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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

How society is getting degenerated + 2 more


This email contains three sections:
1. End Quote: How society is getting degenerated
2. PS #3042: I was thinking that nobody cares about me and that I do not have any future
3. Links

How society is getting degenerated

In materialistic societies, the visual and performing arts (movies, pop songs, theater, dance, drama, paintings etc) become a primary vehicle of degradation. That is because degenerated people become the stars and the youths emulate what those degrading artists do. In this way, from one generation to the next, baser values are inculcated. It is a self-perpetuating cycle of steeper and steeper decline until all art forms essentially become lewd displays. The only way to positively affect society is to harness this art and entertainment industry and goad it towards sentient pursuits. Thus, artists must not be allowed to go against the strict moral code of yama and niyama. That is the only way to save society from a torturous fall. If degraded artists become venerated stars in society, that will surely ruin those impressionable youths and bring about the downfall of society. That is why Baba has given this strict warning: Artists must be of impeccable character.

"The youth of a country are attracted to artists; it is therefore the duty of society and the state to monitor these artists ideals and character. Otherwise they may exert a harmful influence on young men and women who are the future hope of society. For this reason it is essential for artists to have impeccable conduct, a healthy lifestyle and strength of character. If those whom youths respect as ideal men and women possess an ideal character, the characters of those whom they influence will no doubt also be positively affected. In addition, ideal artists and actors who have a strong character will be able to express their artistic brilliance more sweetly and completely. Characterless, drunken or greedy artists will be considered liabilities by their fans and society." (1)

1. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations

== Section 2 ==

I was thinking that nobody cares about me and

that I do not have any future - 
Then suddenly You arrived

"Aandhakár ghare mor,ke go ele tumi ke go ele,
dekhite páini jánite párini, kemane ele kakhan ese chile...” (PS #3042)


O' Divine Entity, who are You who came into my dark cottage. I was there by myself in a lonely, depressed state. I was thinking that nobody cares about me and that I do not have any future. Then suddenly You arrived. I did not see by which path You came - Your arrival was unknown to me. O' my Lord, how and when did You come here. Please tell me.

O' Supreme Entity, You did not knock on the door. Without any hint and unbeknownst to me, with Youzr silent footsteps, You entered into my home - You came into my heart. O' Supreme One, with Your splendid and radiant beauty, You illumined everything with Your divine presence. With Your grandeur, You showered Your divine krpa' [1] - causeless grace - on an undeserving sadhaka like me who is worthless, and does not follow your dharmic guidelines.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, captivated by Your exquisite beauty, I gazed in awe of You. I was overwhelmed with bliss in Your liila rasa. [2] O' Parama Purusa, O' Baba, I got You. It is Your grace. You are the ocean of liila. This is what is called Your karuna [1]. You are Karunamaya - compassion personified. I do not have words to express my feeling. Only one wish I have: Please keep me forever in Your divine shelter...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3042:

[1] Krpa & Karuna: When a sadhaka does sadhana, follows Sixteen Points, and adheres to all conduct rules etc, and Parama Purusa is satisfied by his efforts, then He showers His grace. That is krpa'.

When a sadhaka tries to follow Guru's teachings and He blesses that is His krpa. Without His krpa', one cannot reach the Goal. So to get His krpa one must do sadhana. But even then it is not a guarantee. And without doing anything, you may not get His grace / krpa'.

But, no matter how much sadhana one does, one cannot challenge or demand that Parama Purusa must shower His grace / krpa'. For instance, one has no recourse to say, “O' Parama Purusa, I did this, this, and this so You must grace / krpa' me.” One cannot put forth such a demand. The showering of krpa is His sweet will.

Karuna is different. If you do not do anything and you are in a terrible state and suffering a lot, then by seeing your suffering if He showers His blessing then that is called His karuna - divine compassion. That is also per His wish. Nobody can say, “I am suffering so much so You must shower Your karuna on me” - as if this is one's expectation. Only one may plea unto Him, “O Parama Purusa, please shower divine, causeless karuna if You so wish.”

Thus no one has any logical claim or just cause to demand His karuna. It is not based on cause and effect - or some type of barter system. No matter how much social service one renders, no matter how much sadhana one does, and no matter how terrible a situation one endures, no one can therefore say, “Now You must grant me Your karuna.” It is not like that; that is why His karuna is causeless.

Ultimately, both His krpa and karuna are non-causal.

Making A Joke About Krpa

Here below Baba is making a joke about krpa to make us laugh; it is not our real philosophy - just humour. Many will recall how after composing every song then Baba would request everyone’s permission for that song to be included in the Prabhat Samgiita collection - otherwise He said He would throw the song away. Those days all understood that this was Baba’s humorous approach. Nobody thought that really if they did not approve then that song would be tossed away. In the same light, Baba has shared this below joke with His bhaktas.

   “What is krpá? You know, Ramakrishna Paramahansa was not a learned man in the mundane sense. Once upon a time a very learned man said, “Oh, Ramakrishna, people say everything depends on His krpá.” …. “So, what is the meaning of krpá?””
   “Ramakrishna said, “You know, I am an illiterate fellow, but according to my view, krpá is made of two syllables, kr and pá. Kr means Karo, karo, karo – ‘Do, do, do – Do your sádhaná, do your sádhaná, do your sádhaná.' And pá means Páo – ‘Get'. ‘Get it, get it, get it, get it.' That is, ‘Get it by doing sádhana' – Kr-pá.”” (1)

Liilá Rasa & Rásaliilá Not Same

[2] Liila Rasa: This literally means the flow of liila. When Parama Purusa makes His devotees dance there is a mental flow. The mind reaches a certain stage, by His grace. The devotee feels unfathomable bliss and that flow continues on. In that sweet flow, one cannot forget Parama Purusa as the bhakta is ensconced in His ocean of bliss.

In mundane life, you can think of it this way. Suppose someone is involved in a worldly problem and the mind is completely consumed by that tragedy such as a death of loved one. Then one is immersed in that loss and one cannot think of anything else.

In contrast, in spiritual life when one is wholly ensconced in His divine bliss then we can say that bhakta is floating in His liila rasa.

At the same time, liila rasa is not to be confused with ra'sa liila whereby Parama Purusa is playing with His entire creation. The key difference here are the two terms: rasa & ra'sa.  Rasa means flow and ra'sa means grand or cosmic. On quick look, they may look like the same word but actually they are two completely different terms - hence the great difference in meaning.

Rásaliilá: Controlling Entity Standing In The Middle Of This Divine Ocean

So liila rasa and ra'sa liila are not the same thing. Here below Baba describes the former - i.e. rasa liila.

“This entire Cosmological order is an infinite ocean of divine nectar. And the so many vibrations created in this universe, so many waves are different devas. And the life of an individual moves---goes up and down---just like the boat in a sea, according to the rhythms of the waves. This rhythmic expression of the divine nectar, of the divine wave has got an acoustic counterpart also. It is not only moving, it is not only dancing, it is singing also. And these movements, these vibrations, these waves, these acoustics are being controlled by the divine flute of the Controlling Entity...”

“...according to the rhythms created, according to the rhythms emanated from His divine flute. And He is in the center of this ocean of divine nectar. In the ocean, this kśiirasamudra, in sudhárasam. So He is standing in the center playing on this divine flute, and all the jiivas are dancing according to His desire. One will have to dance according to that Cosmic rhythm. One may or may not like it, but one will have to dance. This liilá of that Parama Puruśa, who is the controlling entity standing in the middle of this divine ocean, is known as His rásaliilá.” (2)

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us. 

1. AV-23, Rádhiká Shakti
2. SS-24, Cosmological Order

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Who is poor + 3 more


This email contains four sections:
1. End Quote: Who is poor
2. PS #2182: Why are you just sitting idle and wasting your time?
3. PS #2181: बाबा, तुम्हें याद करते हुये, सत्पथ पर चलते हुए, मैं तुम्हारी सेवा करता जाऊँगा
4. Links

Who is poor?

“In a harmonious social order no one will run after fame or wealth like a mad dog. A congenial external environment will assist them in achieving mental balance, and people’s psychic poverty will also gradually decrease.”

Sa tu bhavati daridra yasya áshá vishálá;
Manasi ca parituśt́e ko’rthaván kodaridrah.

[Those who have many desires are poor.
When the mind is contented, who is rich and who is poor?] (1)

Note: In this era those with money are looked upon as being rich but according to Ananda Marga philosophy this is not the case. One might have billions of dollars and still be poor. And how can those with nothing be rich? Because rich and poor are of the mind. Regardless of how much wealth you have, if you think you need more then you are poor. And if the mind is satisfied but on the material plane you have nothing, even then you are rich. 

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Evolution of Society

== Section 2 ==

~ Why are you just sitting idle and wasting your time? ~

PS Intro: In this song Sadguru is questioning His disciples like in dharma samiiksa.

"Keno base ácho káj ki serecho, hisáb nikásh tár deve ki ámáy..." (PS #2182)


Here Sadguru asks His disciple:

Why are you just sitting idle and wasting your time? What work have you finished? Will you give Me all those accounts of what you did? What happened with those works. Report Me what you have gained and what you have lost. All those credits and debits - income & expenses -  you have to show Me. How much devotion have you earned, how many of your samskaras have you exhausted, and how much remains. In the balance of all this, is there something positive or negative. Give Me a clear  account.

The dawn of your life is gone, and now the sunset of your life has come. Since long you have been on this earth and you got so many opportunities - and you have been blessed with innumerable inhalations and exhalations that have passed. In each and every breath, you were given the opportunity to practice bhagavada dharma. And now the pitch dark night is going to fall. In this crucial hour, give Me the account of how you passed your time from the dawn of your life up to your present age.

O’ human being, In the dawn of your life you spoiled your time in child's play; and after that you wasted your time in acquiring dry knowledge; then you were engaged in earning your livelihood. Like this your whole life passed without caring about paramartha. And now in your old age you are wasting your time counting the stars. Now you tell, what is in your mind. What is it you want to do. Thus far you have wasted your entire life. Human life is valuable. So wasting the life like animals by just eating, drinking, and sleeping is not worthwhile. O' My disciple, whatever little time is left you must utilise in practise of bhagavat dharma and devotional cult...

End Notes for PS #2182

Note 1: Your lot will be only a profound sigh – a record of the futility and frustration of your life

"The worship of Brahma should be done scrupulously, or else you will later regret and bemoan the futility of your life with the last drop of your tears at your last hour. You should make your life worthwhile through your Sádhaná. How much can your worldly friends and relations do for you? After your death your relatives may perhaps ask, “How much money has he left behind?” Your friends may go to the crematorium and indulge in flattering reminiscences about you. Your husband or wife may cry for you for about ten or twelve days and then regain their normal composure. Your lot will be only a profound sigh – a record of the futility and frustration of your life. So do not waste your time lest you later have to repent.” (1)

1. SS-3, Vibration, Form and Colour

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us. 

== Section 3 ==

बाबा, तुम्हें याद करते हुये, सत्पथ पर चलते हुए, मैं तुम्हारी सेवा करता जाऊँगा

प्रभात संगीत  2181: तोमारे स्मरिया, सुपथ धरिया कोरिया जाबो आमि तोमारी काज...


बाबा, तुम्हें याद करते हुये मैं सत्य के रास्ते पर चलता जाऊँगा। इस प्रकार तुम्हारी सेवा करता  जाऊँगा और  तुम्हारी इच्छा पूरी करता  जाऊँगा।  हे मेरे मन के परमप्रिय रत्न! मैं तुम्हारी कृपा से हमेशा  तुम्हारी ही ओर बढ़ता  जाऊँगा। मैं भूतकाल और जड़ता को भूलकर सबप्रकार की कुप्रथाओं को दूर फेक  दूँगा। हे मनोराज! मैं तुम्हारी निकटता पा-लूँगा। 

हे दिव्य सत्ता! तुम्हारी कृपा से अब मैं अपनी स्वार्थपरता को पैर की एक ठोकर से चूर चूर कर दूँगा। मैं सब की आवश्यकताओं की ओर ध्यान दॅूंगा और सबकी सेवा में ही अपने को व्यस्त रखूंगा। आज के बाद मैं यह नया विचार अपने मन में हमेशा  चिंतन करूंगा कि सबकी भलाई ही मेरी भलाई है। आज आज से मैं स्वार्थी नहीं रहॅूंगा।

हे बाबा! तुम्हारी कृपा से तुम्हारे बारे में सोचते हुये , तुम्हारे प्रेम और महानता से तुम्हारे ही समान हो जाऊँगा। मेरी संकीर्णता नष्ट होकर मेरा पूरा अस्तित्व व्यापक हो जावेगा। तुम्हारे दिव्य स्पर्श  से  मेरा पूरा अस्तित्व आनन्द से स्पन्दित हो जायेगा। तुम जैसा आशीष दोगे उसी के अनुरूप मैं रूपान्तरित हो जाऊँगा। यह सब हो जाने के बाद मैं तुम्हारी इच्छानुकूल तुम्हारी ही सेवा करूँगा। 

बाबा! तुम्हें याद करते हुए मैं साधना सेवा और त्याग पूर्वक सच्चाई के पथ पर बढ़ता जाऊँगा।

टिप्पणी- मनोराज, परम पुरुष का एक नाम है जिसका अर्थ है जो मन में निवास करता है।

Note: As every sadhaka knows one may serve Parama Purusa in three realms. Rendering selfless service to society is serving Parama Purusa in the physical sphere. Singing kiirtan is serving Him in the psychic sphere. And dhyana sadhana is serving Him in the spiritual realm.

- Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Example: innocent person on death row + 3 more


This email contains four sections:
1. End Quote: Example: innocent person on death row
2. PS #3714: If we do not rescue the hungry distressed people, then who will save them
3. PS #2079: हे परमपुरुष बाबा! युगों युगों से मैं तुम्हें ढॅूंढ़ता रहा हॅंू
4. Links

Example: innocent person on death row

“Another glaring example of the neglect of human values is the present judicial  system. When arrested, people have to stand in the dock for the accused and face a trial based on evidence and the lawyers eloquence, no matter if they are guilty or not. A criminal who can afford to hire a reputable lawyer may emerge from the legal processes unscathed, whereas an innocent person of meagre financial means who is unable to appoint a good counsel, may end up in prison. If a thief is set free it is a crime, no doubt; but if an innocent person is punished it is a severe dishonour to humanity.” (AFPS-2, Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles)

Note: In his above teaching Baba brings to light the tragedies that occur in society when poor people cannot get a proper attorney. Sadly, in spite of their innocence such impoverished persons get convicted of heinous crimes. On the other side of the coin, wealthy, anti-social criminals hire the more famous, reputed lawyers and are declared innocent.

That is what happens in the US. Below is the case of one innocent poor black man who was unjustly found guilty in a murder case and sentenced to capital punishment. Yet, some selfless, philanthropic attorneys picked up his case and he was freed. But it took a long time - as he spent 30 years behind bars.

Exonerated after 30 years in prison

This is not first person who was saved from the gallows in the US. Rather this is the 152nd case from the “Innocence Project” where an innocent person was rescued from death row. And in total there may be thousands of such cases. So it is obvious that capital punishment is a terrible blot on human society. When handing down a verdict, no rational judge or jury can say with 100% certainty that justice was done in that particular case.

For instance, if after hanging an innocent person it was discovered he did not do wrong, then what can be done. Nothing - it is too late.

A better, more just society will ensure that top legal support is provided to all equally, irrespective of one’s financial standing. In addition, that society will understand that setting a criminal  free is not as harmful as convicting an innocent person and sentencing them to death. When that happens, the common people lose faith in the justice system and that is the worst outcome. 

That is what has happened amongst the black population in the US. In comparison to white people, innocent black people are dealt very long periods of incarceration. For example, having a single dose of heroin can lead to a 20 year prison sentence, without any option for parole etc.

Here below is the report how an innocent person was unjustly on death row and served 30 years in prison before he was finally set free.

152. Anthony Hinton Alabama

conviction: 1985, Charges Dismissed: 2015

Anthony Ray Hinton (pictured, l.) was exonerated after spending nearly 30 years on Alabama's death row. He was released on April 3, 2015. Hinton was convicted of the 1985 murders of two fast-food restaurant managers based upon the testimony of a state forensic examiner that the bullets in the two murders came from a gun found in Hinton's house. The prosecutor, who had a documented history of racial bias, said he could tell Hinton was guilty and "evil" just by looking at him. Hinton was arrested after a victim in a similar crime identified him in a photo lineup, even though Hinton had been working in a locked warehouse 15 miles away when that crime was committed. Hinton's lawyer did not know the law and mistakenly believed that funding to hire a qualified firearms expert was not available.  Instead, he hired an expert he knew to be inadequate, and as a result failed to present any credible evidence to rebut the state's claim that the bullets were fired from Hinton's gun. In 2002, three top firearms examiners testified that the bullets could not be matched to Hinton's gun, and may not have come from the a single gun at all. In 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously held that Hinton had been provided substandard representation and returned his case to the state courts for further proceedings.  Prosecutors decided not to retry him after the state's new experts said they could not link the bullets to Hinton's gun. Bryan Stevenson, Hinton's lead attorney, said, “Race, poverty, inadequate legal assistance, and prosecutorial indifference to innocence conspired to create a textbook example of injustice. I can’t think of a case that more urgently dramatizes the need for reform than what has happened to Anthony Ray Hinton.” (W. Hester, "Alabama man to be freed after nearly 30 years on death row," Reuters, April 2, 2015; Press Release, "Equal Justice Initiative Wins Release of Anthony Ray Hinton," Equal Justice Initiative, April 2, 2015; Press Release, "ALABAMA EXONERATES MAN WHO SPENT 30 YEARS ON DEATH ROW FOR A CRIME HE DID NOT COMMIT," DPIC, April 3, 2015.

== Section 2 ==

~ If we do not rescue the hungry distressed people, then who will save them ~

"Jiirńa vishiirńa jiiver karibo sevá, árte kśudhárte báincábe natuvá ke bá..."  (P.S. 3714)


By the grace of Parama Purusa, we will serve all living beings who are suffering. This is our vow. After all, if we do not rescue the hungry with food, and the sick with medicine, and give love and care to all distressed people, then who will save and look after them. We cannot allow our sisters and brothers to suffer in want and neglect.

By the grace of Parama Purusa, we are here to serve and save all those who are suffering from various physical and psychic ailments. We are here for all those sick, distressed  human beings and animals, birds, and plants - all flora & fauna. Creepers and shrubs bushes trees are also living beings; they too have their lives. We are thinking about them & all animate and inanimate entities. We have to care for them also. No one will be left aside.

By the grace of Parama Purusa Baba, I pull all those who were distant close to my heart. I embrace them all as my close. Everyone is kith kin - no one is alien; all are my family members. We wholeheartedly accept that the wealth of Parama Purusa has been given for the prosperity and well-being of all. The wealth of the universe is not reserved for a few greedy, rich individuals only...

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us. 

== Section 3 ==

हे परमपुरुष बाबा! युगों युगों से मैं तुम्हें ढॅूंढ़ता रहा हॅंू

प्रभात संगीत
2079 तोमारी तरे जीवन भरे, घुरे बेरिएछी, तुमि जानो ना....


हे परमपुरुष मैं आजीवन तुम्हें कितना खोजता हुआ चारों ओर भटकता रहा, तुम नहीं जानते। युगों युगों से मैं तुम्हें ढॅूंढ़ता रहा हॅंू पर तुम पास क्यों नहीं आये। हे परम सत्ता! मैंने सभी आलस्य को त्यागकर ,आॅंसुओं से भरी आॅंखों से तुम्हें बार-बार पुकारा पर तुमने नहीं  सुना। निद्राविहीन असंख्य रातें तुम्हें पुकारते निकल गयीं पर तुम मेरी पुकार को क्यों नहीं सुनते हो?

बाबा! मैं ने तुम्हें जंगलों में , पेड़पौधों में, बगीचों में इतना ही नहीं  मरुस्थल की जादू भरी मरीचिकाओं में खोजा, सब जगह तुम्हें पाने की आशा  में देखा, पर तुम कहीं नहीं मिले। ओह! फिर भी  तुमने न तो मेरी दुखद स्थिति को देखा और न प्रेम  को समझा । हे परम पुरुष! मैंने तुम्हें विभिन्न तीर्थों की भव्यता में भी तलाशा , मैंने आनन्द नगर, जमालपुर, और तिलजला आदि “तीर्थों” के बारे में भी मार्गियों में प्रचार किया कि तुम वहाॅं रहते हो, और वहाॅं जाकर तुम्हारा आशीर्वाद पाया जा सकता है। मैंने सोचा कि इन स्थानों की महानता के प्रचार करने से तुम मेरे ऊपर कृपा करोगे, और मेरे पास आ जाओगे, पर यह सब कितना गलत था , अरे तुम तो मन के भीतर रहते हो न कि तीर्थों में।

हे परमसत्ता बाबा! मैंने तो तुम्हारी एक आदत को पहचान लिया है कि, तुम मेरे रोने को सुनकर भी न सुनने का बहाना बना लेते हो, तुम मेरे सब दुखों  और बेदनाओं को जानते हो पर प्रकट करते हो कि कुछ नहीं जानते,। बताओ तो! तुम्हारी मूर्खबनाने की यह कला कितनी सुंदर है?

बाबा! आज मैं  तुम्हारी कृपा से समझ गया हॅूं कि, तुम्हें बाहरी संसार में खोजते हुए मैंने अपना सब समय नष्ट कर दिया है, अब मुझे लग रहा है कि तुम तो मेरे हृदय की गहराई में रहते हो।

- Trans by Dr TRS

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Jewish Infighting: White Jews Hate Black Jews + 3 more


This email contains four sections:
1. End Quote: Jewish Infighting: White Jews Hate Black Jews
2. PS #3340: Baba, please shower Your karuna and grant me parabhakti
3. PS #2160: बाबा! मैं अपने जीवन के प्रत्येक क्षण में तुम्हारी उपस्थिति चाहता हॅूं , मुझ पर कृपा करो।
4. Links

Jewish Infighting:

White Jews Hate Black Jews

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Human beings will have to expand themselves so much that they will go beyond the fetters of limitations. There cannot be and should not be an inferiority or superiority complex in anybody. Those who preach individual racial superiority are committing sins. They are going against human dharma.” (1)

Baba says, “Tantra does not recognize any racial, genealogical, political, national or economic differences among human beings, but it does give recognition to individual vigour. ….. in Tantra only the ideal human gets the honour.” (2)

Those who adhere to racial divisions are anti-social elements

Note: According to the tenets of Ananda Marga philosophy, all humans are one - one people, one family. Those who adhere to caste and racial divisions are anti-social elements. They are the enemies of our human society. Why? Because all are created by Parama Purusa. When the Father is one there cannot be different races and castes amongst His children. Theists who believe in Parama Purusa do not fall prey to casteism and racism. Believing in Parama Purusa and adhering to such dogmas (i.e. casteism and racism) cannot co-exist. If someone sticks to casteism and racism, it means their father is not Parama Purusa but someone else. 

Black Jews harassed and victimised by white jews

In Israel, most are Jewish. Yet within that umbrella of Judaism there are both white Jews and black Jews. Both are Jews, yet on racial grounds, those black Jews are mistreated, harassed, and victimised by the dominant group, i.e. the white Jews. Finally, when those black or African / Ethiopian Jews were pushed to the edge and could not tolerate it any one, they waged a violent protest. Not much different from the violent protests that have erupted amongst the African American community in the US against the dominant white population. In the US, both whites and blacks are predominantly Christian. So it is not a religious divide - it is a racial divide. Just like what is unfolding nowadays in Israel. Within the Jewish community in Israel, there is a racial divide between whites and blacks.

Israel and the US are suffering from racism

While Israel and the US are suffering from racial divides, and ensuing violence, the comparable situation in India is the hatred along caste divisions. Thus the racial tensions in the west, and other regions prone to racial discrimination, are similar to the exploitation of casteism in India. But India’s situation is far better. Because lower caste people get all kinds of privileges via affirmative action policies. That is why their situation is comparatively better. They face discrimination on the religious plane, but not in the socio-politico-economic spheres.

Read the below excerpts for the current news about the scene unfolding in Israel where racial tensions are mounting.

1. AFPS-6, Universality in Race, Language, Religion and Culture
2. DT-2, Tantra and Its Effect on Society

News report:

An open and raw wound at the heart

JERUSALEM — President Reuven Rivlin of Israel said on Monday that mounting protests by Ethiopian-Israelis had “revealed an open and raw wound at the heart of Israeli society,” but he condemned the violence that erupted the night before at a demonstration in Tel Aviv. “We must look directly at this open wound — we have erred, we did not look, and we did not listen enough,” said Mr. Rivlin, who has emerged as a leading advocate for Israel’s Arab and other minorities during his first year in his largely ceremonial post.”

The call for calm came as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened meetings with leaders of the Ethiopian community after Sunday night’s protest, in which 56 police officers were injured and 43 demonstrators were arrested. Several thousand people, including many non-Ethiopians who supported the anti-discrimination message, rallied peacefully in Tel Aviv for hours, but clashes broke out in Rabin Square as night fell.

Several thousand people rallied peacefully in Tel Aviv for hours on Sunday, but clashes broke out in Rabin Square as night fell.

Black Israeli soldier beaten by white

The police said demonstrators tried to break into City Hall and pelted officers with bricks and stones. They responded with water cannons and stun grenades, whose use is rare in the historic square and unusual at a gathering of Israeli Jews. Officers were deployed in large numbers on Monday around Jerusalem’s government complex, in anticipation of another outbreak of violence.

Sunday’s protest followed a smaller one last week in Jerusalem, in response to the April 26 beating of a uniformed Ethiopian-Israeli soldier [Nr. Demas Fikadey] by two police officers, which was caught on video and went viral on social networks." (Courtesy of the New York Times)

== Section 2 ==

~ Baba, please shower Your karuna and grant me parabhakti ~

"E shárad sandhyá náce madhu chandá, ceye áche tomári páne..." (P.S. 3340)

Note: This song has been posted on our networks since 2004, but some thieves stole it and put it up on their website - in their own name. In the  future we may expose such persons - if anyone has any doubt we will present our old email.


O' Parama Purusa, by having You close, this beautiful evening of sha’rad [1] is dancing in ecstasy and looking towards You. In the sweet fragrance of the shepha'lii flowers [2], and in the form of beautiful white clouds, who knows what this evening wants to express - what heart-felt, loving feeling it wants to communicate to You.

O' Divine Entity, who can say when the first sunrise happened; nor can anybody guess when the last sunset will happen. But this beautiful evening of pre-winter season understands the tale that: Baba, You know everything, and You are always attracting everyone, and keeping one and all safe under Your shelter.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, I have only one longing in my heart: Please grant me me unflinching, unconditional love towards You, i.e parabhakti [3]. With that strength, O' Lord, I can get salvation, permanent oneness with You. In the brilliant, red, colorful evening, which is saturated with the love & fragrance of the shepha'lii flower, I ask, bowing down to Your lotus feet, that please shower Your karuna' [4] and grant me parabhakti.

Baba, in this divinely intoxicating pre-winter evening, please saturate my heart with parabhakti and ultimately grant salvation. I surrender everything at Your lotus feet...

* In 1990 this song was sung before Baba at a devotional program during the Victory Day celebrations.

Notes For Prabhat Samgiita #3340:

[1] Sha’rad: The term sha'rad means autumn season, also known as fall in some countries, and in other places it is called pre-winter.

[2] Parabhakti: This is the highest type of bhakti where one wants only Parama Purusa and does not want anything from Him, whereas aparabhakti is when one asks the Lord for mundane gains.

Baba says, "When one wants Parama Purus'a from Parama Purus'a,then that bhakti is para'bhakti..."
  "And what is para'bhakti? 'O Parama Purus'a, You know whether I am Your devotee or not. It is You who are to judge whether I am Your devotee or not -- but I want You...I want You. And why do I want You? Because I want to serve You'."
   "And when asked by Parama Purus'a, 'O my boy, why do You want to serve Me?"...The reply should be, 'By serving You I want to give You pleasure. That's why I want to serve You. I don't want to enjoy pleasure'." 
   "This is the highest phase of para'bhakti." (1)

“When people beseech the Lord to fulfil all their selfish desires, this is called aparábhakti. “Oh Lord, I am your devotee, help me to pass my examination… Oh Lord, my daughter has attained marriageable age – help me to find a worthy suitor… Let the bridegroom be ideal, let me not spend much on the wedding…” This type of showy devotion that simply asks for mundane objects, is no devotion at all, because it demands everything except Parama Puruśa. Such devotees never say, “Oh Lord, be mine… I want You and only You.” They always say, “I want this, I want that.” In fact this is no devotion at all. When one asks only for Parama Puruśa, this is the true devotion, parábhakti.” (2)

[3] Shepha'lii: The night-blooming jasmine flower (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis) (Night-flowering Jasmine) is a species of Nyctanthes, native to South Asia and Southeast Asia. This flower blossoms in the night and then falls just prior to morning.

[4] Karuna: This is when one is pained by seeing another's suffering and feels, "I should help them get rid from the trouble they are facing." This type of empathetic feeling is karun'a'. For example, suppose you saw one beggar who is suffering. By seeing his pitiful situation then you felt in your heart that "I should help him and remove his suffering – he should get some help right away." This very feeling of the heart towards that suffering beggar is the expression of karuna'.

Suppose a bhakta is suffering in the spiritual realm because of so many problems and difficulties, and they are unable to move ahead in sadhana and devotional life. In such circumstances, Parama Purusa cannot bear to watch His bhaktas go through so much struggle and strife. When devotees are helpless and trying hard to progress in sadhana but their pathway is completely obstructed and they cannot advance in the spiritual sphere or any sphere of life – overcome by various complexes, bondages, and  obstacles – then a feeling of deep, deep empathy develops in the mind of Parama Purusa.

This feeling or mind-set, motivated by seeing their suffering, is karun'a' bha'va. Parama Purusa feels He must rescue them immediately from their spiritual retardation. In that moment, the help He gives to the devotee is the showering of His karun'a'. With His immense feeling of karun'a', He blesses His devotees and relieves them of their pain and suffering in their devotional life. This is nothing but His divine karun'a': Wherein Parama Purus'a cares for the devotees and removes their troubles and hindrances so that once again they can move ahead on the path of sadhana. That is the meaning of karun'a'.

- Difference Between Krpa' & Karun'a'

In the case of karun'a', Parama Purusa is moved by a bhakta's suffering and comes forward to save that bhakta from their difficulties. With krpa' (grace), the bhakta is not suffering but even then Parama Purusa is bestowing His blessing.

It is just like if a baby is sick and with great empathy a neighbor selflessly gives that infant more attention without expecting anything in return. That neighbor just lovingly places the sick baby on her lap in a very special way and feeds the baby. That is karuna. Because the neighbor is moved and motivated into action by seeing the sick child's suffering. In contrast, if that same baby is not sick, and the neighbor just wishes to bring the baby on her lap to feed the baby, then that is krpa.

Similarly, when out of empathy Parama Purusa lovingly comes to the aid of His suffering devotee to relieve them of their spiritual strife, that is His karuna; and, if that same devotee is not suffering devotionally, yet Baba still bestows His blessing, that is His krpa.

So there is a distinct difference between krpa (grace) and karuna (compassion).

When Parama Purusa showers His karuna He helps that suffering person and relieves them of their pain and agony - in all spheres of life.

1. SS-24, p.97
2. AMIWL-11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us.

== Section 3 ==

बाबा! मैं अपने जीवन के प्रत्येक क्षण में तुम्हारी उपस्थिति चाहता हॅूं , मुझ पर कृपा करो।

मैं तुम्हें अपने जीवन में प्रत्येक क्षण, हर पल में चाहता हॅूं।

प्रभात संगीत 
2106 तोमाके चेयेछि आमि जीवनेर प्रतिपले...


हे दिव्यसत्ता! मैं तुम्हें अपने जीवन के प्रत्येक क्षण, हर सेकेंड में चाहता हॅूं। कृपा कर मेरे मानसिक शतदल कमल अर्थात् सहस्रार  चक्र की मधुपूर्ण पंखुडि़यों में आ जाओ। हे प्रभु! मेरे पास जो भी संुदर और अच्छी चीजें हैं वे मैं तुम्हें देनें को तत्पर हॅूं। हे बाबा! मुझे अपने सर्वाधिक आकर्षक रूप में आकर आशीष देने की कृपा करें।

हे प्रभु! तुमने मेरी योग्यता के अनुसार मेरे लिये जो भी उत्तम समझा वही दिया है यह तुम्हारी कृपा ही है। अब उन सब के बदले कृपा कर मेरे पास सबसे आकर्षक रूपमें आ जाओ।

हे मेरे परमप्रिय! तुम्हारी हर चीज बहुत ही सुंदर है, तुम पूर्ण प्रकाशित सर्वव्याप्त दिव्य सत्ता हो। हे परम पुरुष! तुम वह चंद्रमा हो जिसमें कोई काले धब्बे नहीं हैं। बाबा! तुम परम नियंत्रक सत्ता हो, मेरे ऊपर अहैतुकी कृपा कर मेरे मन की भय और लज्जा दूर कर दो। कृपा कर वे सब अशुद्धियाॅं दूर कर दो जो मैंने अपने मानसिक पटल पर संचित कर रखी हैं। कृपा कर मुझे अपनी दिव्यभक्ति की भेंट दे दो।

बाबा! मुझे तुमसे कोई भी साॅंसारिक वस्तु माॅंगने की इच्छा नहीं है, केवल तुम्हारी निकटता चाहता हॅूं। यही  कारण है कि मैं हर काम करते हुए तुम्हारी खोज जारी रखता हॅूं। हे मेरे प्रभुओं के प्रभु बाबा! मैं अपने जीवन के प्रत्येक क्षण में, अपने प्रत्येक कार्य और विचार में , तुम्हारी उपस्थिति चाहता हॅूं , मुझ पर कृपा करें।

- Trans: Dr T.R.S.

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us.

Report: Ananda Purnima Celebrations + From Dr Ravi Batra


This email contains three sections:
1. Report: Ananda Purnima Celebrations
2. From Dr Ravi Batra
3. Links

Report: Ananda Purnima Celebrations

Today (04 May 2015) in ANANDA MARGA ASHRAM, Indiranagar near old dairy farm, the 94th birthday of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, founder of socio-spiritual organisation, ANANDA MARGA was observed by the local followers of Ananda Marga.

The day started with bhajan, kiirttan & collective meditation from 5am to 12 o’clock. At noon curd water (majjiga) was distributed among travelers near old dairy farm bus stop. Before this program in & around Ashram area, notebooks with pencil & pencil boxes along with chocolates were distributed among 100 poor children. Collective lunch was organized in which Marga followers, neighbours, invited guests, & sympathizers participated in it.

In our unit ANANDA VANII #67 - originally given by our Gurudev Shrii Shrii ANANNDA MURTI JI - was read out in English & Telugu. Also its internal meaning was explained. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji was born on Vaeshakhi Purnima in the year of 1921 in Jamalpur, Bihar. He is also known as Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. He established Ananda Marga in the year of 1955. Today this organisation is spread over to almost all the countries of the world.

The main objective of this organisation is “the subjective approach through objective adjustment” (atma mokshartham jagat hitaya ca). He has created 1500 sanyasii & sanyasiinis (yoga teachers) who have been teaching YOGA & MEDITATION throughout the world to all irrespective of caste, creed, colour & religion. He has written books on spiritual philosophy, art, culture, language & literature. Besides this he has composed 5018 songs known as Prabhata Samgiita. All the songs are tuned by Him.

Today in all the units of Ananda Marga, the birthday of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji is observed as ANANDA PURNIIMA all over the world.

Acharya Soumyananda, Dioscese Secretary (DS) in Ananda Marga ashram is running a children’s home where 25 poor children (aged from 5 to 10 years) from Arakku, Narsipatnam, Paderu area are provided with free boarding, lodging, education, medical care. He is rendering free medical services to patients every day through naturopathy as instructed by Shrii Anandamurti ji, founder of Ananda Marga, as well as homoeopathy, acupuncture, gem therapy etc.

The function was organised by Narayana Panda, DGM(E), Visakhapatnam Steel Plant who is Bhukti Pradhan (district secretary), Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, Visakhapatnam.

in Him,
A. Venkatraman

== Section 2 ==

From Dr Ravi Batra


Please forward this email [see attached document] to everyone you know and ask them to do the same. This should be our campaign to inform the public as to how poverty can be eliminated all over the world in spite of political opposition and corruption. 

Ravi Batra


See attached document: Dr Batra - Salient Features Global

For more info write: