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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Why some bhaktas were punished more...


This email contains four sections:
3. End Quote: Why some bhaktas were punished more...
1. PS #3043: हे परमपुरुष! तुमने किसकी प्रसन्नता के लिये यह सृष्टि रच डाली?
2. PS #556: O’ Parama Purusa, I did not know You are and were with me...
4. Links

Why some bhaktas were punished more -

and others less or not at all

“You are all my beloved sons and daughters. Sometimes I appear harsh to some. But that is for love. If I were indifferent, there would be no need for scolding or punishment. I want to see you all laughing. It gives me great pleasure to see you laughing. Leave all cares unto me. O be blessed.” (1)

Note: Baba’s rule is that when You love someone then You have the right to scold them - otherwise not. According to the degree of attraction and faith in Guru - it is the duty of Guru to give more love. For instance, if a disciple has 100% love for Guru, then Guru must give 100% love in return. Whereas for those without that type of intimate and close relation with Guru or non-margiis, the same     Sadguru has less direct responsibility.

It is just like how parents have more responsibility for their own child than for their neighbors’ kids. For this reason, parents scold their own child - all done for the child’s growth and development. But again that same approach they do not take with their neighbors’ children.

Similar is the case with Sadguru Baba. He did not scold pseudo-devotees and non-margiis. And for those with 1 percent of devotion, He scolded less than 1%. For those with 100% devotion and love for Parama Purusa, then it was Baba’s duty to shower His grace and make that sadhaka better. That is why He had more right to scold them more because He loved them more.

Surely, Parama Purusa loves all equally, but great bhaktas compelled Parama Purusa to pay them more attention. All along the theorem is: Love and punishment go hand-in-hand. That works in unit family life, as well as with devotees and Parama Purusa. After all - to whom You do not love - why should You scold. That is why great bhaktas love Parama Purusa 100% and they the get most scolding.

There are many more reasons behind Baba’s scolding, and those are to be discussed in the future.

1. AV-30, Surrender

== Section 2 ==

~ हे परमपुरुष! तुमने किसकी प्रसन्नता के लिये यह सृष्टि रच डाली? ~

Intro for PS: The following song describes the situation before creation when Parama Purusa was all alone. In the absence of a second entity, He had nothing to do. He was feeling lonely; there was no one. Then He started thinking that He should be many and then at one point of His vast infinite Self, saincara started. That was the origin and start of creation. One should not forget that creation is His thought projection - it is all unfolding within His mind. For Him, nothing is external; the entire universe is in His mind.

प्रभात संगीत 3043 : किसेरी पुलके , सबारी अलखे, जेगेछिले तुमि कौन अतीते....

परिचय :-  यह गीत, स्रष्टि के सृजन से पूर्व, जब परमपुरुष के अलावा कोई नहीं था, तब का वर्णन करता है | जिसमें उन्होने  सोचा कि--”मैं एक से बहुत हो जाऊं” और संचर क्रिया होने लगी। स्पष्ट है कि यह सब कुछ उनके मन के भीतर ही घटित हो रहा है इसलिये बाहर कुछ नहीं सब कुछ उनकी विचार तरंगे ही हैं।
हे परमपुरुष ! इस स्रष्टि के पहले, समय, काल नाम की चीज ही नहीं थी , कोई दिनांक नहीं , समय, काल  का मापन भी नहीं । वह तो समय, काल  के दायरे से परे था। इस काल  की शून्यता में तुम सो रहे थे। तुम अकेले थे दूसरा कोई नहीं जिसे प्रेम कर सकें या आशीष दे सके। तुम किस अतिप्राचीन अतीत  में थे कोई देख भी नहीं सकता था, तब ,फिर तुम किसके रोमांच और प्रसन्नता के लिये जाग उठे और यह स्रष्टि रच डाली?

हे परमपुरुष! बाबा जब तुमने अपनी निद्रा तोड़ी और सोचने लगे कि ‘मैं एक से अनेक हो जाऊं,‘ उसी क्षण से यह स्रष्टि इस रंगीन संसार के रूप में प्रारंभ हो गई। तुम्हारे मानसिक सूर्य ने पूर्वी क्षितिज को रंग दिया और सब कुछ आनन्द मय हो गया। प्रति संचर की अंतिम  अवस्था में मानव मन का शतदल पुष्प , मधु से भर गया।

हे दिव्य सत्ता! पूरी पृथ्वी तुम्हारे विचारों और आभा की बाढ़ में डूब गयी है, तुम्हारे चिंतन से, स्रष्टि में नया संकल्प आया है, राग रागनियों की जड़ों में ध्वनि का संचार हो गया है। संचर और प्रतिसंचर के अस्तित्व में आने के साथ तुम्हारी कृपा से अनेक प्रकार के पौधे, पशु  और अंत में मानव आ गये हैं।  तुमने मनुष्यों को गीत, नृत्य , संगीत और तुम्हारे साथ एकाकार  हो सकने के लिए तुम्हारे नाम का भजन करने जैसे  अनेक गुणों से  संपन्न होने का आशीष दिया है।  हे परमपुरुष!  बाबा तुम प्रेमस्वरूप हो।

Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

Note: If you would like a audio file of PS #3043, kindly write us.

== Section 3 ==

~ O’ Parama Purusa, I did not know You are and were with me always since ages ~

“Tumi, je a’ma’r nayanyer ma’n’i, a’ge cinite pa’rini…” (Prabhat Samgiita #556)


O’ Parama Purusa, You are the jewel of my eyes. You are my Dearmost and the most precious thing in my life. There is nothing I treasure more than You. Alas, how ironic it is that I did not recognise You earlier in my life. You are the most important Entity to me, and I did not know about You - I did not know that You are You. You are my Beloved. You were within me. You were in my heart and mind - always. You were all-around me. You were with me in all my works - wherever I went. It is sad that I did not look at You - I did not know You were there with me always since ages.

O’ Divine Entity, there were thunderstorms with strong gusty winds all around. The storm was ferocious with the loud crashing of thunder and gale-force winds. Everything was swept away by torrential rains. The heavy rains washed away everything. There was chaos and danger all around. In my life, so many tragedies occurred; everyone left me. Unbeknownst to me, in spite of all the danger and difficulties, You remained with me always - helping, me, consoling me, and wiping away my tears. You did not walk away leaving me behind. You did not take even one step away from me. You stayed near me day and night; all the 24 hours, throughout my entire life. You were protecting me always; alas, I was not aware of that - I did not even realise that You remained by my side. If I had known I would not have felt helpless, lonely, and scared.

O’ Parama Purusa, Baba, You apply the soothing balm on the wounds of those neglected and humiliated ones. You do not leave anyone all alone where they feel depressed and rejected - drowned in hopelessness. You give the healing touch to those suffering in ignominy and pain. You never hate anyone. You bestow a sense of dignity upon those who lost their dignity. Unfortunately, those days I could not realise You this eternal truth. It is only now that I understand, by Your grace

Baba, You are my most dear  - You were always with me - my entire life. But I could not recognise You those days. By Your grace, now I cannot forget this divine truth that You never leave me...

Note: If you would like a audio file of PS #556, kindly write us.