And not just these two, not just Ac Cidanandji & Ac Samanvayanandji, but many more purodhas who lack devotional experience / realisation of Baba sought out various Indian gurus etc. And it was only after those pseudo-gurus recognised Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji as a very great Guru - and spoke of Baba’s unparalleled status - that those purodhas began to think that Baba must really be great. They thought this only because those pseudo-gurus said so. Sadly, this is the depth of their realisation of Baba. It is quite tragic.

All in all, Baba guides us that going to the jungle or Himalayas in hopes of gaining a great master is nothing but fool’s paradise. The only way to truly come in contact with the Sadguru is to cultivate the yearning for Him within. Then surely He will hear your call, knock on your door, and bless you by drawing you near - i.e. arrange for your initiation. So this should be the approach.

Unfortunately, we could not convey this teaching to regular citizens etc because as we speak so many are not seeking Him inside, but instead walking and trekking in the Himalayas in search of a great guru, when really the proper avenue is to look within.

1. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy
2. Ananda Sutram 3-8

== Section 2 ==

Ananda Vanii #67

What makes the little lamps of life infinitely effulgent

Ananda Vanii states, "The movement and the path, the means and the chariot are all inseparably linked. The path is not always easily accessible, smooth and littered with flower petals; nor is it always inaccessible, thorny and covered with stones. One must keep one's eye fixed on the Goal. This Goal provides inspiration, supplies the means for forward movement and makes the little lamps of life infinitely effulgent. Since eternity this very Goal has provided and is providing inspiration to all and will continue to do so in future; and by revitalising the life-force as if with a flow of water, it will make the earth ever full of sweetness, and at the same time it will keep the triumphant flag of humanity flying on top of the golden mountain peak. So let one's vision be fixed on the goal. There is no necessity to think of anything else." (1)

Note: All of Baba's original and true Ananda Vaniis - including the one above - are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis.

1. Ananda Vanii #67

== Section 3 ==

O' Parama Purusa, You only care about the feeling
of the devotee's heart - not anything else

"(Mor) d'a'ka'te a'soniko, krpa'te ele..."   (P.S. 3681)


O' Parama Purusa, when I call You, You never come. You come close to me only out of Your graciousness. I call You - again and again - just for my own self-satisfaction.

O' Parama Purusa, You never come because of someone's grand eulogy; You do not care about verbosity or any superficial rituals. You only care about the feeling of the devotee's heart. You come because of one's inner feeling and heart-felt love. O' my Lord, I was unable to sit for proper sadhana and sing devotional kiirtan. I continued calling You in sadhana only for my self-satisfaction.

O' Parama Purusa, Baba, You are nearest and sweetest. You know and listen to everything; You are aware about one and all, O' my Dearmost. When one's mind is drowned in ego, You do not like to go close. O' Supreme Entity, removing the fog of my ego, You are ever-ready to come into my grasp. I continue calling You in dhyana only for my self-satisfaction.

O' Hari, O' Parama Purusa, whatever sadhana, asana, bhajan, kiirtan, pranayama, puja, or dhyana I perform, it is only for getting You close and pleasing You. That is why I do my spiritual practices. Understanding my foolishness and my shallow devotion, please saturate sweetness into the deep core of my heart. Please shower me with Your causeless grace and make my life successful.

Baba, when I was calling You did not come; but You have come now. It is Your causeless grace. Baba, Your liila is unfathomable...

== Section 4 ==


Friday, July 17, 2015

Find out what people do due to lack of food and education


This email contains three sections:

1. End Quote: Find out what people do due to lack of food....

2. PS #332: Why did You give me pain by refusing to wear the garland
3. Links

Find out what people do
due to lack of food and education

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Likewise, if there is a dearth of intellectual pabulum and the intellectual standard of the people is not high, they can take “dos” to be “donts” and vice versa. Take for example, a communal riot where a little innocent boy is killed, and when the person who encourages the riot becomes the people’s leader. Where the intellectual standard of the people is low, people commit blunders – prompted by such leaders they become beasts. Those backward countries which have less socio-politico-economic consciousness in the people tend to have more immorality. In such countries the leaders misguide the people in order to collect votes. I call such leaders “political satans” or “political pigs” Such pigs become leaders only when the intellectual standard of the common people is low. In a country with shortages of physical and intellectual pabula, people ultimately become beasts and commit sins and crimes. To murder a person during a riot is both a crime and a sin. In political clashes innocent people are killed. This is also a crime as well as a sin. So, to summarize, when physical and intellectual pabula are lacking, people become beasts and commit sins and crimes. Among the three reasons for sin, this is the first and primary one. It is prevalent everywhere in the world although it is less evident in a few of the more affluent countries.” (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Three Causes of Sin

== Section 2 ==

Why did You give me pain by refusing to wear the garland
"Phulero málát'i tomári la'giyá gánthá..." (Prabhat Samgiita 332)


Baba, the flower garland was threaded only for You, but You didn't wear it. Why did You give me pain by refusing to wear the garland. 

The eastern horizon was covered with crimson rays. The breeze was infused with the spirit of colour and love together. My love was woven into a garland in my heart. 

Baba, that garland is thoroughly drenched in my tears. The petals of flowers have gently dropped down. O' Parama Purusa Baba, You didn't come, You didn't see me; You didn't try to understand the deepest yearnings of my heart...

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us.